SPECIAL REPORT Feb. 23, 2017 Standing Rock

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


Rudy TwoMoon ~ “Personal stories, truth, the fight for survival, sadness and joy. Many of you have no idea the history you witnessed or ignored. This is bigger than you realize. It will be talked about for generations as the “movement to start all movements”. The movement which shifted balance back to protection of the earth and ourselves. In a flash of time, you’ll be telling the younger generation, I remember when we almost almost lost ourselves. Your story will probably start like this… “Not long ago, the world was getting darker. No, we weren’t without light, we just couldn’t see any longer. It was children, babies, who brought the light back to the grandmother’s with song…..”

2-23-17 ~ Grandma Regina was arrested today…my heart is heavy…prayers
EDIT: just saw this post she is released and safe… http://tinyurl.com/jzhxleu
Grandma Regina Brave, a survivor of Wounded Knee II in 1973, was released yesterday after being arrested for her actions standing up for treaty rights as police raided Oceti Sakowin. She has a message for all of her supporters and all who follow the movement.


2-23-17 ~ Dave Archambault… FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2-23-17
Standing Rock Sioux Chairman responds to Secretary Spicer’s statements

Cannon Ball, N.D.— Dave Archambault II, Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, today refuted White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s statements that the White House has been involved in any way with the Tribe.

“Spicer claimed that the Trump administration has been ‘constantly’ in contact with our Tribe. That clai m is absolutely false,” Archambault said.

“We repeatedly asked for meetings with the Trump administration, but never received one until the day they notified Congress that they were issuing the easement. I was on a plane to Washington, D.C. when I learned the easement was issued at the airport. It was an insult to me and to the Tribe. I cancelled the meeting upon hearing this news. We have since filed a lawsuit for the immoral and illegal issuance of the easement and suspension of the environmental impact study.”

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe remains adamant that the Dakota Access Pipeline is a dangerous project that threatens our water. The tactics to divide our fight against the real enemy, Energy Transfer Partners, are counterproductive and detract from the goal to stop the denigration of our sovereign rights to protect our treaty resources.


2-23-17 ~ The most telling photo at Standing Rock … Raymond Kingfisher giving closing prayers upon leaving camp. Thanking the Protectors .


2-23-17 ~ Redhawk … This afternoon I was asked to take a photo of the Sacred Fire right before the final prayer walk, where nearly 100 Water Protectors peacefully, and prayerfully stepped back on to the reservations they have been confined to for over a century. For those of you not aware, the Sacred Fire has always been off limits for media, as it contains the spirits. I was honored to be asked to do this.

I am trying my best to explain the emotions that went through my heart today. Anger, fear, excitement, but mostly pain. Pain to see so many people so close to mother earth oppressed by this country for money, greed, and the overall fact the United States does not want to admit it stole this land from Native Americans. America’s dirty little secret.

We spent the last 2 days planning on how we as media could work together to keep this camp safe. Originally, I planned to remain until the end. After being asked to document the sacred fire, and participate in the prayer walk, my mind changed. Once I crossed the river with the tribes, my heart told me it was my time to go. As much as I wanted to turn around and step back over that bridge, I knew I wouldn’t be doing the right thing. I could feel something bad would happen to me. I then walked all the way to Cheyenne River camp. I sat for a bit, cried a bit more, and thought about all the emotions I had just gone through. There were many.

Looking back on the nearly 6 months of being here in solidarity, there have been many ups and downs. Small victories, and small defeats. I have had hypothermia, gone nights without sleeping bags, slept in an emergency shelter for a month while trying to assist with the shelter, had rubber bullets wiz past my head, tasted tear gas, had electronics sabotaged, “dapl’d”, items stolen, friendships lost, and a few times questioned about my intentions based off the color of my skin. Through all that, I know I still had it much easier than many. Most even. So many have sacrificed so much to be here. They have given up homes, lost marriages, lost jobs, lost children, and so many more. All to defend mother earth and human rights. Looking back, I know I am nothing more than a man, and I have received so much inspiration through watching the strength of our Native American brothers and sister.

Today was not a loss. Today was a win. Standing Rock has awoken the sleeping giant of humankind. The knowledge that people can band together, and make a statement of unity, prayer, love, and compassion. This is just the beginning of a greater whole. I believe we can change the world. We have already proven the world can hear our calls.

I am still trying to process everything, and maybe this post doesn’t make sense, but I knew it was my time to go. I followed that intuition, and followed my heart over that bridge. I cried more today than I ever have in my life. I was honored to see my heart open so much from my time here.

So many people have banded together, but for me, my focus has always been getting the media out. I’ve been very humbled to be able to work beside the Oceti Sakowin Camp media team, and try to represent the camp in a good way. The last few nights of media meetings worked. I felt that independent media, alongside veterans, medics and most of all the prayers of the Water Protectors kept the camp in peace, and no major conflicts took place today. I am still in awe over the dedication of all those media that took the stand on the front lines of 1806 today, and helped the police back away from camp. I am eternally grateful to work alongside so many dedicated and true journalists, using their abilities to document the reality of this world.

This is not about journalism tho. This is about taking a stand for 500 years of oppression for our Indigenous brothers and sisters. This is about honoring treaties. This is about native children abductions. This is about man camps destroying native families. This is about protecting the earth from corporate rape for profit. This is about being HUMAN. This is about love, and compassion, and understanding, and empathy, and prayer.

This is about leaving this world knowing you stood on the right side of history.

Today I walked away from the Oceti Sacred Fire for the last time, but all of us have left with the fire in our hearts. That fire will never burn out. It is embedded and engrained in our souls, blood, sweat, tears forever.




2-23-17 NY TIMES… The largest protest camp at Standing Rock was cleared on Wednesday. Some protesters set fire to semipermanent structures before the 2 p.m. deadline.

“It’s an act of defiance,” Nick Cowan said as he watched a fire burn after living here for more than 2 months. “It’s saying: ‘If you are going to make us leave our home, you cannot take our space. We’ll burn it to the ground and let the earth take it back before you take it from us.’”

Vanessa Red Bull shared her perspective: “I think that’s why people are setting things on fire: as a way of a last homage to what had become many people’s homes. A community was here.”


2-23-17 ~ US Customs & Border Protection at Standing Rock!
Oh, the irony.

“Militarized police, the National Guard, and US Customs have descended on Standing Rock with humvees and rifles to protect the Dakota Access Pipeline from unarmed protestors and journalists.”


2-23-17 ~ Linda Black Elk … I waited until after midnight to write this. Today, some exemplary medics and healers waited until every last person was out of the Oceti Sakowin camp before they narrowly escaped personal harm and arrest by the long arm of county, state and federal law enforcement.

I have never known better people. Never. They are brave and generous; they are tough but fair; they are cautious but honest. They have become my family, and I love them.

Over the last seven months, my medics, midwives, mental health professionals, MDs, herbalists, traditional healers, street medics, first responders, body workers, and other volunteers have sacrificed everything …everything…to protect the protectors. I am so so thankful for them.


2-23-17 ~ Watching the place I called home burn while my Friends are been arrested leaves a hole in my heart. I met many awesome People at Medic Healer Council who gave of their all, Doctors Nurses Natural Medicine in conditions that resembled conditions as bad or worse than third world countries. My stay was one of service and while I went to tell a story I became part of it and even fell in love. We learned a lot at the Standing Rock Protectors – Pipeline Protest as Veterans and as water protectors. We learned a lot about ourselves the People we met and the things we and others did. There is healing that is taking place for we as they made mistakes, tradition was forgotten and the sacred trampled. The Lakota tradition is nomadic giving Mother Earth time to heal. At this sacred place there is more than burial grounds, battles have been won and lost this one yet to be decided much less the ones that came before. Moving forward to fight the Black Snake we know requires unity with each other and harmony with Mother Earth. The lessons learned here are just the beginning not the end for while the fire here has been stomped on the ambers have spread far an wide awakening a movement of awareness of what the future holds for our children. Change is never easy, on days as today even harder but that cannot stop us. The Tribes are talking and many have united as many more come together as relations between the water protectors Veterans and other groups start to heal. Moving forward there will be Eco Villages and places that live in the Lakota way in Peace with the land. There will be self-sustaining movements teaching and doing what it takes to ensure stability and continuity of our natural resources because there is only one other choice, the Black Snake seen here as the evil it can be spewing pollution into the air and contaminating the water. That it was burned and I was not there to move it makes me sad for this structure unlike the Tipi’s was made of plastics. This is not what we stand for as water protectors, regardless of who set it ablaze, them or us it was wrong. We take from this what we will, no one person will interpret these words the same. It is time to heal the wounds of war and look forward with an eye on the past for without respect for history the mistakes are doomed to be revisited. #ImaginePeace for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. #Change #ForTheChildren#WaterIsLife.


2-23-17 ~ Ed Higgins was arrested today while covering the #LastStand at Standing Rock along with Evan Duke and dozens of veterans, journalists, and water protectors. We will NOT stand idly by while the government declares a war on our rights to assemble and free press


2-23-17~ Redhawk… Look who is out of custody, out of the hospital, and wanting to talk about how police treat Water Protectors and independent media.
Facebook live interview w Eric Poemz in a couple hours.


2-23-17 ~ An unstoppable force met immovable objects. A convoy of 200 law enforcement vehicles, including a Bearcat armored personnel carrier, 16 Humvees and more than 200 policemen and National Guard Soldiers entered the Oceti Sakowin #DakotaAccessPipeline protest camp Thursday morning. #DAPL


2-23-17 Jesse Ventura … Welcome to the Fascist States of America. What happened to the 1st Amendment? As a veteran I hang my head in shame. They say they’re giving protesters the chance to “leave peacefully” today, but we’re seeing video footage of arrests since yesterday.


Pic Flag Row, Oceti Camp. Josué Rivas Fotographer
2-23-17 ~ Adam Elfers‎… For all our Standing Rock friends, we all know watching these live feeds is tough for everybody. Watching people with such little reverence and understanding dismantle with militarized vehicles and weapons what we all built so sacredly. Not for money or power or fame, but for water, for the coming together of Tribes, of people all over the world, indigenous tribes from Ecuador, Hawaii, New Zealand, Alaska, and all over Native America. Standing rock is one of the single largest solidarity movements in world history. World history. That means ever. Think about it. How many times in the history of the world have people come together across so many differences of culture and language to #stand together. To stand United against a human greed represented in the business plans of billionaires who invade sacred land and steal water rights, all the while backed by the very men who promised to protect and serve the common welfare of the people and planet.

We withstood everything. Snow. Ice. Rubber bullets. Mace. Tasers. Tear gas. Concussion grenades. Propaganda. Lies. Water hoses in sub zero temperatures. Over 700 people were arrested for this #stand. I was one of them.

No matter what happens from here, no matter how this goes down, no matter how they evict and dismantle our camp, we know the truth:

Something was born at Standing Rock. Something Ancient & Spiritual was brought to form in modern life. & for all of us who were part of it…

We will never ever forget.

Standing Rock is in our blood. Our DNA. We are forever changed. & no matter what history gets told about the struggle for clean water that is becoming ever more common and urgent on planet earth, when our great granddaughter looks into our aging eyes & asks, “grandma, grandpa, what did you do to protect the water, to preserve the earth?” It is us, not them, who will be able to look in that little girl’s eyes with honor & say…
“Baby, I was at Standing Rock; I am a Water Protector.”

To all our Standing Rock Tribe worldwide, I love you so much. I can never thank you enough. Thanks for changing my life. Thanks for standing up and showing the world that something more is possible.
This is just the beginning.

Long live Standing Rock. Long live *Oceti Sakowin* camp, Sacred Stone, Rosebud & the rest.
#StandingRock #StillStanding #JustTheBeginning #StandingRockLives


2-23-17 ~ Prolific TheRapper… Be smarter than their propaganda. All eyes on Camp. After using force their next move will be propaganda to justify their injustices for the past several months… #nodapl

2-23-17 ~ The last man left in Oceti Sakowin Main Camp. Sitting on the roof.

Chase Iron Eyes, an American Indian activist and a member of the Standing Rock

2-23-17 ~ NY Times…. Chase Iron Eyes, an American Indian activist and a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, is live from Canon Ball, North Dakota after yesterday’s evacuation order by the Army Corps of Engineers and North Dakota’s governor.


2-23-17 ~ Johnny Dangers… 100% of the Oceti Oyate Camp is now in Government Control! Riot Police, Armored Humvees, Reports of M4 guns and more are raiding the Oceti Oyate Camp!!! Armored Vehicles shamefully line the banks of the Cannonball River. Armed Riot Police have raided 80% of camp and are squeezing the remaining Water Protectors onto the semi-frozen Cannonball River! Grandmother arrested by the sweatlodge. Share! Send Prayers of Strength! Share with the world the truth!


2-23-17 ~ Redhawk… There was a reported 8-10 arrests yesterday at Oceti. What mainstream media failed to recognize is that a vast majority if not ALL of those arrested were independent & grassroots media taking a stand for the camp, and refusing to allow corporation controlled law enforcement to seize the camp with no documentation. Exercising the 1st amendment, and defending the liberties of this country, this is now a war of information as well as a spiritual war.
There is still independent media embedded inside the camp, and they will continue to defend the right to document for treaty rights and the rights of our Native American brothers and sisters.

2-23-17 ~ Police Remove Last Of Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters From Camp
Officers on Thursday arrested 46 protesters and forced out all other people who remained in a camp that had been the epicenter of opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Morton County sheriff’s department announce Continue Reading

2-23-17 ~ North Dakota Dismantles #NoDAPL Oceti Camp
Just after 11 am, the combined eviction forces began their approach into the camp. Between a few dozen to a hundred water protectors were estimated remaining in camp at that time, with most having left the previous day but some having returned that morning by walking across the frozen Cannonball River. Bypassing the main entrance, two Bobcat-type skid steer loaders were used to clear a path down the snowy hill into the north end of Oceti Oyate. Bearcat and MRAP armored vehicles, accompanied by a large number of Humvees and sheriff’s deputies, police with riot gear and live weapons, descended down the path into the camp. Continue Reading

2-23-17 ~ Gov. Burgum signs 4 DAPL-inspired bills into law
Gov. Doug Burgum signed four bills into law Thursday afternoon. The bills all have ties to the Dakota Access pipeline protests.House Bill 1293 expands the scope of criminal trespass under state law, but reduces the offense to a $250 citation rather than criminal charges. House Bill 1304 makes it a misdemeanor to wear a mask or hood when committing a crime. House Bill 1426 increases penalties for riot offenses. It allows prosecutors to charge those who take part in a riot in a manner consistent with the potential for actual harm to health safety and well-being. Senate Bill 2302 allows the Attorney General to appoint ad hoc special agents. An example of this would be an out-of-state officer who comes to North Dakota responding to a request for assistance. All four bills have emergency clauses that make them effective immediately. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/zfz23eh

2-23-17 ~ Trump administration withdrew legal memo that found ‘ample legal justification’ to halt Dakota Access pipeline
The 35-page legal analysis of the pipeline’s potential environmental risks and its impact on treaty rights of the Standing Rock Sioux and other indigenous tribes was authored in December by then-Interior Department Solicitor Hilary C. Tompkins, an Obama appointee who was — at the time — the top lawyer in the department. “The government-to-government relationship between the United States and the Tribes calls for enhanced engagement and sensitivity to the Tribes’ concerns,” Tompkins wrote. “The Corps is accordingly justified should it choose to deny the proposed easement.” Continue Reading

2-23-17 ~ BREAKING: Trump Orders Army to Evict Sioux from Standing Rock at Gunpoint
American forces are storming lands that rightfully belong to Native Americans per U.S. treaties. Trump’s hearkening America back to one of its ugliest historical legacies. The only difference is that our soldiers aren’t on horseback this time. Now, they’re using snipers, bulletproof armor, and Humvees to storm the Native Americans’ protest camps. Continue Reading…

2-23-17 ~ Militarized Police Just Evicted The Sioux Tribe From Standing Rock At Gunpoint
Federal authorities have begun their raid to evict the water protectors from the Oceti Sakowin camp, and the images coming out of the protest site are extremely disturbing. History is repeating itself as heavily militarized United States law enforcement storm Native American treaty land to run them off- only this time they’re riding in Humvees and not on horses. Continue Reading …

2-23-17 ~ Dakota Access oil pipeline camp cleared of protesters
It took 3 ? hours for about 220 officers and 18 National Guardsmen to methodically search the protesters’ temporary homes. Authorities said they arrested 46 people, including a group of military veterans who had to be carried out and a man who climbed atop a building and stayed there for more than an hour before surrendering. Continue Reading …

2-23-17 ~ FRONTLINE at Standing Rock-Holding the Line 2/23/17 – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ North Dakota Police CHASE Journalists – TYT Politics

2-23-17 ~ The Chairman Is Having A Meeting At Oceti (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Armed Police & Military Are Now Inside Oceti (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Myron Dewey 2/23/2017 Good Morning – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Armed Police & Military Are Now Inside Oceti 2/23/2017 Live From Standing Rock – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Johnny Dangers Armed Riot Police have raided 80% of camp 2/23/17 – 411 Truth

2-23-17 ~ Oil Police BRUTALIZE Water Protector Who Questioned Them – TYT Politics

2-23-17 ~ Jameson Dargen speaks with Law Enforcement as they try to get him out of Camp – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Update from camp after Yesterdays Removal – J Grady

2-13-17 ~ Drone Footage Of Oceti Raid Part 1 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Stephanie Big-Eagle – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Myron Dewey (2/23/2017) Good Morning – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ On The Ground In Oceti The Raid Continues (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ We Have to Keep Fighting: Water Protectors Vow Continued Resistance to DAPL as Main Camp Is Evicted – Democracy Now!

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Documentary: Who, What and Why of the DAPL Protests (Must Watch) – Protect Mother Earth

2-23-17 ~ Last stand Oceti Oyate heartbreaking – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ Definitely a homeland security helicopter at oceti Camp – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ This is so sad, we have no choice but to stop this from continuing – The One And Only Power

2-23-17 ~ Oceti Camp Is Being Raided! (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Johnny Dangers – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ On The Ground In Oceti With Raid Updates (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Police Raid Oceti Sakowin Camp 2-23-17 12:13 pm – MeMy SelfAndi

2-23-17 ~ 2/23/17 NoDAPL Live Stream of Oceti Sakowin camp invasion from across river – 411 Truth

23-23-17 ~ Lastrealindians ~ The raid of the north camp is almost complete – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage Of Oceti Raid Part 2 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock With Stephanie Big-Eagle – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ They have four armed standing on the ridge behind Cheyenne River North – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Live raid of Oceti resistance prater camp – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ BIA In Rosebud The Oceti Raid Continues (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With Chase Iron Eyes Part 2 (2/23/2017) Oceti Raid Updates – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Jameson Dargen speaks with Law Enforcement as they try to get him out of Camp – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Police Cause Broken Hip! 02/23/17 #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ America Lawlessly Dishonors Supreme Laws of it’s own Land. | 02/23/17 KFYR TV – 411 TRUTH

2-23-17 ~ Unicorn Riot ~ Militarized police fall face-first in attempts to tackle water protectors – J Grady

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage: Raid On Oceti Resistance Prayer Camp Part 1 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ Drone Footage: Raid On Oceti Resistance Prayer Camp Part 2 (2/23/2017) Live From Standing Rock – Mystic Dave2

2-23-17 ~ USA: National Guard clear out remaining protesters at Standing Rock camp – Ruptly TV

2-23-17 ~ Americans Shame – Sad Day at Standing Rock as Protester Picked Off – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Military Vehicles and Snipers at Standing Rock Protest – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Police Arrest American Indians at Standing Rock – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

2-23-17 ~ Police News Conference at Standing Rock Protest – LIVE SATELLITE NEWS

News Articles and Updates ~ Oceti Sakowin
You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

Stories From the Frontline Jan. 23, 2017

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe



1-22-17~ Eryn Wise… Yesterday’s Women’s March on Washington was overwhelming. Upon our arrival Thomas and I were faced with the short tempers, inconsiderate nature and intensity of women we were supposed to be standing in solidarity with.

The indigenous folx present were able to carve out a space in front of the National Museum of the American Indian large enough to form a circle where we spoke, sang, and danced in honor of our foremothers. It was the only space in the march that, for me, felt inclusive and welcoming. After our rally as we tried to enter the march I watched many women be pushed, shoved, yelled at, and cut short by other women. An indigenous woman grabbed my hand, trying to lead me further into the march so that we could catch up with our group and at every turn there was another woman planting her feet before us and saying, “You can’t go by me here. You’ll have to go around.” When this happened friends looked on, nodding their approval and leading some others to even say that “these Indian girls lost their drums. That’s why they’re trying to get through us.”

I realized that I was in a space that had been created with good intention, under the guise of unification but in reality was for white feminists and their vaginas. I thought about my sweet trans, queer, non-identifying, intersectional, and non-white sisters that seemed absent in the crowd. For every ten pink pussy signs waving in my face, I saw one, maybe two, signs that represented women of color. It was weird and uncomfortable. Once the bubble of indigeneity was gone from around me I was desperate to leave.

I became frustrated with the crowd screaming, “This is what democracy looks like!”

SO many sisters and womyn were absent that I began to cry. Women who had only minutes earlier been shoving me out of their way began stopping to ask me what was wrong. “This is fake,” I found myself repeating. “I hate this.” Some tried to blame it on the size of the crowd. Others tried in very gentle ways to ask me if I was on or approaching my moon. Unintentional sexism dripped from the tongues of these women as they tried to calm me.

“Whose land? OUR LAND!” they chanted. “Whose bodies? OUR BODIES!” they cried. “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!”

Not in my eyes, but I’m just one woman. Outside of my own experience, I have seen hundreds of my sisters uplifted by the Women’s Marches held around the globe. Many of them had never attended a rally, felt like they belonged so fully, or mattered as much. For these reasons, I am grateful that the marches took place. I just wish a more inclusive space had been created for the non-white feminists who truly need a voice, especially in the onset of Trump’s administration.

I am lucky enough to say that I was raised by many inspiring, and impactful women. My chosen family is full of brave, radical, two-spirit, and beautiful women; many of whom are with me in D.C. right now. I was able to attend the rally/march to speak and sing alongside women I deeply love and respect — for these gifts, I am grateful.

I write this to call upon the women out there reading along. Please do not forget your fellow women of color. Trans sisters. Undocumented sisters. Sisters of different faiths. Sisters without vaginas. Sisters with vaginas of different shapes, sizes, and colors — we do not all have perfect pink pussies – please do not encourage the narrative that there is only one way for a body to be. Please remember that the wounds of women first start with the great, intentional, and continual wounding of our Mother Earth. May we continue to rise together, with all our sisters, in honor of each other and Unci Maka.


1-22-17 ~ Lee Sprague… Standing Rock Tribal Council votes for Indian Removal Act. It’s Trail of Tears version includes allied Water Protectors. Making Indian People move in the dead of winter, because someone wants the land for farming, ranching, or industrial activities, sounds familiar to me. Now the Standing Rock Tribal Council wants to Trail of Tears us out of camp? It raises historical trauma, similar to our relatives who were force marched at the hands of the US Government, from their lands.

*Concerned about the loss of revenue to the Standing Rock Tribal Programs, Council votes to dip into the 6.5 million in legal funds that were contributions to Water Protectors.” Now they want to close down each Camp?
If the concern is public safety, as stated, sheltering in place during the harsh North Dakota Winter is the safest way forward, except for DAPL cowboying it up. The main camp is not on ‘Standing Rock’ lands, it should be though. The Army Corp of Engineers claims the land we are camped on.

In this picture is Alex. I stayed in his TIPI most of this winter until it became unlivable. Thanks Alex. Lots of good times in the Tipi. We kept our batteries and controllers in there for our solar wind power system. Ben moved it. Now folks know how to set up a solar/wind now thanks to Brad Kallio.
We all could use the legal funds.



1-22-17 Jacky Smith‎… As a white European woman, I’ve been watching this feed & commenting – I think this is the first time I’ve posted here. But I read something yesterday that hit home hard and I think it’s something people like me should notice. Someone who lives near Standing Rock said that they were scared about what might happen when the visiting water protectors go home, because they remembered the terrible things that happened at Pine Ridge after AIM went home in the 70’s. Well in the 70’s I was an activist and I noticed what was going on – but I couldnt figure out a way to find out more, or to do anything about it. And then I got involved in anti-apartheid, and didnt have time for any other campaigns. I apologise for that, from the bottom of my heart. This time, we have social media and a shedload of people all round the world are watching. We need to carry on watching, and noticing, and talking about it – and we need you guys living at Standing Rock to keep posting, keep telling us what’s going on, keep talking to us. This time I won’t get distracted, you’re top of my list. There are a lot of issues that the new president will be fighting on, we have to make sure that yours is one of the big ones. The UN are coming to investigate, the ACLU are out there, the guys that monitor the ethics of the government can be dragged kicking & screaming into the fight, climate change is getting to the point where only a combover dumbo who never goes outside can ignore it, the Chinese are making renewables so cheap that coal prices cant be propped up, gas prices are still so low that fracking makes a loss, the demand for oil is tanking. All these things are on your side, exactly as your ancestors predicted. Now is the time to keep praying, chanting, singing, dancing, talking and above all hoping. We are with you, and we’re not going to let go. Mni wicone!

1-21-17 ~ Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn… Leaders of Standing Rock ask all camps to clean up and leave is the messages from Facebook Updater Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn “We get frozen Rubber Bullets that can penetrate wood and skin. That’s the gift that we get. That’s the special the Indians get out here. We don’t 30 feet of distance before we get shot. We are lucky if we get 7 feet. I apologize if I put anything at risk for you at Standing Rock I only meant good will.” Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn Read More http://tinyurl.com/z9dz8un

1-21-17 ~ Lyla June…I am a Diné (Navajo) woman but I wrote this last verse in Spanish because our native brothers and sisters in Central and South America experience a deeper suppression of thier culture and identity than we do up here in the “the states”. The Eagle and the Condor are coming together. This is why we are mislabeled “hispanic” or “latino”. Don’t let the imaginary border fool us. We are one tribe of Turtle Island! I also want to acknowledge that some of the first Indigenous Peopeles that were forced into hiding were the medicine women of Old Europe. They estimate that 6-9 million women were raped, beaten, tortured, burned alive or drowned alive for being “witches.” Let us reclaim our Earth Selves no matter what “race” you are and do it soon! The earth may depend on it.

Yo soy una mujer Diné, pero escribí el segundo parte en español por que reconozco que la mayoria de nuesrtas hermanas y hermanos indígenas del central y sudamérica experimentan una mayor supresión de su cultura e identidad. Es por esto que estamos mal etiquetadas “hispano” o “latino”. No deje que la frontera imaginaria nos engañe! Somos una tribu de la isla de la tortuga! El Aguila reconozca el Condór! 😀 También quiero reconocer que algunos de los primeros pueblos indígenas que se vieron obligados a esconderse eran las curanderas de Europa Vieja. Se estima que 6-9 millones de mujeres fueron violadas, golpeadas, torturadas, quemadas vivas o ahogadas vivas por ser “brujas”. Recupere su mismo como Genta de la Tierra, no importa la “raza” que usted es, y lo hace pronto! La tierra puede depender de esta subida de conocimiento ancestral.

Come join us at the Black Hills Unity Concert this weekend! September 9-11, 2016. www.TheUnityConcert.com. Many are headed to http://sacredstonecamp.org/ in Cannonball, ND after the concert to protect the water from DAPL. If the judge rules in our favor some might come to the concert to celebrate. #NoDAPL #ProtectMaunaKea #DoodaFracking#Run4Salmon



1-21-17 ~ Kaelly Salazar… Sorry for the poor photo quality, but I had to share this.
They are targetting those of us trying to document the situation. He was aiming right at me with his weapon. Jon Ziegler was targetted last night for live streaming and nearly lost his pinky. They were aiming for his phone. (Anyone have an update on him?)
Pray for these officers… Pray for us.



1-21-17 ~ Confluence Documentary with Dallas Goldtooth … WATER IS LIFE
The Lakota have long prophesied that one day a great black snake would slither through the land, pollute the water, and bring great destruction to the people and the Earth…. In 2014, Energy Transfer Partners announced plans to build a pipeline that would transport fracked crude from the Bakken formation to refineries in the Gulf Coast. Obama had recently lifted the ban on exporting petroleum via the international market; big oil needed to find a way to capitalize on this. Using the smokescreen of “energy independence from the Middle East,” as propaganda, the public in North Dakota believed that this was about decreasing our dependency on foreign oil. In all actuality, it was just about profits for oil companies and would create very few jobs here in the US. The Dakota Access Pipeline originally proposed route crossed the Missouri River near Bismarck, but was re-routed through native land in violation of several treaties signed with the government and threatened their drinking water supply (as well as for near 30 other million people downstream). When construction began and sacred burial sites were being destroyed, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe realized that this was the manifestation of the prophecy of the black snake. It needed to be stopped.

In April of 2016, after runs across the country to raise awareness, members of the Youth Council set up camp along the Missouri River to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline. After putting out a call for support, the camps have swelled to as many as 10,000 Water Protectors from around 500 tribes as well as non-native allies who showed solidarity to the cause. An unprecedented peaceful demonstration, water protectors began praying and chaining themselves the DAPL construction equipment. Many were arrested by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department, who essentially was working as a private security force for Energy Transfer Partners.

In the beginning, there was a complete media blackout and independent journalists who were arriving to tell the story were being specifically targeted. Water protectors and free press were brutalized, shot with rubber bullets, attacked by viscous police dogs, shot with tear gas canisters, concussion grenades and pepper sprayed for protesting peacefully. Communications have been jammed using sting rays and dirt boxes; Indigenous leaders have been spied on in this advanced Orwellian surveillance state. To date, Energy Transfer Partners has spent near 200 million dollars in private security on top of 22 million in tax payer money for law enforcement to finance the paramilitary spectacle. Arrestees have been strip searched for misdemeanor trespassing offenses and held in cages that resemble dog kennels, often times in their underwear for 12 hours or more. The scene goes in direct contrast with what the United States of America supposedly stands for; although Native Americas would beg to differ that America is a just nation founded on principles of so-called democracy and human rights. The pipeline is a direct extension of the legacy of colonization and genocide that their people have endured for hundreds of years.

As the election distracted most of the public, politicians turned a blind eye to Standing Rock as it would disrupt the Democratic energy platform for the next 40 years… Most of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign contributors were financing the pipeline and Donald Trump had personally invested millions. Standing Rock chairman David Archambault II testified in front of the UN to ask for help pleading that water is a human right. As the fight against the DAPL began to pick up steam, the powers that be could no longer turn a blind eye to the human rights abuse and disregard for the law. Much spin has attempted to quell the support of the movement, but… it kept growing. An influx of media and celebrities brought even more attention to the camp. Actress Shailene Woodley, Amy Goodman, and even Presidential candidate Jill Stein were charged/arrested during front line actions. Water protectors like Red Fawn were illegally detained and held without bail. They have endured all of this to protect life’s most basic need…water.

On December 4, 2016, The Army Corps of Engineers gave the water protectors of Standing Rock a major victory when they refused to grant permits for DAPL to drill under the Missouri River. This decision shows that the power of the people cannot be ignored. Although significant, the victory is only temporary as the pipeline company is appealing the decision in federal court. Thousands of Water Protectors have remained diligent through blizzards and sub zero temperatures and remain to this day.

…the fight continues. Please stand with Standing Rock and support the indigenous led resistance against not just the DAPL, but all the other pipeline black snake construction projects around the country that threaten our water….

Water is Life. Mni Wiconi
Music by: Will Evans
Footage credits: Tim Yakitis, Eddie Mnoian (Viral Viral Appetite Productions), Myron Dewey (Digital Digital Smoke Signals), Kandi Mosset (Indigenous Indigenous Environmental Network), Shiyé Bidzííl (Dr0ne2bWild), Jonathan Klett, Renegade Media, Unicorn Riot, Dallas Goldtooth (Indigenous Environmental Network), Richard Bluecloud Castaneda, Spencer Keeton Cunningham, The Young Turks, Daniel Speers, Indian Law Resource Center, Democracy Now


1-21-17 ~ Ricardo Jasper… Hi my name is Ricardo Jasper I’m a native American from the Diné nation aka Navajo Nation, im Originally from Tuba City Arizona, I’m a bitter water clan and Manygoat clan..

The reason why I’m here is because I wanted to share what I have experience in standing rock and to bring awareness to the movement, it all started with the Colorado River being contaminated when the mining company, Gold King Mine, in Silverton Colorado a team of workers with environmental protection agency accidentally released 3million gallons of toxic waste into the river, which the Animus River in Colorado had turned orange as a toxic spill continued to flow downstream and through other states, this is when I realized what was going on with fracking, and how all these oil companies were digging into our mother earth to look for oil. That’s when i started looking into more about fracking, then I heard about Standing Rock battling with oil corporations and the State of North Dakota, these companies have come so close together that the people are at a moment where they don’t feel like their voices are being heard, and so the last thing that was left for us is to assemble, is to gather together and to protest or protect, and I had the urge to go out there and help my relatives protect the water , our future generation, our kids future.

When I drove up to the camp site (Oceti Sakowin Camp) it was breathtaking my heart started to cry, the feeling was unbearably beautiful, you could feel the positive energy, you could feel the spirit around you and the love and peacefulness, the people were so kind and generous, very helpful, everybody loved each other, everybody helped each other, and if you needed help they would have volunteers there waiting to help you right away, you would wish the whole world would be like Oceti Sakowin Camp, I stayed there for like 2½ months I helped with the construction part of the camp we built Tarpees. The reason why we called them Tarpees was because they look like Tepees but they were made out of tarp, the other buildings were teepees, yurts, and hogan’s.

We started to winterize the camp and I helped out with the actions too. Actions were being on the front lines of stopping the construction of the pipeline, people sacrifice their lives, tying themselves to the equipment’s and peacefully praying for the company to stop from hurting our mother earth, to stopped them from desecrating our ancestral burial grounds, I was always at the front lines getting shot with rubber bullets being pepper sprayed for no reason, all we did was pray and try to talk to the officers and pray with them some of them would stand there and cry some were in shocked at what their fellow comrades were doing to the people, some of them would stare at you and smile then point the gun at you some would have a blast shooting people and laugh about Tear gassing us, shoot percussion grenades at the people, spraying us with cold water with water cannons in 15 degree weather, and it would go on for hours, everybody there was dedicated to protect the water, to protect what’s right for all of us, it wasn’t just an Indigenous thing it was about everybody. I told people “if I bleed red and you bleed red it’s your problem too” “It’s not about being a hero, we have no egos, and it wasn’t about being important, it was about being part of the team we stand in solidarity with standing rock we wanted to tell people that we should realize that if they should being upset about ISIS destroying those artifacts in Syria Iraq they should be twice as upset as they are desecrating them graves, destroying those ancient sites, if they’re going to be angry at the injustice around the other world then they need to start talking about the injustice here in America as well, there still Colonization going on and you can see it in the ground that she is bleeding right now, and when you look up around the other world, you see there is a river in Russia that is now red blood red because of the dirty chemicals from a metal plant that’s there now and we gonna have the same thing here, this is the company that’s done this before and this isn’t anything that we can get rid of, and you know I remind people that we can’t eat green paper, we can’t drink that Gucci purse sweetheart All we have is this water, all we have is this Land, and we have to protect it, we belong to the earth, the earth doesn’t belong to us, we just protect her, she doesn’t ask for money, all she asks is to take care of her as she will take care of us.

My experience in Standing Rock is something that I will never forget, it was beautiful it was emotional but we all stood together, we all looked after each other, some of us may have PTSD but we are all here for each other, now I have all these beautiful, beautiful people, my new extended family from all over the world, different nations, different tribes, different nationalities, if we keep standing together fight for what’s right for our people for our mother earth, for our future generations, we can the change the world.. We are the people we don’t need one person to run our country, we have the power to be ONE LIFE, ONE LOVE, ONE NATION.. AHÒ I could talk for hours and hours about Standing Rock… I will never forget it !!


1-21-17 ~ Johnny Dangers… Pro DAPL North Dakota Republican Congressman Cramer said earlier today Trump will rescind the EIS and approve Missouri River crossing possibly as soon as Monday. We will soon see how #Trump actually acts on the pipeline and if he respects the process.
Share! #NoDAPL #WaterisLife #J20

“By next week the EIS will be rescinded,” Cramer told me referring to the lengthy environmental study President Obama initiated in his final days in office. The Congressman said the Trump administration has the authority to rescind it because, in legal filings responding to the pipeline company’s request that the study be enjoined, the Obama administration itself argued that this was the case.

Cramer also said a decision granting permission for the pipeline to cross the Lake Oahe reservoir is imminent. “The easement will be issued maybe as early as Monday,” he said.


1-21-17 ~ ‎Jim Petoskey‎… Do not sit around waiting for the next great leader to come along. That’s how we got into this mess to begin with. Sitting around waiting for the next, Kennedy, the next Crazy Horse, the next Sitting Bull, the next Pontiac or Tecumseh. Martin Luther King or Ghandi . When they do come, they kill them off. Instead of giving a damn about the khardashians, the Super Bowls, worry about how to respect all life and what that really means. Become a participant in life. Give a sincere damn about our neighbors, the sick, the aged, the future of generations to come. We sat back and watched others do what everyone should be doing. We let people exploit the resources, pollute the land water and food and wonder why we are sick. We all have a brain, use it, but make sure your heart is connected. Nurture your spirits, not man made religions. DO NOT be afraid to be curious, question things, That’s exactly what they want. They have successfully dumbed down education and in turn dumbed down us. Now do yourself and the world a favor THINK. Even question what I just told you.


1-21-17 ~ Elizabeth Hoover… Was sitting on the plane editing photos that I took at Standing Rock over the past several days, and noticed the ladies next to me peering at my screen. They asked if I was a war photographer- where were these photos taken? Right here in the US of A, ladies. Yes those are unarmed civilians those National Guard and police officers are shooting at. Indian reservations have again become military training grounds


1-20-17 ~ Jon Ziegler… Here’s an update from the journalist who almost got his pink blown off a couple nights ago… Jon. Please send prayers for his healing. .

“Surgery went well. Took longer than expected as part of the bone was smashed “like a chicken bone hit with a hammer”-DR

Your well wishes and support will get me through this and out on the front lines asap. It has been my honor and a privilege to stream the truth for you these last 5 years. From Chicago to Ferguson; Baltimore to Oakland; NY and elsewhere, I have never stopped learning and being inspired by all the passionate ppl I have come to know, some of whom I now consider family. And that goes for many of you online as well!

I will be in a hotel resting and elevating my hand (picture make more sense now? ) for the next few days.


1-20-17 ~ Lee Sprague… This is the Larceny and Theft report I filed. I’m alleging the Sheriff Department stole and destroyed four of my canoes, paddles, rescue first aid kits, Also stolen, part of my canoe trailer.
Report Filed

Not accurate is officer 4973’s written comment that I confessed to bringing goods to to Turtle Hill.
“We carry warm clothes and blankets, gloves, mittens in water proof bags. We carry watersheds to the prayer lines. We carry people hurt by the Morton County Sheriff, Because they don’t respond to water protectors in harm’s way. Harm visited on the Water Protectors by the Morton County Sheriff Department.“


The REAL ‘Lone Ranger’ Was An African American Lawman Who Lived With Native American Indians
The real “Lone Ranger,” it turns out, was an African American man named Bass Reeves (July 1838 – 12 January 1910), who the legend was based upon. Perhaps not surprisingly, many aspects of his life were written out of the story, including his ethnicity. The basics remained the same: a lawman hunting bad guys, accompanied by a Native American, riding on a white horse, and with a silver trademark. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/kr6zycg


1-19-17 ~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi‎… Take care Friends in the light—Finger Pointers, Name Callers and Dissent Sowers are everywhere

I have tried to not comment on negativity, dissension causers, finger pointers and attackers – but a lot of people in this group and others keep asking me about these things. And want to know why it seems to be increasing. They ask why groups are questioning groups… and why some are attacking posters and video people… and on it goes.

I see people attacking others in the camps, on the virtual support and education pages, on personal pages and elsewhere. Questioning motives and trustworthiness. Questioning money use and intentions. Asking why they are not white or red or yellow or black. Speaking total lies. Working with all their might to create dissent so it will destroy everyone’s work from within. I have seen people I know to be working with all they can for clean water being attacked and villefied. And when I have come to their defense, watched myself attacked. And others. Several we watch in the group attack a list of water protectors each day. Sadly, some believe too many lies.

I see more attacks as we create the Water is Life Movement because that scares the hell out of the business people and politicians. Each day on our Standing Rock Protectors group we add hundreds of people – and about 25% are phony accounts when we check.

If we let these trolls and company plants divide us we will collapse into chaos. Or even those people still stuck in thinking one group or protest or people can lead this entire peaceful revolution.

Question what you see and hear. And when you think you know the truth – question further. Continue to come together as one. In the way of the prophecy of the four colors uniting.

Together we will win this war. The worse enemy now is ourselves if we allow the dessention sowers to divide and conquer. None of us are perfect, but we are all standing for Standing Rock, clean water and other camps everywhere. Focus there and let the hate mongers flow over us like a wind.

Thanks for hearing me.
~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi


1-19-19 ~ Cody Two Bears… Hau’ Mitakiyapi (All My Relatives) I am Cody Two Bears (Mah’to Nun’pa) Councilman of the Cannon Ball Community (Eyapaha) for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. I am Yanktonai (From the Cut Head Band) My Ancestors come from the east side of the Missouri River and lived there for 125 years before 1862 when the Minnesota Uprising and White Stone Hill Massacre moved us to the west side of the Missouri River. I speak to you today with a strong heart. I wanna share some concerns with you that we has a tribe and has a community do not agree with the current situation going on at the Backwater Bridge north of Cannon Ball. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and elders have consistently asked people not to confront DAPL and law enforcement since after the Decision was made on December 4, 2016 and to stay away from the Bridge. We all know the Bridge was tested and it needed minor repairs to open it back up. But with what’s been happening the past three nights have hurt those chances of it being open again. Our Membership need that bridge open for emergency and daily commutes. We have elderly and people with a lot of health issues, dialysis, diabetics, heart problems. We have community members that have business that are being affected. Not only that but we know drugs and alcohol use has been in these camps recently. We the Tribe and its membership know this fight isn’t over. But the more unnecessary actions that take place north of Cannon Ball hurts our chances with winning this fight in court and at the government level moving forward. I feel we are in a great position now that Native Nations will have a big Voice Moving forward. We owe a great thanks to everyone that has came and support us with this fight. But we feel now the peace and prayerful actions are not happening anymore. I see violence happening from our side the people that came here to help us. We the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and our Membership don’t support these actions it’s only hurting our chances moving forward. Once again We ask people to stand down. If we truly believe in prayer and trust in it we will win. Let our prayers do all our actions. Let’s not stoop to there level cause once we do we are no better than them!! They want us to start to be violent so The Tribe it’s membership and this whole movement will lose everything we have gained. Please be respectful and honor the wishes of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe it’s elderly and it’s membership.. Thanks to you all once again. Hau Mitakuye Oyasin..


1-19-17 ~ Tomas Karmelo Amaya… “Women are traditionally associated with water and men with fire, but this moment made me think of the culmination of the two forces. As the shadows cast across the sides of the teepee, a home that represents the womb from which we are reborn daily, I also thought of a blazing ember. Fire cannot burn without oxygen and water contains oxygen just like our women hold the answers to our deepest tribulations. They are our ultimate medicine, our healers, our guardians of the future.”

The night before Morton County law enforcement attacked water protectors, Jade and I drove around camp looking for Faith Spotted Eagle so that we could interview her for @indigenousrising. Once we arrived to her location, I was not allowed to enter the teepee because a women’s meeting was in session. As I walked away I noticed the silhouettes of my aunties and sisters projected on the structure.

Women are traditionally associated with water and men with fire, but this moment made me think of the culmination of the two forces. As the shadows cast across the sides of the teepee, a home that represents the womb from which we are reborn daily, I also thought of a blazing ember. Fire cannot burn without oxygen and water contains oxygen just like our women hold the answers to our deepest tribulations. They are our ultimate medicine, our healers, our guardians of the future.

I left shortly after taking this photo and I would not see Jade until several hours later. Although she did not get to interview Faith, she came back more powerful than ever.

Photo and Story by Tomas Karmelo Amaya


1-19-17 ~ Nataanii Means… “Today I board a plane to Utah still tasting the tear gas and mace pellets, still hearing the rounds of rubber bullets and bean bags being fired off like popcorn. Last night a group of young men put a tipi up on the road on our side of the bridge. Signifying our continued fight for treaty rights. The police then crossed the bridge and tore down our sacred home and took the poles.

Last night when I arrived it was hectic; you know there will be people that are agitators that do jeopardize a lot with how they act on frontlines like this. We de-escalated them, and you also have to understand young men who have been taking this abuse for months, who have been made to feel lower than low by the police that support corporate entities like DAPL. I’m not making excuses for them, but there are ways to talk with them. After all the commotion we remained prayerful, we sang our sacred songs, we prayed for Leonard Peltier who was denied clemency, we prayed for our treaty rights, we continued to try and clean the bridge as best we could. Again I want to stress that I know our fight is not with the police, that it is in the courts, but we have to let the world know the violence is still happening, that the lights are still up, in no way have we negotiated a situation that benefits us, we’ve been weak. As long as we keep these police out, we exhaust them and their resources, if they want to continue to make the conscious choice to protect a pipeline, then we will make them stand in the cold with us. Continuing to live on treaty land with lights in our faces, heavy police forces, and a drill sitting there is a slap in the face.

The police reacted in violence last night. They reacted to prayer in violence. Like always. We have NO WEAPONS, we know what THEY are capable of so we protect ourselves with shields, we are not looking to fight, but we will protect ourselves as we try our best to protect the water and make these statements. DO NOT look at us any other way than what we are, that is young people caring for our children’s future. Support us and remember we are people of strength, stop showing our weakness by questioning everything someone does.

If only the old leaders were alive to remind us who and where we come from. But we are the next, the young generation. And we are here standing with NO FEAR. I watched Russell Means stand with no fear, and we are trying our damn best to do what we can. My dad was shot on Standing Rock by BIA police after Wounded Knee. I also know he would be ashamed and sad of what is happening here, how OUR OWN PEOPLE ARE TREATING OUR OWN FOR ONLY WANTING TO BE FREE!

Somebody said last night “If we cross the barricade they’ll stop the EIS” well first we DID NOT want to cross it, second, why do we have to act from a position of fear. That is a direct threat on our own treaty land. That is a scare tactic, I just want to know where is our strength, I haven’t seen it since my father passed. The olders here act and say everything from fear, I understand that, but I’m not used to that.

So here we are. Young people remaining in prayer and unarmed strength. I love you all.

Again, I am no one. Here, I am just ikce wicasa, I’m only a common man that wants clean water for the future. I am not a leader, nor do I want to be, just updating the social atmosphere with my thoughts. A’ho…”


1-19-17 ~ International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee… I woke up this morning excited, happy, hopeful and imaginging the upcoming weekend. I was going to pick Uncle Leonard up from prison and drive him up north. I was going to stop at his daughter Marquetta’s in Kansas, his sister Betty Ann’s in Fargo, ND, and his grandchildren Cyrus and Alex in Grand Forks and lastly his hometown in Turtle Mountain.

The family has been commuicating constantly in these last hours, so excited about our future plans and finally having the eldest man in the family home.

We have had thousands of people from all over the world praying for his freedom, which could only be given by Obama. We all believed and had so much faith in our President. We believed he truly cared for Leonard.

I had just finished visiting with a friend with so much joy that Uncle Leonard would be free and home by this weekend. Not even fifteen minutes later, i was given the heart wrenching news he was denied clemency. Basically a death sentence. I am asking all of you to let Obama hear our OUTCRY over and disappointment with his decision today.

Call, email, tweet. Use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and your powerful prayers… whatever is your means of communication… to let him know we are not happy. The people are not happy. His family is not happy. You can change your mind, Obama. You have the power.

I beg and plead. Hear our outcry!
On behalf of Leonards family
Kari Ann Boushee
Co-Director of the ILPDC


1-19-17~ Mitra Singh‎… I found this tent buried in snow, Rosebud camp at Standing Rock, in the excavation I found an item I would consider of great value and notebook paper with handwriting that says owner arrived on Aug 10 and was arrested on Aug 11. If you can name the valuable item I can hold it if you are returning. I am camped next to your old spot


1-19-17 ~ Margo Talk… Something is going wrong. There are instigators and outsiders provoking violence, laughing, swearing and yelling death threats at authorities tonight. Myron asks our research help to check whether DAPL is trying to distract all from something else. Are they taking action to illegally pump oil thru the gas pipeline already there? I cannot tell my friends from my enemies in this. So this will be my last post. Prayers for all involved. Please follow Myron Dewey/Digital Smoke Signals for the truth. Link to his livestream here:


1-1-19 ~ ‘Stormfronts’ of North Dakota’s Streets… White supremacists not finished with the Peace Garden State, form hit list of small towns. Since the town of Leith’s victory against white supremacists, eleven towns across North Dakota made their hit list. The towns range from populations of 16 to nearly 7,000. Listed by names, pictures, and real estate advertisements by Pioneer Little Europe North Dakota, a white supremacist operation welcoming Nazis, the Creativity Movement, Ku Klux Klan, militants, white nationalists, and racialists, the North Dakota towns are the group’s next targets to become Aryan enclaves. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/hope3x4


1-19-17 ~ This was posted 45 mins ago by someone who is at Standing Rock currently. “All call. DAPL has turned off all its lights overlooking oceti sakawin Rose bud and Sacred stone. They have NEVER turned off the lights an only Jonny Danger live feed showed for a minute to see absolute dark….. Something is happening. Even if not something is and calls need to be made. Post numbers in comments if you have them. Help standing rock before this company and government allow the unthinkable. Hasn’t this gone on long enough. Haven’t enough been injured and mistreated for simply wanting to live. Do something”


1-19-17 ~ I can Confirm all DAPL lights across the river are off. We don’t know why and this has never happened before. #NoDAPL
Fog is also extremely thick right now.


1-18-17 ~ JOURNALIST TARGETED BY MORTON COUNTY SHERIFFS AND THUGS… Morton County law enforcement and thugs target journalist on the front lines at Standing Rock last night.
Last night Jon Ziegler was targeted as a journalist. “Law enforcement” called out his name and then law enforcement specifically shot at the hand he was holding his camera live streaming. His pinky is completely broken, and his leg is injured as well, he is getting medical care at the moment.
This is what Morton County calls using none lethal weapons on water protectors, when will we put a stop to this?

1-18-17 ~ Mike Fasig’… In listening to several Live Feeds, while the Protectors stood and prayed and drummed the Police went and stole and tore down prayer Tipi they had stationed and flags. Obvious instigating anger.


1-18-17 ~ Jason George… Hello loved ones.Hope that you and all are well and warm. There was violence here last night. I am well and still stand strong, but there were shots fired gas deployed and protesters arrested. Please pray for us all that we might be gifted the ability to show our lost brothers and sisters the good red road without further bloodshed. That we might help give them the courage to pull down that barricade and join us in this beauty and warmth that our mother has lovingly set before us. I send love from all of us here in standing rock to all of you wherever you may be. J.(High hat)


1-18-17 ~ Lee Sprague… I’m here at the Attorney General’s Office at the North Dakota State Capital to file a complaint for the theft and destruction of our canoes, rescue equipment, my cell phone, my paddles, my canoe trailer lids to trailer storage boxes were also stolen.
The Attorney Generals Office said to me, Morton County has to take my formal complaint. The Attorney General has no jurisdiction over the Morton County Sheriff’s Department.

Hmmm, the old run around by the government trick. Like I’m the first Indian to figure that out

1-17-17 ~ “My struggle is what made me who I am…. I want my children to be proud of their culture, and mostly, their dad.” Watch and listen to what Kansas has to say about being a strong Native American man. #NativeHope #SeasonOfHope


1-17-17 ~ Colter Hoyt… It’s happening NOW at Standing Rock! All day tear gas, rubber bullets to the face, multiple shots. March and prayer attempted to reach the DAPL drill sight.
The Backwater bridge is active THIS second!
Pray for the brave unarmed Water Protectors!!
Mni Wiconi!


1-17-17 ~ Linda Black Elk… “This is not rumor: one of our water protectors was hit by a cop on a snowmobile…hard. Medics couldn’t reach her. Police called an ambulance and it appears that she has been transported off site. PLEASE, PLEASE pray for this young woman. Call the State of North Dakota Department of Heath and Morton County law enforcement demanding that she receive immediate care! #NoDAPL”


1-17-17 ~ Chase IronEyes… “Strength to the brothers and sisters on the bridge right now getting maced, shot & arrested. That bridge blockade is an economic sanction to punish Standing Rock for standing up, punitive measures to force Native people back into 2nd class citizenhood, to turn tribal & state public opinion against the water protectors & its working. This is why we are kept poor, in tutelage. They can manipulate by withholding rations. The chains are there if you look. This is about more than a pipeline. This is about an inevitable and natural liberation from the state of oppression being perpetrated on not only Native Nations but all human beings.”

Calling my beloved adoptive caravan of veterans. Calling all veterans. Calling all protectors able to withstand subzero elements. Your strength is needed. Your presence is needed. My heart pulls me to return immediately, but camp is requesting I stay in DC to bring information to the public.

Billy Taylor, your skill set as front-line peacekeeper and the skill sets of our DNC teammates would be of great help in Standing Rock now if you are able and up for it.


1-17-17 ~ Myron Dewey… Updates About Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warriors Digital Smoke Signals (1/17/2017) The Movement North Dakota Bill Would Protect Drivers Who ‘Accidentally’ Hit And Kill Protesters A bill that state GOP Rep. Keith Kempenich introduced would exempt drivers from liability if they *accidentally hit* a pedestrian, including but not limited to off-roading snowmobiles.



1-17-17 ~ Jon Ziegler… Anti-drone missile system confirmed on top of a hill guarding the DAPL drill pad. Many water protectors made it further around the bend to the east closer to the drill site and were met with police and reports of mace used. We climbed up the hill on the west side right up next to the launcher.


1-17-17 ~ Anoli Wood‎ … So last night I am cooking dinner and suddenly got a coughing fit. It just kept getting worse the longer I cooked. Sat down to eat but couldn’t catch my breath so I put my plate to the side until I could breathe. Came upstairs to try and relax. I log on Facebook to see live feed that the water Protectors being attacked with tear gas and shot in the backs with rubber bullets. My coughing fit was just like being hit with the tear gas. I couldn’t take a breath and my eyes were tearing up. All this is happening to me at the same time they were being attacked. I think it was a sign. Such is life as an empath… across the ocean in England I felt their distress. When I woke up this morning I have a bad painful back right below my left shoulder blade. I had hubby look at it and it’s bruised. Someone there was channeling me. #lookingforanswers.


1-17-17 ~ Dallas Goldtooth… Take a good look at this. This an AN/TWQ-1 Avenger vehicle. It shoots missiles and is used for surface-to-air defense scenarios.

It is now deployed to overlook the #NoDAPL camps. That’s right. North Dakota has deployed more military vehicles to the Cannonball river area. This is intimidation tactics 101. Demonstrate the extent of your power in hopes to deter action.

To be clear, there is no indication that this vehicle is armed. Numerous veteran allies have stated that this vehicle is mostly likely being used for its FLIR system (Thermal, Night, and Infrared Vision). This will allow the police to track movement at night or in snowy conditions.

However, it DOES NOT BELONG in the area of what remains an overall peaceful demonstration. How can the state hope to further the message of peaceful resolution when they continue to escalate the situation?

Militarized Police standing on ancestral graves, running over people with snowmobiles and shooting them in the back with rubber bullets as they’re walking off the bridge, many being maced with pepper spray. The water tanker was filling water cannons.

These shocking images were caught by Rebelutionary Z on twitter. As you can see, there is a surface to air anti-drone system now setting on the top of the ridge.

1-16-17 ~ Simon R Jones …
Camp was pretty intense this evening, so much going on and being said…
100 people made it to the Drill pad, they were target w rubber bullets,
Turtle island action (1 arrest)
DAPL & military are mobilizing,
Planes flying over camp all day,
Helicopters flying lower each day, circling camp
We remain in Prayer Strong



1-16-17 ~ Johnny Dangers… Police mobilizing for Large Peaceful Prayer Walk on Day of Action! We are now near the Cannonball River near the Drillpad! Water Protectors went on another Prayer Walk to the Cannonball River and placed 2 Prayer flags for the one the police stole!
Earlier today police stole the Water Protector’s Prayer Flag on Standing Rock Sioux Reservation land since yesterday’s Prayer Walk!!!
Do they not care about freedom of religion?

1-16-17 ~ Wicapi Otto‎… We need people on the phone and sending letters questioning the DAPL contents.
Why did DAPL take 146 million gallons of water from the Missouri River. That amount is extremely excessive for water sampling. That is NOT a sampling amount, that is just shy of the amount Nestle’ just purchased from Michigan for bottling. The man who believes that water is not a human right. Current Wall Street Trends are showing that water is a commodity that is turning to Gold in the market.

We need to question the motives of DAPL on whether this is about the oil or the oil AND the water. Demand an investigation to what happened to 146 million gallons of water taken by DAPL today. Contact your state representative, contact the White House, contact Army Corp of Engineers and demand to know what happened to all that water TODAY.

To Contact the Army Corp, go here for the form or telephone number:
Go here to find your state legislator:
Click here to write to the White House:


1-16-17 ~ Water Protectors went on another Prayer Walk to the Cannonball River and placed 2 Prayer flags for the one the police stole! Share!
Earlier today police stole the Water Protector’s Prayer Flag on Standing Rock Sioux Reservation land since yesterday’s Prayer Walk!!!
Do they not care about freedom of religion?


1-16-17 ~ Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance… “We have to keep repeating the prayers over and over again. When I reflect on my life of 79 years, I see a flat road of destruction. Youths are dying of drugs and ozone layer is depleting. The most powerful tool with us is to pray and pray with other communities for world peace.” – Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance

1-15-17 ~ North Dakota Bill Would Protect Drivers Who ‘Accidentally’ Hit And Kill Protesters


Vanessa aka Sioux Z, Navajo Nation … “Last week, a week and a half ago, when everybody was moving the trucks off the bridge I was given a head shot by Morton County’s Sheriff Department. Six, five, six? I’m not sure how many. There were quite a few of them tear gas canisters launched, aimed at my head. Also after I was hit in the eye with one of the tear gas canisters as I left to run; I was also shot with a rubber bullet in the back, my lower leg, my lower butt, my upper thigh area. Yeah, that’s what happened.

I am a dispatcher for Oceti Sakowin Akitchita. I’m a warrior. I’m a dispatcher of information. Right now, my role is kind of changing now that I can’t be…..I’m still here. I still answer dispatcher calls, but not being able to go to the front lines any more, which I’m still going to go. The Veterans are here, so I’m going to run with the Veterans over there, but my goal now is to really look at our health care system as being Native American, which is also in our treaties. You know, I didn’t get the care that I needed within 72 hours to save my eye because I had IHS from Navajo and Arizona Medicaid, and nobody would work with me, you know? I’ll never see again, and it’s just so sad that our system is broken in so many ways. And I just want the world to know that there’s a lot more things to our treaties other than land. Healthcare was included in these treaties, and our government needs to start honoring these treaties, so my role is changing a little bit.”

Please consider donating to Vanessa’s gofundme, so that she may get the medical care she needs. She also asks that you pray.

Stories From the Frontline Jan. 16, 2017

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


Reminding people not everything is bad; stories of truth, of connecting with old friends and making new ones, learning new skills, showing respect and integrity, love, laughter, fun and working together as a community. PLEASE share these stories with you friends and acquaintances; the world needs to know, not only about the atrocities being committed but of the good which has come from the enormity of this stance against evil. Sincerely, Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez



This is Angry Bird. He has protected Water Protectors at camps since Sacred Stone Camp was founded. He’s been singled out by Morton County for months and is being wrongfully accused with trumped up charges. Here’s a clip of an interview we did with him. Share and get to know James White aka Angry Bird a little more. Petition to drop charges and another interview coming soon.

1-14-17 ~ The Water Protectors Who Stayed At Standing Rock – teleSUR English


1-14-17 ~ Indigenous leader and celebrated author Arthur Manuel has passed away suddenly at the age of 66 years old.

His lifetime of fighting for Indigenous rights began when he first became president of the Native Youth Association in the 1970’s.

He then became chief of the Neskonlith Indian Band, chair of the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and leader and Spokesperson for the Interior Alliance.

He often travelled, meeting Indigenous peoples from all over the world and spoke at numerous rallies and events. He strongly believed in the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People and supported numerous environmental causes.

Funeral arrangements are currently underway and will take place in Adams Lake, BC.

1-14-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Brandon Green (1/14/2017) Camp Life


1-14-17 ~ ‎Brandon Phinazee‎… Any pilots in the air that need a friendly place to land and rest for today’s peaceful protest are more than welcome to land, at your own risk, on our grass runway at Kitty Hawk Estates Airpark. If you need to rest or drive to the site, we have a safe field that you can taxi your plane to. There is a lot of State Trooper activity around the area, everyone please be safe and contact me if needed. This is owner’s permission. Good luck out there today, fighting the good fight!

1-13-17 ~ Johnny Dangers… Police mobilizing the Water Cannon, Humvees, Snowmobiles, Side by Sides and multiple vehicles for a peaceful Prayer Walk towards the Drillpad and Cannonball River! Share!!! We are Peaceful! We Stand for the Earth, Water and Children!

1-13-17 ~ These are powerful words from Chase IronEyes today.

He points out that the incoming administration has indicated it will pursue a policy that accelerates extraction, big financial interests, and the rights of the corporatocracy. It will advance the longstanding program to absorb and eradicate native peoples, their lands and their cultures. IronEyes advocates continuing the unarmed opposition to these forces at Standing Rock. “We are the ghost dancers of our time. Only this time we have a world of allies.”

Chase IronEyes: “This may be the only opportunity that we have while the world is not only watching us–but the world is waiting on us. The world needs us to lead. We may be the only people–the only natural human beings–who still maintain that spiritual connection to the Universe, to the sacred sites, to water, to all the elements of Creation from which we derive our identity and our civilization.Those are our gifts. We may be the last real ones–the people who could provide that moral and spiritual authority to liberate from those forces which seek to oppress that in us, which have been at work in a very effective manner for a thousand years…. What we are saying is we are committed to this stand.”

“There was a concerted effort to turn us into a nation of beggars, to dehumanize us, to make us hate ourselves, to steal our dignity. But fortunately, our people are strong, our people are survivors, and we are here standing.”

1-13-17 ~ Strawbale School at Standing Rock – Miguel Cobalot


1-12-17 ~ Chief Dan George (July 24, 1899–September 23, 1981) was a chief of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, a Coast Salish band located on Burrard Inlet in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He was also an author, poet, and an Academy Award-nominated actor.

Chief of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, a Coast Salish band whose Indian reserve is located on Burrard Inlet in the southeast area of the District of North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He was also an actor, poet and author; his best-known written work was “My Heart Soars”.As an actor, he is best remembered for portraying Old Lodge Skins opposite Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man (1970), for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Born as Geswanouth Slahoot in North Vancouver, his English name was originally Dan Slaholt. The surname was changed to George when he entered a residential school at age 5. He worked at a number of different jobs, including as a longshoreman, construction worker, and school bus driver, and was band chief of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation from 1951 to 1963 (then called the Burrard Indian Band).

In 1960, when he was already 60 years old, he landed his first acting job in a CBC Television series, Cariboo Country, as the character Ol’ Antoine (pron. “Antwine”). He performed the same role in a Walt Disney Studios movie Smith! (1969), adapted from an episode in this series (based on Breaking Smith’s Quarter Horse, a novella by Paul St. Pierre). At age 71, he received several honors for his role in the film Little Big Man (1970), including a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He continued to act in other films, such as Cancel My Reservation (1972), Alien Thunder (1974), The Bears and I (1974), Harry and Tonto (1974), The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976), Shadow of the Hawk (1976), Americathon (1979), Spirit of the Wind (1979) and Nothing Personal (1980), and on television, including a role in the 1978 miniseries Centennial, based on the book by James A. Michener, as well as appearing in a 1973 episode of the original Kung Fu series and in several episodes of The Beachcombers.

He played the role of Rita Joe’s father in George Ryga’s stage play, The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, in performances at Vancouver, the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, and Washington, D.C..

During his acting career, he worked to promote better understanding by non-aboriginals of the First Nations people. His soliloquy, Lament for Confederation, an indictment of the appropriation of native territory by white colonialism, was performed at the City of Vancouver’s celebration of the Canadian centennial in 1967.This speech is credited with escalating native political activism in Canada and touching off widespread pro-native sentiment among non-natives.

In 1971, George was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. In 2008 Canada Post issued a postage stamp in its “Canadians in Hollywood” series featuring Chief Dan George.
He died in Vancouver in 1981 at the age of 82. He was interred at Burrard Cemetery.

1-12-17 ~ THE GATHERING by Chief Sitting Bull
The Turning of The Tide

It is very important that as many people as possible, in different places, should take part in the Gathering. Decide where and when and how to gather, your participation is needed. This is the beginning of the break we are all waiting for. This is the beginning of the turnaround. We have waited so long for the change. It is time. This is the beginning of the end of the old ways, the turning of the tide. State what you believe is true. Exchange the information and hopes you have. Always in the world, a change starts with a few people. These few speak the feelings and thoughts of a multitude. They speak the heart of humanity’s soul. The people who are coming together will ring in a return, a turnaround. There will come a flow on Earth which will burst the dark energies surrounding you and your planet. Let your self-belief be your guide, and follow your heart. Realise the greatness you have within yourself, and go ahead. This is the time so many have waited so long for. That which you believe is true must be stated.

Spirit message from Chief Sitting Bull


1-13-17 ~ Heart of Standing Rock… Photo by Emma Hall
A strong woman
is one who feels deeply
and loves fiercely.
Her tears flow
just as abundantly
as her laughter.

A strong woman
is both soft and powerful.
She is both
practical and spiritual.

A strong woman
in her essence
is a gift to all the world.


1-12-17 ~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi‎… Someone posted this today as I was beginning to write about attacks and slander and divisive actions being taken. I will post what I am writing later – but think about this. It is easy to stay seated and takes courage to stand and be a target. Remember our children’s children are watching.


1-12-17 ~ Wicapi Otto‎ … Army Corp of Engineers needs to understand just how many people are affected by not only this pipeline, but many pipelines across the world. This is for everyone, there is absolutely no exclusion of nation, country, background…etc.

This is going to be given to the tribe and Army Corp of Engineers. I have never understood how things go viral, but I guess for a first time attempt, let’s see how this goes, because I need viral on this. A petition is one thing, it makes a statement, and this is to reflect the effect on human activity. Our connectivity as a human race is a human activity and a simple one to show them how many people object to not only DAPL, but as our voice to oppose all. Trolls are welcome as well, your number will be added to the count of people that matter and are affected to human activity as well. I only ask those in support not to respond to them and waste precious time and energy with negativity. This is very important.

I only need you to state “I am affected” and your location. It does not need to be specific, just please keep it simple as I have to convert this to a document after and wasted data only wastes time.

Thank you everyone everywhere for helping with this. Pilamiya!

PS. If every now and then, someone can tag my name for check in, I have a couple of these going around of this exact same post and it will help me locate and check. Thank you!


1-12-17 ~ Daphne Singingtree… Camp Update. We need people on site more than ever. A recent meeting between the Standing Rock Tribal Council and Camp Leaders from Oceti Sakowin, Sacred Stone and Rosebud showed the need for increased communication. Sacred Stone is located on higher ground and is building a permanent, sustainable, culture camp. This is an extraordinary outcome from the protest that will serve provide a space for people in the area to come and learn skills from permaculture, to green energy & building, as well as be a base for the movement to protect the water and the Earth. The Oceti & Rosebud camps will need to move to higher ground. Land has been set aside by the Standing Rock Tribe for a camp that can house many people, plans include solar/wind power, yurt and tipi villages, greenhouses and gardens, and a long term sustainable community. It is unclear to me at this point how many folks will be moving to the new tribe site, or the higher ground on the current Oceti site (Facebook Hill), or some of the other protest camps such as Texas. Moving the tipis, yurts and other structures will be a lot of work, especially to accomplish before snow melt.

Everyone shares concerns about the amount of trash, abandoned tents, and other items that are located in the floodplain. Without timely removal, there is a risk of contaminating the very river we are protecting. No one expected thousands, at one point ten thousand people to show up at camp. Then the severe weather came, most people left, leaving behind a lot of stuff and not enough people to process the donations, and then clean up afterwards.

We need able bodied people who are able to work in the cold, please plan on coming to help, even for a week or two, anytime over the next month or two. The burden is falling on people who work incredibly hard, they are getting sick, burned out, and it is easy to get discouraged when faced with such a monumental task. We particularly need people with 4×4 trucks and trailers. Let’s not forget our Water Protectors and Water Warriors. Let’s not leave a giant mess on people who can ill afford to clean it up.

Some of the resources donated will be relocated to other camps. Other supplies need to be protected from the elements until spring or distributed in the local community. All of this takes work, and the medics are busy keeping people safe and healthy. We need help to recycle and remove trash, as well as helping move the yurts and tipis to the new site. So many people have left that there are sleeping spaces available, if you don’t have a contact with someone in camp and want to help Zaniyan at Rosebud, I can get you connected.

The fight is not over, the movement has just began, we have much hard labor ahead of us, and still need the help and support of all. #nodapl #waterislife


1-12-17 ~ Trystan Foundation… Our friend Bobbie invited us to her outdoor kitchen and taught us the proper way to make Diné fry bread. Cooking video will be posted in the future!⠀ ⠀ -Heather


1-11-17 ~ Canadian Native Youth Arrive at Standing Rock After Walking for Almost a Month – Buffalo greeted the youth as they arrived at the #NoDAPL camp site.

Three youth from the Woodland Cree First Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada, arrived to the Oceti Sakowin Camp at Standing Rock in North Dakota yesterday (January 10) after walking since November 26, 2016. This journey symbolized their solidarity with the #NoDAPL movement against the 1,172-mile long Dakota Access Pipeline set to cut through sacred territories of the Sioux people. Contine Reading http://tinyurl.com/gmvz45n



1-11-17 ~ Luta Wi Red Fawn… Hello all my friends, family and support. As you know I had a hearing yesterday and I was formally charged, and the charges carry sentences that add up to 25 years to life in federal prison.

I’ve been getting messages about a lot of you being concerned and worried. So I wanted to let you know that I stand strong, I stay in prayer, and I never falter from my beliefs as a protector of all things sacred.

I’m doing good, I’m clear headed, I appreciate my strong support system. I appreciate the 20+ letters and cards I get everyday. As they remind me to believe in all good things .

“When will they open their eyes and heart and listen to our cries and please and prayers to protect our dying Mother Earth. I believe this is the time when we as protectors of this land . We need to stand up, stand strong, and never give up. We are obligated to the protection of this earth, we have been taught this from child hood. Our ancestors made sure we would know our creation stories, our histories and our instructions to continue the care taking, the protection and the spiritual obligations to this land for our next seven generations and to our ancestors. My heart, my prayers and my strength are with you all.

Mitakuye Oyate”
If you want to talk or get ahold of me, inbox me your phone number . I love you all.

1-11-17 ~ Standing Rock Update With #NoDAPL Warrior Lorna R Knowshisgun (1/11/2017) First Nation Walkers – Mystic Dave


1-10-17 ~ Paul Schmidtlein… O ci yo, A Lesson from Standing Rock; Border towns are still oppressive. Not much has changed since the reservation system was set up. People from around the world saw images and video of what Natives have been going through for generations in towns next to reservations.

The gathering of Indigenous Nations in Standing Rock showed unity between each other because of a common shared belief, Water is Life. Another shared belief might bring them together again to organize Indigenous Nations Peace Keepers to act like a shield when indigenous peoples try to exercise their treaty rights and Constitutional rights.

1-10-17 ~ The youth have made it…they walked 1200 miles to get to Standing Rock from Saskatchewan, Canada…The buffalo came to welcome them, the horse nations came to guide them in…..History was made today!!!…..I am one proud Canadian in Alberta, Canada who is crying with joyful tears witnessings this event

1-10-17 ~ More than a pipeline – trailer
The official TRAILER of the documentary film MORE THAN A PIPELINE. A film about Standing Rock, about the effects of the destruction by large corporations and banks to our environment and our planet. About the people of the Great Sioux Nation and their helpers who are standing up to them in compassion and prayer. About the earth we leave for the next seven generations…


Here is how you can all help ensure Red Fawn is given the best possible chance to get be granted her freedom.
1) Keep her in your prayers and thoughts
2) Support the offical legal fund posted on http://tinyurl.com/za5lkkp
3) Share and like this post
4) If you wish to donate a larger sum to the fund, offer free legal support, or help with t-shirts, social media support.
Please email freeredfawn@gmail.com and cc letyoursoulplay@gmail.com
5)To contact Red Fawn Fallis go to http://tinyurl.com/h3kjl6y
She is in North Dakota, Stutsman County
6) To get Red Fawn Fallis phone cards please visit http://tinyurl.com/zbcel74


1-10-17 ~ Heart of Standing Rock… Dignity is a sculpture on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River near Chamberlain, South Dakota. The 50-foot high stainless steel statue, by South Dakota artist laureate Dale Lamphere, depicts an Indigenous woman in Plains-style dress receiving a star quilt. According to Lamphere, the sculpture honors the culture of the Lakota and Dakota peoples who are indigenous to South Dakota.

“My intent for this is to have the sculpture stand as an enduring symbol of our shared belief that we are in a sacred place and that we are all sacred,” Lamphere said. “I’m humbled and so grateful to have this chance to contribute to the future landscape of South Dakota and the Great Plains.”

“One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered.” – Michael J. Fox


1-10-17~ The new head chef at Standing Rock! This sneaky husky managed to steal some meat while everyone was distracted by the snow storm.


1-1-2017 ~ Waniya Locke, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
“I came to help. I came home to help, because I want to protect the future. And part of protecting our future is learning our language. So Lakota language is the essence of who we are; it’s the spirit of who we are. You can strip a person of food and clothing, and even their spirituality and they’ll be okay. But once you strip a person of their language, they lose everything. They lose all their identity. They lose their connection to their land, to their ancestors, and to their own relatives. So Lakota Revitalization was a path that was found for me. It wasn’t something I went out seeking. I fell into language, and I ended up being really good at it, and all these doors unlocked for me to become a language teacher.

I teach 140 students a day. They come through my classroom forty minutes a day, every day, Monday through Friday. So I teach five classes a day, Monday through Friday to 140 students. And we revitalize the language. We actually speak in our language. But language is the foundation of everything. So that entails our stories, entails our history, that entails our spirituality, our songs and our dance. Lakota language is really vital to who we are. A lot of people don’t realize this; there’s four prongs that make the people sovereign. You have to have people. You have to have land base. You have to have culture. And you have to have a language. And that’s according to the United Nations, in order for people to be sovereign. If one of those prongs is missing, like language, then we can lose our sovereignty rights. And that’s really vital to who we are.”


Heart of Standing Rock… Patty Porter, Colville Confederate Tribes – Paddled 250 miles down the head waters of the Missouri river to the Oceti Sakowin Camp.

“We started our paddle from Bismarck, and we came down about 23 – 24 miles. Then the storm hit. We had a massive storm. It was a life altering storm. Some (fellow paddlers) were on the left side of the river that had to get out. Some were way behind that got left and jumped into a cabin. There were like 30 people out of the dug outs in one cabin, and my partner and I were stuck in the middle. And he goes, “Should we turn back?”, and I say, “No, we can’t turn back or we’ll die.”

I told him all we could do is go to the lights. They’re flashing the lights, and our brothers were on the shore flashing lights, and we’re just going. The hail just had to been massive big. We had lightning and thunder all the way around us just hitting. The water was so unbelievable. we couldn’t even see the end of our kayak. We had a massive white out, and I got hit in the eye with a hail and I could hardly see. And we tipped over a couple times, and I was told kayak can’t tip over. Well, we were real close a couple times.

I froze, and all I could hear was my dad, “Holler. Holler!” So I did. To me, it was close. It was real close, and I thought to myself when I froze, “Nobody’s going to come out and save you. You gotta dig, woman.” So I started digging and I could hear my dad, “Holler.” So I did, “Whooooooooo!” I hollered as loud as I could, and I don’t know how many times and we couldn’t even see the lights. That’s how my brothers on shore could know where we were.
The storm of my life.”
Interviewed by Toni Cervantes Photo by Autumn Fire

One does not sell the Earth the people walk upon Crazy Horse Poem by the – J Grady
This short digital film features a historic moment that happened on the front line against the Dakota access pipeline. On November 5th, 2016 representatives of the Seven Council fires of the Oceti Sakowin gathered to reignite the sacred fire of the resistance camp and establish the “horn” of the nation, a camp layout where 7 lodges are placed in a circle formation.

This moment was marked by the entrance of over 200 horseback Riders and the arrival of 50 runners who traveled over 1,200 miles to Standing Rock from Arizona.

The last time such an event occurred was in the late 1800s! That’s The Power of this movement. That’s The Power of our prayer.
“Crazy Horse” Poem by the legendary John Trudell

Film by Indigenous Rising Media, a project by the Indigenous Environmental Network.
Shot by Dr0ne2bwild Photography & Video
Edited by Josué Rivas Fotographer

Think Twice About Wasting Water


Standing Rock Stories from the Frontline Jan 9, 2017

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


Reminding people not everything is bad; stories of truth, of connecting with old friends and making new ones, learning new skills, showing respect and integrity, love, laughter, fun and working together as a community. PLEASE share these stories with you friends and acquaintances; the world needs to know, not only about the atrocities being committed but of the good which has come from the enormity of this stance against evil. Sincerely, Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez


1-8-17 Standing Rock Update With #NoDAPL Warrior Michael Markus (1/8/2017) Fun Time- Mystic Dave

1-8-17 ~ From Serra to Syrah: The Bloody Roots of California’s Vineyards
When Pope Francis made Father Junipero Serra a saint at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. on September 23, 2015, it cast light on the brutal history and treatment of Native Americans during the Mission period. But Californians shouldn’t sit back smugly and think that violence against Indians was just a problem of the Franciscans. Serra, a citizen of Spain, may have started the trend of forcing Indians to work against their will, but the Mexicans and Americans who assumed control over California at different points in the 19th Century were worse in many ways.
Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/j7wqn2q


1-8-17 ~ Wicapi Otto‎… So apparently, they surveyed a 400 ft wide segment but expanded their study area corridor (the normal 400 ft) a mile on either side of centerline.

What that means is that out one mile on each side of the middle of the pipeline they surveyed.

However they are within .55 miles of the reservation. If this is true, then they would have had to go to the tribe to assure passage (as this would have crossed into LaDonna’s property as the Cannonball River is located just shy of .75 miles from the drill site). With the location of Sacred Stone, they would have been up on the Rez.

I believe we all know DAPL is lying. They didn’t and are holding onto the fact that they did and want to deny that they affect any cultural sites for the tribe, but in a prior section admit there is high probability that there is cultural considerations.

So which is it? They did or didn’t? This would be a good reason to contact Army Corp again and demand the EIS knowing this. Conflict deems a requirement for EIS.

Taken from Environmental Assessment, Dakota Access Pipeline Project, Page 76, July 2016.

1-8-17 ~ Live From Standing Rock (1/8/2017) Updates With #NoDAPL Warrior Brandon Green – Mystic Dave




1-7-17 ~ Isaac Ames… This is Brenda White Bull… Today, just after this recording that I MADE MYSELF, a black truck slowed down and the gentleman sitting shotgun yelled out of the window for her to ‘Go home!’

I can only note the conundrum in this statement because she’s a retired Marine and was a drill instructor at Paris Island from 98′-00′. An honorably discharged MARINE on a walk through America was told to ‘Go home’.

I want everyone to let this sink in for a moment, just mull it over and let it marinate in your head.

Not to put to fine a point on it but I’ve got some questions:

Where are the other Marines that would walk with her? Where are the Marines that have her back? Where are the Marines that would stand beside her? Where are all the other Marines?

Lastly, where exactly is the home she is to go to as an honorably discharged MARINE?!

I thought it was this country but it seems others believe otherwise.

Would any Marines I know care to answer any of these questions?

Perhaps share this post so I can get some answers?

I’ll wait.

Supplemental edit: I spoke with the other walkers and they were all harassed in one form or another by this same vehicle as it traveled down the road. However for the one or two individuals behaving in such a manner there were dozens that showed us a great deal of generosity and support.

I want everyone to know that the McLean County Sheriffs have been very courteous, considerate, and supportive of the Youth Unity Journey for Sacred Waters. If anyone would like to contact them and express their appreciation or gratitude they can be reached day or night at 701-462-8103.


1-7-17 ~ Idle No More Washington… “Hoeven — a former North Dakota governor and vocal supporter of both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines — was elected to lead the committee on Tuesday… The Indian Affairs committee is tasked with proposing legislation that addresses the concerns of “American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native peoples,” including land management and economic development… Sen. Hoeven’s new job is ironic because he has repeatedly opposed causes that Native Americans support. The Dakota Access Pipeline is the most recent example. As thousands of (peaceful protectors) from across Indian Country converged on Cannon Ball, North Dakota, over the latter half of 2016 to block the (destructive) pipeline’s completion, Hoeven (erroneously) called the (protection actions) ‘violent’ and asked President Barack Obama to deploy federal law enforcement to quell them…”

Guess it just didn’t occur to them to get an actual American Indian to head the committee on Indian Affairs. Hello? How long are we going to remain the most backward industrialized country on earth? Forever? Is that the plan?


1-6-17 ~ “Some day the earth will weep, she will beg for her life, she will cry her tears of blood. You will make a choice, if you will help her or let her die, and when she dies, you will die too.”
John Hollow Horn


1-6-17 ~ Just a few of the happy dogs here at Standing Rock. They have become great friends.


1-5-17~ Jay Caspian Kang… A cheery spirit of industry runs through the Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock. You can hardly walk 50 feet without coming across someone sawing wood or pounding in tent stakes or lugging a crate of canned tomatoes to the kitchen. A small army of independent documentarians-turned-butlers scurry from tent to tipi carrying thermoses of coffee and bowls of powdered soup to tribal leaders. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/j9ezaje


1-5-17 ~ Wiyaka Zi Wicasa‎… Yes, there’s a lot of social media misrepresentation. I know there is. From being in the camp and coming back out. For example, the way Dallas and Chase are always on Facebook, acting like they have the authority to speak on or represent us. We are the Traditional Leadership and the Legitimate 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty Representatives. We never gave them permission to speak on our Treaties or on our behalf at Oceti Sakowin. They also talk about donations that we’ve never seen. I’m speaking about the Cheyenne River North Encampment. You might want to know that when you send money to a personal PayPal or Gofundme account then it’s their money to do with as they please. They have done what they please with it and continue to do so. Dallas dipped out with his accounts months ago. It’s my understanding that he had solicited a very sizable sum too. Chase doesn’t even live in the camp. I’m sure he has a Gofundme or PayPal account as well. He had a room as of the 30th, at the casino, and didn’t even invite people from the camps to take showers in his room. No, definitely not Lakota leadership. Our Traditional Leadership is in our camps with us.


1-5-17 ~ Mitra Singh… I understand the problems are far greater than even I can fathom! My hands are tied, I am powerless to do anything as a non-native everything must be native led and solved or it will never work. I do not even deserve to be in any of the camps period!! Back in 1988 I went home with my BFF to the Rez near Riodoso for Thanksgiving and it took my friend’s father an act of congress to even let me come for that weekend. Picked up the axe and started chopping wood… I was not allowed to be there end of story but they let me come, so humbling for me- opposite of humiliation- humility is something totally different!! I come with my own skills, funding and resources willing to share and leave… show me where the axe is and I will start chopping YOU show me where the axe is laid and I will serve. My best friend was afraid I would not appreciate her people but that adobe home with dirt floors would change my life forever. (her later heroin addiction would separate our affections for one another but I still love her and pray she can get clean)


1-4-16 ~ Aho kolas… To live is to survive. Don’t put up a fence if you have more than what your family needs to survive. Make your table bigger. And invite those that have less to nothing. To survive in this world, is to live amongst others in peace and sharing. Not to be humble, but for the race of human beings. Aho kolas

1-2-17 ~ Denying food to people is deplorable even the threat is intimidation and wrong – Paul Schmidtlein

1-2-17 ~ Water Is Life – Vern DeLaronde


1-2-17 Mitra Singh… The story about when the HQ Vet Tent was coming down at Standing Rock December 6th 2016.

Almost all my facebook friends know I have issues around fire. I even have a fire evacuation plan at home the dogs and I drill for. Almost all my devotee friends from the temple also know I had huge issues during my harinama initiation cause of the fire sacrifice that went along with it. Almost all my cannabis buds know because of extra electrical requirements in growing plants I am crazy about the location of the balasts. 2004 I was in an apartment fire so I know everything there is to know about fire dangers and fire safety.

Another veteran, an older officer Vietnam/Korean era stately gentleman voiced his concern to me as I was passing out cold medicine. The large Army tent was not doing well in the wind, 75 mph winds against the canvas was nerve wracking. I know. Puma was panting even though it was cold, the wind was causing Puma distress/fear.

I survey our tent… all I can see are the 3 wood burning stoves keeping everybody warm. I see that canvas coming down onto the stoves, I see these poles coming down and trapping people. I memorize every seem of this structure. Only one way out thru the front door. How long would it take for a fire to spread if only one pole comes down? We are over crowded to begin with well over 40 people in a tent that should only have 20.

I don’t care what President Elect Trump says about “Max occupany limits” there is a reason for this and it has nothing to do with Trumps happiness or distress. There are 3 of these such tents all pitched within a few feet of each other, the speed of the wind should one tent come down in less than 60 seconds seconds a fire would break out and in less than 30 seconds a fire would jump to the next tent (another 40 veterans packed in staying warm on wood or propane stoves). This is a death trap.

I reach into my pocket and feel for my gerber, check. I take full authority to control this situation. Believe me I got a lot of eye rolls… Singh go to sleep…. Hell no! I drill every vet in my tent, where is the closest seem to where they were? do they have a gerber or knife to cut themselves out of the canvas? Count off… how many are in this tent? (the numbers kept changing cause visitors would come in since we were the Headquarters to get warm and leave) We had to have a count.

I drilled into every eye rolling veteran where is our rally point? The old chow hall converted to an aide station about 25 feet away. The tents are fine they say…. they are strong Army tents, state of the art technology we are fine… NO… listen to me. I raise my voice as I have never done before.

I go to the vet tent next door and the tent master stopped me… Oh Singh STHU… these are strong Army tents state of the art technology. At parade rest I stood, “With all due respect Sir”… I tell their tent captain “We have 75 mph winds, the chances of these tents coming down is extremely high, if the tents come down we are over occupied, we will all die. One veteran in the tent next door asked me under what authority was I speaking? my answer to him was very simple. I lived thru an apartment fire where I was the first first responder on the scene, all the jumpers lived. now I am saying…. where is our rally point? know your seems, know now to cut yourselves out if needed. I got frustrated and left that tent, the tent captain said he was in charge and would make sure his tent was safe. FINE.

I go to the next vet tent with the same song and dance. Puma by my side we cut thru the blizzard, complete white out with the snow and not enough light to find my way to the last tent.

My neighborhood is all aware. They know where the seems are like it or not….. and the rally point was the old chow how.

Finally snuggled Puma in my aratic sleeping bag for the night.
about 4 hours later…….
Down comes our HQ Tent.

Everybody, I mean everybody jump to action. As men were holding up the poles the first most important thing we were all doing was putting out the stoves. The men would hold up the tent until ALL fire was out. I saw the next day our stoves were thrown outside the tent! to prevent the whole camp from going up in flames.
Two by two vets were evacuating in a calm and precise manner reporting to the rally point we planned ahead.

So eye roll at me again…… That’s okay, I take no offense cause you do know…. these were the best Army tents around, state of the art technology.

ALL Veterans in our corner of the camp were safe, frozen it seemed but safe.

As a result of everybody’s cooperation and quick thinking this could have turned into a living nightmare putting 120 Veterans lives in danger. I don’t even want to know what could have happend if that canvas came down on our stoves in 75 mph winds.

1-1-17 ~ New Years Update at Standing Rock (1/1/2017) Chase Iron Eyes-Wounded Knee Survivor Runners – Mystic Dave


1-1-17 ~ Mitra Singh… You know what? just give the people back their damn canoes. Okay… a canoe is in no way a threat to National Security, and nobody has ever harmed you from a canoe. Canoes are a very slow means of water transportation, they do not even have a motor. Unless your worried about people paddling upstream in the middle of the winter which is not illegal by the way…. Why, what is the whole point in the confiscation of the canoes? They do not belong to you now GIVE THEM BACK. Are you using these canoes as your trophy? You don’t need any trophy’s for a job not done so well in the first place.

1-1-17 ~ PNN-TV-Decolonized Medicine at Standing Rock

1-1-17 ~ Standing Rock Update (1/3/2017) Couple Arrested During New Years Eve Prayer Walk – 411 TRUTH


1-1-17 ~ ‎Robert Ferguson… The outlook for Standing Rock 2017. Right now Dapl is poised to drill under the river and complete the pipeline. The only thing holding Dapl up is the Army Corps of Engineers refusal to issue Dapl a permit to drill through the Federally owned Land under Lake Oahe. The President has the final say on the permit. Right now the president is a friend of Standing Rock, the next one doesn’t appear to be so friendly……. According to law, the Corps can call for an EIS – Environmental Impact Statement, and it has promised to do so very soon. An EIS would entail a thorough study of the impacts of the pipeline under the lake, from the first drilling, all the way thru to the expected end of the lifespan of the pipe, and what may happen were the pipe to break spilling crude oil into the lake’s waters….. So what can we expect? We can expect that any day now the Corps will officially begin the EIS process. An EIS could take as long as or more than a year. Only after the EIS is complete and signed off on could the Corps issue said permit. So, we can expect to have the camps in place for another year, at least.

What if there is no EIS and the next president tells the Corps to issue the permit? We can expect to see the water protectors raise hell. We can expect to see thousands more arrests. We can expect to see hundreds of protests in US cities which could become problematic for the PTB – Powers That Be. …. If you agree, now is the time to make your voice heard and maybe we can make the government aware that we will settle for only an EIS, and not given an EIS there will be problems galore for the president, the corps, the state and the county for who knows how long. If we are given the EIS peace will reign for at least a year. The choice is yours government: give the people what they want or the people are going to give you something you don’t want – TROUBLE.



Stories From the Frontline Jan. 2, 2017

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe



An 86-year old Sioux elder arriving at the Sacred Stone Camp


1-1-17 ~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi… If Not a War, What is It?

I had a good friend ask me last night why I use the word ‘war’ when I speak of the events going on around us and the actions we take as we seek a better, healthier place to live. This is someone I know and respect, so I reflected on the question. It is a good question – a valid one. ‘War’ can be a charged word – a word with negative connotations. We chatted a while over this question and then I went to smudge and send my prayers and wishes to Great Spirit.

This morning the question is still with me. I realized 2 days ago I wrote a poem – I Am A Warrior. I post it here since it relates to this discussion. No coincidences my friends. So, I am going to capture my views on this – at least those I currently see – and I invite yours.
I Am A Warrior

I stand up for what I see needs to be changed,
But I do not hate those who disagree.
I speak with conviction about the healing we need,
But I listen to others speak in contrary ways.

For years I have fought for peace and equality,
But I no longer throw rocks – I send prayers.
Those who disagree with me sometimes hate me,
I will not hate back.

Those wishing to silence me will do whatever they can to still my voice.
But I will not be silent – I will speak peacefully, without stop.
When those destroying our planet attack my friends.
I will stand beside them and will not move.

There is a war being waged now for our planet and our lives.
They fight with bullets and hoses and corrupt laws.
I fight with words and love and trust.
So that we will reach our true potential as humans.

They are haters.
I am a warrior.
A spiritual warrior. A peaceful warrior.
I fight in peace with those ready to stand with me.

We are warriors.
~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi

Here is some of what I responded to the question:
It is a war – a peaceful revolution. But I don’t want people thinking we can just pray and all will be good. Creator wants to see actions, which he/she can then put energy towards. Likewise the ancestors – angels, prophets, whatever name – do nothing until we pray, act and ask for help and guidance.

I was taught this by many different cultures and have seen it hold true. War does not have to be negative nor have only negative connotations. This definition for example – “a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end”

What other word will stir people awake? The conflict within self of the light and dark wolf is also called the war of the self.

We have envisioned the world of good – the light wolf. Still we need to feed that wolf so the dark wolf, who has been dominant for so long, becomes the lesser part of us.

Thanks for bringing back these teachings to me and reminding me of those who shared them with me long ago.

When I do ceremonies, teachings, sound healing, spiritual work I exist in a place of light – all light. When I am in a spiritual activist role I am helping move us to the light. Part is by recognizing the dark and the struggle we now have.

Standing Rock is a great example. Many of the elders and leaders speak of this battle in a larger war. The war is Water is Life. Then they go on to speak as I am – this is a new war and we are peaceful warriors.

When I work with and speak to children my whole energy and word use shifts. Not younger or less mature – more light. They do not need to be awakened and motivated. They are.

Some images need to be before us so we can make the changes needed.
Here are two others that give me pause:
* Cutting the head off of the black snake
* Letting the Phoenix die so she can rise

Based on the wishes of the elders and leaders at Standing Rock and elsewhere for peaceful protests I think we should discuss the use of our words as well as our actions. If there is a better word to guide us – let’s find it.

Thanks for hearing me.
~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Standing Rock Protestors support
Water is Life Movement


1-1-17 Chase IronEyes… Wounded knee Survivor Runners are set to arrive at Oceti Oyate, Oceti Sakowin, All Nations camp at 7pm central today! Come run with us

1-1-17~ Robert Ferguson... Paid Water Protectors. Did you know in almost every town there are people paid to protect your drinking water? They work at the places that draw water from either the ground or a surface source and then filter the water to make sure it is drinkable. Then there are a multitude of other government employees who work as environmentalists to ensure the surface and groundwaters do not become too polluted. In most cases these employees do a good job. Not so much in Flint or Corpus Christi. … Anyway, for most of the time these water protectors are left alone to do their jobs without much fanfare. But on occasion they find problems that lead back to some industry saving money by allowing pollution to enter the environment, and then their bosses can get real ugly. It pays to learn who in your area is a paid water protector and let them know you appreciate their efforts and are willing to Stand with them when they feel the need to expose pollution or even potential pollution. They will thank you and the water you save together might be your own.


12-31-16 ~ Penny Fruth…. I leave my basement door open as shelter for animals who might need it. This morning, before sunrise, I heard a hen sing out her death cry and ran downstairs. I saw the hen, still squatted down, waiting for the next blow. I looked and saw a large owl. I spoke calmly to the owl and tried to herd it toward the open door where there was only darkness. The owl wanted to go toward the light and kept crashing into walls. Finally, after much reassurance, the owl flew into the darkness and found the wind that lifted him up.

The owl is a powerful symbol that relates to the Water Protectors and the Seventh Generation. It is a strong symbol of transformation that often comes through darkness, not light. Just as the owl preferred the light, but finally realized he needed to go to the dark; the Water Protectors’ bravery and endurance have led them to go into the dark, with no assurance of success. Through their courage and perseverance, they are bringing light to the darkness and I am grateful. Thank you.


12-31-16 ~ Crystal Houser… Today has been a tough one. Will likely be a tough night. Trying to center. Trying to have some semblance of celebratory spirit on this holiday.

When it all boils down to it, I am where I need to be. I love you all, family, old friends, new friends, new family. Happy new years from Standing Rock.

It’s a happy new year here. Boy, I love it here with all these great people,” said Lee Sprague ~ Pottawaomi/Ottawa


12-31-16 ~ Youth Unity Journey for Sacred Waters… Journey continues to Standing Rock, Our Walker’s Marge Roberts Mckenzie, Charrjalz N Mikeroberts have the determination, Resilience, and Perseverance to reach there destination (y) Awesome to be helping out and extremely proud of them to be Walking this far in North Dakota, USA


12-31-16 ~ Daphne Singingtree… Long post about the current controversy about Standing Rock funding including the tribe’s decision to use some of the donated funds to address deficits from impact of the legal and logistical issues around the protest.

How we share resources is our biggest challenge today. The cause of most wars, our fight for clean water, protection of the earth, is all about those who wish a bigger piece of pie for themselves, sometimes the whole pie. In traditional indigenous cultures a core value is taking care of those in need. Those who have more, share, and it lifts everyone. Simple concept, but one we have gotten away from as modern life and the culture of self has supplanted the idea of care of others. The future is endangered by the 1% who use their wealth as power to produce more wealth at the expense of water and the earth and those who live upon her. It is the heart of colonialism. Money is power, and as the NoDAPL movement grows economic pressures are going to be essential to long term victory.

Standing Rock donations have come in from around the world providing vital support we would not be able to function without. However, as a movement, we are still in a gestational stage, working without traditional leadership, developing organically, and a source of pain as we labor right now revolves about money, donations, and how resources are allocated. We are trying to figure out a way to do things differently, that is more inclusive, less hierarchical, less based on colonial models.

At Standing Rock we are a microcosm of society as a whole, and as such are facing avarice, selfishness, egos, and competing agendas. There has been misuse of donated funds, I know people who raised money specifically for the Wellness space at Rosebud and not one dime reached us. There has been theft and resources not used or ruined because of a lack of organization and proper stewardship. But there also has been tremendous generosity, not only from those donating money or supplies, but those giving their time to do fundraisers and organize political events at home, and those who work so incredibly hard at camp. I have seen so many people give up well-paying jobs, put school and their lives on hold, all for Standing Rock. It gets into your soul and becomes the only thing that matters. I get it, I have a small business before Standing Rock making and selling herbal products. After I was gone months, had to lay off my part time staff, and no longer have the time to make products, and truthfully making and selling stuff is not how I want to spend my time, as my work with Standing Rock is so much more important to my grandchildren’s future.

I was a part of the Occupy Movement and see so many similarities with the early support and enthusiasm, then personalities, egos, lack of leadership and focus, the movement crumbled as much from within as from without. I was a midwife for 30 years, my role was support the natural birth process, yet be aware in case intervention was needed. Sometime intervention is simple sometimes complicated, but if not done in time, consequences can be devastating. As one of the many midwives helping birth this movement that started with Standing Rock, I am listening to the heartbeat with concern. While I am concerned about the misuse or theft of funds, I believe a greater threat is the infighting about it. The finger pointing, the accusations, the negativity, the divisiveness can sweep up good people as well as the bad. I have seen from personal experience how unfounded accusations, haters and Internet trolls can destroy someone’s life and important work. Transparency and accountability is important. We can make a full accounting with receipts for all the funds donated to either my Gofundme page or to Zaniyan.org, and will continue to do that. The Medic and Healer Council is in the process of organizing a separate nonprofit which will do the same.

While people are still braving the weather and a protest camp will remain at Standing Rock until the pipeline is gone for good, longer term sustainable community projects, including an integrative health clinic, a birth center, are all in the planning stages, and can result from some of the positive energy generated for this cause. We still need support and help from the global community to fight the black snake and protect the water for all of us. The Standing Rock tribe has incurred a lot of expenses and losses from this protest, monies donated will not go to any one person or family, and that is more than I can say for a lot of other fundraising efforts.

I see one of the biggest needs right now in terms of funding is paying the fines and legal fees of arrested water protectors. While there are specific camp needs such as firewood and propane we are still working on, we are now looking other protest camps in Texas, Cheyenne River, British Columbia, & Florida. At both the Medic Healer Council and Zaniyan, we are looking at how to allocate resources to best serve the most people.

Standing Rock needs continued support as well as a healthy discussion of donated funds and how best to use them. What we don’t need is people from outside, who do not know all the facts or whole picture making judgments or accusations that can result in funding being pulled entirely. Facebook is powerful weapon, use it responsibly. Let’s focus on what is needed, where, how it is best used, and how to have transparency. #nodapl#waterislife #divestbank


12-31-16… Red Fawn is a Lakota from Denver, Colorado, who had been one of the water protectors. The 37 year old was known by many of the younger protectors as mom. She was always checking on people to make sure they had everything they needed. Her mother had been at the Wounded Knee occupation in the seventies, and sadly just recently passed away. One day a young girls hand was broken by a Morton County cop, and Red Fawn was right there to get her out of harm’s way. Later the cops grabbed Red Fawn who was walking away from the front line and threw her to the ground on her face. Three cops had their knees in her back and on her legs. Suddenly shots were fired. They claimed Red Fawn had a gun hidden behind her back, pulling it out and fired shots. But there is video that clearly shows they had her face down on the ground, not on her back so the cops were lying. They tried to charge her with attempted murder. Now how could a small woman with three cops on top of her pull out this mysterious gun and get off three shot ? After being held in jail without bail, Monday a Judge stated that the murder charges were dropped, but now she’s charged with concealing a weapon. Those lying cops knew that these false charges would never hold up in court. If she had really done it there is no way in hell they would drop those charges. They also never did a test to prove she had fired a weapon, because they already knew she hadn’t. So now the cops are going to ruin her life with a lie about a concealed handgun. Prayers for you Red Fawn, you are a true warrior and hero, unlike those lying cops in the Morton County Sheriff’s department. PEACE & BLESSINGS DOC


12-30-16 ~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi… Thanks for an Amazing Year of Support and Action.
It is time to share energy and give thanks. So I am saying thanks for all the support you have each given Standing Rock and all Water is Life movement protests everywhere. The heroes of Standing Rock have done amazing things and spiritually and morally led us all. Their place in history as energizing movements to save our planet is set. We all thank and honor them – and continue to support what they are still doing.

That said, each of you now look in a mirror, smile and say wopila – many thanks – to the one you see there. To yourself. Early on we were asked to spread the word about the efforts at Standing Rock and we answered that call. As we still are. Without the virtual effort to bring Standing Rock to the masses, I fear they would have been stopped long ago. This effort takes us all – those at Standing Rock and those virtually around the world.

So many have taken the Standing Rock example to heart and begun their own protests around the U.S. and the world. To them I also say thank you. I am working with a group we created here in Colorado to stand against fracking and save our water. I hope many more of you find local groups as well.

As is the way on my spiritual path as taught to me by Two Bears and my other elders, I also thank those at Standing Rock and those in these virtual communities for all they will be doing in 2017. I see it already – and it is beautiful to behold. Watching the four colors of prophecy come together. I have no words. I thank you for taking this movement to the next level. I thank you for your continued peaceful revolution. And I thank you for the seven generations who cannot yet speak – but are watching us all.

2017 is the year we must work even harder to connect ALL the Water is Life efforts. Even if we are swamped with our local protests, we must allow some time for the council of protests to form. To truly win this war I know this is so. I ask those at Standing Rock to also play a leadership role in this. I look forward to returning to Standing Rock to embrace my friends and relatives there with my thanks again. And I also thank you, here, for your leadership. Mni Waconi – water IS life… the Movement.

This thank you comes from deep in my heart and spirit. It is an honor to walk with you all. And I know the other admins feel the same way. I invite them to comment here if they wish.

I tap into my Mayan relatives teachings with a reminder as I end this: In Lak’ech Ala K’in – I am you and you are me. This has never been so true.

~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Standing Rock Protectors Support Group


12-30-16 ~ Jim Petoskey‎… I was in the Marines for 9 years. I was stationed at Camp Lejuene, NC for 8 years and every Marine since 1959 has been drinking benzine, TCE, PCB and other chemicals from the contaminated wells. I was also at Fort McClellan, AL where we were exposed to nuclear particles in the air and Agent Orange in the water that was dumped by the Monsanto plant next to the fort. I have lost many friends I served with who died from diseases related to those chemicals. I feel like I am on borrowed time. I have 4 young children ages 8,9,9 and 11. So what ever time I have left I have vowed to fight for clean water for them and , as we say in my culture, the 7 generations to come. Stand strong.


12-30-16 ~ With all the talk going on I just wanted to focus on a positive right now, this is Randy…He has been one of the consistent roles here this winter at camp. His program and bill is fitted by the tribe, regardless of any misconception. He has been out in all conditions to help people stay warm and safe here at camp and across the reservation. He shared a story about seeing and helping a guy who rolled his vehicle recently, breaking glass to get this guy out and into a safe position eventually getting him into an ambulance. These silent heroes are the foundation of what’s going on here in #StandingRock #NoDAPL


12-30-16 ~ Johnny Dangers


12-30-16 ~ Anthony Liccione… This I would wish, that there was no time or sleep. No more past, or future, and everything we did was good the first time, for the day. Without the need of looking back to learn from the past, and no future to hope for the better. No more tiredness, or having a need to dream, and no nightmares to fear. If there was a second time, this is how I would like to start over. Nor pipelines ever ever ever



12-30-16 ~ Mikeroberts N Charrjalz… Today was a good day I’m so thankful we made it to cross the border walking 😁that’s such a big achievement I struggled today before crossing. I was so worried thinking and overwhelming myself just about to have an anxiety attack didn’t know what to expect in United States, our first time going there. But I prayed and gave it to the creator and just let go of everything and smudged and walked, I felt good about myself and our group that we were gonna pass the border. And now were here but our journey is not over were determined to keep walking to standing rock Standing Rock were coming WATER IS LIFE MINI WICONI


12-29-16 ~ To better comprehend Standing Rock, throughout the past century, prime Indian land has been seized or “bought” by the Federal government or corporations with no regard for Native rights or needs. This Associated Press photo from 1948 shows the Secretary of the Interior “buying” 155,000 acres of Indian land in North Dakota for a government reservoir. The weeping face of the Fort Berthold Tribal councilman says it all.

At a certain point, people have to say “ENOUGH.” Which is what the Standing Rock resistance is all about.
Read the original http://tinyurl.com/zkmaga7


12-29-2016 ~ A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY TO THINK ABOUT.…… December 29, 2016 marks the 126th Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. These 297 people, in their winter camp, were murdered by federal agents and members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms “for their own safety and protection”. The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children. About 40 members of the 7th Cavalry were killed, but over half of them were victims of fratricide from the Hotchkiss guns of their overzealous comrades-in-arms.

TWENTY members of the 7th Cavalry’s death squad, were deemed “National Heroes” and were awarded the Medal of Honor for their acts of [cowardice] heroism.

We hear very little of Wounded Knee today. It is usually not mentioned in our history classes or books. What little that does exist about Wounded Knee is normally a sanitized “Official Government Explanation”. And there are several historically inaccurate depictions of the events leading up to the massacre, which appear in movie scripts and are not the least bit representative of the actual events that took place that day.

Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.

Before you jump on the emotionally charged bandwagon for gun-control, take a moment to reflect on the real purpose of the Second Amendment, the right of the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government. The argument that the Second Amendment only applies to hunting and target shooting is asinine. When the United States Constitution was drafted, “hunting” was an everyday chore carried out by men and women to put meat on the table each night, and “target shooting” was an unheard of concept. Musket balls were a precious commodity and were certainly not wasted on “target shooting”. The Second Amendment was written by people who fled oppressive and tyrannical regimes in Europe, and it refers to the right of American citizens to be armed for defensive purposes, should such tyranny arise in the United States.

As time goes forward, the average citizen in the United States continually loses little chunks of personal freedom or “liberty”. Far too many times, unjust gun control bills were passed and signed into law under the guise of “for your safety” or “for protection”. The Patriot Act signed into law by G.W. Bush, was expanded and continues under Barack Obama. It is just one of many examples of American citizens being stripped of their rights and privacy for “safety”. Now, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is on the table, and will, most likely be attacked to facilitate the path for the removal of our firearms, all in the name of “our safety”.

Before any American citizen blindly accepts whatever new firearms legislation that is about to be doled out, they should stop and think about something for just one minute-

Evil does exist in our world. It always has and always will. Throughout history evil people have committed evil acts. In the Bible one of the first stories is that of Cain killing Abel. We can not legislate “evil” into extinction. Good people will abide by the law, and the criminal element will always find a way around it.

Evil exists all around us, but looking back at the historical record of the past 200 years, across the globe, where is “evil” and “malevolence” most often found? In the hands of those with the power, the governments. That greatest human tragedies on record and the largest loss of innocent human life can be attributed to governments. Who do the governments always target? “Scapegoats” and “enemies” within their own borders…but only after they have been disarmed to the point where they are no longer a threat. Ask any Native American, and they will tell you it was inferior technology and lack of arms that contributed to their demise. Ask any Armenian why it was so easy for the Turks to exterminate millions of them, and they will answer “We were disarmed before it happened”. Ask any Jew what Hitler’s first step prior to the mass murders of the Holocaust was- confiscation of firearms from the people.

Wounded Knee is the prime example of why the Second Amendment exists, and why we should vehemently resist any attempts to infringe on our Rights to Bear Arms. Without the Second Amendment we will be totally stripped of any ability to defend ourselves and our families.


12-29-16 ~ Chris Turley… I visited Wounded Knee once. Theres some powerful emotions and energy there. Times may have changed, however we will never forget.

Remember Wounded Knee Massacre December 29, 1890
300 Men, Women and Children. May our relatives rest in peace, for they are not forgotten.


12-29-16 ~ Remembering the Fallen on this 29th day of December while praying for our future.

12-28-16 ~ DAPL Hero Charged With Felony Terrorizing For Saving Lives by De-escalating Deadly AR15 Standoff
In return for heroically de-escalating a situation in which an employee of the Dakota Access Pipeline pointed a loaded AR-15 at bystanders, Brennon Nastacio is being charged with a felony — and has been placed on the Morton County Sheriff’s most wanted list. Read More http://tinyurl.com/z4tl6h8


12-28-16 ~ Wicapi Otto… or those of you needing facts. Here is a fact that I can undeniably refute. DAPL has the media purporting that Standing Rock never objected. Well they never counted on someone like me that actually reads stuff like their boring reports.

An article was passed recently that had an audio recording from 2014 of the tribes objection. However this report was taken directly from the Army Corp of Engineers website and is the public report submitted by DAPL and the ACE. It was published in 2015 and updated in 2016. If anyone says the tribe did not do due diligence proof is here. You can click the link and see the publishing dates and click the PDF to read. Um…it is 1261 pages long though…good thing to do if at Oceti Oyate and learn about what we are fighting.

12-28-6 ~ Magpie Waters… O ci yo I thought it was a sign of hope when the United States Veterans announced that they were organizing and heading to the freezing North Dakota plains at Standing Rock, to stand with and stand in front of the water protectors to get them out of harms way. Nobody new what kind of effect that it would have on the situation. It was monumental (remember that word) in this unprecedented gathering of Indigenous people.

Never in the time of Indigenous people has a gathering like this taken place and pow-wows don’t count. What was monumental was not just former military members coming to protect Water Protectors, but the healing that took place, between the two groups and the tribes. Water is Life unified all people gathering to fight the Black Snake. Veterans prayed with the Water Protectors and, asked for forgiveness for past atrocities that the United States military had committed in the genocide of our ancestors. They then acted as mediators to bring peace were none had been for so long.

Here is Magpie Waters video number four, for the year. At the time this video was produced with a misspelled cavalry(where Jesus died) in the title instead of the kind that are part of the military. I thought it was a sign of hope when the United States Veterans announced that they were organizing and heading to the freezing North Dakota plains to stand with and stand in front of the water protectors to get them out of harms way. Nobody new what kind of effect that it would have on the situation. It was monumental (remember that word) in this unprecedented gathering of Indigenous people.

Like many people around the world the night of November 20 sparked not only outrage but activity in writing the President, the North Dakota governor and many others I would have never guessed that veterans would be the answer in solving the violence against Water Protectors.

I shouldn’t have been surprised by the healing either. Anyone, who has been around our elders, Sun Dancers, Pipe Carriers and Medicine People understand their genuine love for our earth and all who walk, slither, swim, fly and crawl on it. They have the power of peace. This peace allows healing to take place in times when no one else can.

The veterans stood tall at Standing Rock and are true American heros. Wado and blessings to them all and to all the Water Protectors on the front lines of battle and everywhere in between. All my Relations, Magpie Waters


12-28-16 ~ Jason L.George… I need to speak, and I wish to be heard. I am Jason L.George, a proud and patriotic son of our nation (Colville confederated tribes). I am in standing rock North Dakota and am resident of oceti ohyahteh ,the northern most and front line camp. I’ve come here to represent our 12 tribes with nothing in my pockets, but with good will, and honor in my heart. I have become known and well thought of as High hat a person to seek out if you need help of any kind. A warrior who will hold shield position and not abandon those behind him.Even after being wounded, gassed and frozen I have kept my shield high and strong. I wish to represent and honor my nation as best and as long as I’ve the strength and life to do so. I am not a person who readily requests help from another. But I am here now to beseech any who may be inclined to, and in a position to help. I have repeatedly requested that flag of our tribe to be sent to me, so that I might fly our colors high and proud above my lodges. So that all who seek my assistance or counsel might have our beautiful star to guide them to my lodge flap, and any of our tribal relation who may travel to this distant land may find a piece of home to welcome them in. I’ve been informed by our counsel that as an individual I cannot represent us in such a fashion. I am not requesting financial backing,nor am I not asking for a counsel seat. I just want the world to see that we are here to be counted among those who choose life over wealth for us and our loved ones living and yet to be born.If anyone of you has access to our (Colville) flag and can find it in your heart to give,loan or sell said article to me. I would truly be appreciative to you and yours eternally. The postal workers in cannonball have been forthright and honorable in making sure supplies sent to them for us be delivered without incident or circumstance barring their path. So an acceptable address for me would be. Jason George (High hat) c/o Oceti ohyahteh camp,general delivery,Cannonball ND 58528
Thank you (Lim lint) ….


12-28-16 ~ Youth walking over 400 miles from Saskatchewan to the #NoDAPL frontline camps!


12-28-16 Casey Eugene Leydon… (i am very tired but I have to give you this message to listen too and to share.)
My coughing never really went away…though it has been growing since the Night of November 20 that I was struck by a rocket on the Hwy I806 backwater bridge …

I returned to Florida December 4 but my cough stayed with me…and grew.

Tuesday I began having an asthma attack that I had been building for days… feeling was building into a death for me…. It became so intense it took my breath and nearly my life… My roommate and dear friend Carol R. Brown Lmt saved my life.
She called the ambulance..she coached the EMTS on the medical procedure I had to have to save my life…She held my hand the entire time…she looked into my eyes and kept me calm…kept me from panicking and pushing my life over the edge of no return…I made the long ride from the woods to Florida memorial hospital in Flagler…because EMT named Roy held my hand and looked me in the eyes and talked me thru each painful inhale and exhale….I have been here a few days …totally exhausted from the pushing air in and out…breathing is exhausting….the STERIODS lines are fighting the fluids in my lungs… Medications fight the side effects of the STERIODS and fight my panic and anxiety attacks from struggling to breath..other medications are fighting the pneumonia…and hourly breathing machine with meds to fight asthma…it seems the tear gas rocket that hit my chest on the bridge emptied a lot of acid powder in to the air I breathed and I got a lot of powder deep in my lungs…I still smell the acid when I cough…the result is That i will stay here under extra care and medicine while my body finishes coughing and removing all the tear gas powder.

I am hurting and tired but I am in a loving hospital..the group of caregiver’s all know about #NoDAPL and the Water Protectors and the Lakota and the treaty rights and the bridge on November 20th…they knew before I got here…they send there love to all on the frontline…they treat me with honor and respect and love because of you.
The Water Protectors…

They say they promise to heal me …to tell the frontline that they will heal this warrior….because they love the Frontline…
How beautiful is that.

Here in Florida a group of healthcare givers are all knowing and supporting the frontline…
Creator sometimes shouts ….but sometimes also will whisper us to us in our hospital bed a thousand miles a from the backwater bridge on Hwy 1806….”get up my faithful healing warrior…you are winning…do not lay down for long…you are winning.. Get up …rise up…

Can you hear your sisters and brothers?
the Liberators are calling your name.”
I will not lay down for long.
I have heard my brothers and sisters.
I will return.
We will let the world hear us.
Get up.
Rise Up.
The liberators are calling you name.


12-27-16 ~ Olowaan Plain… 15-20 with shields, 6-8 armored vehicles, bunch of vans, sound cannon and water cannons rolled out AGAIN this time around Turtle Island sacred site and Heyoka Camp. Nothing has changed. We are still here protecting ourselves against imperialism and ecocide.

Earlier we went to the bridge and prayed, took a few pictures. Concrete barriers and razor wire are still up, vehicles were moved days ago, bridge inspection will take “thirty days”…A gun was pulled on us by DAPL mercenaries stated that if we touched the barbed wire we would be shot. People tried speaking to them reasonably. When I told them the pollution from these oil spills invades my womb and breast milk for the next seven thousand generations they walked back to their cars…we will post video later. We went up on the bridge again later praying with the drum, got on our knees and prayed. Some people, unarmed as always, walked off into the field not far from the bridge and were shot with rubber bullets by cops.

Unfortunately 4 scouting from Sacred Stone were arrested, but this was unrelated to our group.

I didn’t go on Turtle Island. Prayers have been laid there. I told the feds to get off the gravesites and sacred site.


12-27-16 ~ North Dakota law enforcement stalked a group of people who were praying along the Cannonball River and began arresting them. Not sure what the charges are at this point or if police can legally arrest people simply for gathering near the river on Army Corps land. This seems more like an infringement on religious rights than anything else.

Find out how much water you should be drinking per day


12-27-16 ~ Native Blood… One of the earliest photos showing a Native American with a wolf – unlike the myths created about wolves by settlers, Native Americans maintained a close and respectful relationship with wolves.


12-27-16 ~ Jon Eagle Sr… Dakota 38 Wokiksuye Riders completed their commitments today. A 330 mile prayer on horseback that brought healing and reconciliation across the land as they came. Today we remembered the 38 Dakota who were sentenced to be hung by President Abraham Lincoln in what came to be known as the largest mass execution in US history.

Yesterday it rained as they rode into Land of Memories Park. We knew it was a blessing when the Wakinyan showed themselves. Today when the ceremony was done many of the riders and people in the crowd remembered Standing Rock and the Water Protectors and yelled,”Mni Wiconi!”


12-27-16 ~ This is an image of history made just today. These burnt trucks were removed from the now famous Highway 1806 blockade. This life-threatening war crime by Morton County is finally being stopped and dismantled. It is a war crime against all people of this region of North Dakota, including the Protectors, according to Article 24 of the Geneva Convention. This war crime is ending just now, after two months, and it is the People who are ending it. That is why this picture means so much.

“Please keep the Protectors in your prayers tonight. The action taken today on Highway 1806 was by the People. That means that Morton County may act in retaliation soon (illegally). The Protectors are talking about DAPL security moving certain equipment in this live video from earlier this evening (https://www.facebook.com/julie.kurylowicz/videos/10212407964180816/?hc_location=ufi). We still need confirmation that the entire blockade on Highway 1806 will be cleared, but at least the contentious burnt trucks do seem to have been cleared. But again, they were cleared by the People, and Morton County is scary in its disrespect and brutalization of the People. The giant concrete blocks still need to go, and that is a lot to do in a blizzard with Morton County against you. It may take days to finish removing all of the blockade, and I am not sure of the


12-27-16 ~ HolyElk Lafferty… The Sami were teaching how to make shoes today.

12-26-16 ~ Digital Smoke Signals… If DAPL cannot ask for forgiveness for the desecration of “Sacred Lands”, if the Governor & Morton County police department of North Dakota cannot humble themselves and ask for forgiveness for human rights and civil rights violations of unarmed peaceful water protectors……then we will have to demonstrate and role model the power of unity and good teachings,

“We will have to pray for them”
Myron Dewey
Digital Smoke Signals



12-26-16 ~ Luca Majno… The Day After Christmas ~ 1862 ~ THEN and TODAY ~


12-26-16 ~ Beautiful things can happen when we stand firm in our faith, keep love and compassion in our hearts and see everyone as our sisters and brothers, and speak the truth openly. Here is an inspiring story from water protector Salix Roots, who broke the ice with some National Guardsmen at a hotel in Bismarck when they were socked in together by the blizzard.

I had breakfast downstairs this morning in a hotel in Bismarck, ND, where I await for the next possible flight back to Santa Fe. A blizzard rolled in, cancelling all potential flights I was booked for. I’ll be heading to the airport as soon as the roads are clear enough so I can be on standby for the next available flight. In the meantime, find me snowed in at the Expressway Suites and processing the experience that I’ve had this past week at Standing Rock. I can’t quite articulate just what it means yet, but soon I will take a gander.

In the meantime, at breakfast today, I sat next to three National Guard Military members who have been going back and forth between Standing Rock and Bismarck. We are all stuck here in this hotel together.

There they were, those mysterious people stationed up on that hill with those bright, blinding lights casting down on the peaceful Water Protectors 24/7. I wanted to engage. I had seen them wandering around the hotel and wanted to interview them and hear their story but naturally, they were guarded and didn’t even want to tell me their names. So, I told them mine, and I shared my story with them.

I told them about my experience at Standing Rock, and how we’ve been praying for them to listen to what we are trying to say. Praying for them to come around. Praying in Sweat Lodges, praying in meetings, praying quietly to ourselves as we drift off to sleep each night. I quickly started to cry, tears dripping like jewels from the reservoir of anguish that I’ve been carrying. They looked at me when I spoke. They nodded in empathy. They listened. I did not feel any slither of judgment from these militarized men who are just doing their best to live their lives the way that they know how.

I told them how badly we want reconciliation, constructive dialogue, environmental protection for future generations, indigenous sovereignty, and the honoring of treaties. They didn’t argue with any of it. They just heard me and held that space.

They’re guard dissolved right before my very eyes. I felt their humanity. I maintained my vulnerability. Soon we were laughing together. I sensed they understood the futility of perpetuating continued violence towards native peoples and all who are out there, doing their best to protect what matters most to them. We are all just doing our best, after all.

We have been indoctrinated into a system that none of us is to blame for, but each of us is responsible for transforming when injustice is present and we become aware and compassionate enough to do something about it. Sometimes that can be a simple, honest dialogue with the perceived enemy where you can transmute the illusory differences that keep you separate. Sometimes it’s realizing that the enemy is really just another reflection of you.

If there’s anything that I learned from my week at Standing Rock, its that help will come because people are desiring a new way to listen. Some new kind of energy is moving through our bloodstreams, we are dropping our guards, realizing the enormous task of healing that is underway and how we each have a part to play in this, no matter which tribe you belong to or which hill you stand on. We have what it takes to do so much better. We have what it takes to respect one another, and listen to more stories then the ones that we keep telling ourselves.

Photo taken by Macon Verteskjall at Standing Rock. I’m sitting in the snow here with The National Guard // DAPL lights off in the distance. I wish I could have walked right up that hill and said to them what I said to the men I had breakfast with today, but for now…baby steps, baby steps, baby steps…may we learn how to crawl, stand, and walk together, united, all in due time.


12-26-16 ~ LRInspire… Dakota 38 + 2 wokiksuye, remembering the 38 Dakotas who were hung on this day in Mankato, Minnesota the largest mass execution in US colonial history. painting by Patrick Campbell

On December 26th 1862, the United States Army hanged 38 Dakota warriors in Makato, Minnesota. It was, and remains, the largest mass execution in American colonial history. Two Dakota warriors who had escaped into Canada were eventually captured, returned to the United States, and hanged at Fort Snelling in 1865. #NeverForget


12-25-16 ~ Olowaan Plain… I have never experienced thunder snow until today…



News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

Stories From the Frontline Dec. 26, 2016

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe



12-26-2016 ~ 150 Years Ago Today Largest Mass Execution in US History
Riding out :: Preparing for the circle up :: Final day of the #Dakota38+2 A spiritual Ride out of Land of Memories into Mankato where the largest mass US public execution happened in our dark history of settlers ordered by President Lincoln. This day marks a day of healing for our people. Never forgotten . #NoMoreDakotaExile

The hanging of 38 Sioux Indians in Minnesota December 26, 1862 was the failure “again” of the U.S. Government to honor it’s treaties with Indian Nations. Indians were not given the money or food set forth to them for signing a treaty to turn over more than a million acres of their land and were forced to live on a reservation.

Mary Todd Lincoln had over spent decorating and cleaning the Executive mansion blowing the entire four year budget allocated by Congress in a matter of months then tried to cover it up; when Lincoln found out he immediately dispatched Congress to quietly approve two appropriations to pay her bills which were taken from the annuity payments due to the Dakota Indians.

Indian agents kept the treaty money and food that was to go to the Indians; One local trader, Andrew Myrick, said of the Indians’ plight, “If they are hungry, let them eat grass or their own dung.” The food was sold to White settlers; food given to the Indians was spoiled and not fit for dogs to eat. Indian hunting parties went off reservation land looking for food to feed their families; one hunting group took eggs from a White settlers land. Trader Andrew Myrick was found dead his mouth stuffed with grass.

Authorities in Minnesota asked President Lincoln to order the immediate execution of all 303 Indian males found guilty. Lincoln, concerned with how this would play with the Europeans, whom he was afraid were about to enter the war on the side of the South offered the following compromise to the politicians: They would pare the list of those to be hung down to 39. In return, Lincoln promised to kill or remove every Indian from the state and provide Minnesota with 2 million dollars in federal funds although he only owed the Sioux 1.4 million for the land.

President Lincoln, the Great Emancipator ordered the largest mass execution in American History, where the guilt of those to be executed was entirely in doubt. Regardless of how Lincoln defenders seek to play this, it was nothing more than murder to obtain the land of the Santee Sioux and to appease his political cronies in Minnesota.

On December 26, 1862 President Lincoln notified Sibley that he should cause to be executed thirty-nine of the 303 convicted Santees, Execution date was the 26th of December. At the last minute, one Indian was given a reprieve. About ten o’clock the thirty-eight condemned men were marched from the prison to the scaffold. They sang the Sioux death song until soldiers pulled white caps over their heads and placed nooses around their necks. At a signal from an army officer, the control rope was cut and thirty-eight Santee Sioux dangled lifeless in the air.


12-26-16 ~ via Oceti Sakowin Camp … The Real Winter Makes an Appearance
Last night 5 men were caught in a vehicle a little over a mile away from the shelter where our team has been working. They called around 3.

We called BIA, reached out for Security… the storm blocked almost all means for help. 2 people helping out at the shelter went in search of local vehicles to pull them out with and came back without success. 3 of the OSCM team went out to scout the conditions, to see what was possible, that’s this video.

They made it to the main road out of Cannon Ball to 1806. They couldn’t see the headlights of the vehicle, but the did see that the snow was blowing 3-4 foot drifts over the roadway that vehicles couldn’t have traversed without a plow… our guys were climbing over them. They had to come back and all we could do was pray for them, and let them know what we were discovering at each step.

This morning at 9 we got confirmation that everyone is safe and accounted for, including the 2 young men who came up from camp on snowmobile, that plan to be shuttling them each here.

***Would this be the situation if Morton County & Co had not persisted in blocking the highway at the bridge?***

The DOT needed to test the bridge for safety before the blockade could be removed. They and Morton County have been repeatedly assured that DOT personnel would be safe. As our collective camp documentation assures, we are PRAYERFUL, and would not interfere with such a vital process.

We deeply appreciate your continued support as we hold fast here in the snow, against DAPL. Learn more about our camp at http://www.ocetisakowincamp.org
Arctic Weather Needs:
#SNOWPLOW – to ultimately leave with Cannon Ball community
Send Donations to:
Oceti Sakowin Camp
P.O. Box 298
Cannon Ball, ND 58528
Direct Donations: http://www.paypal.me/ocetisakowincamp


12-25-16 ~ LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, Lakota Sioux – Founder, Sacred Stone Camp… Love Blessings & Prayers To LaDonna Brave Bull Allard

“Water is life. Water is the center of everything. Water is female. As females, we must stand up for the water. We have no choice. Without water, we all die. It’s common sense to me. We must save the water.”


12-24-16 ~ Dakota Spirit Riders traveling through a snow storm today. We are strong & resilient.
The pipeline has not been stopped, just rerouted. This fight is far from over. Comment “YES I STAND ” if you stand in solidarity with Standing Rock and all indigenous Native American nations in this fight to stop the DAPL


12-24-16 ~ Greg Grey Cloud… “Today a veterinarian in New Salem, North Dakota refused to help out with a sick horse from Standing Rock based on political beliefs. He claimed that “if it became known that we were helping the horses associated with Standing Rock we might lose clients because our clients have strong feelings about what is happening down there.”

“Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.” http://tinyurl.com/jkoq9bq

(New Salem Veterinary Clinic in Almont, ND) The Vets number who refused service ! The number is (701)843-8020 let’s all put the pressure on!!!!

Video link here http://tinyurl.com/hhptlwq

Shannon Griffis • File a complaint. Below includes licensure information of owner of vet clinic, links to complaint forms and cites administrative and legislative violations he committed by refusing care to the horses.

License Number: 1211
Name: Chad Jason Wild
License Type: veterinarian
Under Disciplinary Action? No
Initial Licensure Date: 06/12/2006
Expiration Date: 06/30/2017
City: New Salem
State: ND


Administrative code 43-29-14. Refusal, suspension, and revocation of license and certificate –
d. Immoral, unprofessional, or dishonorable conduct manifestly disqualifying the licensee from practicing veterinary medicine. (refusing care)

87-05-02-01 Unprofessional conduct. Unprofessional conduct manifestly disqualifying a licensee from practicing veterinary medicine includes:
2. Engaging in conduct likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public or demonstrating a willful or careless disregard for the health, welfare or safety of a patient, in which case, proof of actual injury need not be established. (careless disregard for patients by refusing to treat)
11. Engaging in conduct which willingly and knowingly leads to the spread of contagious disease from one herd or animal or another. (if illness is contagious)


12-24-16 ~ Redhawk… We are currently preparing for anywhere from 9″ to 2 feet of snow tomorrow. The camp is ready, and we are all in celebration of Christmas and the coming holidays despite the storm. I want to take a moment and say thank you to everyone that has shown love, sent smoke, shared prayers, and offered donations for everyone at camp. I can only speak for myself, but I know everyone here at camp is very grateful for your solidarity and the outpouring of love. We will defeat this pipeline, but none of this would have been possible without the world standing together in support. From my heart to yours, thank you.
To my little sister, Renee. I love you, and i’ll see you soon. Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays from Standing Rock Rising.


‎12-24-16 ~ Aaron Dorn‎… Anyone know an attorney who could look at my case and offer some advice. I will fire my public pretender and represent myself if he doesn’t file motions to discharge all false charges laid against me and/or file for a change of venue. I am facing two felonies and a misdemeanor which are all bogus, obviously. The prosecutors are trying to steal my truck as a forfeiture and have had possession of my driver’s license, passport, all my cash and credit cards as well as my truck since thanksgiving. They deny they have my phone. My public pretender has gotten a court order for them to release and gave me the court order but when I went to the Morton county sheriffs to have them release my property, they refused, even called the prosecutor who signed it and she refused. BTW, my public pretender’s office is located two blocks away from the courthouse which makes me feel very uncomfortable putting my life in his hands, if you know what I mean. i will include every video and court docs i have in this message. I was arrested and beaten by Morton county sheriff’s department for passing a patrol car on the way to the Thanksgiving Day action in Mandan. I arrived at rosebud camp about a week before Thanksgiving and made daily supply runs for the medics and construction crews. I am sure this is why the police targeted me and stole my truck. Every time I went in these supply runs I was followed by patrol vehicles and unmarked police vehicles. Medical and construction supplies are still in my truck. I was on the bridge the night the DAPL funded police/military force use lethal force against us. I was teargased, shot with less-lethal rounds and drenched with water in freezing temperatures. I was an infantryman in the NY National Guard and none of my training compared to that night. Except the teargas. I have witnessed firsthand and been a victim of police abuse, lies and the misuse of our justice system all for exercising my right to peaceably assemble on public land. On Monday morning (12/19) as we were praying at the courthouse I had a Morton County Sherriff shove me off the sidewalk from behind. One of the legal team saw this and asked for the officer’s name and badge number. He gave his badge number but when he noticed I was standing behind the legal aid worker he said he will refuse to give his name and walked away. Had bit of a guilty conscious.


Some of you seem to think I personally profited from the Veterans Stand deployment to Standing Rock. This is patently untrue. No money from the GoFundMe page has passed through my hands or will pass through my hands as I have never had access to the funds and was told repeatedly that I had no say or control over how the funds were spent as Veterans Stand was not an official NGO at the time nor do I hold any title or authority in the organization. This operation was simply a call out to see who would come and stand in support of our Constitution and the protection of both our environment and the indigenous peoples within the borders of the United States who we have horribly mistreated throughout our history and whose mistreatment continues to the present day.

To those hating me for apologizing to the Lakota – I don’t care what prideful haters think so feel free to keep despising me but understand that you leave a clear digital trail right back to yourself as to what kind of person you are.

To those hating me for “stealing” money, you are repeating falsehoods published by online, unsourced periodicals with no facts. When the money raised has been spent and Michael A Wood jr publishes how the money was spent, the websites which initially spread these lies will either issue a front page apology or be sued out of existence for libel by a competent legal team who will go after the websites, the individual reporters as well as the right wing PR firms that work for the hydrocarbon industries that funded and pushed the libel in the first place (as well as the human rights and Constitutional violations that took place at Standing Rock for months). Be careful what you forward and spread, because despite the facts put forth by myself and Michael A Wood jr, you continually reprint, share lies and therefore are also guilty of libel.

There is such a thing as truth and justice in this world and you’re going to get it whether you like it or not. I suggest you put on your big boy pants and start dealing with reality rather than the phantasm of fear and paranoia orchestrated by our corporate overlords.


12-24-16 ~ Amnesty International writes to the North Dakota Supreme Court
“According to reports, the public defender system in North Dakota is struggling to handle the case load stemming from the more than 500 arrests related to protests of the DAPL. The petition that was submitted to the Court notes that 79 attorneys have been assigned as public defenders for 265 cases, while an additional 264 people are listed without counsel. Furthermore, it is reported that private attorneys in the state either cannot or will not be able to fill the needs of those seeking representation. Other public defenders within the state of North Dakota may be limited from taking on more of these cases due to the conspiracy charges that were filed in several of these cases.”

“Not only would this violate international standards on the right to a fair trial, but it could also be construed as being unconstitutional.

Everyone deprived of their liberty or facing a possible criminal charge has the right to the assistance of a lawyer to protect their rights and to help in their defense.”

Click here for the full document: http://www.amnestyusa.org/ … /Choice_of_lawyer_comments_to_ND…

Courtesy of Amnesty International
Water Protector Legal Collective


12-24-16 ~ Lolly Bee… finally back Home for a week after 4 months at Standing Rock. I coordinated the mental and emotional health for the standing rock medic and healer council. I run the facebook group Standing Rock Stories and kept a vlog on youtube under lollybehealing. I also helped support the wellness room initative at the casino hotel to attend to peoples needs. This was the hardest and most rewarding and meaningful job I ever had.

I had no idea what was in store when I set out on a roadtrip west the first week of August just after my birthday. I am so grateful that Spirit guided me to become a water protector in north dakota. I feel like I was waiting for this my whole life. I have barely begun to process the myriad experiences from swelling pride during prayer marches to crisis management in the face of violent trauma.

The people I met will stay connected to my heart forever and I look forward to crossing paths many times as we continue this stand to defend the sacred earth we live on. I grew up in so many ways and proved myself more capable that I could have imagined. I did so much every single day to get done what needed to be done and kept on going despite exhaustion and stress. I feel like my years of travel and running my own businesses as well as my experience working with trauma prepared me well for this role. The hugs and gifts and deep friendships kept me going. The prayers were felt and the global support carried all of us in this historic movement. I am amazed at the ripple effect that the camp had on millions of people. I offer the utmost honor to the indigenous people and appreciate the wisdom and strength that made this movement peaceful, prayerful and powerful.

I know that we have what it takes to change the way humans relate to our planet and remember how to live in harmony with her. It does not mean everyone has to go live outside in a camp, but it means that you are responsible for the decisions you make every day and how it affects this land and water we depend on. It is up to each of us within ourselves and then to come together.

I am so grateful for everyone who supported my journey and I will continue sharing updates and reflections to the group.
thank you


12-24-16 ~ Olowaan Plain… I am so happy to spend my holidays helping to unpack and deliver all the beautiful care packages sent to the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council. The healers and medics are in camp and ready to help anyone needing healing of any kind. Sending everyone my love and hopes for a beautiful and peaceful holiday. We are expecting lots of Christmas snow so I am sure it will be beautiful.

Packages for the Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council can be sent to 220 E Rosser Ave, #1251, Bismarck, ND 58502

UPDATE: Delivering supplies and donations at camp today preparing for the blizzard, the snow is starting to fall and it is very very cold..everyone is hunkering down for the night and luckily we got everything delivered before it got dark..it is a beautiful Christmas Eve.


12-24-16 ~ Josué Rivas Fotographer… Every morning at sunrise a singer would wake up everyone at the camp. He sang songs of freedom in Lakota. Sometimes there would be actions every morning, people would gather at the South Gate and jump in their vehicles not knowing where we would go. Spirit was leading. I took this photo in one of those mornings. I was sitting in one of the cars, I raised the camera in my hand and took the shot without looking through the viewfinder. When I was selecting my images for the day I saw something on this one even though it was underexposed. I raised the exposure in post and this come out. #nodapl #followyourlight #standingstrongseries


12-23-16 ~ “There’s trees up, there’s decorations up, I hear singing here and there,” he said. “I hear a lot of different traditions with different people around the world not just native people. I know there’s some Celtic celebration. I know of some Kwanzaa celebrations that have happened, so you know, there’s a lot of good things to celebrate.” #NoDAPL Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/zmngj5w


12-24-16 ~ Prairie Knights Casino and Resort… Ready to eat and enjoy each other’s company
Wopila! To the many churches and many folks from across US have all made this happen
Keep praying


12-24-16 ~ Jennifer Mahoney‎… I just watched a video in which my Ron’s drone was stolen out of his truck by Morton county police officers. Yes stolen.

A simple thought as to any further actions or filming of yourself as media or interviewing protectors… I do believe it may be time to protect something else right now

Your identities! Time to mix things up. They now know who all the players are on your side. You are all getting railroaded. This is not about the law. There is no law. Meaning no list of rules and regulations that they have to abide by.

It is very limited as to how to counter attack the injustices perpetuated by the terroristic gustapo of the establishment…

This is really getting out of hand.

Disguise…Get some new reporters on the scene.. Do not ever go out alone in a vehicle or be caught out on the road by yourself in the middle of nowhere.. Mix things up. A lot! Stop giving them information as to what you are doing and what your names are…

Two vehicles…4 people at all times.. Find a lawyer you can call in a moment’s notice when you are pulled over.. You put that person on speaker phone. That was truly sickening.

Btw the buzz outside of the circle to do with questionable practices with the funds everyone is accruing is huge.. Larger than you know I think. You need to somehow address that before it gets out of control. Better to be transparent financially right now. I am sure some are aware. It is great you are showing that funds are going towards food etc. That is perfect as far as public relations. Okay..

I am but one, you are many. Protect each other out there.

Keep a close eye on the family.. do believe that all of this may result in some very negative actions being portrayed but coming from a mind that is confused, scared and angry. Mental health.

Love you all. I stand. As I sit and type and share and recruit and converse and get incensed with anger and disbelief at how absolutely wrong this is.


12-23-16 ~ Mary Crow Dog Lakota Woman… “The Stars and Stripes hanging upside down used to be an international signal of distress. It was also the American Indian’s sign of distress. (58)

Every star in this flag represented a state stolen from Indians.


12-23-16 ~ Kanahus Manuel… Immovable, rooted, devoted


12-23-16 ~ Red clouds! The horse that returned from capture, is now on the Dakota 38+2 ride! #Dakota38 #NoDAPL #HorseNation


12-23-16 ~ Dallas Goldtooth… Damn. Someone stole my friend Joye Braun’s tipi in #OcetiSakowin camp! While it was erected AND with peoples stuff in it! What the eff.

She went home to Cheyenne River to see her fam for a few days and came back to no tipi! That’s cold blooded.

Just so you know: This was the FIRST tipi of the entire #NODAPL camps to have gone up. Back in April 2016, at Sacred Stone Camp, this was the first lodge. It was also the first lodge to go up at the north Treaty Camp. It was moved the day before the police swept that camp. It’s truly historic.


12-23-16 ~ Chief Arvol Looking Horse… giving his support to the horse rides #Dakota38#BigFoot #HorseNation
Big foot ride few days ago… (Now on Mankato Ride)


12-23-16 ~ Lee Sprague… Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Michigan Canoe Cold Water Rescue Team in Standing Rock, North Dakota. Lots of Love and Support from all of you in Michigan, California, Colorado, New Mexico, North America and the World help us stay ready!
Please Share this post!

Our Coldwater Rescue team drills. We devoloped a mass hypothermia warming tent. We practice setting up in winter conditions on the banks of the Missouri River, Lake Oahe.

Please consider a donation this Holiday Season to our Rescue Team. Cluck on the link beloe to read more.
You can also send mail and packages to:
Lee Sprague
PO Box 93
Mobridge, SD 57601

We have Rescue and Trraining drills on thin ice, and open water, Drills in the dark.

Our experiences includes helping hundreds of people avoid hypothermia, pulling dozens of people struggling in the cold water, and delivering medical supplies and relief to Standing Rock residents and security personnel. We clear snow drifts from river shores, for other watercraft, and respond 24/7 to calls which the Morton County Sheriff will not answer, or respond to.

We understand the Morton County Sheriff is also joining us for drills on safety and rescue, to protect us?

I pray they join us in helping our peoples hurt by the Sherriff’s water cannons, rubber shotgun slugs and bean bags, tear gas, flashbang grenades, and Long Range Acoustical Device (LRAD).

We can help train the Morton County Sheriff’s department on these rescue methods, we have experience. I might apply for a Homeland Security Grant to assist them in cold water rescue.


12-22-16 ~ Holly Livengood… Whoever this young man is, he took a water cannon blast full in the face to cover the people behind him. I mean he ran up on purpose and steped in front of them with this water poncho on. So they aimed it right in his face. When it hit, he rocked back, forced himsef upright, and faced them full on, and raised his hands in prayer, not a fist. They kept it going, so he flashed a peace sign. I painted this from watching a live stream video, and the affect from the steam, and the water, just made him look more majestic. Like the water was apologising for being used like this, to hit him, so in return, she held him and made him look beautiful. This is truly manifesting the love of God in this world. Happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas.


12-22-16 ~ Feather Sherman… Winter Solstice at Standing Rock was warmed by the generous donation of hundreds of pounds of organic food for all the Water Protectors, delivered this morning from Organic Valley, Wisconsin. Our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all the folks at OV, now the largest cooperative in the World, with over 300 family farms. A big shout out and special thanks to George Siemon and the Board for recognizing the humanitarian, indigenous rights and environmental need to protect the Sacred Water of the Missouri River by sending steady shipments since last summer!

12-21-16 ~ Prolific TheRapper… Now that I’m driving home alone the severity of what I’m facing is hitting me.

Just driving in silence thinking about what might happen.

7 years is a long time. $19,000 max fines for something I didn’t do.

I have to start thinking about my kids, because there’s a very real possibility that I won’t be there for a huge part of their childhood to take care of them.

7 years is a long time, but to a small child 7 years is huge. 7 years to a child can feel like 30. I would never wish what I’m facing on anyone, not even on the officer who’s lies put me in this situation.

Getting a fair jury in Morton County is probably going to be impossible. The local news has done such a good job misinforming North Dakota residents, that they have turned its citizens harshly against us, the water protectors. Thats ironic because we are trying to protect North Dakota’s clean water for ALL of its citizens.

We don’t want the world to end up like Flint Michigan or Corpus Christi Texas.

…The officer who lied about me on the stand wouldn’t make eye contact with me in court. I looked him in the eye, not in an intimidating way or an angry way, but in a curious way. I wanted to look into his soul while he was lying about me and see what it felt like, but he wouldn’t look at me. He would look everywhere at everyone else, but not at me.

He lied under oath about me. Said I recklessly endangered hundreds of people’s lives with my 3 pound drone. Said I tried to fly into a plane. Thats not true.

I’m learning that a courtroom isn’t a place where Justice is easily found. It’s a place where what you can and can’t talk about is restricted. It’s a place where you can’t get to the truth of the matter, because every time you start digging for the truth the prosecutor says “objection, outside of the scope of this hearing” and then the judge says “sustained.”

It’s a place where they play a word game, and usually the team with the most money can hire the best lawyers to win the word game.

If you’re Super Rich you’re probably going to walk free, but if you’re super poor you’re probably going to jail or prison.

Not all of the judges are bad, some are good. Not all police are bad, some are good. Not all white people in North Dakota are racist, but some of them are. And the news has lied to everyone in North Dakota which brought out a lot of prejudice in white North Dakotans.

The police brutality and dirty tactics by DAPL security also increased the prejudice in many water protectors. And all of this was fueled by a corporation’s greed. Dakota Access’s insistence to not do a full E.I.S or address Standing Rocks concerns.

And then it comes back to me. I might have to go to prison for a police officers lies and a corporation’s greed.

The only sense of justice I have in all of this is my belief in God or Creator. Because they can manipulate the laws of man all day, but they can’t manipulate the laws of creator. One day they’re going to have to answer for the harm that they have caused to others.

Despite everything it’s still #NODAPL

I LOVE YOU ALL. My next court date is March 31st, between now and then I’m going to focus on doing the things that make my spirit feel full and happy.


12-21-16 ~ Annalee Newitz … Tonight will be the darkest night of the past 500 years … Thanks to a lunar eclipse on the longest night of the year, tonight we’ll be experiencing the longest, darkest night in a very long time. It’s been nearly 500 years since the last solstice lunar eclipse. Here’s what you’ll see.
NYU science journalism professor John Rennie explains what you’re likely to see in the wee hours of the morning:

1. Faint penumbral dimming of the moon’s disk.
2. Pervasive creeping sensations of unease.
3. Howling of wolves.
4. Unclean things walk the earth; Dick Cheney rises from the grave.
5. Contortion of the zodiac.
6. Intrusion of strange dimensions.
7. Universal gibbering madness.
8. Cthulhu.
9. A glimmer of sanity in the chaos.
10. Restoration of Euclidean geometry.
11. Fungal Mi-go from Yuggoth return captive brains to their rightful owners.
12. Applause, followed by waffles for breakfast.
Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/z4jw22q


12-21-16 ~ Note From LaDonna. Thank you!
“Hihanna waste today marks the shortest day of the year, I want to wish everyone a Happy Solstice remember to pray for the water today as we began winter. We came to Stand for the water, we remain to stand for the water, but we also came to stand for ourselves to make better lives for our people. In the world every thing is about respect we must respect the water and our earth we stand on. We must respect the winter, the wind and the cold because even in the winter there is beauty all around us. As our beautiful rivers freezes over and becomes our walkways and roads we have access to place that are cutoff in the summer. We can share the beauty around us. I love winter time but you must be prepared for it and have your supplies ready. In the winter time we can share stories, culture, history and families, everyone can start projects to complete sewing, beading, quilts, and cooking. I believe everyone should have a good pot of soup on everyday to feed the people. I remember in grandma Alice house the smell of the wood stove burning, and a big pot of soup on and she made the best bread pudding. I did not know that I would treasure those memories each day and thankful for living on the Cannon Ball River. Please on this day lay some tobacco down and give thanks for our lives, our people and the water. We have only just begun to stand together for a better world. Sending prayer to all of you who are my heart, for everyone who stand for the water is my relative and i am honored by you. STOP DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE.”


12-21-16 ~ Crystal Houser… The wind is threatening to dismantle the shelter. Very uneasy morning. Taking precautions. Letting the fire die down, propane bottles nearest the exit, dressed well in case we need to evacuate. Shelter has been holding strong for hours, just uneasy. The flags on flag road sure are whipping beautifully in the wind though.



12-21-16 ~ Indigenous Life Movement… We the people have been led to believe that mining, drilling, fracking, pipelines, offshore drilling and refineries were safe and our only option as means for our survival.

We are here to inform you otherwise.

It’s time we the nation begin the transitions towards renewable clean energy.

Doing this will help protect future generations from contaminated water, land and air.

Flint Michigans citizens of women, men, children and elders are enduring lead poisoning by the hand of their State, County and city elected officials who abused their position and allowed the events to occur that poisoned their water supply.

This is what is to come of our beautiful country if we continue to allow governments elected officials to allow careless and deadly companies to continue destroying our beautiful land below the surface to the skies.

These companies are endangering our lives and the lives of our children and elders.

It is time we take action in awakening our country’s elected and elite in order to prevent events as in Flint Michigan, North Dakota, Arizona, Florida, Utah, Nevada, California and many more.

It’s time for the people to unite and protect our beautiful Mother Earth.


12-20-16 ~ John Bravebull… It’s this kind of fear mongering that shows the true character of our opposition.

Before I say this next part, please know I’m not against police officers. Police officers that do their job with in the limit of the law and constitution, that is. With that being said:

The whole point of us fighting this bullshit pipe line is to protect children. Some of us haven’t seen our children in months. Some of us have missed milestones that we can’t get back and for you to blame us for your actions is unjustified and down right ugly. Denying Children something they may not have in their lives and then use it as publicity against a peaceful prayerful movement literally makes you look like the biggest dicks in the state. More so than shooting un armed people Standing on a public highway, some of which were under 18 and defined as children. (The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.) Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Take the kids shopping and stop letting your guilt turn to irrational fear. Just because you sunk to levels below human decency, don’t assume we will. Not just you Kirchmeier, but all of you who think we are out here to hurt children need Jesus or whatever you believe in, back in your lives.

If you’re local in Mandan or Bismark take a gift to the sherrifs department for these kids who are missing out cause this really is a poor ass excuse not to continue this program.


12-19-16 ~ Ahva Lenay … Today 11 of our Water Protectors went to their hearing in Morton County, at the Mandan Courthouse. It looks like the hearing is rescheduled for January best as I can make out… The judge needs more time.
Let’s keep our prayers strong and unwaivering. Thank you Water Protectors one and all! Your sacrifice is witnessed, acknowledged and carried with such deep gratitude from countless numbers of souls who feel deeply the courage, resolve and selflessness of your actions on behalf of us all! On behalf of our Earth Mama! Tobacco is going down, sage is being lit…. prayers are going uP, and …. may grace restore the balance, our faith in humanity and may the actions of your heart ripple out far and wide and spread the bravery and the resolve to speak out where there is danger to our people, our Earth, and our future. May justice reign. Thank you Kelli Love, Donald Strickland, Jordan Walker, Shailene Woodley, and those who’s names I don’t know but who’s faces and actions will forever be remembered and felt… know you’re making a difference for us all!


12-18-16 ~ Victory Lonnquist …Thinking and praying tonight for the Dakota 38+2 and Bigfoot riders who have begun their journey. Riding over 150+ miles through freezing conditions in memory of the people massacred. Deep respect and honor to you.


12-11-16 ~ Lolly Bee… Standing Rock has changed the world, it has awakened an aspect of our spirits that has been dampered for a long time in the collective consciousness. It has rekindled our connection to the earth and nature as a divine part of our world. It has brought us out of our complacency and reminded the people of our capacity. Standing rock has helped many to acknowledge not only the history of our ancestors but brought our awareness to the long term future of the next seven generations. Our culture has become distracted by immediate comforts and short term greed. Living outside in the elements has helped us to build more of an intimacy with the planet we rely on. Standing our ground in the face of the government and corporations which are on a destructive path has reinforced our conviction that we have to be the change we want to see. We have to step out of our comfort zone if we want to make things different, it requires action and sacrifice. We hve come together across so many lines of division for that which is common to us all, our survival and need for water and the earth. This union of all people in the face of powers that appear to have impunity helps us to fortify our ability to cause consequences to seemingly invincible forces. We pray that all people awaken and understand that the choice is up to us and that profit is not the most valuable resource. The connections made here and lessons learned have inspired millions and we will continue working for this cause beyond north dakota. We realize that the time is now and the people are us, for that is what changes the course of history.


News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life


Video’s #NoDAPL – Dec. 19 – 25, 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

12-25-16 ~ Standing Rock Blizzard Update (12/25/2016) Chase Iron Eyes – Mystic Dave

12-25-16 ~ Evening News From Standing Rock (12/25/2016) Christmas With Shiyé Bidzííl – Mystic Dave

12-25-16 ~ Evening News From Standing Rock (12/25/2016) Christmas With Shiyé Bidzííl-Part 2 – Mystic Dave

12-25-16 ~ Sami Man visits Standing Rock and supports Divestment from DAPL in Europe – Standing Rock

11-25-16 ~ #NODAPL Update From Standing Rock Distracting the DAPL Snipers! – Standing Rock

12-25-16 ~ Oceti update Dec 25 16 Digital Smoke Signals – Standing Rock

12-25-16 ~ Darlin, don’t you cry, when I leave to the front lines If you like I’ll take you home, when I head – Standing Rock

12-25-16 ~ #NODAPL Live from Oceti Oyate camp on xmas eve – Standing Rock

12-25-16 ~ Christmas Day at Standing Rock (12/25/2016) Water Protectors Return From Prayer March – Mystic Dave

12-25-16 ~ Merry Christmas From Standing Rock (12/25/2016) Mother Nature Cleansing Us – Mystic Dave

12-25-16 ~ December 25, 2016 – Yeshahy Deane

12-25-16 ~ Shiyé Bidzííl Drone2bwild takes it to another level @ Standing Rock, ND – Standing Rock

12-24-16 ~ Oceti Update – Uprising TV

12-24-16 ~ Christmas Eve Update From Standing Rock (12/24/2016) Oceti Sakowin Border Patrol – Mystic Dave

12-24-16 ~ Christmas Eve at Standing Rock (12/24/2016) Music & Teachings By Honor The Earth – Mystic Dave

12-24-16 ~ Happy Christmas Eve From Standing Rock (12/24/2016) Oceti Oyate Camp Protectors – Mystic Dave

12-24-16 ~ Oceti Update Live From Standing Rock (12/23/2016) Digital Smoke Signals – Mystic Dave

12-24-16 ~ Update From Standing Rock. Distracting the DAPL Snipers! – Uprising TV

12-23-16 ~ News From Standing Rock (12/23/2016) Update From Veteran Camp Protector

12-23-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Threat Is Far From Over – America’s Lawyer – The Ring of Fire

12-23-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protector Sioux Z Dezbah regains sight in her right eye – Tom jefferson

12-23-16 ~ #NoDAPL Morning News Update From Standing Rock With Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl 12 23 2016 – Standing Rock

12-23-16 ~ Shiyé Bidzííl Telling on Morton county!!! – Standing Rock

11-23-16 ~ #NoDAPL They don’t care – Savage InDios

12-23-16 ~ The Naked Truth: Standing Rock Part 1 – Fusion

12-23-16 ~ Native American History Including Standing Rock 2016 – Guillermo Camarena

12-23-16 ~ Shiyé Bidzííl ~ Exposing Morton County #StandingRock – J Grady

12-22-16 ~ Bridge Update at Standing Rock (12/22/2016) Tests Were Finally Done! – Mystic Dave

12-22-16 ~ Early Morning News From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/22/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-22-16 ~ Bridge Update Live From Standing Rock (12/22/2016) Digital Smoke Signals – Mystic Dave

12-22-16 ~ Bridge Update With Myron Dewey – Uprising TV

12-22-16 ~ Morton County vs Prolific TheRapper – Uprising TV

12-22-16 ~ Bridge Update Live From Standing Rock (12/22/2016) Digital Smoke Signals – Mystic Dave

12-22-16 ~ Morton County vs Water Protector Prolific TheRapper | #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

12-22-16 ~ News Update From Standing Rock (12/22/2016) Heyoka Camp – Mystic Dave

12-22-16 ~ [02]: Cenk Uygur on Standing Rock Attacks, Malignant Medical Devices & Fake News Frenzy – RT America

12-22-16 ~ These veterans explain why they went to Standing Rock – Grist

12-22-16 ~ Standing Rock march 2016 – First Nations TV

12-22-16 ~ December 22th EastWest NODAPL drill pad Digital Smoke Signals – Standing Rock

12-22-16 ~ STANDING ROCK LECTURE 2 OF 2 (Mexica Movement: Olin Tezcatlipoca) – Olin Tezcatlipoca

12-22-16 ~ Surveillance Solutions at Standing Rock (12/22/2016) Radio Show-88.1 FM Fargo-Moorhead – Mystic Dave

12-21-16 ~ Camp Life At Standing Rock ND – Isaiah Pogue

12-21-16 ~ Veteran shares her experience at the Standing Rock Oceti Sakowin Camp – jessica negrette

12-21-16 ~ RNs Stand with Standing Rock for Public Health – NationalNursesUnited

12-21-16 ~ Nurses Stand with Vets for Standing Rock – NationalNursesUnited

12-21-16 ~ Jane Fonda emptying her Wells Fargo account – Uprising TV

2-21-16 ~ Jane Fonda’s #BankExit Demonstration to #DefundDAPL – Uprising TV

12-21-16 ~ Jane Fonda joins others in Hollywood to take their money out of Wells Fargo! #defunddapl – Uprising TV

12-21-16 ~ Native Woman Harassed For Not Speaking English(A EUROPEAN LANGUAGE) – Uprising TV

12-21-16 ~ Standing Rock stands with Aleppo – Uprising TV

12-21-16 ~ Daytime Talk Show From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/21/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-21-16 ~ Live Update From Standing Rock (12/21/2016) Digital Smoke Signals – Mystic Dave

12-21-16 ~ News Update From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/21/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-20-16 ~ House bill seeks to take 100,000 acres of NATIVE AMERICANS tribal lands – J Grady

12-21-16 ~ Water Protector Morton County Court House Update December 20th #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife – Standing Rock

12-21-16 ~ Water Protector Morton County Court House Update December 20th – J Grady

12-21-16 ~ Interview with Adam Alexander Johansson, His perspective on America and Standing Rock – J Grady

12-21-16 ~ Is the police dept being hauled into court as much as the Water Protectors? Prolific TheRapper – Standing Rock


12-20-16 ~ Prolific TheRapper ~ After court update didn’t go my way 12/20/16 – J Grady

12-20-16 ~ Late Night Talk Show From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/20/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-20-16 ~ More News Updates From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/20/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-20-16 ~ Daily News Update From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/20/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-20-16 ~ Important Update From Standing Rock (12/20/2016) Camp Meeting at Oceti Oyate – Mystic Dave

12-20-16 ~ Over the drill pad-What is all the traffic up and down the hill about? – Standing Rock

12-20-16 ~ Water Protector Morton County Court House Update December 20th #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife – Standing Rock

12-20-16 ~ Trial for the first arrested in August is postponed until January The new front lines are the court – Standing Rock

12-20-16 ~ The Surveillance State at Standing Rock (12/20/2016) Radio Show-88.1 FM Fargo-Moorhead – Mystic Dave

12-20-16 ~ DAPL Trolls Mock Myron Dewey On Facebook – Uprising TV

12-19-16 ~ Prosecutor asks judge to keep environmental, treaty issues out of first protester trial – Uprising TV

12-19-16 ~ Exposing Morton County LIES! – Uprising TV

12-19-16 ~ News From Water Protectors Facing Trial – Uprising TV

12-19-16 ~ #NODAPL News From Water Protectors Facing Trial – Standing Rock

12-19-16 ~ Morton County released a video attempting to portray weapons as harmless – Standing Rock

12-19-16 ~ Morton county court house Digital Smoke Signals – Standing Rock

12-19-16 ~ #NODAPL Standing Rock Protectors’ NONSENSE Charges Get Worse – Standing Rock

12-19-16 ~ Protesters arrested at Backwater Bridge despite agreement to not come on bridge – Standing Rock

12-19-16 ~ BREAKING NEWS! First Trial For Water Protectors at Standing Rock (12/19/2016) Digital Smoke Signals – Mystic Dave

12-19-16 ~ Daily News From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/19/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-19-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors Face Trial (12/19/2016) Live Outside The Morton County Courthouse – Mystic Dave

12-19-16 ~ Morton county ~ Awaiting Trial 12/19/16 – J Grady

12-19-16 ~ Indigenous Rising Media ~ interview with Water Protectors Facing Trial – J Grady

12-19-16 ~ Chad Charlie ~ Let’s talk About the courtroom request 12/18/16 – J Grady

12-19-16 ~ Cempoalli Twenny ~ Update from Court #StandingRock – J Grady

12-19-16 ~ Digital Smoke Signals ~ Outside the Morton County Court House – J Grady

12-19-16 ~ Sioux Z Dezbah ~ Update in Chicago for Surgery – J Grady

12-19-16 ~ 1st Trial for Water Protectors – Uprising TV

Stories From the Frontline ~ Oceti Oyate Dec. 20, 2016

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe



We are in a situation right now where we need media on our situation in order for the world to know what’s going on. The judge has so far approved every motion granted by the States attorney and has denied every one of our motions.

Right now, the states attorney, same guy who tried to charge Amy Goodman with terrorism for covering the story of Standing Rock, is asking the court to disallow all of our video and evidence that would prove our innocence and uphold our constitutional right to express under our first amendment, while simultaneously submitted false lies against us.

Please share!!!! We would love to have an interview with Amy Goodman so that the public can know what’s going on. What happens in our cases will affect the rest of the cases behind us. We need a really good legal advice and media to support us.

Please stand with us and help! Share and keep us in your prayers!


12-16-16 ~ Bixi Nibe… My day in pics…these are the governments of the UN meeting with indigenous representatives and One “Navajo Ambassador”. I … was sooo happy he introduced himself as Ambassador. Power to our peoples!! Water is Life, Indigenous at the UN. We Stand.

12-15-16 ~ Magpie Waters Productions… Didn’t they see the “No Trespassing” signs all over the West? It was their manifest destiny to tame the wilderness, to make canals out of rivers and streams. To bring different plants, animals, and ways to the West. A West that was great but the greed of railroad companies, timber barons, fur trade companies, and miners and pioneers decimated the once Great West. Teddy Roosevelt and other influential politicians and people set aside lands to be preserved to save what was left. Today in Standing Rock the Warriors of the Rainbow fight to protect the water of millions of people now. They are also fighting for their ancestors then. Validating their ways, their strength and their sacrifice for now. They fight for the future too, bless them, pray for them because the fight is still on because greed will not stop, it cannot be satisfied, but it can be beat with unity in purpose.




12-14-16 ~ UPDATE Greg Grey Cloud… Today my little brothers are in between Howard and Madison South Dakota. One horse has had a minor laceration to a rear leg. He now is being trailered and cared for properly. Nothing to worry about. Dakota 38 memorial ride is being led by the courageous Spirit Riders who also ride with the water protectors message! A number of photos for you to share and love. Phot credit by: Omri #Dakota38 #SpiritRiders #NoDAPL … Here are the Dakota 38 riders aka the spirit riders! They’ve made it to Howard SD! Only 13 more days and 260sum miles to go! Be proud of these young men, be very proud! The pride of crow creek! Still carrying the water protectors message as well as honoring our ancestors!


12-14-16 ~ Some were quoted as saying it was the first time they truly felt as though they were serving and protecting their country. One speech was made by a native veteran, who at one point said “The difference between a soldier and a warrior is that a soldier takes orders–a warrior does what’s right.”

Thankful for the veterans who came, those that have been here since the beginning, those who have stayed, and those who will come.


12-14-16… The Doctrine of Discovery was denounced and burned up on Standing Rock by Church Representatives & our relatives today! The Doctrine of Discovery is a major cause of our grandparents getting their hair cut off, beaten for speaking our language….this was a major reason why millions of our ancestors were killed around the world.

I believe the clergymen recognized that this also is a big reason our treaties were not honored, this is why Dakota Access Pipeline and Morton County, North Dakota have disregard our rights and removed our protectors…the reason why they terrorize our protectors for Standing Together peacefully and unarmed.

This is long overdue, but the strength and prayers for Standing Rock has awakend the true human spirit and has given courage to those who let the rich control them. There are good people in this world in all races and walks of life. The unity and prayers have united us to start taking the steps to make ammendments and work together!


12-14-16 ~…. Emmett ~ Ate… He drove himself to and from Standing Rock, 1 or 2 times a week, he was at home at camp, you could always find him by the fire, coffee in hand, visiting. This is during the announcement by Dave Archambault of the easement denial. And dad will continue going.

12-14-16 ~ Crystal Houser… I have a bit of a heavy heart today. My brother is about to enter into a dark period of his life and I will not be home to support him. I know my mother and sister miss me and worry about me daily and I just walked away from a job with one of the greatest bosses ever so I can stay here at Standing Rock. I am confident I am making the right decision, but guilt is weighing on me for sure.
To my family back home, thank you so much for your blessings and know I love you and think about you everyday. You give me the strength to stand and inspire me daily to fight for what is right. I’d be lost without you.


12-14-16 ~ Sophia Wilansky… Update: This is what my arm looks like as of Tuesday 12/13/16, 22 days after law enforcement on highway 1806 hit it with a grenade which exploded on contact, and 3 days after I was finally discharged from the hospital. The black rods are an external fixator (ex-fix) which is screwed into my bones to hold them in place; the bone is fractured and a piece is missing. I lost both arteries in my arm and one was replaced with a vein taken from my left leg; I am about to stop taking blood thinner shots but I will have to take aspirin for the rest of my life because a blood clot in the vein-turned-artery would make me lose the arm. Next, my arm was stuffed with a large piece of my lat muscle; I still have a device draining fluids from inside my back where the muscle was taken from. Finally, my arm was covered with a large skin graft taken from my right thigh. All of this skin will take at least a year to look relatively normal. In the bottom left corner of this photo you can see the bullet wound from where I was shot right before I was hit with the grenade.


12-13-16 ~ Vonda Eagle Horse, Oglala Lakota Sioux… “This is where I, Vonda Eagle Horse, Walks First Woman, Wounded Knee Descendant, American Indian Movement. I say, apologize for killing my grandpa James High Hawk, and remove those 22 medals of honor for killing all of our people down at Wounded Knee. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You should be ashamed of yourselves. There are rules in combat, and you never apologized for that. Who does that? Kind of like what we went through over here, tanks against tarps. I mean a whole million dollar fight against forty, fifty dollar donated tarps. That’s okay, because out of faith and fear, faith will always win. And you know, you need to apologize and stop making a spectacle of yourselves. The world is watching. The world knows. All these injustices and atrocities have now come to an end. We are now in a very holy moment. Remove those 22 Medals of Honor, please.

We forgave that, my dad, my children, we forgave that. We see this Wounded Knee Memorial Ride every year, and I’m honored to see our family and our people persevere through those elements and conditions. Yet, some of us have laid that to rest, and we’ve never gotten an apology, but we’ve laid that to rest. Our people will continue to do the Big Foot Ride until we get an apology for the Wounded Knee Massacre, and you take those 22 Medals of Honor away. Who does that? This was so precious to the United States government. They use to take the children and just rip them off their cradle boards and just execute them on tree trunks. Who does that? They’re kind of doing the same thing here at Oceti Sakowin, and if I lose my life up here, it’s very very valuable to me to see our people continue to survive…continue to go on.”


12-13-16 ~ Ancient One Returns to Tribes
For more than 20 years, Columbia Basin tribe’s have battled to have the remains of the over 9,000 year old Kennewick Man returned for reburial. Discovered in 1996, Kennewick Man, who is among the oldest and most complete skeletons found, has been subject to great controversy as Tribe’s sought to have the ancestor returned and the science community wanting to conduct studies on the remains. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/jj48pgc



On Thursday, December 8, Bert Allen “B.A.” Naholowa’a suffered a heart attack. He was outside of the gas station near the Prairie Knights Casino. He was there doing maintenance on his RV. He’d been in the area since roughly November 26th serving as a volunteer medic to water protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp.

B.A. received first aid, and an ambulance was called to assist him. He was taken to Fort Yates Hospital. He did not recover and passed away that day.

B.A. was Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian), American Irish, and American Chinese. B.A. was a second generation Air Force veteran. B.A. resided in Arizona. He is survived by 4 children, their mother and their partners, 8 grandchildren, 3 sisters and a large extended family.

From B.A.’s family:
“We were regularly in contact with dad while he was volunteering at the camp. He was honored to be there and of service to the camp community. Thanks to all that made his experience a good one. He walked on in a good way. We are sure he is in peace.

The Naholowa’a Ohana is happy to receive visitors for B.A. at a visitation on December 13th from 11 am to 1 pm at Dawise Perry Funeral Home in Mandan, North Dakota. Later his ashes will be taken home to Hawai‘i for further services.”

We express our deepest sympathies to B.A.’s Ohana and want everyone to know that B.A. left a beautiful lasting impression on all who he had contact with. We don’t have words to describe the loss that those of us who had the honor of knowing B.A. are feeling; but we are grateful for the time we did get to spend with him – time well spent caring for the water protectors. We are also grateful that B.A.’s family could come to camp and hold a memorial service today. Those of us who were able to come were very blessed by the songs and ceremony.

We ask everyone to please give the family time and space to heal. We love you all.
We Are The Media….. This elderly man spent his final days as a medic helping campers at Standing Rock! Thank you, Bert Allen “B.A.” Naholowa’a, for giving up your last days to help water protectors and everyone at the camps. His family says he walked along a good path and that campers made his experience a positive one. Be in peace; we are thinking of you and honoring your life today.


12-12-16 ~ Paul Bemore… My fav pic of vets gathering at Standing Rock! This is on the front line. I was amazed by this wheel chair bound protector standing tallest of us all!


‎12-13-16 ~ Fawn Lily‎… The government is lying. SHOCKER. I’m sure you all know. Yes, the fight is still on out here. We are still camping in subzero temperatures, for real. Oceti (now named All Nations), Rosebud, and Sacred Stone Camps all still stand.


Sadly, a large majority of people have abandoned us because they fell for the government’s tricks and think it’s over. “Victory” the media calls it? 46 dapl floodlights shining on camp every night tell us otherwise (check out the picture below).
I’ve been laying low because I realized how deeply intertwined into all this I have become. I was afraid and paranoid. I had to lay low.

I took the past few weeks to learn how to live. Wo Lakota means the way of life, the way of living, and that’s what we came out here to learn. How to sustain yourself and your community. I know I can learn so much more, but I feel ready to get back into my more mentally taxing work again and to continue to keep my tribe at home informed of the raw and honest T R U T H.

In respect of my fellow protectors out here and security culture, I cannot release any more details. Please just know we are still out here and spread the word.

Thank you all for the continuous love and support. I feel it everyday, from all over the world. But we need you all to know that the fight is still on, so you continue to send it our way.

If you want to send us supplies, please send construction material (plywood, nails, screws, insulation, tools, etc) and firewood.
Much love ♥ ♥ ♥


12-12-16 ~ Atsa E’sha Hoferer … Cots, Wood Stoves and & other Winter Gear was delivered today. More to come they said. #1N


11-12-16 ~ Dan Nanamkin… FreeIng cold today! Shared the duc n dive, the story n the relationship as i was told by my relative ottis halfmoon and gary door between the nimipoo and the hunkpapa! Im a representative of the walwama people so here i am! Was blessed by my paluse relative who sang washut in my yurt! I spoke to the youth to be proud of who they are, their way of their culture, language, the way they dress, the teachings of their elders and to learn their history and family! The fire burma bright inside each of you who were here!

12-12-16 ~ ‎Crystal Houser‎… I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting more updates for you all. There is so much to talk about, so much to write, so much to do. It is very difficult keeping a phone charged in the cold, and charging takes three times as long…I haven’t had a full charge since I arrived, reception has been poor during the storms… And again, there is so much to do. Even if there wasn’t, it would be a travesty to be stuck on my phone out here….I want to share with you, but I’m busy living it, really experiencing it.

I can say that morale at Oceti Sakowin feels a little better today with a slight change in the weather and a renewal of the Sacred Fire. The fire drives spiritual morale. My first morning I heard the fire was put out “because our prayers have already been answered”…. To some degree, perhaps many degrees, this is true… But DAPL is still here, Morton County is still at the roadblock, Merc private security presence is no secret… We are still praying, still staying.

I’ve been writing a lot and will share when it is time. I love you all and on behalf of all of us here, I thank you for your continued support.
And we could use more cough medicine, decongestant, expectorant, oregano…. Yes, oregano. Charged pocket chargers for our phones would help us keep in touch better too. Thank you again.



Video’s #NoDAPL – Dec. 12 – 18, 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

12-18-16 `~ TRUTH From Standing Rock (12/18/2016) Shiyé Bidzííl & Josh Long Talk Cell Phone Protection-Part 2 – Mystic Dave

12-18-16 ~ TRUTH From Standing Rock (12/18/2016) Shiyé Bidzííl & Josh Long Talk Cell Phone Protection-Part 3 – Mystic Dave

12-18-16 ~ Filmmaker witnessed activists getting injured at Standing Rock-the sheriff’s dept. is lying about it – Standing Rock

12-18-16 ~ Standing Rock – The Meaning of the Teepee – gage4g

12-18-16 ~ #NODAPL Why do I feel like access to the road is based on skin color – Standing Rock

12-18-16 ~ Standing Rock – Blizzard Evacuation – gage4g

12-18-16 ~ Late Night Talks With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl From Standing Rock (12/18/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-18-16 ~ Standing Rock – The story of the 4 Drums – gage4g

12-18-16 ~ News From Standing Rock (12/18/2016) Shiyé Bidzííl & Josh Long Talk Cell Phone Protection – Mystic Dave

12-17-16 ~ DeFund DAPL: Wells Fargo Embargo (12/17/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-17-16 ~ The US Terrorizes the Native Americans – Guillermo Camarena

12-17-16 ~ Standing Rock: Important update regarding first water protector trials – Let Your Soul Play

12-16-16 ~ Message From #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl at Standing Rock (12/16/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-16-16 ~ News Update From Standing Rock (12/16/2016) Exposing Trolls! by Shiyé Bidzííl – Mystic Dave

12-16-16 ~ Shiyé Bidzííl live funny on Standing Rock – Standing Rock

12-16-16 ~ Defund DAPL At CitiGroup in NYC – Uprising TV

12-16-16 ~ Standing rock interview with elder part 2 – Ray Fox

12-16-16 Standing Rock – Interview de David Archambault by stoplies.org – Stop Mensonges

12-16-16 ~ Standing Rock Special Dallas Goldtooth on Police Violence & Repression of Movement Against DAPL Yo – katalina piwa

12-16-16 ~ Update from Oceti Sakowin Camp (12/16/2016) Indigenous Rising Media – Mystic Dave

12-16-16 ~ Drill pad Today we were informed by FAA that the no fly zone is lifted #waterislife – Standing Rock

12-15-16 ~ Red Fawn has become a political prisoner of Standing Rock. We are demanding her immediate release – J Grady

12-15-16 ~ Evening News Update From Standing Rock With #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/14/2016) – Mystic Dave


12-15-16 ~ More Drone Footage From Standing Rock (12/15/2016) #NoDAPL Warrior Myron Dewey – Mystic Dave

12-15-16 ~ DeFund DAPL: Crashing JP Morgan Party in NYC (12/15/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-15-16 ~ FireKeepers Fellowship – Standing Rock Update – FireKeepers International

12-15-16 ~ A Star Studded Benefit in New York City for Standing Rock (12/15/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-15-17 ~ Drone Footage From Standing Rock (12/15/2016) The Bridge at Oceti Sakowin – Mystic Dave

12-15-16 ~ On the Anniversary of Sitting Bull’s Death, Meet His Great Great Granddaughter, Brenda White Bull – Uprising TV

12-15-16 ~ Update on departure date for standing rock. The engine is in! – Rex Litwiller

12-15-16 ~ Myron Dewey ~ #nodapl 12/15/16 – J Grady

12-15-16 ~ Myron Dewey ~ Bridge 12/15/16 #StandingRock – J Grady

12-14-16 ~ Red Road Awareness Camp at Standing Rock – Lynny Prince


12-14-16 ~ Late Nite Update Live From Standing Rock (12/14/2016) Digital Smoke Signals – Mystic Dave

12-14-16 ~ Shiyé Bidzííl live 12 14 16 More updates on dakota access Pipeline spill near Belfield, ND – Standing Rock

12-14-16 ~ Shailene Woodley in New York City (12/14/2016) #Divest from #DAPL Rally – Mystic Dave

12-14-16 ~ Faces of Standing Rock – KnappBrothers

12-14-16 ~ Dear Morton County Commissioners and Sheriff Kirchmeier
J Grady

12-14-16 ~ Campers say DAPL protest camp numbers remain around 1,000, despite subzero temperatures – J Grady

12-14-16 ~ All Nations 12/13/16 – Lavonne Cox

12-14-16 ~ All Nations camp 12/13/16 – Lavonne Cox
Chase IronEyes… This is non-violent, unarmed action that is met with what appears to be live lethal capable weapons in the beginning you can see a LEO draw a weapon before the less lethal munitions are visible. We remain unarmed and NonViolent. The USACE easement denial was obviously no reason to stop our fight.

12-14-16 ~ Dear Morton County Commissioners and Sheriff Kirchmeier – Myron Dewey

12-14-16 ~ MORTON COUNTY Patrolling the frozen river banks – Uprising TV

12-14-16 ~ Shailene Woodley in New York City (12/14/2016) #Divest from #DAPL Rally – Mystic Dave

12-14-16 ~ News From Standing Rock (12/14/2016) Update from Oceti – Mystic Dave

12-13-16 ~ BREAKING NEWS From Standing Rock (12/13/2016) #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl – Mystic Dave

12-13-16 ~ WATER IS LIFE – #NoDAPL – Shawn Brewer

12-13-16 ~ IMPORTANT MEETING at Standing Rock! 12/13/2016 #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl with Chris Lemke – Mystic Dave

12-13-16 ~ Standing Rock Brings Enemy Tribes Together Against Big Oil – TYT Politics

12-13-16 ~ More Updates BREAKING NEWS From Standing Rock
12/13/2016 #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl – Mystic Dave

12-13-16 ~ Chris Lemke Calls For A Truce With The Natives 12/13/16 – J Grady


12-13-16 ~ Oil Pipeline Bursts Close To Standing Rock Protest #NoDAPL – Donald Trump’s

12-13-16 ~ All Nationnal camp 12 13 16 – Standing Rock

12-12-16 ~ An Interview With Myron Dewey – J Grady

12-12-16 ~ Building a Rocket Mass Heater at Standing Rock Part 1 – Presented by OneHeartFire – Jesse Grimes

12-12-16 ~ Standing Rock Leader: DAPL Woke a Sleeping Youth Beast – TYT Politics


12-12-16 ~ Jordan Reports On What’s Next At Standing Rock – Mystic Dave

Stories From the Frontline ~ Oceti Oyate Dec. 12, 2016

Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

12-5-16 ~ The 8th Fire – Trailer 2 – Native American Documentary


12-11-16 ~ LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard
What will history say about 2016 and North Dakota?
Will it be about Native people standing up together with all their allies bring the nations together to go against a billion dollar corporation?
Will they talk about the civil rights violation of the State of North Dakota and Morton County Sheriff Department that represent the South in the 1960s?
Will they talk about the many brave warriors who were injured and will have life long damage by the police and mercenaries hired by oil company?
Will they talk about how government promoted racism and encouraged people to take arms against native people?
Will they talk about the corruption of the press and the spread of lies in the newspaper and television?
Will they talk about racial profiling allowed in stores and businesses?
Will they talk about asking businesses not sell goods to the people?
Will they talk about refusing emergency services to native people?
Will they talk about the pepper spray, mace, tear gas, rubber bullets, the grenades, the bean bags the water cannons and the physical abuse by the officers on the protectors?
Will they talk about destruction of our ceremonial grounds and burials?
Will they talk about police abuse and the made up charges on people?
Will they talk about their open racial comments among themselves?
Will they talk about the illegal corporation they defend?
Will they talk about being paid by the oil company?
Will they talk about arresting the press and medics?
Will the talk about how they violation their constitution?
Will they talk about how ACLU, Amestry International, United Nations are calling in to record the abuse?
How will North Dakota record this history? I am not worried because we have recorded and we will remember and tell our children and grandchildren how we stood for the water.


12-11-16 ~ Kenny Frost… Morning fellow Defenders ~ Protectors Veterans of our Sacred Water’s

We are in a heat wave of 4 degrees. Yes, I said 4 degrees.

No matter how hard or tough it is outside, we must remember my friends there. There are those out who would love to experience this weather by getting out and just feeling this by walking, stretching or running in this weather.

Never take you life for granted ever. As there are our relatives, relations and friends who just want to feel alive as they trying to heal their bodies including those who are bedridden. We offer prayers for the many in the 4~Directions.

So when your complaining about weather conditions or a bad day. Many would love to trade places.

Our prayers today is the healing energies for our people regardless of who they are. As, they over come this condition Creator.

We also pray for those who lost love ones while fighting for the sacred waters. Help their families with strength, courage and love. They will never be forgotten but always remembered.
Love to you all my dear friends.

=->>>—- Kenny —->
Picture by Kenny
December 7, 2016
Standing Rock reservation
“Sacred Buffalo”



12-11-16 Sophia Wilanski… Home!
Thanks to everyone who supported @Sophia Wilansky at Standing Rock. She is out of the hospital now but has to go back for many more surgeries. Big hug to Sophia, her great father, the donors, the doctors, and all her supporters

“On November 21st as a direct result of the violent police response at Standing Rock towards unarmed people opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline, Sophia Wilanski a 21 year old woman from New York City, was severely injured when a concussion grenade thrown by police hit her left arm and exploded,” Sophia has had multiple surgeries and will have many many more just to get 20% use of her arm back. Sophia went home today and is happy to be with her dog!


12-11-16 ~ Unify… a NEW FIRE has been lit at STANDING ROCK
DEC. 11th update.
The Indigenous Youth Council with support from Chief Chase Iron Eyes have started a new sacred fire with a prayer of oneness and commitment to doing whatever it takes to stop the pipeline.
The new camp is called Oceti Oyate. The Peoples Camp. Let’s share this video and support our youth!


12-11-16 ~ Brandon Green… Creator tonight’s prayer is for those who are full of fear, uncertainty and doubt. I pray for these people deeply in my heart. I want them to be assured tonight that there is a force at work in this entire world, RIGHT NOW, fighting for the greater good of all mankind. No matter your race, religion, sexual preferences; no matter what differences that seem to separate us by our own ignorance. We all deserve to be free. We all deserve to be a self creation of who we are. In this coming future, evil will not have solid ground to stand on. Evil will not to be welcomed but exiled into the wilderness where Mother nature will tend to them. I pray my people learn to pray because the power of prayer is unbelievable. I claim no religion, I walk no path carved by man. I walk the path Creator has laid before my feet and Creator has a path for you if you would just open your eyes and see truth. I pray we shed all fear of the unknown because if we place our trust in Creator, there is NOTHING to fear. Only when you slip away into the evil society should you fear, for Creators wrath will be upon you. Forever seek the light my family. Your not walking alone, I am walking with you. Aho!


12-11-16 ~ LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard… When i first saw people coming in to stand against Dakota Access pipeline on the April 1st at Grand River Casino I was overwhelm with thankfulness, the youth runners, women and children walkers, horse riders, Biker riders and the Seven Council fires. They came to stand with us and what is seen in July made me cry for days as the people of the world came to stand with us. As we stood with people of the world i felt a healing of the land and then… we were attacked I was shocked at the behavior of the state against peaceful people. The people still stood against the violence in prayer, song and dance. We stood with our many cultures united we stood is laughter and story telling, in the morning you can hear the songs across the camps. As some people getting ready to leave the camp because of the weather we know that they carry us in our hearts. I pray they carry the lesson of the camps to where ever they live. It is time to change the world thought we can live with our earth in respect and honor by learning to stop fossil fuel and start using green energy. Lets change the world by protecting the water everywhere.”


12-10-16 ~ Chase IronEyes
Ignore all the rumors and fear.
“Someone died at camp”
“they’re flooding the camp” (is that “public” yet)
“the Tribe dropped its lawsuit”
“the Tribe is closing the camp”
“They’re not letting anyone into camp”

The truth is about 1000 people minimum are still at camp. We are doing all we can to make sure they’re safe. They can leave on their own. I’m not doing anything but coordinating. The medics, camp organizers and each and every person there are doing all the work, so many people are stepping up when others are abandoning this fight. Talking about the “front lines are in the court now.”

The Standing Rock Tribal Gov. doesn’t have the authority to “close” the camp. The State of North Dakota doesn’t have the authority to “close” the camp. The worst case scenario is the Army Corp of Eng requests assistance from ND Law Enf to evacuate the camp (if leaseholder says they’re interfering with his rights), or they just flood it, but that is a really really bad look for anyone, except Trump.

I don’t even think the Standing Rock gov can legally block access to the camp from the south without the help of North Dakota. The Tribe could request Army Corp and the leaseholder of the land where the big camp is to start the process for evacuation but that would be interesting how we are not willing to step up against the Republican controlled brutality but we will step up to kick our allies out. And, finally nobody at camp is even aware of all the rumors at the top of the post, that’s all in our online heads. It is deadly cold out so do not hesitate to reach out or leave, but those die hards holding strong, we are here to help. Many thanks to all hosting families and responding to this. People are assembling to decide their own futures here, on their own terms.


12-10-16 ~JoLanda Gerry Thompson… Here is a letter my daughter Theresa (Tree) wrote. I just thought i would share it with you all. To show you guys are appreciated and even our children are thankfull for the water protectors. Take the pipeline, save our planet and drop awhole bunch of cocoa off at camp for our water protectors. That what my 6 year old wants for Christmas!!! Thank you for Standing with us. Feel free to share.


Josué Rivas Fotographer with Scarlet Luta Whetstone… The main fire at the Oceti Sakowin camp was put out today. This is the first fire you would see when entering the camp by the flag road. So many tribes showed up and introduced themselves here. So many people gathered here. This fire might be out but it travels with every one of us. This is the cycle of our movement. It’s all connected.

The horn (7 sacred fires) fire, Sacred Stone Camp fire, and others are still up and running. The elders were told in ceremony it was time to put out this specific fire because the prayers had been heard. This doesn’t mean that the fight is over, I personally believe that is the beginning of a new chapter.


12-10-16 ~ Greg Grey Cloud... The Dakota 38+2 wokiksuye zuya has begun! It’s currently -9 degrees with a 15mph windchill. Our riders are vigilant. Our horses are great. Our family is second to none. Our relatives at camp are also in our prayers!

12-9-16 ~ Cindy Rodriques… I Went to Cover #StandingRock and What I Found was Eye Opening
After being frustrated with the lack of media coverage and human rights violationsStanding Rock was receiving, so my friend Nathalie and I decided to go to North Dakota to get as much footage as possible to share with the world. It was a last minute decision that has changed my view of the world and where I want to take my contributions in journalism. Continue reading http://tinyurl.com/jngmufa


12-9-16 ~ Shaun King… Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/last-real-indians-nodapl-aid

Since I emailed you this morning, you have donated $263,342 to the indigenous people of Standing Rock. With that, they will immediately purchase at least one pickup truck, at least one moving truck, a flatbed trailer, and at least one 15 passenger van. Your generosity will also allow the team in Standing Rock to immediately purchase other essential supplies to sustain them in the crucial months ahead.

Chase Iron Eyes and Edwin Lindo, who is one of the founders of the Injustice Boycott, are actually working on the purchases as I type this. Words cannot express how grateful I am for your generosity. The people of Standing Rock send you their love as well.

That’s all. More than anything, I want you to see the power of us coming together as one unified force. Together, we are changing the world, but we are just scratching the surface of our potential.

Tomorrow, we are stepping up our next action in New York City. Also, I will be appearing on Democracy Now in the morning to discuss the boycott.

Love and appreciate you all!
Your Brother,

12-7-16 ~ Hector Lavalle… “My heart felt heavy and I felt an odd sense of loss and a kind of fear. I realized how I actually felt safer with all those precious, peaceful, conscientious warriors around me. People that care so much about the earth, the water and the community, their family, the people they love. A sense of comradery and connection that is missing in the world. (I looked up the word comradery because my spellcheck didn’t even recognize it. Isn’t that apropos?) The definition was so appropriate, it made me cry.”

“Comradery is the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of their circumstances. Who is a comrade? A close friend or a fellow soldier — in other words, someone who comes to mind when you say, “We’re in this together.”


12-7-16 ~ Kelly Daniels… Finally made it home to Kansas…

I’ve become suddenly aware of a few things I learn being at Standing Rock..

As I drove into the city I glanced at cars that passed and thought “water protectors” and then realized they weren’t… My heart felt heavy and I felt an odd sense of loss and a kind of fear. I realized how I actually felt safer with all those precious, peaceful, conscientious warriors around me. People that care so much about the earth, the water and the community, their family, the people they love. A sense of comradery and connection that is missing in the world. (I looked up the word comradery because my spellcheck didn’t even recognize it. Isn’t that apropos?) The definition was so appropriate, it made me cry.
“Comradery is the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of their circumstances. Who is a comrade? A close friend or a fellow soldier — in other words, someone who comes to mind when you say, “We’re in this together.”

The other thing I learned is that I want to honor the lessons I learn at Standing Rock by bringing those lessons home and taking them to heart. Like, loving my family with honor and respect, appreciating my community the way they love and appreciate theirs, laughing more, cooking good food with family and friends, being conscious of the energy I use and the way that I live, simplifying and living lighter on the earth, taking care of my land and honoring my animals, living a prayerful existence, walking in reverence for all of life, singing more, building a community where people take care of one another, ..and circling up around the fire…

I miss Standing Rock. I love Standing Rock. I come from a loving family and friends, and I still have never been anywhere with more meaningful experiences and sense of community and cultural healing .. ever In my life. When we celebrated the Army Corp of engineers decision, I simultaneously felt a collective sense of sadness and fear… The fear that this community may one day end. So many people feel more at home, more loved, more sense of purpose, of being taken care of and connected than any place they’ve ever felt in their lives . I could feel the sense of fear that it could end. A deep sense of sadness…

Being with so many beautiful indigenous people, their laughter, their prayers, their stories, their songs, their dances, and their appreciation of one another has been truly healing to my heart.. truly healing to so many hearts.

As we continue to support this community not only because they need us, but because we need them.. Let us not forget these lessons. Let us honor the beauty that has been created here. The remembering of times of long ago. The remembering of the way we are supposed to live. Close to and honoring the earth and one another. Let us never forget. Let us continue to support this place and replicate it in all communities and in the hearts of people everywhere in our world and daily lives. So we can spread this to all parts of the world. So we can return to the way we are meant to be.


12-8-16 ~ Bucky Harjo … This photo says it all, At Standing Rock, we have seen and felt every moments emotions, for me I had seen the tears of many, a moment I will not ever forget, it’s moments like that that has chnged me in many way’s.We have faced hatred with love love, the more they tried to break up, made us stronger, we prayed every moment and will continue to do so. I don’t ever want this to be over and it shall not, it will carry over into the next 7 generations…


12-8-16 ~ Chase Iron Eyes… “They didn’t deny the easement out of the goodness of their hearts. They denied it because of the 5,000+ people who sacrificed for clean water. They denied it because the world supports the largest Treaty Camp in history, the American people want to do right. They denied it because 4,000 vets showed up and they could not afford the visual impact of unarmed Uniformed US Vets facing off with armed Uniformed National Guard & Law Enf. That would have exposed the lies that Law Enf & DAPL have been telling the world, that they protect “Law & Order.” The Vets who sign up to defend freedom & our constitution against all enemies “foreign & domestic” finally felt like true patriots because they were willing to stand for freedom against those Law Enf violating the constitution in the name of a corporation. They denied it to stall us, and let business go on as usual. When have we as Native Nations ever won a legal claim without putting our all on the line. We need this camp. DAPL & Law Enf has not demilitarized or demobilized any of their offenses against unarmed protectors. They are there ready to brutalize unarmed citizens even when DAPL says they intend to break the law & ignore the easement denial. Think long & hard about this relatives.”


12-8-16 ~ ‘Miracles Are Happening’: Photos of the Tireless Women of Standing Rock
Thanks to the efforts of Standing Rock protesters, the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline has been diverted. Photographer Celine Guiout went to Standing Rock to shoot the women who made it happen. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/zpau9ay


12-7-16 ~ Magpie Waters Productions… Standing Rock has a decade of story lines but for now to me one thing that stands out is the Indigenous Unity that has been solidified from this movement. A classic example is when the Crow Water Protectors came to Standing Rock and they did so with beauty, honor, and power. The Crow and Sioux were bitter enemies in times past but this fight for water, this fight of Indigenous rights, this fight for a healthy earth brought many groups together that had bitter relations with each other in the past. The past was put in the past and a new future is moving forward. Warriors of the sacred rainbow came together as Dreamer prophets foretold. The fight is on.

12-7-16 ~ Oceti Sakowin Camp…
Thank You Protectors
Press Release: December 7, 2016 �

Standing Rock Reservation, Oceti Sakowin Camp. North Dakota—Our first concern issafety. We ask all who can and want to leave, to return home. We are especially concerned for elders, families with children, those with health concerns, and/or pets that aren’t acclimated. For those who can stay—and are prepared for arctic conditions—please do, we need people here. The Lakota/Nakota/Dakota people of The Great Sioux Nation have survived in these conditions for thousands of years. If Ally Protectors cooperate with the ancient wisdom and ways of these lands, we will fare well. This movement is unlike any other—it is prayerful as well as peaceful—the consciousness we have raised here continues to resonate across the world.

Secondly we ask this of you in order to conserve resources. Bringing in wood, and other essential life supporting goods, is now much more complicated. For those who want to come, be prepared for arctic conditions, we can’t stress this enough. Be ready to contribute to the survival and safety of the camp in a significant way daily, be abundant in spirit and ready to share. Bring wood, plan to work. We need cooks, medics, builders/repair-persons, people dedicated to the survival of the community, for the coming storms. Bring weather-ready vehicles, 4×4 trucks and trailers, snow-ready vehicles.

Oceti Sakowin Camp remains determined—to protect our land. We have been given the obligation to do so in the treaty of 1851—we were specifically asked to protect this river. This is the way of the Standing Rock people, the Lakota people, the Hunkpapa people. All of the seven tribes of The Great Sioux Nation have gathered here again in an historic way—once as former enemies, we now stand together as brothers and sisters.

We are not protestors.
We are not terrorists.
We are not rioters.
We are in fact, Protectors.


12-7-16 ~ ‎Mary Arose‎… These words came through while I was at Standing Rock at the end of the summer ““I come here from Taos, New Mexico, close to the ancestral home of my maternal lineage. We are here in North Dakota at the sacred gathering to protect the waters. We are specifically here to stop the pipeline that would bring in the oil and contaminate the very important water source, but its turning into something much bigger than that. There have been a lot of prayers that people have held in themselves and their communities, a prayer for transformation, a prayer to come back to sacred indigenous knowledge, to remember how to live in right relationship with ourselves, in right relationship with our sisters and brothers, in right relationship with the Earth, in right relationship with the elements… CONTINUE READING http://tinyurl.com/gl9lf9c


12-7-16 ~ Atsa E’sha Hoferer… Full house of Great Basin Tribes at #1N Camp playing Hand Game.


12-7-16 ~ Wallace Jeaneene … Grateful for the outpouring of generosity and love at the #StandingRock camp. Thankful for this man Charlie Mason Andrews, a veteran and a world jousting champion who helped me and Bianca Franchesca survive a crazy blizzard. And to Derek Hinkey who was so nice to us since we met him at the airport on Friday. Thankful the universe put you two in our path.


12-7-16 ~ Charlie Mason Andrews… I won’t be posting much while I attempt to get horses and people out and the supplies they need pretty sure no one thought this thru . You can’t ask everyone to come help you horde supplies and money raised by go fund me campaigns then tell people hey thanks for coming now go home in the middle of a blizzard in sub zero temps what the absolute fuck !!!!!!!!! Spent the last two days and nights rescuing people who just weren’t prepared and before any of you talk shit on them for coming know that I will come find you and slap the taste out of your mouth at least these people were trying to do something great that was bigger than themselves !!!! Last time I’ll ask if you can help out Theknightsofmayhem@gmail.com PayPal .. thank you in advance.


12-7-16 ~ After all most three weeks of being at Standing Rock, I finally say good bye and good luck. For those staying on: Be well, be at peace and may you all be safe. For those coming in: Go with the flow and contribute where you can, for as long as you can. Finally, thank you all for your time, energy and prayers. Peace through love, Charlie


12-5-16 ~ Rudy TwoMoon….. the healing from a break up is the half life of a relationship. Getting us, the people to heal works the same way. We have a long journey of decolonization to live through. Start now, times a wasting and our children’s-children’s-children need us now.


12-5-16 ~ Wes Clark, Jr… An incredible moment of healing at Standing Rock: Hundreds of veterans ask Native elders for forgiveness.

“We fought you. We took your land. We signed treaties that we broke. We stole minerals from your sacred hills. We blasted the faces of our presidents onto your sacred mountain… We didn’t respect you, we polluted your Earth, we’ve hurt you in so many ways but we’ve come to say that we are sorry. We are at your service and we beg for your forgiveness.” -Wes Clark, Jr.


12-5-16 ~ Just now: US Vets came forth and asked for forgiveness from the First Nations people. There was not a dry eye in the room.


12-5-16 ~ Bill Portman…. I have never been so proud to be a Native American than right now. Folks, we have just witnessed history. Over 700 tribes throughout the world come together in peaceful protection of our natural resources. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I’m so glad to be a part of this historic moment.

But innocent people got hurt for no reason. The sheriff, governor, and DAPL security forces committed genocide against my Native family and your fellow Americans. I will not rest until justice is served. I’m committed to this cause and will do everything in my power to make sure it is served. I’m so blessed to have met the people from Lakota Peoples Law Project when I went to Standing Rock. Danny Sheehan (civil rights attorney), Kelsey Hill (journalist), and Chuck (videographer). I’ve offered my services however I can to help this team get justice.


12—16 ~ Standing Rock Victory Photos: Pictures of the Celebration
“Something happened. Something incredible. Something beautiful. It was unintended. It was by accident. But something beautiful happened. Something that no politician has been able to do. Something that no religious leader has been able to do. Something that no diplomat or peace maker or human rights activist or group has been able to do. But in a place, a small place that before now, most people never knew existed. A place called Standing Rock. A group of Indigenous Americans came together.


10-6-16 ~ Josué Rivas Fotographer… For many years I struggled with finding my purpose with photography. Internally I knew my photos were meant to make a change, to share the light I’ve always seen. I tried photographing weddings, concerts, events, etc. I enjoyed all of it, it was a great challenge but for the last few months I’ve come to realize that in fact my instinct was in the right direction. I will be the voice for native America, the platform for our peoples stories, the light in the darkness. The future holds many opportunities for my photos, I can feel it. For now I focus on the present and keep exploring and experiencing these moments. These ceremonies, these songs, these dances. We are still here and we aren’t going anywhere.


News Updates ~ Oceti Oyate Nov. 1, 2016 to Date

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceti Sakowin
You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

3-10-17 ~ Tipis Rise on the National Mall
Tipis have sprung up on the National Mall alongside the Washington Monument as Natives and allies converge on the U.S. capital to demand a halt to humans’ collective destruction of our habitat, starting with fossil fuels and pipelines. Indigenous Peoples are flocking to Washington D.C. for four days of events including musical performances, panels and other cultural activities, centered around resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) as well as to uphold indigenous and treaty rights, and to stand for environmental justice.

3-9-17 ~ Police win warrant to search Dakota Access Pipeline protest Facebook page
The warrant from the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Department seeks data surrounding the Bellingham #NoDAPL Coalition’s Facebook page. The page, with more than 1,000 followers, provides information about pipeline environmental issues and is used to organize political protests and connect political activists.

3-8-17 ~ Dakota Pipeline protests come to Wall Street: Native American activists hope to pressure big banks to back off
In less than 60 days in office, President Donald Trump has set back the nation and the entire planet at least 30 years when it comes to the looming environmental challenges we face from climate change and increasing fresh water scarcity. Imagine Trump as an evil version of Christopher Lloyd’s Doc Brown, the mad scientist in “Back to the Future” who offers Marty McFly a joyride into the past in his DeLorean, while clad in a snappy Make America Great Again baseball cap.

The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a motion to quash a warrant issued to police to search a Facebook community page for a broad range of information about a local group engaged in protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline and advocating for environmental justice.

3-8-17 ~ Oil could begin flowing through Dakota Access pipeline as early as next week
U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg in Washington denied a request by the Cheyenne River Indian tribe to halt construction on grounds that the pipeline violated its members’ religious freedom. The tribe had claimed that the pipeline was “a terrible Black Snake prophesied to come into the Lakota homeland and cause destruction” by desecrating water used in religious ceremonies.

3-7-17 ~ Judge denies tribe’s request to block Dakota Access pipeline
A federal judge on Tuesday denied a Native American tribe’s request to block the Dakota Access pipeline. The Cheyenne River Sioux tribe said the controversial oil pipeline project violates its religious freedom due to its placement under Lake Oahe. The tribe uses the lake for sacred ceremonies, and its lawyers argued that the mere presence of an oil pipeline under the lake desecrates the water and violates their religious freedom.

the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed “the district court’s partial summary judgment in favor of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and the United States, which declared that the United States impliedly reserved appurtenant water sources, including groundwater, when it created the Tribe’s reservation in California’s arid Coachella Valley.”

3-6-17 ~ More questions about donations following the end of Sacred Stone Camp
Now, in the days after the remaining water protectors were forced to leave Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota, which also left many questions about the donation money that was received by LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard for the camp. It is not the first time people have had questions about donations raised for the water protectors. Previously we witnessed a huge backlash when the Standing Rock Sioux tribal council announced $3.1 million of the donated money would go toward the tribe’s standing debts.

3-6-17 ~ Catholics Call Dakota Access Pipeline “Morally Unacceptable”
Would Jesus put the profits of a few before the health of many? Not likely. It’s easy then to know how Jesus would feel about the Dakota Access pipeline, which puts drinking water for millions at risk.

3-3-17 ~ Taking NoDAPL to the White House: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to lead historic march on Washington
n Friday, March 10, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe will march with indigenous people and allies to oppose Trump’s continued aggression on tribal nations and stand in solidarity with all Native Nations to protect their sovereignty. Since his inauguration, Trump has worked to force through the Dakota Access Pipeline. He has disregarded the Environmental Impact Statement process, ignored tribal consultation, and acted in clear violation of treaty rights. Members of his administration have even blatantly lied about their communication with the Tribe. The Tribe is marching to call on the administration to hear why it’s critical for the U.S. government to respect treaty rights.

3-3-17 ~ U.N. Investigator Says Native American Rights were Violated by DAPL Law Enforcement
An official with the United Nations says the rights of Native Americans in North Dakota are not being respected by the state. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz visited Dakota Access protest camps in Morton County. Tauli-Corpuz is the U.N.’s special investigator on the rights of indigenous peoples. She says authorities used unnecessary force and that the reports of the cleanup in the county have been blown out of proportion.

3-3-17 ~ Leadhorse Choctaw Arrested at Ceremonial Grounds at Standing Rock, Now on Hunger Strike in Jail
Leadhorse Choctaw was arrested at the Ceremonial Grounds during the raid on the Seventh Generation Camp when the camp was attacked by police. Leadhorse was manning the Sacred Fire when he was pepper sprayed and handcuffed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs police. “Leadhorse was kidnapped by BIA police and taken to the Fort Yates Jail. He is on a hunger strike and told the court he will die there for the cause.”

3-2-17 ~ North Dakota casino proposal risks angering tribes
North Dakota’s top House Republican is proposing six state-owned casinos, a move that risks angering American Indian tribes at a time relations have already been rubbed raw by the dispute over the Dakota Access oil pipeline.The only casinos in North Dakota are on the state’s five American Indian reservations, and those are central to the tribes’ economies. Some lawmakers say Fargo Rep. Al Carlson’s proposal to add six state-owned casinos is little more than a threat of payback for millions of dollars in law enforcement and other costs the state bore because of protests over the Dakota Access pipeline.

3-2-17 ~ Three Unicorn Riot Journalists Have #NoDAPL Arrest Charges Dropped
Three Unicorn Riot journalists who were arrested and charged with criminal trespassing while documenting #NoDAPL direct actions have had their charges dropped in court dates set for the first three days of March. On Wednesday, March 1, Unicorn Riot journalist Jenn Schreiter had their criminal trespass charge dismissed in Iowa. The following Thursday, March 2, two other Unicorn Riot journalists had their criminal trespassing charges dropped in North Dakota.

3-1-17 ~ Sen. Franken Wants FBI Explanation Why It’s Investigating DAPL Protesters
“I am concerned that the reported questioning of political activists by one of the FBI’s terrorism task forces threatens to chill constitutionally protected conduct and speech,” Senator Franken writes in the letter. Franken cites reports that JTTF agents have attempted to question at least three individuals who opposed the Dakota Access pipeline at camps at Standing Rock.

3-1-17 ~ Private investor divests $34.8m from firms tied to Dakota Access pipeline
Norway’s largest private investor is divesting from three companies tied to the Dakota Access pipeline, a small victory for the Standing Rock movement one week after the eviction of the main protest encampment.

2-28-17 ~ Here’s how the Standing Rock Sioux will keep fighting Dakota Access — in court
The Sioux’s best shot at stopping Dakota Access now lies in court. It may be a long shot, but a legal win is still possible, some advocates say. A legal challenge filed by the tribe on Feb. 14 charges pipeline builder Dakota Access, LLC, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with a range of environmental, cultural, and treaty-based violations. It asks a federal judge to rule on whether the Army Corps broke laws and treaties by allowing construction of the last leg of the pipeline under Lake Oahe, a reservoir along the Missouri River in North Dakota.

2-27-17 ~ New Mexico Democrats Divest From Wells Fargo Over Dakota Access Pipeline
The Democratic Party of New Mexico, in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and tribes throughout New Mexico, made the decision to divest from Wells Fargo, one of the many financial institutions supporting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

2-27-17 ~ Plunging Profits of Standing Rock Sioux Casino Blamed on Dakota Pipeline Protests and Frigid Winter
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North Dakota says a brutally cold winter, as well as massive protests over the Dakota Access crude oil pipeline, are responsible for a budget shortfall of nearly $6 million. Tribal leaders say business at the Prairie Knights Casino has dropped sharply of late, and were unsure when it would pick back up.

2-27-17 ~ Iowa Pipeline Bursts Only Days After Trump Approved DAPL Construction
Hanlontown, IA — Beginning around 5:30 am on Wednesday morning, local authorities in Hanlontown, Iowa, realized the Magellan Pipeline was leaking what amounted to 138,600 gallons of diesel fuel.

2-27-17 ~ North Dakota Pipeline FORCED To Be Shut Down After LEAKING In The Mississippi River Just Like Standing Rock Protesters Warned
A six-inch line operated by Belle Fourche Pipeline leaked into the river northwest of Belfield in Billings County. By the time it was shut down, oil had traveled about 2.5 miles down the river

2-27-17 ~ Sheriff Kirchmeier: No weapons found at Oceti Sakowin #NoDAPL protest camp
Video: Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier spoke with us about today’s clearing out of the Oceti Sakowin #NoDAPL protest camp. He reports that no guns were found.

2-27-17 ~ Three Unicorn Riot Journalists Face Trial This Week From DAPL Coverage
Chris Schiano and Niko Georgiades have trial dates of March 1st and March 3rd in Morton County, North Dakota for criminal trespass. They were both arrested in a mass arrest on September 13th while reporting on a direct action which stopped pipeline work.

2-25-17 ~ Cuthand: Dakota Access protest was just the beginning
On Feb. 22 the police moved in and the few remaining protesters at Standing Rock set fire to the temporary shelters and tents and left. A few diehards stayed on and were arrested. So ended the biggest confrontation between Native Americans and the American government in modern times.

2-25-17 ~ 35 Native American Tribes File Lawsuit Against Energy Transfer Partners
On Wednesday, February 22, 2017, the Navajo Nation filed an amicus brief in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia with 34 Federally Recognized Indian Tribes against the Lake Oahe Easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline granted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

2-25-17 ~ Final Prayer – Drums and Songs Lead Water Protectors Out of Oceti Sakowin
Amid snow and wind, a large contingent of Water Protectors departed Oceti Sakown for the last time, just one hour before the Federal and State mandated evacuation deadline on Feb. 22. This final prayer march took people southward over the Cannon Ball River bridge, allowing everyone to avoid charges from the Morton County Sheriff and the Federal government. Most people leaving the camp plan to either remain in the area to continue Standing Rock actions, or to move onto other pipeline struggles.

2-24-17 ~ Democrats Silent as Trump Crushes Dakota Access Pipeline Protest
On February 21 and 22, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department evacuated the remaining water protectors protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock. Though several Democrats praised the Army Corps of Engineers’ decision on December 4 to conduct an environmental impact assessment, they have been silent on the issue since construction of the pipeline has moved forward under the Trump administration. The decision to stop the pipeline is now in the hands of the courts, as the Standing Rock Sioux tribe attempts to force the Army Corps of Engineers to enforce their December 4, 2016, decision.

2-24-17 ~ Is this the new face of oil?
Tsleil-Waututh elder Amy George was keening at the shore of an oil sands tailings site in the summer of 2013. Her raw honesty over the devastation of land, culture and “Mother Earth” left an indelible impression on the 500 of us gathered for the Healing Walk in Northern Alberta.

2-24-17 ~ “They cannot extinguish the fire that Standing Rock started”
Once again Big Oil has been forced to rely on brutal militarized force to bludgeon, bully, beat and intimidate peaceful water protectors fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

2-24-17 ~Tom Goldtooth: ‘They Cannot Extinguish the Fire That Standing Rock Started’
Once again Big Oil has been forced to rely on brutal militarized force to bludgeon, bully, beat and intimidate peaceful water protectors fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline. But in the face of such violence and intimidation, the growing movement against new fossil fuels will not be intimidated, it will only grow.

2-24-17 ~ Oil could be flowing through the Dakota Access pipeline in just a few weeks http://tinyurl.com/j3lbu6t
This is one of the last steps in building the 1,200-mile pipeline that will move North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois. ETP says the pipeline will be complete and ready to flow oil between March 6th and April 1.

2-24-17 ~ ‘Absolutely False’: No Contact From Trump Administration, Archambault Says
Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II on Thursday blasted as “absolutely false” presidential Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s assertion that the administration of President Donald Trump had consulted with the tribe about the Dakota Access Pipeline. The phony fact came out of the White House daily press briefing on February 23, which took place even as the Oceti Sakowin water protectors camp was being bulldozed.

2-24-17 ~ Trump’s moves on the Dakota Access Pipeline portend more clashes with states
During the Obama administration, the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) slowed the regulatory review process of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) to accommodate the cultural and environmental concerns of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. In the first weeks of the Trump administration, however, the COE reversed its stance and approved the DAPL to move forward.

The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe reacted to yesterday’s false claims by White House Press Secretary Spicer that “our team has been in contact with all the parties involved” and also claimed that “we are constantly in touch with them” regarding the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL). In fact, no one from the Administration has contacted the tribe according to a press statement sent to Native News Online this morning regarding issue. The tribe maintains Spicer twice lied about the President’s promise to negotiate a solution between Tribes and Energy Transfer Partners.

2-24-17 ~ Water Is Life: The Story of Standing Rock Won’t Go Away
Powers That Be think it’s the endDAPL will now have much money to spendBut Standing Rock is a rally cry Rebalance our world before we die. The Dakota Access pipeline is set and oil will flow. But this is not the only fight about water, and Standing Rock is only one chapter somewhere in the middle of a long story.

2-24-17 ~ The Indigenous Environmental Network Responds to Forced Evacuation of DAPL Resistance Camps

Regina Brave, affectionately known to many as “Grandma Regina,” was among those arrested on Thursday as the militarized police swept the Oceti Sakowin encampment of occupants. Since the 2pm evacuation deadline on Wednesday, there have been 47 arrests made according to the Morton County Sheriff Department.

2-24-17 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Protests: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
The months-long protests – which have only grown despite mass arrests, claims of injury and dramatic images of protesters on horseback facing off against police officers in armored vehicles – are simply the Native American people’s way of saying: Enough. At long last, Enough. However, on January 24, new President Donald Trump – who had investments in the company building the pipeline – signed an executive order to advance it forward.

2-23-17 ~ Police Remove Last Of Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters From Camp
Officers on Thursday arrested 46 protesters and forced out all other people who remained in a camp that had been the epicenter of opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Morton County sheriff’s department announce

2-23-17 ~ North Dakota Dismantles #NoDAPL Oceti Camp
Just after 11 am, the combined eviction forces began their approach into the camp. Between a few dozen to a hundred water protectors were estimated remaining in camp at that time, with most having left the previous day but some having returned that morning by walking across the frozen Cannonball River. Bypassing the main entrance, two Bobcat-type skid steer loaders were used to clear a path down the snowy hill into the north end of Oceti Oyate. Bearcat and MRAP armored vehicles, accompanied by a large number of Humvees and sheriff’s deputies, police with riot gear and live weapons, descended down the path into the camp.

2-23-17 ~ Gov. Burgum signs 4 DAPL-inspired bills into law
Gov. Doug Burgum signed four bills into law Thursday afternoon. The bills all have ties to the Dakota Access pipeline protests.House Bill 1293 expands the scope of criminal trespass under state law, but reduces the offense to a $250 citation rather than criminal charges. House Bill 1304 makes it a misdemeanor to wear a mask or hood when committing a crime. House Bill 1426 increases penalties for riot offenses. It allows prosecutors to charge those who take part in a riot in a manner consistent with the potential for actual harm to health safety and well-being. Senate Bill 2302 allows the Attorney General to appoint ad hoc special agents. An example of this would be an out-of-state officer who comes to North Dakota responding to a request for assistance. All four bills have emergency clauses that make them effective immediately.

2-23-17 ~ Trump administration withdrew legal memo that found ‘ample legal justification’ to halt Dakota Access pipeline
The 35-page legal analysis of the pipeline’s potential environmental risks and its impact on treaty rights of the Standing Rock Sioux and other indigenous tribes was authored in December by then-Interior Department Solicitor Hilary C. Tompkins, an Obama appointee who was — at the time — the top lawyer in the department. “The government-to-government relationship between the United States and the Tribes calls for enhanced engagement and sensitivity to the Tribes’ concerns,” Tompkins wrote. “The Corps is accordingly justified should it choose to deny the proposed easement.”

2-23-17 ~ BREAKING: Trump Orders Army to Evict Sioux from Standing Rock at Gunpoint
American forces are storming lands that rightfully belong to Native Americans per U.S. treaties. Trump’s hearkening America back to one of its ugliest historical legacies. The only difference is that our soldiers aren’t on horseback this time. Now, they’re using snipers, bulletproof armor, and Humvees to storm the Native Americans’ protest camps. Continue Reading…

2-23-17 ~ Militarized Police Just Evicted The Sioux Tribe From Standing Rock At Gunpoint
Federal authorities have begun their raid to evict the water protectors from the Oceti Sakowin camp, and the images coming out of the protest site are extremely disturbing. History is repeating itself as heavily militarized United States law enforcement storm Native American treaty land to run them off- only this time they’re riding in Humvees and not on horses. Continue Reading …

2-23-17 ~ Dakota Access oil pipeline camp cleared of protesters
It took 3 ? hours for about 220 officers and 18 National Guardsmen to methodically search the protesters’ temporary homes. Authorities said they arrested 46 people, including a group of military veterans who had to be carried out and a man who climbed atop a building and stayed there for more than an hour before surrendering.

2-23-17 ~ Morton County says main DAPL protest camp officially closed
ND Highway Patrol says 36 people were arrested Thursday as the camp was cleared, bringing the total number arrested since the eviction notice to 47.

2-22-17 ~ A Beacon Of Hope At Standing Rock
Dusk was quickly approaching and my friend and I had just arrived at Oceti Sakowin, one of the Water Protector camps outside of Cannon Ball, North Dakota. We saw a guy having a cigarette near what appeared to be the media hub. He was dressed head-to-toe in camouflage, had a chin tattoo and did not look particularly welcoming. He looked like a warrior. As soon as we approached him, however, his face broke into a wide grin. He shook my hand firmly and introduced himself as Ernesto. Before we parted ways, he looked me right in the eye, thanked me for coming to Standing Rock, and gave me a giant hug.

2-22-17 ~ 10 arrested as Oceti Sakowin DAPL protest camp evacuated Wednesday
Governor Burgum and other state authorities say Thursday at 9 a.m. they will re-start clean up efforts at the Oceti Sakowin Camp. And they’re giving protesters still left at the camp one more chance to leave.

2-22-17 ~ LA TIMES… 10 arrested as authorities close in on Dakota Access pipeline protest camp
The standoff marked the culmination of one of the nation’s largest and longest environmental protests, which at its peak drew thousands of activists who said the project would threaten the water supply and sacred sites of the North Dakota tribe.

2-22-17 ~ Scheduled Eviction of Main #NoDAPL Encampment
After nearly a year of struggling against the Dakota Access Pipeline’s construction underneath the Missouri River, water protectors are now scheduled to be evicted from their main encampment. The encampment, on unceded Fort Laramie Treaty land and maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers, has a few hundred water protectors still holding steady as the eviction looms.
Ceremonial fires have been raging throughout the snow-filled morning.

2-22-17 ~ These last moments of the Standing Rock protest will break your heart
After a Trump administration executive order, the Army Corps of Engineers ordered protesters to vacate the camp by 2 p.m. local time on Feb. 22, 2017. Authorities were set to physically remove everyone in the way of the Dakota Access Pipeline’s construction upon sacred Native American land.

2-22-17 ~ Last Remnants of Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Camp Are Engulfed in Flames
Some of the last remnants of the Dakota Access pipeline protest camp went up in flames Wednesday as opponents of the project set fire to makeshift wooden housing as part of a leaving ceremony ahead of a government deadline to get off the federal land.

2-22-17 ~ Dakota Access Protesters Arrested As Deadline Passes To Depart Camp
Images showing clashes with law enforcement and pipeline security workers motivated thousands of Americans to support the tribe by donating hundreds of thousands of dollars or joining Oceti Sakowin and the other water protector camps. It also provided a model for environmental protests that essentially went viral as camps sprang up to halt pipelines in Texas, Florida and other spots around the country. “The camp was the light in the middle of the dark,” said Indigenous Environmental Network organizer Dallas Goldtooth. “It was the fire that fueled so many fights across the country,”

12-22-17 ~ THE LAST AKICITA ~ Final Day at #NoDAPL’s Oceti Camp. by Ythsta Resovich
He stands, quiet leaning against the War Pony, looking out over the camp with a faraway stare, seeing the past five months of who and what he is now like a movie playing in his mind. I didn’t understand, couldn’t understand until I got here, the phrases “there is no time” and “that’s old news”. I didn’t see the world the way it is here, all too safe and secure in my white-bread existence.

2-22-17 ~ Standing Rock & the Fight to Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground
Right now, water protectors are being evacuated from the main camp at Standing Rock. The state of North Dakota issued an emergency evacuation last week for the main camp, formerly known as Oceti Sakowin, that goes into effect today. While some are optimistic as new camps emerge on higher ground and as the land is returned to its former state, others can’t help but feel heartache to see the camp pack up and to see Dakota Access prepare to drill under the Missouri River.

2-21-17 ~ All eyes on Standing Rock: A list of livestreamers in the area
Senator John Hoeven claimed that “the Acting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer informed us that he has directed the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with the easement needed to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline.”

2-18-17 ~ North Dakota Senate OKs Bills Aimed at Pipeline Protesters
A trio of North Dakota House measures influenced by the dispute between Dakota Access pipeline protesters and law enforcement sailed through the Republican-led Senate Thursday, though some Democrats called the bills an overreaction and unnecessary.
The Senate voted 33-12 in favor of a measure that makes it a crime for adults to wear masks in most cases. The Senate also approved bills that increase penalties for rioting and trespassing by even wider margins.

2-17-17 ~ Journalists covering Standing Rock face charges as police arrest protesters
While mainstream media have covered flashpoints in the protests, a core of mostly freelance, left-wing, and Native American outlets have remained at the site to provide daily coverage. Several of those journalists are facing charges, including trespass and engaging in riots, after being caught in mass arrests as police cracked down on protests or tried to clear camps in recent months. CPJ is aware of at least 10 journalists covering the story who are facing charges.

2-17-17 ~ Judge dismisses trespass cases midway through trial
A judge dismissed the criminal trespass charges against three pipeline protesters halfway through their jury trial this morning. According to lawyers in the courtroom, the judge found the prosecutor had not shown the land was posted or that the protesters had been asked by an authorized person to leave — at least one of which is required to prove criminal trespass.

2-17-17 ~ Water Protectors Call on Women of all nations to Join Them at Standing Rock
“As care takers of Unci Maka (Mother Earth) and Life-givers we hold a responsibility to secure the future for our children and the next seven generations to come.” Water protectors opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline are calling on women of all nations and ages to join them at the Oceti Oyate – Cheyenne River Camp this weekend, February 18-19, for an Indigenous women’s gathering.

2-17-17 ~ Standing Rock Chairman Calls Protests an ‘Awakening’ at Cornell
David Archambault II, chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe caught in the crosshairs of a $3.7 billion oil development, pledged Thursday to fight President Trump on the Dakota Access pipeline just two weeks after the Army Corps green-lighted the project’s completion.

2-17-17 ~ Japanese citizens demand mega-banks end funding for Dakota pipeline project
Citizen’s groups on Friday delivered a petition with more than 11,300 signatures to three of Japan’s mega-banks to demand they halt funding for the Dakota Access Pipeline reinstated by Army Corps of Engineers. A group of concerned citizens started the online petition at Change.org. They are calling on Mizuho Bank, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, and the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group to withdraw their funding for the Dakota Access Pipeline, saying the $3.7 billion project threatens Lake Oahe, the indigenous Standing Rock Sioux Nation’s only source of drinking water in North Dakota.

2-16-17 ~ Steel Made by Russian Company Tied to Putin Used in Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines
much of the steel for the Dakota Access project appears to have been manufactured in Canada by Evraz North America, a subsidiary of the Russian steel giant Evraz. Evraz is owned in part by Roman Abramovich, a Russian multi-billionaire credited for bringing Russian President Vladimir Putin into office in the late 1990s. “Energy Transfer Partners was so eager to build the pipeline that it began staging mountainous piles of steel pipe across the four-state route before it had gotten all necessary easements and regulatory approval from federal regulators

2-16-17 ~ Dakota Access pipeline continues America’s oldest narrative: Cowboys vs. Indians
Nothing surprises us. When the Army Corps of Engineers rerouted the pipeline, we were not surprised the powers that be quickly approved running it through our land and waterways instead. We were not surprised with this week’s ruling against our temporary restraining order. I was not surprised to be arrested and charged with felony counts for peacefully demonstrating.

2-16-17 ~ A reporter’s arrest crystallizes her commitment to cover Standing Rock
THE DAY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY granted the final easement for the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline, I hopped into my pickup truck—a beater that I rent from a local—and drove straight to the Sacred Stone Camp. Darkness fell slowly over the yurt-village of campers, who were only then learning the news.

2-15-17 ~ Photographer captures Standing Rock
Johnny Nguyen’s photo exhibit “And If I Can Show You, You Would Never Leave Her” is on display through Feb. 26 at the Hill Street Country Club in Oceanside. The three-day photo journal examines the people and conditions of those protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.

2-14-17 ~ Feds join Dakota Access protest camp cleanup in race to avoid ‘environmental disaster’
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum announced Tuesday that the federal government is moving in to accelerate the cleanup at the Dakota Access protest camp before the snowmelt turns the area into an “environmental disaster.”

2-14-17 ~ No proof Trump ever sold his investments in Dakota Access Pipeline
The Washington Post was the first news outlet to irresponsibly report that Donald Trump sold his shares in Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), the parent company of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). The Post simply parroted Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, despite the absence of any evidence to back up her claim.

2-14-17 ~ Water Protectors Feel Safer With US Veterans At Standing Rock
They’ve been spraying them with water and mace and other things,” said Wilbur Hilton, of Flint, a retired plumber and Vietnam War-era U.S. Army veteran. “We as veterans want to know if they can do the same to us. And if they will do this to us veterans of the military, then what does that tell us about our country?”

2-14-17 ~ Edmonton photographer wins prestigious award for Standing Rock coverage
Albertan photographer Amber Bracken is the 2017 first prize winner of the World Press Photography award in the Contemporary Issues category.

2-13-17 ~ Veterans at Standing Rock see police retribution after arrest and charges
Police have filed charges against two US veterans supporting Standing Rock, holding one in jail for several days, raising concerns that law enforcement is trying to prevent them from aiding activists at the Dakota Access pipeline.

2-13-17 ~ Judge Won’t Halt Dakota Access Pipeline Construction
U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg’s ruling allows Energy Transfer Partners to work on a crossing beneath a North Dakota reservoir while there are ongoing lawsuits against the oil project by Native American tribes. In rejecting the request for a temporary restraining order, the judge said the tribes failed to show that the pipeline posed immediate, irreparable harm, according to BuzzFeed. Boasberg will consider the request to freeze work again at a Feb. 27 hearing, the Associated Press reported.

2-13-17 ~ North Dakota bills could strip Dakota Access Pipeline protesters of their rights
There are currently four bills in the state’s House and Senate that create new criminal penalties for acts of protest or heighten existing penalties. And there is a fifth bill that could put demonstrators in physical danger.

2-13-17 ~ After visiting Standing Rock, Swedish Bank opposes working with DAPL
After a visit by its representatives to Standing Rock, Swedish financial institution Nordea announced today that it will not back the Dakota Access Pipeline.

2-13-17 ~ De Blasio considers cutting contracts from Dakota pipeline banks
The Seattle City Council recently voted to end its contract with Wells Fargo, one of several banks helping finance the project. De Blasio, in an interview with WNYC’s Brian Lehrer, cited his “Seattle envy” and said he would consider the same.

2-13-17 ~ Journalist faces charges after arrest while covering Dakota Access pipeline protest
Jenni Monet, 40, on assignment for Indian Country Today and the Center for Investigative Reporting, has been arrested and charged with criminal trespass and “engaging in a riot” by Morton County prosecutors. She was arrested Wednesday and released on bond late Thursday.

2-13-17 ~ These 10 Quotes From an Oglala Lakota Chief Will Make You Question Everything About Our Society
Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of life of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains before, and during, the arrival and subsequent spread of the European pioneers. Raised in the traditions of his people until the age of eleven, he was then educated at the Carlisle Indian Industrial Boarding School of Pennsylvania, where he learned the english language and way of life. (Though a National Historical Landmark, Carlisle remains a place of controversy in Native circles.)

2-13-17 ~ Army veterans return to Standing Rock to form a human shield against police
Army veterans from across the country have arrived in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, or are currently en route after the news that Donald Trump’s administration has allowed the oil corporation to finish drilling across the Missouri river.

2-13-17 ~ In 2 Years, Company Behind DAPL Reported 69 Accidents, Polluting Rivers in 4 States
A report the organization released today (February 6), with partnership from a researcher from DisasterMap.net, looks at reports Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) filed to the National Response Center, a federal establishment where companies and individuals can report oil spills or chemical releases. The report lists 42 oil spills, 11 natural gas spills, nine gasoline spills, three propane spills, two “other” spills and two “unknown” spills. The 69 accidents led to eight injuries and five evacuations.

2-12-17 Pueblo U.S. Veteran Brandee Paisano: Why I, a veteran, joined the fight at Standing Rock
‘I bled in Iraq and you’re going to threaten to shoot me on a bridge in North Dakota?’ Laguna Pueblo U.S. Veteran Brandee Paisano. Veterans here say there are a number of reasons drawing them in, including standing up for Indigenous people, environmentalism and even seeing an opportunity to put specialized survival skills to use.

2-12-17 ~ Michael Jackson’s daughter just used the Grammys to protest the Dakota Access pipeline
Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson’s daughter, used her moment introducing a performance by Daft Punk and The Weeknd at Sunday night’s Grammy awards to speak out against the Dakota Access pipeline. “We could use this kind of excitement at a pipeline protest,” Jackson said as the crowd cheered. “Hashtag no DAPL!”

2-12-17 ~ FBI Contacting Water Protectors
Officers from the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force have been approaching people associated with the water protectors at Standing Rock. At least three people associated with the water protectors who participated in the standoff against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) have been approached by U.S. antiterrorism experts allegedly fishing for information, according to a report in The Guardian. While the scope and purpose behind the FBI contacting water protectors could not be determined, free-speech advocates called the revelation worrisome.

2-12-17 ~ After Visiting Standing Rock, Swedish Bank Nordea Puts Companies Behind DAPL on Watch
fter a visit by its representatives to Standing Rock, Swedish financial institution Nordea has announced that it will not back the Dakota Access Pipeline if it violates the demands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Nordea met with tribal representatives on the ground, including Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chairman David Archambault II. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe urged Nordea to divest and respect the rights of Indigenous communities via a letter delivered by Sami artist and activist Sofia Jannok and Greenpeace.

Every action to build the pipeline is met with many more reactions to stop it. The fight about this pipeline — and the broader issues it represents is far from over. “Our fight is no longer at the North Dakota site itself,” said tribal chairman Dave Archambault II. “Our fight is with Congress and the Trump administration. Meet us in Washington on March 10.”

2-12-17 ~ Veterans Are Heading Back to Standing Rock
After President Donald Trump signed two executive orders to continue the construction of the Keystone XL and North Dakota Access pipelines, military veterans are redeploying to a front line of their choosing: Standing Rock.

Jenni Monet, a Native American journalist, was arrested last week while covering Standing Rock. You’d think that would trigger a lot of support from the national and regional news media.

2-11-17 ~ Resistance at Standing Rock: The People From Oceti Sakowin Camp
Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Oh yeah, there’s so much energy here. Theres so much compassion here. Part of the reason people come out here is so they can relate to this situation in some way in their life. My tribe was part of the trail of tears and I couldn’t be there for them, but I can be here for this tribe.”

2-11-17 ~ ND lawmakers sound off after final easement issued for Dakota Access Pipeline
Construction on the pipeline is now resuming, less than 24 hours after the Federal Government granted a final easement allowing for completion of the project on Wednesday. Now, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) is sounding off, after months of protests and ongoing legal challenges. “At the end of the day, we have got to get out of limbo.”

2-11-17 ~ FBI Terrorism Taskforce Investigating Standing Rock Activists
The FBI is investigating political activists campaigning against the Dakota Access pipeline, diverting agents charged with preventing terrorist attacks to instead focus their attention on indigenous activists and environmentalists.

2-11-17 ~ Army Veterans Have Just Returned To Standing Rock To Form a Human Shield Against Police
The growing group of military veterans could make it harder for police and government officials to try to remove hundreds of activists who remain camped near the construction site and, some hope, could limit use of excessive force by law enforcement during demonstrations. “We are prepared to put our bodies between Native elders and a privatized military force,” said Elizabeth Williams, a 34-year-old air force veteran, who arrived at Standing Rock with a group of vets late on Friday. “We’ve stood in the face of fire before. We feel a responsibility to use the skills we have.”

2-10-17 ~ Leaked Audio: Dakota Access Pipeline Executive Admits Trump Is In Their Pocket: “Election Night Changed Everything” That’s Why DAPL “Is Going Through”
King stated on social media and on the SoundCloud page on which he posted the file that a source sent him the file on December 13, hours after Matthew Ramsey — COO of Energy Transfer Partners — gave his speech. The source who gave King the audio, he explains on SoundCloud, “claimed to be in a corporate meeting at Energy Transfer Partners” and told him that the person speaking was Matthew Ramsey, the COO of Energy Transfer Partners. King also wrote that the recording was made during a mandatory company meeting.

2-10-17 ~ Citing Religious Freedom Act, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Requests Temp. Restraining Order to DAPL
Attorneys for the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe have filed a motion for a Temporary Restraining Order and a Preliminary Injunction to permanently block further construction and operation of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) on the grounds that the easement granted Thursday (February 8) by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers burdens the Tribe’s exercise of its religion and violates the Corps’ fiduciary duty as trustee of tribal land and water resources.

2-10-17 ~ Judge rejects Dakota Access activists’ request to stop ‘excessive force’ by police
U.S. District Court Chief Judge Daniel L. Hovland said that officers were outnumbered when they deployed hoses and other non-lethal means against a crowd of 1,000 protesters trying to remove a police barricade on the fire-damaged Backwater Bridge during the Nov. 20-21 melee.

Recent images of Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIA”) agent brutality beating a water protector have emerged from the Sacred Stone Camp. Sources present at the incident indicated that BIA agents drove toward individuals with around seven (“7”) vehicles marked “BIA” and the officers identified themselves as BIA agents. Video images of the incident have been uploaded to various media and internet outlets showing water protectors being beaten with security batons in the legs until they fall. Audio from the video clearly picks up the water protectors’ screams. Once fallen, the water protectors were arrested.

2-9-17 ~ Four More Water Protectors Indicted on Federal Charges
The Department of Justice unsealed a federal indictment Wednesday charging four more water protectors allegedly connected to incidents on October 27, when riot police violently cleared the “1851 Treaty Camp” from the easement of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Water protector James White (aka Angry Bird) was arrested Wednesday and federally charged with felony civil disorder and use of fire to commit a federal crime. Federal agents are actively looking for three more water protectors. If convicted, they could face up to 15 years in prison.

2-9-17 ~ Taking the pipeline to court
In abandoning the report and granting the easement, the Army Corps referenced one of Donald Trump’s first acts as president: a presidential memorandum expediting the pipeline. But that may not be good enough to clear the legal hurdles, according to environmental experts who say the agency needs to provide a reason for reversing course on completing the report, which the Army had deemed necessary just a few months ago.

2-9-7 ~ Video Shows Morton County Dumping Trash Inside Standing Rock Camp To Frame Protesters
Puente narrates that a man — whom he describes as employed by Morton County — can be seen standing near the quickly amassing pile of waste, taking pictures of the progress and attempting to persuade a few of the crew to pose in lawn chairs in front of it.

2-8-17 ~ Tribe files legal challenge to stall Dakota Access pipeline
Construction crews have resumed work on the final segment of the Dakota Access pipeline, and the developer of the long-delayed project said Thursday that the full system could be operational within three months.

2-8-17 ~ Construction Begins On Final Section Of The Dakota Access Pipeline
The company building the Dakota Access Pipeline has begun construction on the final section of the project. Energy Transfer Partners spokeswoman Vicki Granado confirmed in an email to The Huffington Post that the company had begun drilling. She said they estimate the project will be complete in just under three months.

2-8-17 ~ 2 Cities To Pull More Than $3 Billion From Wells Fargo Over Dakota Access Pipeline
Seattle’s City Council has voted to not renew its contract with Wells Fargo, in a move that cites the bank’s role as a lender to the Dakota Access Pipeline project as well as its creation of millions of bogus accounts. As a result, the city won’t renew its contract with the bank that expires next year. The unanimous vote will pull more than $3 billion in city funds from the banking giant, the council says. Seattle says the bidding process for its next banking partner will “incentivize ‘Social Responsibility.'” Not long after Seattle’s vote, the City Council in Davis, Calif., took a similar action over the pipeline. It voted unanimously to find a new bank to handle its roughly $124 million in accounts by the end of 2017.

2-8-17 ~ Water Protectors Call for Global Mass Mobilizations as Army Plans to Approve Dakota Access Pipeline
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Tuesday it will greenlight the final phase of construction of the pipeline. Amnesty International called the announcement “an unlawful and appalling violation of human rights.” In recent months, police have launched an escalating and violent crackdown against the resistance at Standing Rock. Last week, more than 70 people were arrested after militarized police raided a new resistance camp set up on historic Sioux treaty land. Among those arrested was award-winning Pueblo journalist Jenni Monet, who was on assignment for Indian Country Media Network.

2-8-17 ~ BIA Agent caught on Video Hitting Female Water Protector with Baton during Arrest in Standing Rock
On Saturday evening, a video emerged out of Standing Rock which showed a female water protector beaten by a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) officer with his baton during an arrest. The unarmed woman is seen walking away from a BIA agent when he starts to hit her with the weapon. The woman can be heard yelling at the officer during the attack “Stop brutalizing me”

2-6-17 ~ Why Tribal Councils will turn on their own people — by American Indian Genocide Museum
Even at Standing Rock, you have to read between the lines and look behind the scenes to understand why tribal councils will turn on their own people. On February 15, 1974 the government, through an act of Congress called the Indian Claims Commission, offered the Lakota $17 million dollars for their homeland. When it became obvious that the Indians would not take such a piddling amount, the Congress passed another act called the Indian Claims Commission Act Amendment which added $85 million more in interest under the 5th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Currently, that amount has grown to $1.3 billion dollars.

2-6-17 ~ Water Protector Recalls Moment National Guard Took Selfies With Caged Protectors In Background
When our bus pulled in to the Morton County facility, we saw that the bus before us had already unloaded the other Water Protectors into the dog kennels and they had been stripped down to their base layer of clothing and it was freezing cold in the garage.

2-6-17 ~ Indigenous Rising
We are RISING to DEFEND our rights as Indigenous Peoples; to PROTECT the sanctity and integrity of Mother Earth; and to RENEW our original instructions towards a just and sustainable future.

2-6-17 ~ Health Awareness Notice
This is more than a pipeline. Please consider some facts that effect many of YOU. – Health Awareness Notice – All American Citizens Special Attention: South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas

2-6-17 ~ The Fight At Standing Rock Is Back — And U.S. Veterans Are Ready To Mobilize
In early December, many Americans celebrated the Army Corps of Engineers decision to withhold a final permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline, a project that drew ongoing demonstrations from native Standing Rock Sioux “water protectors,” environmentalists, and other activists.

2-5-17 ~ Massive Cleanup Underway Where Environmentalists Camped for Pipeline Protest
Many of the several hundred protesters who remained after the early December snowstorm are helping with the effort, some of them attempting to salvage reusable goods. Other activists have been less helpful.

Ladonna Bravebull Allard says, “This movement was started by the people, and led by our youth. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s decision to negotiate with the State and disown the people who came to fight for our water is risking more than they understand. We have had many thousands of people ready to stand together in front of those machines. The Indigenous nations of Turtle Island had united as never before. But as division grows, it is very difficult to see a path forward. We have no choice but to break the cycle of trauma so our future generations can have a better life.” Continue Reading

2-4-17 ~ BREAKING: Trump Admin Sends In Federal Agents To Haul Out Dakota Access Protesters
The agents being dispatched are Bureau of Indian Affairs agents – officers of the federal government who continually exercise law enforcement actions over the tribes.

2-3-17 ~ Obama Just Announced He’s Going to Save Standing Rock By Rerouting Pipeline
President Obama just announced to MSNBC that he’s personally monitoring Army Corps of Engineers efforts to reroute the Dakota Access Pipeline (#dapl) away from the sacred lands of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in North Dakota.

2-3-17 ~ Army Corps of Engineers issues final closing date for DAPL protest camp on Corps land
The Army Corps of Engineers has issued a final closing date for the Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp on Corps land. The Corps sent out a release, saying February 22 they will close federal property in the floodplain located at the mouth of the Cannonball River.

2-3-17 ~ BREAKING: Standing Rock Tribal Council Betrays Water Protectors, Sends In Cops
Law enforcement showed up at LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard’s front door on Thursday, claiming the need to perform an “assessment” of the Camp of the Sacred Stones — the original Dakota Access Pipeline opposition camp erected in early April — but refused to offer a warrant or explanation for the sudden appearance.

2-3-17 ~ The Fight at Standing Rock Is Back – and U.S. Veterans Are Ready to Mobilize
Before his inauguration, President Donald Trump was expected to push DAPL through, and he quickly made good on that assumption upon taking office. Trump issued executive orders to authorize construction on both DAPL and the highly controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

2-2-17 ~ Police raid new camp, evict and arrest 70+ DAPL protesters
Over 70 people were evicted and arrested after police raided a new camp near the Dakota Access pipeline construction, claiming it was illegal. The arrests come a day after federal officials started a final review of the pipeline. The new camp was erected on a hill Wednesday morning, a quarter of a mile from the original Oceti Sakowin camp in the floodplain. Seven tepee frames represented the seven tribes involved in the protest.

2-1-17 ~ GOP wants state control of reservations
Two Republican state lawmakers, Representatives Vicky Steiner and Keith Kempenich, introduced a bill Thursday, January 26, proposing state control of federal Indian reservations.

2-2-17 ~ BREAKING: Standing Rock Tribal Council Betrays Water Protectors, Sends In Cops
Law enforcement showed up at LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard’s front door on Thursday, claiming the need to perform an “assessment” of the Camp of the Sacred Stones — the original Dakota Access Pipeline opposition camp erected in early April — but refused to offer a warrant or explanation for the sudden appearance.

2-2-17 ~ Police and Army Corp at Sacred Stone Camp
Police, Federal Agents and Army Corp entered Sacred Stone Camp Without permission at noon today Feb. 2, 2017. LaDonna Allard said “They are raiding Sacred Stone now with Frank White Bull, Ben Harrison and with BIA Police. Invading Sacred Stone Camp by the Standing Rock Tribal Council betrayed by pur own Nation”

2-2-17 ~ Seattle Committee Responds to Standing Rock
On Wednesday, Seattle’s Affordable Housing, Neighborhoods and Finance Committee voted unanimously to forward a bill to pull $3 billion from DAPL lender Wells Fargo to the full City Council. This follows a Tuesday announcement that the U.S Army Corps of Engineers will issue an easement allowing them to begin the last stages of construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline.

2-1-17 ~ Chase Iron Eyes among 76 arrested after DAPL protesters attempt to set up new camp on private land
The new camp, with seven tepee frames representing the seven tribes, was erected on a hill Wednesday morning a quarter mile from the original Oceti Sakowin Camp. A group of activists who said they wanted to establish a more peaceful and prayerful protest presence built the new dwelling. “We want to make it more spiritual, we want to make it a difference from the old Oceti. We want to call this camp the Last Child Camp,” says Rance Sneed, protester.

2-1-17 ~ DAPL Moves Forward: “People Are Going To Die. It’s Just Them Shooting Us Now”
“I have received word the Department of Defense is granting the easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline and Congressional notification is imminent. It’s time to get to work and finish this important piece of energy infrastructure enhancing America’s energy security and putting North Dakotans and Americans back to work. President Trump has proven to be a man of action and I am grateful for his commitment to this and other critical infrastructure projects so vital to our nation.” Some water protectors at the camps said that there are ice breakers on the river right where the drilling has begun again.

2-1-17 ~ US Army Corps ordered to allow the completion of the Dakota Access pipeline
Aacting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer had “directed the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with the easement needed to complete the Dakota Access pipeline,” and that Congressional notification was “imminent”.

2-1-17 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribe says they are not associated with DAPL protesters who attempted to establish new camp
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe issued a statement saying they are not associated with the people who attempted to establish a new camp on private land late Tuesday night. The tribe claims these campers put the Standing Rock cause and peoples’ lives at risk and are asking people not to return to the camp. Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault said

2-1-17 ~ US veterans group says Dakota Access pipeline ‘will not get completed. Not on our watch’
“We are committed to the people of Standing Rock, we are committed to nonviolence, and we will do everything within our power to ensure that the environment and human life are respected. That pipeline will not get completed. Not on our watch,” said Anthony Diggs, a spokesman for Veterans Stand.

2-1-17 ~ Police Raid Standing Rock Camp, Destroy Tipis and Are Burning What Remains
Following our earlier report from Standing Rock on the police raid of the Last Child camp, reports began to roll in that police had taken down tipis and burned whatever remained. Some of the livestreaming of these incidences was blocked, but what we have been given is as follows.

2-1-17 ~ U.S. Government Bans Native American Tribe From Protesting On Their Own Land – Send In Police To Remove Protesters
A North Dakota federal court has prohibited indigenous tribes from protesting the Bakken pipeline on their own reservations.
Dakota Access, a developer of the pipeline, filed the report citing “Worker and law enforcement safety was at risk”.

2-1-17 ~ The Army Is Now Accepting Your Comments On The Dakota Access Pipeline
The Department of the Army is now accepting public comments leading up to its environmental impact statement in connection with Dakota Access’ request for them to grant an easement for the pipeline to cross North Dakota’s Lake Oahe. The comment period is open until Feb. 20.

1-31-17 ~ Army Corps of Engineers Directed To Clear Way For Dakota Access Pipeline
cting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer has directed the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with the easement needed to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline, U.S. Senator John Hoeven of North Dakota said in a statement on Tuesday.

1-31-17 ~ Leaked White House Memo Puts Gag Order on the Dept of Interior: Stops Communication with Tribal Leaders
“all incoming congressional and gubernatorial correspondence as well as correspondence from Indian or Alaska tribal leaders and leaders from national level environment/recreational and industry organizations must be forwarded to OES prior to responding, regardless of addressee or signature level.”

1-30-17 ~ The Standing Rock Water Protectors
I had some apprehension about returning to Standing Rock due to all of the sensational and mostly false reports about military invasions and mass eviction of the camps. It was a relief to find most of the people calm and not too concerned about deadlines. There was one report of “Massive military buildup”. I never saw it. When I arrived I found the camp at work organizing a move to higher ground but it was a controlled plan and very methodical.

1-30-17 ~ Rick Perry Is on the Board of the Company Building the Dakota Access Pipeline
Donald Trump’s pick to run the Energy Department also happens to be the favorite politician of the company attempting to build the Dakota Access Pipeline. For the past two years, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has held a paid position on the board of directors of Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the controversial project. ETP paid Perry $236,820 in 2015. ETP CEO Kelcy Warren poured millions of dollars into Perry’s political ambitions. Warren was involved in both Perry’s official and unofficial campaign organizations. He served as the official campaign’s finance chairman, and he chipped in $6 million to super-PACs backing Perry.

1-29-17 ~ Local Leadership comes to decision, Oceti Sakowin Headsmen meet with ND Governor
After days of deliberation between the North Dakota Governor’s office, the Oceti Sakowin Headsmen Council and numerous Tribal Reps – the state will begin taking apart the backwater bridge barricade. Removing razor wire, and some of the concrete. They have also agreed to pull back the visible amount of the Nat’l Guard on the hills overlooking camp. The Governor’s office has also stated that they will encourage law enforcement near the backwater bridge to not have any weapons (lethal or non-lethal) on their person during this desecalation.

1-29-17 ~ US Veterans to return to Standing Rock after Dapl decision to continue
“In the past two weeks the turmoil and uncertainty at Standing Rock has increased significantly. We have continued to stay in contact with indigenous and camp leadership and have identified several areas where the Veterans Stand network can continue to serve the needs of the camp and local community.” said Veterans

1-28-17~ US Veterans to return to Standing Rock after Dapl decision to continue
LOS ANGELES, CA : In response to recent aggressions and the passing of legislation which clears the way for the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Veterans Stand is announcing that we will continue operations in support of the people of Standing Rock, the Water Protectors who have held the front lines, and the sustainability of our precious environment.

1-28-17 ~ As Trump Reboots Pipeline Expansion, An Unexpected Delay Emerges
On Thursday, Norman Bay, one of just three current members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), said he would resign effective Feb. 3, even though his term isn’t up until next year. His announcement came shortly after Trump decided Bay’s fellow commissioner, Cheryl LaFleur, would serve as the Commission’s new chair.

1-28-17 ~ As Trump Reboots Pipeline Expansion, An Unexpected Delay Emerges
Just as President Trump takes power promising to ramp up oil and gas production, a sudden resignation in a key agency threatens to put such projects on hold across the United States. The resignation could mean costly delays for some major pipeline projects. The independent agency oversees the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil. It’s supposed to have five commissioners, but Bay’s departure leaves FERC with just two — not enough for the required quorum to make decisions. Some projects that have been through years of regulatory review and were nearing the finish line could now be in limbo for months.

1-27-17 ~ Malia Obama takes on Trump: Former first daughter joins rally protesting President’s plan to revive the Dakota Access Pipeline then attends private event with Standing Rock chairman
The 18-year-old student, who will be heading off to Harvard University later this year, was one of approximately 100 people who gathered on Main Street at the Sundance Film Festival to let it be known how upset she was with President Trump’s plan to move forward with the controversial transport system.

1-26-17 ~ Indian Treaty of 1868 That Says DAPL Is ILLEGAL Permits Natives To Take Up Arms and “Arrest” Any “Bad Men Among the Whites” Who Violate It
You may have known that the Indian Treaties of 1851 and 1868 declare the Standing Rock Reservationto be much bigger than it is today, including encompassing land that the Dakota Access Pipeline is being illegally built on. But there is a clause you might not have heard about. That clause allows Natives to take up arms and ARREST “Bad men among the whites” who violate the treaty!

1-26-17 ~ Judge calls unexpected hearing after President Trump’s Dakota Access push
Judge James E. Boasberg scheduled a hearing next week to address the latest developments regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline. The move was unexpected because the parties weren’t due to appear in court until sometime in February.

1-26-17 ~ Standing Rock Camp Founder Refuses to Shut Down Water Protector Camp
On January 20, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council “unanimously voted to support the district of Cannon Ball in asking all Dakota Access Pipeline protesters to leave the area and canceling plans for a nearby winter camp,” reported the Bismarck Tribune. “Cody Two Bears, the Cannon Ball district representative to the tribal council, said the district is requesting federal law enforcement aid in removing protesters from the district and setting up posts blocking those who do not live or work in the district from entering. The district requests these actions be taken in the next 30 days.”

A bill to allow oil companies to avoid reporting some of their spills passed in the North Dakota House this afternoon in a 82-11 vote. The bill (read it here) is sponsored by Rep. Roscoe Streyle, a Republican from Minot, who received the following campaign donations from the oil industry in 2014: Bill #1151 Courtesy of the Continental Resources PAC: $1,000
Marathon Oil Company Employees PAC: $750
ND Oil PAC: $1,500
Newfield PAC: $300
Tesoro PAC: $400
Whiting Petroleum: $300
WPX Energy PAC: $750

1-26-17 ~ ND House Passes Bill to Hide Oil Spills
Current state law requires oil companies to report all their spills. But Streyle’s bill would let oil companies keep secret their “contained” spills of 420 gallons or less.

Returning to Standing Rock was the immediate response for some. Chase Iron Eyes, a high-profile water protector who is a longtime activist and a member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, posted a widely shared message on his Facebook page January 24: “Fighters, brothers and sisters. Come. Heed the call to defend this country against all enemies, foreign & domestic. We shall find out who loves this land, who is loyal to the water and who is a traitor to this land, to our water.”

1-25-17 ~ Following Trump’s Pipeline Order, Sheriff Issues Warning To DAPL Water Protectors
“The Morton County Sheriff’s Department is monitoring the area of the camps in the event that protestors choose to gather in opposition to the executive action. While the department does not release details of its operational plans and strategies or confirm the number of law enforcement it has available to respond at any given time, the department does have plans to respond and deal with any potential protest actions that may become unlawful. This is prudent when it comes to what the department does and how it prepares for situations.”

1-25-17 ~ Army sides with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in ordering Environmental Impact Statement
Anybody who wants to comment on the scope of the EIS process can submit remarks by Feb. 20 on the pipeline’s proposed Oahe Reservoir crossing of the Missouri River one-half mile upstream from Standing Rock’s main drinking water intake, the Army said in a Federal Register publication.

1-25-17 ~ Shailene Woodley on Malia Obama’s Presence at Sundance Standing Rock Solidarity Event Against DAPL
President Obama’s daughter. Also, to witness a human being and a woman coming into her own outside of her family and outside of the attachments that this country has on her, but someone who’s willing to participate in democracy because she chooses to, because she recognizes, regardless of her last name, that if she doesn’t participate in democracy, there will be no world for her future children.

1-25-17 ~ Standing Rock may be the first battle site in Trump’s war on the environment
rump’s orders, in themselves, did not completely undo the Obama administration’s pipeline decisions, but they are clear indicators that such an outcome is in the works. TransCanada, the Keystone project’s owner, is being asked to resubmit the project application (with the caveat that Trump wants the pipeline built with 100% American steel). Meanwhile, the Army Corps of Engineers is being ordered to “review and approve in an expedited manner” the North Dakota pipeline plan of Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners.

1-25-17 ~ “I’m Afraid They Are Out to Kill”: Water Protectors Testify to Police Violence at Standing Rock
On Tuesday, Donald Trump took action to revive the contested Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines. He signed the presidential memorandum as water protectors at Standing Rock in North Dakota were gathered to testify to a wide range of police abuse. One of those to testify was Diné water protector Marcus Mitchell, who has lost sight in his left eye after being hit by a bean bag round fired by police last week. We hear his testimony and then get response from water protector Bobbi Jean Three Legs of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and longtime Anishinaabe activist Winona LaDuke.

1-24-17 ~ DAPL COUGH
The DAPL cough story may never be heard!! Dean explains ” Ijust happened across this and I could be off base too but do you know this area “The plane was in flight for about 2 hours and 20 minutes, according to FlightAware, a flight tracking data company. It left Fargo Hector International Airport around 2:20 p.m. and headed west for Wells County where the aircraft circled the area at points furthest north near the James River before traveling back toward Fargo. The plane that crashed was had a big wig flying it for the company Weather Modification LLC

1-24-17 ~ Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct as follows:
Sec. 2. Directives. (a) Pipeline Approval Review. The Secretary of the Army shall instruct the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), including the Commanding General and Chief of Engineers, to take all actions necessary and appropriate to:

1-24-17 ~ Leaked Memo Silences Department of Interior
No correspondence should be cleared to go to Congress or to any Governor until it has been reviewed by the Acting Chief of Staff and/or Senior White House Advisor. The OES will be responsible for tasking these letters for response . The incoming leadership team will decide whether to continue or modify these instructions.

1-24-17 ~ EPA employees are rebelling against Trump EPA nominee Scott Pruitt by leaking everything
When Donald Trump picked radical anti-environment extremist Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency, it was clearly with the intent of destroying the agency from within, so that Trump’s big-money corporate donors would be more free to pollute as they please. So it’s not surprising that Pruitt is already taking internal steps to sabotage the effectiveness of the EPA. What is some
what surprising is that EPA employees are actively rebelling against him by leaking everything he’s doing, even though they’ve been told to keep it to themselves.

1-24-17 ~ Sources: Trump Administration Tells EPA To Cut Climate Page From Website
Donald Trump’s administration has instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to remove the climate change page from its website, two agency employees told Reuters, the latest move by the newly minted leadership to erase ex-President Barack Obama’s climate change initiatives.

1-24-17 ~ Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump
Multiple federal agencies have told their employees to cease communications with members of Congress and the press. The freeze has startled aides on the Hill and people at those agencies, who worry that it could abruptly upend current operations and stifle work and discussions that routinely take place between branches of government.

1-24-17 ~ Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama
President Trump sharply changed the federal government’s approach to the environment on Tuesday as he cleared the way for two major oil pipelines that had been blocked, and set in motion a plan to curb regulations that slow other building projects.

1-24-17 ~ Trump Signs Executive Orders On Keystone XL, Dakota Access Pipelines
President Donald Trump signed executive orders on Tuesday to push forward the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, opening new fronts in his looming war with environmentalists.

1-24-17 ~ The Standing Sioux Tribe Just Responded to Trump’s Dakota Pipeline Order
“We urge you to fight and stand tall besides us,” a Facebook post on the tribe’s page says, encouraging supporters to take advantage of the recently announced Environmental Impact assessment and submit comments to the Army Corps of Engineers, as well as “call your congressional representatives and let them know that thepeople do not stand behind today’s decision. ” “Stand together as one and we will not fall,”

1-24-17 ~ BREAKING: Trump Signs Executive Order Forcing Continuation of DAPL & Keystone XL
The entire substance of the executive order was not made immediately clear. However, they will fulfill campaign promises Trump made to approve both pipelines — which have been vehemently opposed by a massive bipartisan sect. forcing-continuation-of-dapl-keystone-xl pipeline

1-24-17 ~ Trump signs executive orders to advance Keystone XL, Dakota Access pipelines
Trump signed executive orders that will make it easier for TransCanada to construct the Keystone XL pipeline and for Energy Transfer Partners to build the final uncompleted portion of the Dakota Access pipeline.

1-24-17 ~ Trump issues EPA media blackout and suspends agency’s grants
The Trump administration has instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants, part of a broader communications clampdown within the executive branch.

1-24-17 ~ Trump Executive Order on DAPL Violates Law and Tribal Treaties
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said today that President Donald Trump’s executive action towards an approval of an easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline risks contaminating tribal and American water supplies while disregarding treaty rights. The Trump administration’s politically motivated decision violates the law and the Tribe will take legal action to fight it.

1-24-17 ~ Cops at Standing Rock are threatening a new crackdown on protests—and asking for Trump’s help
For the law enforcement agency responsible for much of the ongoing violence against the NoDAPL protesters at the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota though. Trump’s move isn’t cause for alarm—it’s reason to celebrate. And that should make anyone involved in the Standing Rock protests very, very nervous.

1-23-17 ~ Growing concerns that ROZOL poisoning could be the cause of “camp cough” at Standing Rock camps
Many of the water protectors in Standing Rock have found themselves suffering from what has been deemed as “camp cough,” or “DAPL cough.” Rumors have circulated the illness is from a deliberate poisoning conducted by Dakota Access, but there has been no substantial evidence to support the theory.

1-23-17 ~ Sacred Stone founder, LaDonna Brave Bull, Refuses to Close her Water Protector Camp http://tinyurl.com/h89l8ow
Sacred Stone Camp founder LaDonna Brave Bull Allard said Sacred Stone has formed a 501c3 and has plans to build a permanent “green energy” camp. She said their are plans to put a tower in place for cell and Internet service. There are buildings for a dormitory, dining and to store equipment.

1-23-17 Donald Trump is getting ready to hammer the EPA
Trump will soon issue a flurry of executive orders as part of the process of weakening various air and water pollution rules and cutting agency budgets. It’s all part of his plan to dismantle President Obama’s climate policies and make life easier for America’s fossil fuel industry. The big question is how quickly Trump’s team will act — and what sorts of obstacles they’ll face from both federal courts and career staff within the EPA.

1-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Supports DAPL Protesters Leaving http://tinyurl.com/hvllksd
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council is supporting the district of Cannon Ball’s wish that all Dakota Access pipeline protesters leave the area. The Bismarck Tribune reports that the resolution was passed by the full council Friday. It applies to all three protest camps in North Dakota.

1-23-17 ~ Standing Rock Asks Feds To Evict Water Protectors http://tinyurl.com/z2pr2b2
In a turn of events that many people have been expecting for months now, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is evicting the very people they have called out to for help to save Mni Sosi (Missouri River) from being further put in harms way by the Dakota Access Pipeline owned by Energy Transfer Partners.

1-21-17 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors – A Letter From Camp
Let us commence and joyfully inaugurate on this day our continual fight for freedom. Justice and the liberation of Mother Earth. We write this letter from Standing Rock where the people called the Spirits, and the Spirits called the people. We are thankful for our hosts, thankful for their invitation for the gifts and healing.

1-21-17 ~ Federally recognized tribes should brace for possible termination policy under Trump
Whether we like it or not, Saglutupiaġataq (“the compulsive liar” in Iñupiatun) is now president of the United States and Republicans control Congress. Federally recognized Alaska Native and American Indian tribes should brace for the worst, including the possibility that Congress may move to terminate federally recognized tribes.

1-21-17 ~ Meyer ranch buffalo under quarantine for Rozol poison
The quarantine includes about 900 buffalo that grazed in one small pasture of Meyer’s former Cannonball Ranch near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation as well as on the former Wilder Ranch to the south. The adult buffalo are under quarantine until September, though yearlings were released from the no-sale hold on Jan. 1.

1-21-17 ~ Standing Rock Tribal Council Approves Evacuation Order for All Camps
In a unanimous vote, Standing Rock Sioux tribal council members voted to close the network of encampments behind the Dakota Access Pipeline protests within 30 days, including the main Oceti Sakowin, Rosebud, and Sacred Stone camps. Council members also voted against providing any temporary camps or shelters to individuals who should remain at the camps after the February 19 deadline. The decision was made in an emergency meeting held on Friday, January 20 at the tribe’s headquarters in Fort Yates, North Dakota.

I came up here to do a job I cant leave yet the Standing Rock people have asked us to clean up our mess. That’s my job now. When we got here we were told to build a sustainable economy environment. We started that we talked about farming , renewable energy to sustain these winters. It was a group effort ripped down by a few people and a few dollars and that’s a shame.”

1-21-17 ~ Cannon Ball asks protesters to leave the district
The district of Cannon Ball is asking all Dakota Access Pipeline protesters to leave the area and not set up a winter camp nearby. “All the individuals at all the camps in and around Cannon Ball need to leave the district,” residents wrote in a 10-point resolution passed during an executive session of a district meeting Wednesday night.

Change is inevitable when a presidential administration occurs. Within hours of the presidential transition, the White House, now under the control of President Donald Trump, took down the Native Americans web page that was part of the Obama White House website for the past eight years. Also gone from the Trump White House website are web pages on civil rights, people with disabilities and climate change.

1-21-17 ~ Tribal council supports asking protesters to leave Cannon Ball
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council unanimously voted to support the district of Cannon Ball in asking all Dakota Access Pipeline protesters to leave the area and canceling plans for a nearby winter camp.

1-21-17 ~ Audio: Rep. Cramer Says He Expects Trump to Approve Dakota Access Pipeline by Next Week
“By next week the EIS will be rescinded,” Cramer told me referring to the lengthy environmental study President Obama initiated in his final days in office. The Congressman said the Trump administration has the authority to rescind it because, in legal filings responding to the pipeline company’s request that the study be enjoined, the Obama administration itself argued that this was the case.

Cold Water Rescue Team Leader files theft and damage charges against the Sheriff Department at #standingrock. Lee has been at Standing Rock helping the community with a “hands on” approach and a team ready to take action to help #waterprotectors as needed. On the day before “Thanksgiving” Lee and his team watched as the Morton County Sheriff’s Department had other plans for their canoes. Please follow Lee’s journey for Justice on FaceBook. please help fund them

1-20-17 ~ Driver liability bill attracts opposition in North Dakota legislative committee
Rep. Rick Becker, R-Bismarck, said the bill isn’t meant to deter protesting on the highway. “What this is aimed to do is to protect people who are caught up on a roadway and are blocked by a mob and fear for their life and need to try and extricate themselves from that situation.”

1-19-17 ~ Landowners Sue DAPL Developers
The Morton County landowners are seeking more than $4 million in damages in the federal lawsuit filed this month against Dakota Access LLC, a subsidiary of Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners.

Len Foster (Diné), the longtime spiritual leader of Leonard Peltier, says President Barack Obama missed an opportunity for reconciliation with Native Americans when he refused to grant the Petition for Clemency for Peltier, who has been in prison for over 40 years.

People who Peacefully assembled DEMANDING redress of grievances from the government. Does that sound familiar to you? It is RIGHTS granted by the FIRST Amendment. And THIS is how they treat citizens for stand up for their rights while ILLEGAL DRILLING is going on just over the hill and the cops are protecting it.

1-19-17 ~ Water Protectors Score Key Legal Victories in Fight Against Dakota Access Pipeline
The North Dakota Supreme Court partially granted a petition that will open the door for out-of-state lawyers to represent the more than 600 people who have been arrested amid the ongoing resistance.

1-19-17 ~ “This Is Not A War” – Standing Rock activists closing in on DAPL drill pad, law enforcement bring in an Avenger weapon system
Inch by inch, coil by razor-tipped coil, Standing Rock activists near the Dakota Access Pipeline drill pad.

1-19-19 ~ ‘Stormfronts’ of North Dakota’s Streets
White supremacists not finished with the Peace Garden State, form hit list of small towns. Since the town of Leith’s victory against white supremacists, eleven towns across North Dakota made their hit list. The towns range from populations of 16 to nearly 7,000. Listed by names, pictures, and real estate advertisements by Pioneer Little Europe North Dakota, a white supremacist operation welcoming Nazis, the Creativity Movement, Ku Klux Klan, militants, white nationalists, and racialists, the North Dakota towns are the group’s next targets to become Aryan enclaves.

1-19-17 ~ UPDATE: Federal judge denies Dakota Access’ motion to block ACOE from pursuing Environmental Impact Study for pipeline project
Dakota Access filed a motion Tuesday asking a federal judge to block the Army Corps of Engineers from pursuing an Environmental Impact Study for the project. That motion was denied by Judge James Boasberg.

1-18-17 ~ Bill allows fines for those disobeying orders to vacate
One of the latest pieces of legislation introduced in response to the months of Dakota Access Pipeline protests would fine individuals for not leaving an area after a law enforcement order to vacate is given.

1-18-17 ~ Dakota Access executive confirms crude already placed in pipeline
Oil is already going into the Dakota Access Pipeline even though the final portion of the controversial project remains in limbo.
In a sworn declaration filed in federal court, a top Dakota Access executive did not detail exactly where the oil has been placed. But vice president Joey Mahmoud said it was near Lake Oahe in North Dakota.

1-18-17 ~ Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement in Connection With Dakota Access, LLC’s Request for an Easement To Cross Lake Oahe, North Dakota

1-17-17 ~ News From Standing Rock – A Huge Win!
A notice of intent has been issued. Notice of Intent” confirms that a FULL Environmental Impact Statement will be required and that can take months. DAPL is already talking about appealing this filing due to another pending decision. It is still a victory for Standing Rock. THE EIS WAS FILED TODAY BY ARMY CORPS. It will be published Weds morning in the Federal Register. 1. input is desired: alternative locations for pipeline crossing Missouri. 2. Potential risks and impacts of an oil spill, and to Lake Oahe, The Standing Rock Sioux Tribes water intakes and the Tribe’s water, treaty fishing and hunting rights ; and 3 information on the extent and location of the Tribe’s treaty rights in Lake Oahu.

1-17-17 ~ Media Blackout: Surface-To-Air Missile System Deployed at Standing Rock
The militarization of law enforcement at the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline has apparently reached a whole new level.

1-17-17 ~ Police Restart Propaganda Campaign Against Standing Rock Water Protectors
Activists were right to be weary that their peaceful victory was only temporary. On January 16, police allegedly resumed firing rubber bullets at water protectors praying peacefully at the barrier along the pipeline construction site. A new National Guard site has been set up within the vicinity of the camp in preparation for escalating action between water protectors and police after President Obama leaves office. A missile system was reportedly sighted in the hills behind the barriers that is intended to take down any drones attempting to acquire aerial footage of the pipeline construction site.

1-17-17 ~ Not so Peaceful at Standing Rock
More arrests on Monday and general chaos at times. What began as a Peaceful Prayer March became confrontational and at times, dangerous. An exact count of the arrests is not known but it is said to range from 3 – 6 people.

1-17-17 ~ North Dakota: Rubber Bullets and Tear Gas Fired at Water Protectors
In North Dakota, police opened fire with tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets Monday to disperse water protectors holding a prayer march against the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline near the site where Energy Transfer Partners hopes to drill beneath the Missouri River. Police said they arrested at least three people after they cut through a section of razor wire surrounding the site.

1-17-17 ~ Faith Spotted Eagle on the Settler-Colonial Mind-Set
The elder and water protector has been at the forefront of the struggle against DAPL since it began. She has testified before members of the U.S. House of Representatives, written personally to President Barack Obama and even gotten a vote for President herself, from the Electoral College. She was the first Native American to receive an electoral vote for President of the United States, garnering one from a so-called faithless elector in Washington State, who cast a vote for her over Hillary Clinton. Amid all this, Spotted Eagle found time to sit down with Longhouse Media on a few occasions and talk about what makes the DAPL fight so important.

As part of President Obama’s historic commitment to empowering tribal nations, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Interior Deputy Secretary Michael L. Connor last Friday joined tribal leaders to celebrate four landmark water rights settlements that will resolve contention among tribes and neighboring communities over water rights and improve the quality of life for tribal communities and their non-Indian neighbors.

1-15-17 ~ Cass County sheriff says intense North Dakota pipeline protests haunted his dreams nightly
But a leading activist involved in the pipeline protests maintains that police were not restrained, acted provocatively and fired rubber bullets, beanbag charges and used stun grenades — allegations Laney and other law enforcement officials deny. “The police themselves have defiled sacred land,” said Joye Braun, an organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network. “They are in fact provoking the protectors.”

1-13-17 ~ Police Spent Over $22,000,000 Guarding DAPL Big Oil… Now They Want American Tax-Payers To Pay For It
The cost of policing the Dakota Access pipeline protests in North Dakota has surpassed $22 million — an amount that would fund the state Treasury Department for two decades and $5 million more than the state set aside last year.

1-13-17 ~ Three protesters see trespass cases dismissed
The cases pertain to Charles Thayer, Orion Yazzie and Eric Lewis, who were charged with criminal trespass in connection with a Dakota Access Pipeline protest in Morton County on Sept. 13. They were among 22 people arrested that day at a work site near Almont where two people locked themselves to construction equipment.

1-12-17 ~ Standing Rock Colorado – The Front Range is the Next Front Line of Defense
Boulder County’s fracking moratorium expires in 2017 and all legal options to stop the poisoning of the families living on the Front Range have been exhausted. Colorado’s political and corporate love of a never-ending energy future of fracked crude oil has won. They won’t stop until all water sources have been poisoned, all wildlife is sick and diseased, and the front range of Colorado is littered with cancer clusters and trending infant mortality rates.

1-12-17 ~ Landowners sue Dakota Access Pipeline over threats, fraud
A group of landowners in Morton County, North Dakota, has sued the company responsible for developing the Dakota Access Pipeline, claiming the company deceived them during negotiations for pipeline easements.

1-12-17 ~ The Oceti Sakowin Fire
The Horn is officially extinguishing the fire at the current Oceti Sakowin Camp. This news comes as camp begins preparations to move to higher ground before the oncoming spring flood.

1-12-17 ~ Backwater Bridge declared structurally sound
The governor’s office and Morton County Sheriff’s Department say they will not re-open the road until there is an “assurance no criminal activity will take place and federal law enforcement has been introduced into the protest camp to restore law and order.”

1-11-17 ~ Lawsuit accuses Dakota Access of misleading landowners
A group of landowners claims in a U.S. District Court case that Dakota Access agents harassed, threatened and intimidated them and used fraud and misleading statements to secure a lower price in exchange for allowing the pipeline to cross their land.

1-11-17 ~ Motorist liability introduced in response to pipeline protests
“They’re not there for the protesters,” said Rep. Keith Kempenich of public roadways as a staging point. “They’re intentionally putting themselves in danger.” He said, on one occasion, about 100 cars were parked along a road in Morton County and his mother-in-law was passing through and slowed down. He said at one point an individual jumped out in front of the vehicle and was waving a sign.

1-11- 17 ~ Report: Wis. deputy assisting at ND pipeline protest drunk at helm of squad car
A St. Croix County (Wis.) sheriff’s deputy likely consumed at least 15 shots of vodka before getting behind the wheel of his squad car, where he was found passed out with the vehicle’s transmission in drive and his foot on the brake.

1-11-17 ~ How does fracking work, exactly?
Using hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling to extract oil or gas from shale rock involves a number of steps. Let’s walk through a basic fracking operation for natural gas in, say, the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania:

1-10-17 ~ Colorado woman pleads not guilty to federal charges related to DAPL protest
Thirty-seven-year-old Red Fawn Fallis is charged with civil disorder, discharge of a firearm in connection to a felony crime of violence and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

1-9-17 ~ Tribe, corps side against Dakota Access in court claim
A lawsuit that originally pitted the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for improperly authorizing the Dakota Access Pipeline, now has both parties on the same side: They both are refuting the pipeline’s claim that it has all the necessary permission to bore under the Missouri River/Lake Oahe near the tribe’s reservation boundary.

12-9-17 ~ Morton County Officials FINALLY Being Sued For “Excessive Force” Against Standing Rock Protesters
he National Lawyers Guild (NLG) filed a class action suit through the US District Court against Morton County, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirschmeier, and other law enforcement agencies for using excessive force against Dakota Access Pipeline protesters earlier this month.

1-8-17 ~ A Mexican Crossing Lines – Special In Depth Report
KPPP-LP’s in depth report on the kidnapping of Mary Trujillo by Melanie Stoneman and the framing of Kathleen Bennett by Bill Running Fisher, Melanie Stoneman, and Morton County’s involvement.

1-8-17 ~ Colin Kaepernick Donates $50,000 to Standing Rock Health Clinic
Half of the funds will pay the salaries of the doctors and nurses at the medical clinic at Standing Rock. Following San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s protest last year standing against the national anthem in the pursuit of racial justice, the football player also pledged to donate US$1,000,000 to various social justice causes over the course of 10 months.

1-8-17 ~ These Striking Images Prove the Fight for Standing Rock Is Far From Over
The protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline are not over. After the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied a permit for the controversial pipeline in on December 4, the Standing Rock Sioux and their supporters celebrated, and thousands of protesters left the camps in North Dakota. However, there are still activists occupying the site in freezing temperatures as they wait out Dakota Access Pipeline crews who have yet to leave.

1-7-17 ~ Actor Jeff Bridges Gives Powerful Speech In Honor of Standing Rock Activists at Awards Ceremony
At the National Board of Review Awards on Wednesday, actor Jeff Bridges accepted his best supporting actor award in honor of the activists and water protectors at Standing Rock, Vulture reported. I also want to thank all those folks at Standing Rock, and all those people supporting them. The movie deals with the consequences of looking out only for your own self-interest, what that costs not just to you, but everybody. And those folks at Standing Rock, they’re looking out not only for their own interests, but for all of our interests, making sure we live on a healthy planet. I support them, I applaud them, and I accept this award on their behalf.

1-7-17 ~ Native American Solar Energy Visionary Equips Standing Rock Protesters With Green Technology
Henry Red Cloud knelt down on the snow-packed ground at the Standing Rock Reservation in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. He didn’t seem to mind the frigid cold as he used his bare hands to secure an outlet to a solar air heater, one of 11 he installed one December day at the Oceti Sakowin Camp to help protesters there stay warm as temperatures dipped below zero.

1-1-17 ~ Standing Rock Represents A Shift In American Consciousness
Water is sacred. Water is life. Water is freedom. Water heals. What the world has witnessed at Standing Rock is an unprecedented coming together of Tribal peoples and representatives of indigenous cultures from around the world who understand the urgency of protecting the sacredness of the water and the land.

1-1-17 ~ Stevens Point City Council Ends ’16 w/ Resolution to ‘Actively Oppose’ Dakota Pipeline
NOW THERFORE IT BE RESOLVED that the Stevens Point Common Council will actively oppose the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through the sacred grounds of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation by directing its citizens to the resources necessary to be an empowered supporter of the indigenous opposition whenever possible.

1-5-17 ~ Robert Redford: Stay Inspired and Stay Peaceful on Standing Rock
I’ve been looking back on the year that was 2016, and thinking about gratitude. One of the remarkable things that happened this year about which I’m supremely grateful is the movement at Standing Rock.

1-5-17 ~ Leonard Peltier Message of Solidarity to Water Protectors
Greeting Sisters and Brothers: I have been asked to write a SOLIDARITY statement to everyone about the Camp of the Sacred Stones on Standing Rock. Thank you for this great honor. I must admit it is very difficult for me to even begin this statement as my eyes get so blurred from tears and my heart swells with pride, as chills run up and down my neck and back. I’m so proud of all of you young people and others there.

Reminiscent of when Marlon Brando sent Sacheen Littlefeather (Apache) to accept the Oscar for his role in “The Godfather” at the 1973 Academy Awards, last night Jeff Bridges used his acceptance speech at the National Board of Review ceremony to thank the water protectors at Standing Rock for “looking out not only for their own interests, but for all of our interests , making sure we live on a healthy planet.”

1-5-17 ~ What comes after Standing Rock?
A cheery spirit of industry runs through the Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock. You can hardly walk 50 feet without coming across someone sawing wood or pounding in tent stakes or lugging a crate of canned tomatoes to the kitchen.

1-5-16 ~ BREAKING: Rogue Tribal Council Votes to Evict NoDAPL Camp, Use Donated Funds to Pay Off Debt
In an astonishingly abrupt move, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Council went rogue and voted to shut down the Camp of the Sacred Stones — the original encampment set up by Indigenous youth — and to apply all funds donated in support of the camps to pay off the tribe’s debts.

1-4-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council files motion to shut down Sacred Stone Camp
Today’s announcement from Allard only verifies further what many have thought of the tribal council. The decision to try and close Sacred Stone comes shortly after the tribal council’s decision to use $3.2 million of the money donated towards their debts.

Jan. 2017 ~ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC – These Are the Defiant “Water Protectors” of Standing Rock
President Trump advances Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, despite protest by hundreds of indigenous tribes

12-30-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council accused of misappropriation of donated funds
For months there have been questions regarding why the large donations to the Standing Rock Sioux were not being seen by the water protectors in Standing Rock. People who have been there for months have watched millions of dollars in donations pour in, yet they can still barely get gas.

12-30-16 ~ Native American PROPHECY Of The COLLAPSE of AMERICA Is Dead-On
The following clips are from the Hopi Elders describing the eventual destruction and almost near eradication of nearly 80 million native Americans. His diagnosis of the terminally ill United States is so simple but cuts to the core. All morals and values have been subverted to create a nihilistic empire collapsing under it’s own corruption and ego.

12-30-16 ~ Standing Rock issues winter storm disaster declaration
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on Friday issued a disaster declaration due to a winter storm earlier this week that caused power outages and hazardous travel.

12-30-16 ~ Out Charges Against Journalist Who Covered Dakota Access Pipeline
Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of Democracy Now, was facing riot charges related to a report she filed earlier this month from a protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline. At a hearing Monday in Mandan, North Dakota, Judge John Grinsteiner ruled there was no probable cause to support the allegations, and he dismissed the case.

12-28-16 ~ Standing Rock – DAPL Threatens Lives of Water Protectors in Prayer
Report on the militarized police and Dakota Access Pipeline Security attack on Water Protectors on Tues. Dec. 27, 2016. There were 15-20 with shields, 6-8 armored vehicles, a bunch of vans, a sound cannon and water cannons rolled out again, this time around Turtle Island sacred site and Heyoka Camp.

12-28-16 ~ More arrests made at Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp Tuesday
Morton County law enforcement officials say there were more arrests made at the Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp on Tuesday. The Morton County Public information officer is preparing a release to be sent out later today with more information on the arrests.

12-28-16 ~ Water Protectors Arrested, Shot At, During Prayer Dec. 27, 2016
“Earlier today: Water Protectors are in a Prayer Circle at the top of Turtle Island and are at the Constantina wire with massive police mobilization close behind! Water Cannons drove out but turned around. Police armed with less than lethal weapons. “2 pm today: Police Arrest and Violate the Religious Freedoms of 4 Peaceful Water Protectors Praying by the Mni Wiconi on a Peaceful Prayer Walk! Share Everywhere! Praying peacefully is a right all people have! Police mobilizing 5+ Humvees and massive presence!

12-28-16 ~ “Dear Native Young”: Carlos Santana’s Powerful Message for Young Lakota People
“I want to send a special message to my young Lakota relatives. The Creator has blessed me with a successful music career. But I was tested along the way; and it has been a long, hard journey to get where I am today – and life hasn’t always been easy or a piece of cake. Although our struggles can feel overwhelming, it’s important to remember that they are temporary.

12-28-16 ~ North Dakota: Four Water Protectors Arrested Opposing Pipeline
Water protectors say the four were taking part in a peaceful prayer walk and encountered police armed with a water cannon, riot gear and armored vehicles.

12-28-16 ~ Investors Delay $2 Billion Purchase of Dakota Access Pipeline Stake
Meanwhile, the company building the Dakota Access pipeline suffered another setback this week, after a pair of major investors held off on a purchase of a $2 billion stake in the project. A filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission shows Enbridge Energy Partners and Marathon Petroleum Corporation won’t meet a previous deadline of December 31 to complete a sale.

12-28-16 ~ Indigenous youth from northern Sask. walking to Standing Rock
A group of eight young Indigenous men and women from Stanley Mission, Sask. passed through Regina on Tuesday as part of a 1400-kilometre journey on foot.

12-28-16 ` How President Obama Has Protected Our Sacred Land for Future Generations
Today, President Barack Obama has signed a proclamation to protect this land as a national monument for future generations of Navajo people and for all Americans. Thanks to his action, this land will be finally given the legal reverence and protection it deserves.

12-28-16 ~ DAPL Hero Charged With Felony Terrorizing For Saving Lives by De-escalating Deadly AR15 Standoff
In return for heroically de-escalating a situation in which an employee of the Dakota Access Pipeline pointed a loaded AR-15 at bystanders, Brennon Nastacio is being charged with a felony — and has been placed on the Morton County Sheriff’s most wanted list.

12-28-16 ~ Why I Answered the Call for Veterans to Go to Standing Rock
At Standing Rock, for the first time, I felt like I was finally serving the people. I lay among friends, huddled and cold in our sleeping bags. We listened to the lashing wind and the drums and prayer chants coming from the sacred fire, and we reflected on why we, four Iraq War veterans, were here.

12-27-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman gives Thanks to Water Protectors
Today, I want to take time to thank each and everyone of you who stood with us over the course of the past year. We face a long struggle ahead, but let that not overshadow the tremendous victory we have achieved here. I want to take today to recognize that this would not have happened without you.

12-27-16 ~ MEDIA BLACKOUT! The DAPL Protests Are STILL Going Strong Because the Pipeline Is Still Being ILLEGALLY Built
Water protesters celebrated Christmas as the fight against the pipeline continues into 2017. Despite Christmas day bringing harsh winter conditions, Dakota Acess pipeline protestors have continued their fight and brought in the holidays together.

12-27-16 ~ MEDIA BLACKOUT! The DAPL Protests Are STILL Going Strong Because the Pipeline Is Still Being ILLEGALLY Built
Despite Christmas day bringing harsh winter conditions, Dakota Acess pipeline protestors have continued their fight and brought in the holidays together. December has been a particularly brutal month for protesters at the camp. Many decided to leave after an earlier blizzard left more than half a foot of snow and strong winds whipped the protest site.

12-26-16 ~ North Dakota: The Historic Blizzard of March 1966
One of the most severe blizzards on record to impact the Northern Plains occurred 50 years ago between March 2-5 of 1966. The blizzard was particularly memorable for its long duration, as well as for its very heavy snowfall totals of 20 to 30 inches in some locations and wind gusts exceeding 70 mph at times. Snowfall totals reached as high as 38 inches, with drifts 30 to 40 feet high in some locations.

26-16 ~ Dakota 38 + 2 Wokiksuye by Matt Remle
On December 26th 1862, the United States Army hung 38 Dakota warriors in Makato, Minnesota. It was, and remains, the largest mass execution in American colonial history. Two Dakota warriors who had escaped into Canada were eventually captured, returned to the United States, and hanged at Fort Snelling in 1865.

Even though the winter solstice officially arrived at 5:44 a.m. this past Wednesday morning, it has already been a long winter for the water protectors, who have opposing the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. For most of December, water protectors have faced fierce snowstorms, coupled with the harsh prairie winds, that have brought windchill temperatures well below zero, water protectors are enjoying Christmas in the warmth of camp fires, propane heaters and generosity of thousands across Indian Country and beyond. On Christmas Eve, the Pueblo campers made dozens of luminarias to line the pathway to bring the Christmas spirit to the camp.

12-25-16 ~ North Dakota DAPL Protests Continue Despite Winter Storms
Water protesters celebrated Christmas as the fight against the pipeline continues into 2017.
Despite Christmas day bringing harsh winter conditions, Dakota Acess pipeline protestors have continued their fight and brought in the holidays together.

12-25-16 ~ Riding to Reconciliation
For the 11th Year, the Dakota 38+2 Wokiksuye Ride Seeks Solace & Healing

12-25-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman gives Thanks to Water Protectors
The Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Dave Archambault II, sends a message of thanks and recognition to the water protectors involved in the fight to stop the Dakota Access pipeline.

12-24-16 ~ Christmas comes to Standing Rock: Christmas Stockings, Cold Weather Supplies and Gifts Delivered to Water Protectors At DAPL Protest Camp
When a child in the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protest camp asked recently if Santa would be delivering presents to the children at the camp this Christmas, a Standing Rock Sioux tribal member was able to say yes, thanks to the generosity of others.

12-23-16 ~ Veterans for Standing Rock – A Photo Essay
On December 2, Ruth Fowler joined a convoy of approximately 4,500 veterans heading to North Dakota in response to a plea put out by Michael Wood Jr. and Wesley Clarke Jr. for fellow vets to support Standing Rock water protectors and provide frontline relief.

12-23-16 ~ Local DAPL protesters stay in N.D. for holidays
It may be Christmas, but that is not stopping Kentwood resident Lee Sprague and hundreds of others protesters that are hunkered down in North Dakota. But despite camping in sub-zero temperatures this year, he says they’re still feeling the holiday spirit.

12-23-16 ~ DAPL Water Protectors Forge a Way Forward Against the ‘Black Snake’
Though it hasn’t ended, it has shifted drastically on several fronts, and the fate of the situation remains unpredictable. While the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe continues to fight their battle through diplomacy and legal action, President-elect Donald Trump continues to appoint climate change deniers to his cabinet, which does not bode well for any environmentalist causes. 1000s are staying and they’re here sacrificing for us because DAPL won’t stand down. They need our courage right now, not our doubt. That’s it. We help when it gets tough, we don’t run.”

Members of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference braved subfreezing temperatures December 15 to deliver 700 Christmas stockings to water protectors still camped near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

12-22-16 ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders: ‘We Need To Organize And Mobilize’
Many of those alarmed by the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump are turning to Sanders for guidance as to how to wage an effective opposition force. His main point? Organization is everything.

12-22-16 ~ Black Snake Bleeding Out: How DAPL Is Duping Investors
The Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) is yet another violent variable in the equation of environmental racism that plagues the United States, and the world—to the peril of Indigenous and low-wealth communities of color everywhere.

The incoming chairman of the U.S. Committee on Indian Affairs, Senator John Hoeven (R – North Dakota) wants the water protectors fighting against the Dakota Access pipeline to leave the encampments.

12-22-16 ~ Sierra Club supporters close bank accounts to express opposition toward Dakota Access Pipeline
While some opponents to the Dakota Access Pipeline held signs outside the First Hawaiian Bank Headquarters Thursday afternoon, others like Vicky Holt-Takamine closed their bank accounts.

The tribal council states: “we are in no way ‘negotiating’ with the companies nor the administration. we are not giving into the proposed route and never will.”

12-21-16 ~ More than 220 Scientists Say Dakota Access Pipeline Threatens Biodiversity and Clean Water
The DAPL is a proposed 30-inch diameter pipeline spanning approximately 1,150 miles to transport crude oil in the United States. In July 2016, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of Fort Yates, North Dakota filed a lawsuit against the United States Army Corps of Engineers over the approved construction of DAPL segments in North Dakota despite assessments ignoring important ecological, cultural, socioeconomic, and public health impacts on the Tribe and region.

12-21-16 ~ ‘This Is Our Ghost Dance.’ Standing Rock Sioux Will Continue Their Dakota Access Pipeline Battle
Despite a freezing winter, hundreds of activists and Native Americans hunker down in a sustained effort to block an oil pipeline next to the Standing Rock reservation.

12-21-16 ~ Dalrymple: Mob rule, intimidation overshadow tribe’s concerns in DAPL protest
The Dakota Access Pipeline has been marred by a steady stream of misinformation and rumor. As governor of North Dakota, I feel it’s important to share facts regarding the route, permitting and our North Dakota law enforcement’s exemplary management of protesters.

12-21-16 ~ Trudeau says First Nations ‘don’t have a veto’ over energy projects
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in British Columbia Tuesday for the first time since approving a new $6.8 billion Trans Mountain oil pipeline from Edmonton to Burnaby, said he respects the right of opponents to vigorously protest the project.

12-21-16 ~ Judge Orders #NoDAPL Defendants to Pay Their Lawyers: “You Can Get a Job and Pay These Costs Back”
Earlier this month a state prosecutor handling some of the hundreds of criminal cases resulting from the #NoDAPL protests filed a motion stating that the state would be seeking to have the activist defendants reimburse the state for their public defenders.

President Barack Obama announced yesterday what he called a permanent ban on new oil and gas drilling in federal waters in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans in a bold move to preserve an environmental legacy that cannot be so quickly undone by Donald Trump

12-21-16 ~ Senate Confirms First Native American Ambassador…
The Senate confirmed Keith Harper as ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council Tuesday, making him the first Native American to ever become a U.S. ambassador.Harper is an attorney who was one of the lawyers behind a landmark class action lawsuit brought by Native Americans against the federal government.

12-21-16 ~ Watch the Bizarre Videos That Cops Made About the North Dakota Pipeline Protesters
At a press conference on December 8, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple complained that his state has found itself “outgunned” in countering a “social-media machine” operated by shadowy environmentalist groups in support of the anti-pipeline protests near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation.

12-21-16 ~ Jane Fonda Celebrates 79th Birthday Supporting Standing Rock with Lily Tomlin and Frances Fisher
Jane Fonda returned to her activist roots for her 79th birthday on Wednesday in Los Angeles when she appeared at a rally with famous friends Lily Tomlin, Frances Fisher and Catherine Keener.

12-21-16 ~ Fonda calls on Trump to back native American protest
The actress spoke out as she closed her account at the Hollywood branch of Wells Fargo in protest at the bank’s investment in the Dakota Access Pipeline, the subject of a months-long protest by indigenous tribes.

12-20-16 ~ With phones and drones, capturing Standing Rock images the public was never supposed to see
“If you do not like what you’re seeing, please share it,” Kevin Gilbert says, narrating a video he filmed with his phone and broadcast live on Facebook. It turns out that many people didn’t like what they saw the night of November 20, when activists trying to remove a barricade near the Dakota Access Pipeline’s contested site on Highway 1806 were met with water cannons wielded by law enforcement officers.

12-20-16 ~ North Dakota Becomes First U.S. State To Legalize Use of Armed Drones by Police To Defend ILLEGAL Pipeline
As if it isn’t bad enough that drone-driven weapons are actually a thing… now, police in North Dakota are able to use this technology to remote-control situations that they feel require weaponized force — most notably and obviously, against protesters fighting the illegal Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)

12-20-16 ~ Sage Against The Machine
There’s a battle happening right here on U.S. soil and it’s at a place called Standing Rock. Standing Rock is a Sioux indian reservation in North Dakota. Now I’m pretty sure if you’re an American you know the story of how white people came to this country and pretty much stole land from the Native Americans.

12-20-16 ~ Inspection planned for bridge closed by protest
A bridge that’s been closed for nearly two months because of possible damage during the Dakota Access Pipeline protest will be inspected Thursday to determine whether it needs repairs before being reopened.

12-20-16 ~ Two protesters convicted in first pipeline jury trial
The trial pertained to two men — Benjamin Schapiro, 30, of Ohio, and Steven Voliva, 62, of Washington — who were arrested Sept. 27 and accused of blocking a highway to allow a caravan of protesters to proceed. A jury convicted the men of obstructing a highway and disorderly conduct, and fined them $1,285.

12-20-16 ~ Treatment leaves mark upon our history
“Finally, as Austin Emineth’s recent letter exemplifies, “go home” is a coded message. It also means “we don’t want you here,” and “we don’t want to hear what you have to say.” This “go home” bigotry and xenophobia has been on vicious display in North Dakota. It signals that we do not care about being better as a people; do not care about learning from others; do not care about the thoughts, well-being, or lives of strangers.”

12-20-16 ~ How Faith Spotted Eagle became the first Native American to win an electoral vote for president
As Faith Spotted Eagle, 68, drove to the Yankton Sioux Reservation’s offices Tuesday morning, she remembered when she was a young girl, maybe 8 years old, fishing with her father along the Missouri River in South Dakota.

12-20-16 ~ Standing Rock ‘water protectors’ dig in for the winter
Successive blizzards have left the camp thickly blanketed with snow. Even as winter rages over the Dakotas and temperatures plummet below freezing, members of the movement are not ready to pack it in yet. Those who have chosen to hold the ground at Oceti Sakowin have doubts that Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the DAPL, will honour the Army Corps’ decision.

12-19-16 ~ Iowa Farmers Continue Fight Against Dakota Access Pipeline
Last week, 9 Iowa farmers and landowners fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline were in court challenging the granting of eminent domain to Energy Transfer Partners, owners of the pipeline. BOLD Iowa is supporting the landowners and opposing the project. State Director Ed Fallon says the court case has national implications and could be precedent setting.

12-19-16 ~ FAA Helps Police Suppress Reporting From Dakota Pipeline Protests
Since large-scale protests began near Standing Rock, the FAA has instituted three no-fly zones that have banned all civilian aircraft—and therefore prevented any aerial footage for news reports—for miles around the protests. This prohibition is particularly powerful in the area near Standing Rock—a rural, widespread, and sparsely-populated area where comparable information is impossible to obtain on the ground.

12-19-16 ~ ND senator calls for remaining Dakota Access protesters to leave
North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) is pushing tribal officials to help vacate a protest camp set up for those demonstrating against the Dakota Access pipeline.

12-18-16 ~ Seattle Divests $3,000,000,000 From Wells Fargo Over Their Funding of ILLEGAL Dakota Access Pipeline
Over the past few months activists opposed to the Dakota Access pipeline have ramped up pressure on the pipeline company’s financiers, and now the city of Seattle is showing what kind of weight a large municipality can add as it looks at taking $3 billion in city business away from Wells Fargo.

12-18-16 ~ Federal Bill Seeks First Native American Land Grab in 100 Years…
Even as the Dakota Access Pipeline protest in Standing Rock has galvanized Native Americans across the U.S., a bill entered in the U.S. House of Representatives by Utah Republican congressmen Rob Bishop and Jason Chaffetz seeks to take 100,000 acresof Ute tribal lands and hand them over to oil and mining companies.

12-17-16 ~ Spiritual: White buffalo have returned: are we considering the message?
I wonder if very many people know that there are three white buffalo walking the earth at this very time. They live in North Dakota. For tribal people, the very existence of these beings is an amazing occurrence. To understand why, is to connect with the spiritual foundations of our lives as tribal people.

12-16-16 ~ WPLC Calls for Morton County Prosecutor Resignation and Permission for Out-of-State Lawyers to Represent Water Protectors
North Dakota Supreme Court issued an order calling for public comments on a petition filed by the Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC), an initiative of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). The deadline for comments is set for 4 PM on Friday, December 30.

The surreal meeting on Friday, December 9, 2016 in Washington, D.C. was a direct result of frontline water protectors, tribal leaders, spiritual leaders and elders, the camps at Standing Rock, and allies all across the world praying and participating in non-violent direct actions for the successful denial of the Dakota Access Pipeline easement and the repeated tribal requests for an Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”).

12-15-16 ~ It’s Not Over. Standing Rock was never just about the pipeline.
It’s about an existential fight against the corporate interests who would sacrifice people and the planet on the altar of short-term gain.

12-15-16 ~ Sitting Bull is Alive, By Chase Iron Eyes
Today, December 15, 2013, marks the 123rd memorial/anniversary of the murder of Chief Sitting Bull of the Hunkpapa Lakota (Great Sioux Nation). My daughter asked me about the circumstances surrounding Sitting Bull’s murder. I told her how Sitting Bull was one of our people that made the conscious decision to hold on to our ways of life when our world of +123 years ago was falling apart at its very foundations.

12-15-16 ~ Standing Rock: Water Protector Red Fawn Fallis Still in Custody
In more news on Standing Rock, water protector Red Fawn Fallis is still in custody and had a preliminary hearing Monday on a federal charge of possession of a weapon by a felon. She originally faced charges of attempted murder of a police officer—charges that were later dropped by Morton County, reportedly for lack of evidence.

12-15-16 ~ Orlando Bloom Continues To Show Support For Standing Rock
The 39-year-old actor along with Jane Fonda, Rosanna Arquette, Orlando Bloom, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II at the first public conversation in Los Angeles about the Dakota Access Pipeline at the DEPART Foundation.

12-15-16 ~ Prosecutor asks judge to keep environmental, treaty issues out of first protester trial
The first pipeline protesters will go on trial Monday and the prosecutor is asking that they keep issues of tribal sovereignty, the concerns about the Dakota Access Pipeline and “any other social or political cause” out of the courtroom.

12-15-16 ~ From Standing Rock to Trans Mountain, dissent is in the pipeline
Melina Laboucan-Massimo, a Lubicon Cree, grew up in Alberta’s oil country. Since the age of 7, she has joined blockades and protests aimed at protecting her community’s traditional lands from resource development. “I was born into it,” she said in an interview. “It’s my inheritance.”

12-14-16 ~ Sandbranch, Texas: A Small Community Denied Water for Over 30 Years Fights Back
Sandbranch has never had running water in the entire 138 years of its existence, but up until the 1980s, people in the community used well water, which has now either run dry or is too contaminated to drink.

12-14-16 ~ Feds withheld key documents from Standing Rock Sioux
One report modeled damage from potential spills; another weighed the likelihood of spills; a third compared alternative routes and discussed the environmental justice concerns raised by the project.

12-14-16 ~ Feds withheld key documents from Standing Rock Sioux
In its consultations with the Standing Rock Sioux about the pipeline crossing underneath Lake Oahe within a half mile of the reservation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers purposefully withheld key studies that could have helped the tribe evaluate the risks. One report modeled damage from potential spills; another weighed the likelihood of spills; a third compared alternative routes and discussed the environmental justice concerns raised by the project. The revelation highlights the federal government’s perception of its limited responsibility to consult with tribes even on matters that could threaten its welfare.

12-14-16 ~ Water Protector Who Disarmed Dakota Access “Infiltrator” Put on Morton County Most Wanted List
Brennon Nastacio: “To be on Morton County’s most wanted list sends me a message that Morton County doesn’t care about the people at camp. They would have rather let Kyle Thompson come in and shoot everybody at camp than for me to disarm him. I hope that ain’t the case, Morton County. And I hope they realize that I saved lives that day, and drop this arrest warrant that they have out for me. You know, I approached Kyle Thompson to disarm him because I was concerned about the safety of the camp.”

12-14-16 ~ Ancient One Returns to Tribes
the Senate of the United States passed the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016, also referred to as the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, clearing the way for the Ancient One, also known as the Kennewick Man, to be returned to the Tribe’s for reburial.

12-14-16 ~ After Visiting Standing Rock, Swedish Bank Puts Companies Behind DAPL on Watch
After a visit by its representatives to Standing Rock, Swedish financial institution Nordea announced today that it will not back the Dakota Access Pipeline if it violates the demands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

12-14-16 ~ “Staying Ahead of the Game”
ALL NATIONS CAMP – While Arctic winds and near-record snows pummel the prairies, all is not quiet on the pipeline front. The camp that drew tens of thousands of supporters from across the world, Oceti Sakowin, or the Seven Council Fires Camp, has been shut down. The sacred fire lit continuously since July has been extinguished, but a new fire has taken its place.

12-14-16 ~ U.S. Government Study FINALLY Admits Water Contamination Caused by Fracking
The US Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA) recently released study of fracking impacts to water clearly refutes the fracking industry’s long-standing claim that “there has not been one single confirmed case of water contamination related to hydraulic fracturing.”

12-14-16 ~ Attorney’s Call on Morton County to Remove Illegal Blockade of Hwy 1806 To Water Protector Camp
The Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC) an initiative of the National Lawyers Guild sent a letter yesterday to the Morton County Commission and Sheriff Dept. calling for the immediate removal of barriers blocking a section of Hew 1806.

12-14-16 ~ The Misuse of Power & the Rise of the Divine Masculine at Standing Rock
I was inspired this morning to see a video of a veteran on national news announcing that over 2,000 veterans made their way to Standing Rock to serve, protect and support the people after so much violence and human right violations.

12-14-16 ~ The City Of Seattle Plans To Removes $3 Billion From Wells Fargo In Protest To The Atrocities At Standing Rock
Turns out revolutionary acts can have a big impact not just on an individual level, but even spreading out to whole cities. It was announced yesterday in an article from Indian Country Today Media Network that the city of Seattle are attempting to cut ties with Wells Fargo bank due to their support of Energy Transfer Partners .

12-14-16 ~ Rick Perry Is on the Board of the Company Building the Dakota Access Pipeline
Donald Trump’s pick to run the Energy Department also happens to be the favorite politician of the company attempting to build the Dakota Access Pipeline. For the past two years, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has held a paid position on the board of directors of Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the controversial project.

12-14-16 ~ Big Muddy and the Black Snake: Environmental Racism and the Dakota Access Pipeline
Lakota and Hopi indians once prophesied a black snake as the eighth of nine signs preceding the end of life. Slithering across the northern plains of America is the Dakota Access Pipeline, now 70 percent complete. The pipeline will transport hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude oil from the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota more than 1,100 miles to an oil tank farm in Illinois.

12-13-16 ~ Youths From Pine Ridge Reservation Vow to Stay at Standing Rock Despite Blizzards
Oglala Lakota youths from Pine Ridge Reservation were inside their tent at Standing Rock on December 7. A winter blizzard lasting for days continued to howl outside the tent walls with blowing snow and sub-zero temperatures. They have been there for weeks and were joined by veterans from Pine Ridge who went to Standing Rock last weekend, and by four others who needed shelter.

12-13-16 ~ Remembering the US soldiers who refused orders to murder Native Americans
Every Thanksgiving weekend for the past 17 years, Arapaho and Cheyenne youth lead a 180-mile relay from the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site to Denver.
The annual Sand Creek Massacre Spiritual Healing Run opens at the site of the Sand Creek Massacre near Eads, Colorado, with a sunrise ceremony honoring some 200 Arapaho and Cheyenne people who lost their lives in the infamous massacre. This brutal assault was carried out by Colonel John Chivington on Nov. 29, 1864.

12-13-16 ~ Sask. protesters brave extreme cold on long walk to Standing Rock
Through freezing winds and extreme cold temperatures, a group of pipeline protesters are on a 1,400-kilometre trek from northern Saskatchewan to Standing Rock, North Dakota.

12-13-16 ~ Ancient One Returns to Tribes
For more than 20 years, Columbia Basin tribe’s have battled to have the remains of the over 9,000 year old Kennewick Man returned for reburial. Discovered in 1996, Kennewick Man, who is among the oldest and most complete skeletons found, has been subject to great controversy as Tribe’s sought to have the ancestor returned and the science community wanting to conduct studies on the remains.

12-13-16 ~ My New Favorite Christmas Song [VIDEO]
After many requests from family and friends, Shoshone Elder Oldhands decided it was time he recorded and posted his original Christmas song. Be careful, it is a rather catchy tune that you will be humming for days.

12-13-16 ~ Archambault, Dalrymple meet, agree barricaded bridge should be reopened
Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman David Archambault II and Gov. Jack Dalrymple met late Monday in an attempt to restore relations following months of conflict over the Dakota Access Pipeline: The result may be a barricaded bridge near the reservation will be inspected and possibly reopened.

12-13-16 ~ Chairman says rumor swirl of hoarding donations, selling out protest unwarranted
Since then, he’s been accused of selling out the protest and taking money from such unlikely people as pipeline owner Kelcy Warren and using it to buy homes in Florida and Bismarck.

1-13-17 ~ Filings: Pipeline opponents allegedly threatened officials
Police allege in court filings that opponents of the Dakota Access oil pipeline made threats against officers and public officials in North Dakota last year, prompting additional security for the state’s governor.

12-13-16 ~ Port: N.D. will ask #NoDAPL defendants to pay for their own lawyers, prosecutors say
Here’s an excerpt where Erickson argues that the #NoDAPL defendants are really being advised by activist attorneys, and are only taking state-provided indigent defense to run up costs for taxpayers.

12-12-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman’s update on the Dakota Access pipeline
Following last week’s decision by the Department of the Army to not grant the easement under Lake Oahe, we are all focused on important actions that must be undertaken in the coming weeks. The announcement cited need for further examination of key issues, including treaty rights. It was suggestive of a reroute, and indicated that there will be an Environmental Impact Statement initiated to review the crossing. We look forward to this process getting underway.

12-12-16 ~ Kenny Frost – Stockpiles Supplies and the Chairman’s Deal at Standing Rock
This is just one corner of the many warehouse rooms where the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe stockpiles donations. That were received in recent months. The boxes, marked by the senders of specific camps of water protectors, are in the process of being distributed.

12-12-16 ~ North Dakota law enforcement sends angry letter to Obama administration
Despite our anger and frustration with federal officials in Washington DC, their local representatives, specifically U.S. Attorney Chris Myers and U.S. Marshal Paul Ward, have been tireless champions of our cause. They understand the dynamics of what is occurring within their community and have repeatedly communicated this through their chain of command, only to be met with resistance and contempt for their concerns.

12-12-16 ~ N.D. law enforcement officials ‘completely and utterly abandoned’ by federal government
Officials wrote a letter to President Barack Obama, describing inaction by the federal government during the protests. It was signed by sheriffs and police chiefs from across the state, including Morton County, Minot, Fargo and Wahpeton.

12-12-16 ~ Tulsi Gabbard Proves Once Again That She Is The True Alpha Female Of The Democratic Party
While Elizabeth Warren is busy making viral Youtube videos showing herself bravely browbeating indifferent billionaire bankers who will suffer no consequences for their actions, while Hillary Clinton is frying her circuitry by weeping hydraulic fluid from her mechanical face about her “painful” election loss, while Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp is actively praising the Army Corps’ eviction notice of Dakota Access protesters, Hawaiian Representative Tulsi Gabbard is standing with Standing Rock, alongside thousands of her fellow warriors.

12-12-16 ~ Standing Rock chairman says ‘selfish’ for people to stay as some dig in
It’s was seen as a victory, but not all want to leave, despite the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe calling them do so.

12-11-17 ~ Canadian Native Youth Arrive at Standing Rock After Walking for Almost a Month – Buffalo greeted the youth as they arrived at the #NoDAPL camp site.
Three youth from the Woodland Cree First Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada, arrived to the Oceti Sakowin Camp at Standing Rock in North Dakota yesterday (January 10) after walking since November 26, 2016. This journey symbolized their solidarity with the #NoDAPL movement against the 1,172-mile long Dakota Access Pipeline set to cut through sacred territories of the Sioux people.

12-11-17 ~ ‘We must kill the black snake’: Prophecy and prayer motivate Standing Rock movement
There is an ancient Lakota prophecy about a black snake that would slither across the land, desecrating the sacred sites and poisoning the water before destroying the Earth. For many Indigenous people gathered near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, that snake has a name — the Dakota Access pipeline.

12-11-16 ~ Red Warrior Camp Leaves Oceti Sakowin
The Red Warrior Camp has said their official goodbye to Standing Rock. In an official press release published Saturday night, the Red Warrior Camp announces they have officially departed the lands and waters of Oceti Sakowin. Red Warrior Camp was the main direct-action effort and is the reason the pipeline was halted for many days. The bold actions from the protectors of this resistance camp ended up costing Dakota Access Pipeline more out of pocket than any of the other actions.

12-11-16 ~ Mohawks Become First Tribe to Take Down a Federal Dam
A century after the first commercial dam was built on the St. Regis River, blocking the spawning runs of salmon and sturgeon, the stream once central to the traditional culture of New York’s Mohawk Tribe is flowing freely once again.

12-11-16 ~ Exxon’s Pro-Fracking CEO Is Suing to Stop Fracking Near His Mansion
Fancy a side of irony with your corporate hypocrisy? Last night on MSNBC, Nation Editor-at-Large Chris Hayes profiled ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, a vocal proponent of hydraulic fracking, who is suing to prevent the construction of a water tower near his eighty-three-acre, $5 million horse ranch in Bartonville, Texas. The purpose of the tower? Storing water for fracking. Tillerson and his super-wealthy neighbors are concerned, the lawsuit states, that the fracking tower might “devalue their properties and adversely impact the rural lifestyle they sought to enjoy.”

Nineteen Diné families will get running water after a non-profit organization generated around $40,000 from 350 national donations in a single day.

12-11-16 ~ US Court hands Standing Rock another victory
Resistance won’t stop, and starting Jan. 2, dissatisfied investors will have the option of pulling out of the controversial, money-losing project.

12-10-16 ~ Standing Rock Camp 1,000 Warriors Strong, Zero Degrees

12-10-16 ~ Standing Rock Warriors Laugh At Being Told They “Need To Go Home” Because They “Can’t Survive The Winter”
With the Dakota Access Pipeline having been halted for the time being, Stand Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II said on Tuesday that with winter closing in, and calls for extreme weather conditions- for the safety of the water protectors, and best interest of the NoDAPL movement, protectors are urged to leave the camps and continue the battle from the comfort of their own homes.

12-10-16 ~ Veterans came to North Dakota to protest a pipeline. But they also found healing and forgiveness
Inside the auditorium at a reservation casino, Wes Clark Jr. and about a dozen veterans in formation behind him faced a small group of Sioux spiritual leaders. Encircling them, hundreds of other veterans looked on.

12-10-16 ~ Cops Are FINALLY Being Sued For ILLEGALLY Spraying Standing Rock Protesters With Water In Freezing Temperatures
An Excessive Force lawsuit was filed against the Morton Country Sheriff for the gruesome events that took place during a November 20 bridge attack on Water Protectors at DAPL, but the Sheriff’s office continues to assault people claiming the Sheriff simply didn’t know that the lawsuit had been filed. Why didn’t Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier know about the lawsuit?

12-9-16 ~ Veteran Finds Forgiveness, Peace in Standing Rock Fight
For months, Dustin Monroe has made the 11-hour drive from his home in Missoula, Montana, to this remote part of the frozen North Dakota plains to bring supplies and support to the thousands protesting the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline. The Oceti Sakowin camp has become a second home, a place that has given him a new purpose.

12-9-16 ~ I Went to Cover #StandingRock and What I Found was Eye Opening
After being frustrated with the lack of media coverage and human rights violations Standing Rock was receiving, so my friend Nathalie and I decided to go to North Dakota to get as much footage as possible to share with the world. It was a last minute decision that has changed my view of the world and where I want to take my contributions in journalism. I

12-9-16 ~ ND officials call out federal government for lack of involvement in DAPL protest
In a letter, dated Dec. 9, 12 local law enforcement leaders say that President Barack Obama has abandoned police on the ground, as well as the Bismarck-Mandan community.

12-9-16 ~ Energy Transfer Partners May Have Misled State to Secure Tax Break
The oil and gas company has received more than $250 million in tax breaks through the state’s biggest corporate welfare program.

12-9-16 ~ What’s next for the Dakota Access Pipeline — ND lawmakers weigh in
Rep. Cramer recently met with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss the pipeline and says the decision will likely be reversed. “I think we can get this handled rather quickly in a Trump administration,” Cramer said. “He can get that easement in the hands of the companies so they can start construction sometime in middle to early early mid 2017.”

12-8-16 ~ Nebraska Supplied State Troopers, Surveillance Aircraft to North Dakota Under EMAC
Documents acquired through a series of public records requests shine light on ongoing out-of-state law enforcement assistance to the Morton County Sheriff and the state of North Dakota in their militarized police operations to protect construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Greg Wilz, Homeland Security Division Director at the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services, appears to be one of the main North Dakota officials responsible for coordinating bringing out-of-state law enforcement to Morton County under EMAC.

12-8-16 ~ Remembering Trudell by Matt Remle
On December 8th, 2015 Santee Sioux activist, artist, actor, poet, and one time national chairman for the American Indian Movement John Trudell passed on.

12-8-16 ~ Masked men tell Dakota Access protesters to go home or they’ll hurt them
The video shows two men who have covered their faces approaching the blocked vehicle. A man with a skull mask tells the protesters to go home, using obscenities. “Us North Dakota people are going to f— you up,” the masked man yells.

12-8-16 ~ Weather affects oil pipeline spill cleanup in North Dakota
The state Health Department says winter weather is affecting cleanup of a “significant” pipeline break that leaked crude oil into a tributary of the Little Missouri River. State environmental scientist Bill Suess (sees) says the spill was discovered Monday by a landowner near Belfield, in western North Dakota. Suess say the cause of the leak is under investigation, and the amount of the spill is unknown.

12-8-16 ~ ‘Miracles Are Happening’: Photos of the Tireless Women of Standing Rock
Thanks to the efforts of Standing Rock protesters, the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline has been diverted. Photographer Celine Guiout went to Standing Rock to shoot the women who made it happen.

12-8-16 ~ Latest Update For Sophia Wilansky
The latest from her family states she is still undergoing surgical recovery and her bandages are being changed regularly. She is doing much better now and is expected to be able to recover at home and see her dog again this week.

12-8-16 ~ Standing Rock: Protectors Demand Police End Roadblock Amid Blizzard Evacuations
The Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council said it has treated two people for hypothermia, and condemned the state of North Dakota for maintaining a police roadblock on Highway 1806—the main road leading in and out of the camps—that has been delaying the evacuation of patients amid the blizzard.

12-7-16 ~ North Dakota Had 292 Oil Spills In 2 Years, Only 1 Was Made Public
From January 2012 – September 2013, these pipeline spills were just a part of approximately 750 “oil field incidents” that took place in the state without the public’s knowledge. It’s estimated that around 4,328 barrels worth of oil were spilled in this period.

12-7-16 ~ Standing Rock chair: Pipeline off treaty lands is OK, but climate change is the bigger issue
Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council Chairman Dave Archambault said Wednesday that any Dakota Access oil pipeline route that stays off treaty lands would be acceptable.

12-7-16 ~ Prairie Knights becomes shelter for DAPL protesters during blizzard
The Pavilion Room became a storm shelter for several hundred people. The general manager says protesters and some people unable to pass through the area took shelter there. “It was an extraordinary event this past few days. It was life-threatening – that’s why we took the measures we did to make sure people were warm, that they had someplace to go,” says Everett Iron Eyes, Prairie Knights Casino and Resort General Manager.

12-6-16 ~ I’m a Journalist and I Was Stopped From Covering Standing Rock
I was escorted into a room and given a pen and paper. The Customs and Border Protection officer had a list of every country I had traveled to in the last five years and asked me to write down in detail what I was doing in each place. I didn’t even begin to worry until later, when I was told to hand over my phones. The officer said: “Now we just need to look into your cell phone to be sure there’s no photos of you posing next to some dead body somewhere.”

12-6-16 ~ Fargo Wants Peace, State Wants More Help, Energy Transfer Partners Will Carry On
Energy Transfer Partners reported it didn’t care what the US Army Corps of Engineers said. The Dakota Access Pipeline will carry on.

12-6-16 ~ Because I Was Asked How White Dakotans See Natives
I grew up among the Sioux.*** The largest city in South Dakota is called Sioux Falls. In its second-largest town, my hometown of Rapid City, we have Sioux Park, the Sioux Sanatorium hospital, and countless other appropriations of the name that originated as an insult

12-6-16 ~ Fight Not Over: Dakota Access Protests Continue After Army Corps Announces Pipeline Project Review
The day after the Obama administration announced that the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) project would be required to undergo additional review, protests against the banks that funded the project continued, with organizers nationwide saying they planned to keep up their resistance.

12-6-16 ~ Why they’re staying: A win for Standing Rock, but not a victory
The sweet taste of victory has already begun to sour at the Oceti Sakowin camp just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

12-6-16 ~ I Stand with Standing Rock
I spent many nights and camping trips with friends and family down on its shoals and reading Mark Twain. Huckleberry Finn? I read the book twice. We used to jump in upriver with life-preservers on and float several miles downstream and then walk back up or be picked up and do it all over again. I canoed on its tributaries as a teenager. To me, the Missouri is the heart and soul of America.

12-6-16 ~ Fargo Wants Peace, State Wants More Help, Energy Transfer Partners Will Carry On
Energy Transfer Partners reported it didn’t care what the US Army Corps of Engineers said. The Dakota Access Pipeline will carry on.

12-6-16 ~ While Eyes Were On Standing Rock, The Dakota Pipeline Was Being Drilled Under Another Water Source
Last Friday, while the media focused on the thousands of protestors at Standing Rock, a construction crew working on the same under-protest project finished drilling through rock under the Des Moines River in Iowa—another major source of drinking water.

12-6-16 ~ Thousands of snow geese die in Montana after landing on contaminated water
Several thousand snow geese have died after a snowstorm forced large flocks to take refuge in the acidic, metal-laden waters of an old open pit mine in Montana.

12-6-16 ~ Veterans for Standing Rock Head Evacuation Mission
“It’s mostly involving helping people get back on the roads … people who have slipped off the road, and getting people to Prairie King,” Iraq War veteran Johnathan Engle told VOA, referring to the casino about 15 kilometers from the Oceti Sakowin camp. Thousands of “water protectors” have been staying at the camp while they protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline, which they see as a threat to drinking water and cultural sites.

12-6-16 ~ Did prayer work in Standing Rock? Surprising evidence!
A mazingly, the announcement came at the midpoint of a prayer vigil intended to prompt the rerouting. In the vigil, local protesters were joined by tens of thousands who participated remotely from all parts of the globe. The mass event was organized by Unify, Uplift, and other groups, and was scheduled to last for six hours.

12-6-6 ~ Pipeline Protesters, Battered By Blizzard, Vow To Stay
At Camp Oceti Sakowin, where those protesting the nearly completed pipeline have been camped for months, people gathered in larger structures and designated heating areas. Camp leadership closed the entrance and exits to the camp for a short time, citing the dangerous road conditions.

12-6-16 ~ What does Standing Rock mean for anti-pipeline protesters in Canada?
Clayton Thomas- Muller of the Mathais Colomb Cree Nation of Manitoba on how the North Dakota protests might affect pipeline opposition north of the border.

12-5-16 ~ Locals plan to aid community, cops during protests
Tyler Everding, founder of the DefeND BisMan Facebook group, saw the video while in the bathroom during the event at the Bismarck Moose Lodge. He grabbed two dozen people gathered there and took off toward the hotel. There, they talked to hotel employees, whom Everding said were in tears, and agreed to leave two vehicles with supporters until things calmed, in case employees wanted to be walked to their cars, escorted home or supported in other ways.

12-5-16 ~ BREAKING: Oil Company Openly States They Will Defy Army Corps Order in Standing Rock
Balking at an earlier decision by the Army Corps of Engineers, Energy Transfer Partners — the company responsible for constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline — says the denial of an easement necessary to drill under the Missouri River is of no consequence for its plans to complete the project.

The fine is part of a settlement with Slawson Exploration Company, the largest oil producer in the Midwest, that will allow the company to avoid trial. The EPA found that Slawson had not installed required pollution controls 170 of its oil storage locations in North Dakota. Most of these locations were on the Fort Berthold Indian reservation in the state.

12-5-16 ~ Standing Rock activists stay in place, fearing pipeline victory was a ‘trick’
Though the US denied a permit for the Dakota Access pipeline, many worry that the Trump administration and the pipeline company could reverse the decision Native American activists at the Standing Rock “water protector” camps vowed to remain in place the morning after the US Army Corps of Engineers denied a key permit for the Dakota Access pipeline, with many expressing concerns that the incoming Trump administration and potential legal action from the pipeline company could reverse their victory.

12-5-16 ~ Standing Rock activists stay in place, fearing pipeline victory was a ‘trick’
Native American activists at the Standing Rock “water protector” camps vowed to remain in place the morning after the US Army Corps of Engineers denied a key permit for the Dakota Access pipeline, with many expressing concerns that the incoming Trump administration and potential legal action from the pipeline company could reverse their victory.

12-5-16 ~ Today Is Not A Victory For Water Protectors
Headlines do not stop pipelines. Today is NOT a Victory. I want to make that crystal clear.

12-5-16 ~ Veterans at Standing Rock just announced where they’re heading next — and it’s awesome
The veterans who just joined the indigenous protest to the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota are heading to Flint, Michigan next.

12-5-16 ~ Duluth City Council votes in support of anti-pipeline demonstrators
By a unanimous vote Monday night, the Duluth City Council passed a resolution voicing support for demonstrators who have been working to block the construction of a petroleum pipeline under the Missouri River in North Dakota.

12-5-16 Trump advisors aim to privatize oil-rich Indian reservations
Native American reservations cover just 2 percent of the United States, but they may contain about a fifth of the nation’s oil and gas, along with vast coal reserves. Now, a group of advisors to President-elect Donald Trump on Native American issues wants to free those resources from what they call a suffocating federal bureaucracy that holds title to 56 million acres of tribal lands, two chairmen of the coalition told Reuters in exclusive interviews.

12-5-16 ~ Trump sells his stake in Dakota Access Pipeline developer
Donald Trump has sold his entire stake in Energy Transfer Partners, the company overseeing construction of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline, a Trump spokeswoman told NBC News.

12-5-16 ~ Standing Rock Victory Photos: Pictures of the Celebration
“Something happened. Something incredible. Something beautiful. It was unintended. It was by accident. But something beautiful happened. Something that no politician has been able to do. Something that no religious leader has been able to do. Something that no diplomat or peace maker or human rights activist or group has been able to do. But in a place, a small place that before now, most people never knew existed. A place called Standing Rock. A group of Indigenous Americans came together.

12-5-16 Dakota Access Pipeline operator lashes out at decision to halt construction
Energy Transfer Partners plans to push ahead under Trump administration

12-5-16 ~ Police Smear Campaign Against Standing Rock Veterans Backfires
December 4, Morton County Sheriff’s Department held a press conference at which Sheriff Paul D. Laney made the claim, with no evidence, that self-proclaimed water protectors planned on arming the veterans assisting them at Standing Rock in order to trigger their PTSD. “An element within the protest movement wants to exploit veterans with PTSD, arm them, try to trigger their PTSD and turn them aggressive,”

While this is clearly a victory, the battle is not “over”. A response statement from Energy Transfer Partners and Sunoco Logistics said the corporations remain “fully committed to ensuring that this vital project is brought to completion and fully expect to complete construction of the pipeline without any additional rerouting in and around Lake Oahe. Nothing this Administration has done today changes that in any way.”

12-5-16 ~ Water Protectors Celebrate Army’s Halt of Pipeline, Brace for Trump Pushback
The Dakota Access Pipeline has been paused, but the incoming president will have the power to put the project back into motion.

12-5-16 ` The Historic Victory at Standing Rock
Surely some of the protesters believed they would prevail, but among the experts—the law professors, financial analysts, and industry journalists who pride themselves on knowing the ins and outs of federal rules—almost no one expected it. The so-called experts were getting ready to shake their heads and sigh, to lament that once again a federal agency had failed to respond to a historic protest and had failed to protect the most vulnerable. And then the incredible happened.

12-4-16 ~ Watch Veterans Confront Police At Standing Rock, Demand End To Attacks On Pipeline Protesters
Veterans at the Standing Rock Sioux protests in North Dakota bravely walked out to deliver a message of peace to the besieging police officers and security forces defending the interests of the fossil fuel corporations behind the Dakota Access Pipeline.

12-4-16 ~ Victory at Standing Rock
Protesters across the United States celebrated today after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it would “explore alternate routes” for the Dakota Access Pipeline instead of granting an easement the pipeline. Over 2,000 U.S. military veterans had joined the thousands of protesters at the site to protect them from the authorities, and federal officials had given them until tomorrow to leave the site .

12-4-16 ~ Reprieve for Native Tribes as Army Denies Dakota Pipeline Permit
The secretary of the Army Corps of Engineers said Sunday it turned down a permit for a controversial pipeline project running through North Dakota, in a victory for Native Americans and climate activists.

12-4-16 ~ DAPL PERMIT DENIED: Live Standing Rock Spirit Resistance Radio
The dept. of the Army will not approve an easement that would allow the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe.

12-4-16 ~ Standing Rock: US denies key permit for Dakota Access pipeline, a win for tribe
Army Corps of Engineers will not grant the permit for the Dakota Access pipeline to drill under the Missouri river, handing a major win to environmental activists

12-4-16 ~ ‘Shoot at Us First’: Veterans Form Literal ‘Human Shield’ to Protect Standing Rock Protesters from Cops
A steady stream of U.S. military veterans continued to pour into the Standing Rock protest camps over the weekend, with our sources on the ground estimating nearly 5,000 vets already there, and more arriving throughout the night to take part in the “Veterans Stand for Standing Rock” movement.

12-4-16 ~ Dakota Pipeline project denied federal permits as tribal protestors win the day
The Army Corps in a statement Sunday said it would not allow the pipeline to be built under Lake Oahe, a Missouri River reservoir. The corps said it would explore alternative routes for the pipeline that do not involve crossing the Missouri there.

12-4-16~ After Two Wars, Standing Rock is the First Time I Served the American People
I was in Iraq when President Bush announced the “surge” in January 2007. I was in Afghanistan when President Obama announced the “surge” in December 2009. But it wasn’t until I visited Standing Rock in October 2016 when I actually served the American people. This time, instead of fighting for corporate interests, I was fighting for the people.

12-3-16 ~ Standing Rock: US Vets rescue stolen tribes’s canoes from authorities
One veteran told that a group of their men had engaged in an operation to rescue canoes belonging to the Sioux people after they were allegedly stolen and smashed by authorities. U.S. Army veteran Joseph Hock told: ‘Morton County Sheriff’s Department and the Dakota Access Pipeline people came in the middle of the night and stole canoes which belong to the Sioux.

12-3-16 ~ US Veterans Build Barracks for Pipeline Protesters in Frigid Weather
U.S. military veterans were building barracks Friday at a protest camp in North Dakota to support thousands of activists who have squared off against authorities in frigid conditions to oppose a multibillion-dollar pipeline project near a Native American reservation.

12-3-16 ~ Police in Riot Gear Welcome Native Winter Gifts
Sheriff’s deputies in riot gear welcomed gifts donated by Oceti Sakowin and International Indigenous Youth Council Friday when the No DAPL activists delivered boxes filled from the department’s winter donation list. “They seemed pretty caught off guard,” Amsterdam said. “They wouldn’t let us inside, even though they have asked the public to bring supplies to them. We showed compassion and humanity today and they had the opportunity to do the same, which they did not.”

12-3-16 ~ 3000 Religious Will Come to Oceti Sakowin Camp for “The Day of Prayer”
Between 2,000 and 3,000 members of interfaith religious groups from across the country are expected to converge in North Dakota Sunday. The representatives of United Religions Initiative, a nonprofit based in San Francisco, will take part in an Interfaith Day of Prayer at the Oceti Sakowin Camp, where members of the Standing Rock Sioux and their supporters have been trying to block a segment of the 1,200-mile Dakota Access Pipeline from threatening their land.

12-3-16 ~ Lynch sends mediators to defuse South Dakota standoff over pipeline (no wonder nothing is happening, she sent them to the wrong state)
Lynch, on Friday called Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman David Archambault II, said that she had offered community policing resources to local officials and had sent “conciliators from the Community Relations Service to North Dakota.”

12-3-16 ~ Hundreds of veterans ‘to put our bodies on the line’ in pipeline protest
Tasheena Cloud said Saturday that she and the hundreds of other veterans who have been filing into this protest camp near the Dakota Access pipeline will remain peaceful when they put themselves between law enforcement officers and passionate demonstrators in coming days.

12-3-16~ Police consider pulling back from Backwater Bridge
A sheriff who is leading operations for law enforcement at the protest camps in southern Morton County said at a news conference Saturday that officials are considering withdrawing from Backwater Bridge on N.D. Highway 1806.

12-3-16 ~ After Months Of Police Brutality, US Senator Finally Calls For Investigation Of DAPL Oppression
As government intervention to date has done little to stymie the conflict surrounding the controversial Dakota Access pipeline, a Senator from New Jersey is calling for an investigation into “all credible reports of inappropriate police tactics” that have been used against pipeline protestors in North Dakota. Senator Cory Booker sent a letter to US Attorney General Loretta Lynch

12-3-16 ~ North Dakota fracking co slapped with $2.1mn fine over pollution of Native American reservation
Slawson Exploration Co, the largest oil producer in the Midwest, was hit with the fine for air pollution arising from 170 oil and gas wells, the majority of which were on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.

12-2-16 ~ Judge allows police to use grenades against Dakota Access Pipeline protesters
The rejection is based on a technicality. According to Hovland, the Water Protector Legal Collective, which is representing the protesters, had failed to provide written proof that all the defendants—at least 76 law enforcement agencies from 10 states, including the North Dakota National Guard—were informed of the request.

12-2-16 ~ Donald Trump finally weighed in on the Dakota Access pipeline—and it’s not good http://tinyurl.com/hecu4qw
Trump made clear that despite the growing chorus of opposition to the pipeline’s construction, he enthusiastically supports the controversial project, and wants to see it completed.

12-2-16 ~ Udall also wants Dakota Access Pipeline moved, denounces violence
“The violence at the protest site has continued, with law enforcement and private security forces using inexcusable means against peaceful demonstrators, including rubber bullets, attack dogs and even water cannons in sub-freezing temperatures.”

12-2-16 ~ Cuba-Trained Doctors Head to Standing Rock
A delegation of doctors trained at the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba announced they will head to Standing Rock to “serve in solidarity.”

“A multi-state coalition of police led by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department inflicted hours of punishing violence against peaceful Standing Rock water protectors — leaving hundreds injured and traumatized — so a coalition of lawyers has now filed a class-action, excessive force lawsuit.”

12-2-16 ~ International Indigenous Youth Council gives peace offering to law enforcement
Several weeks ago, law enforcement dealing with DAPL protests sent out a list of goods they could use if the community would like to donate them. The International Indigenous Youth Council saw that list and decided to use it as an opportunity for de-escalation. Lead by the council, demonstrators dropped off Gatorade, water, batteries, breakfast bars and more.

12-2-16 ~ KC Doctor Heals People at Standing Rock
A doctor from St. Joseph left his practice in Kansas City to help those injured at the North Dakota Access Pipeline protests.

12-2-16 ~ Navajo Veterans Prevented from Chartering Plane, Will Travel by Bus to Standing Rock
Dine’ Warriors for Standing Rock Update: well, my dear peeps this will be the Chei (grandpa) of all major updates. This report will be a bit long so don’t be in a hurry and don’t make any conclusion until you’ve read this through. I’m gonna’ give you the low-down. As of noon yesterday we were ready to fly first-class, by 3:00 that came crashing down. My contact from the Veterans Stand for Standing Rock group called and said the plane deal fell through. What happened is the plane charter company had initially quoted $50,000 for the plane and apparently after they found out where they were taking our Vets and for what purpose, the price got jacked up to $160,000.

12-2-16 ~ Water Protectors Deliver Donations to Morton County Officers
“North Dakota taxpayers have already bankrolled the Morton County Sheriff Department with approximately 10 million dollars for the suppression of peaceful water protectors. Despite this excessive financial support, Morton County officers are asking taxpayers to donate supplies.

12-2-16 ~ US military veterans join Standing Rock protests in N Dakota
Hundreds of US military veterans have joined activists in North Dakota protesting against the installation of a multi-billion dollar oil pipeline. The activists, who are demonstrating in sub-zero temperatures, have been ordered to leave the area by Monday.

12-2-16 ~ Trevor Noah Has Brilliant Suggestion for Standing Rock: Maybe This Time the White People Could Move
“Native Americans were super friendly,” Noah began the segment. “They’re like, ‘Hey, I’m not actually Indian, but I don’t want to embarrass him in front of all of his ships,'” he joked, drawing on Christopher Columbus’ infamous mistake. “I’ll tell him later, what’s the worst that could happen?”

12-2-16 ~ Nurses Donate $50,000 to Aid Veterans Stand with Standing Rock
National Nurses United today announced that it is donating $50,000 to support U.S. service veterans who are assembling this weekend as peaceful, unarmed defenders for the water protectors at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota who are enduring military style police assaults for opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) project.

12-2-16 ~ HAPPENING NOW: Vets Shut Down Bridge At Standing Rock To Protect Protesters (VIDEOS)
Newly arrived veterans at the Standing Rock Sioux protest camp take part in native chants, introduce themselves to the viewers, and speak on what moved them to travel all the way to North Dakota.

12-2-16 ~ Sheriff Caught Scrubbing Facebook Page of Evidence of DAPL Civil Rights Violations after Fed Lawsuit
In a stunning turn of events, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, who for months has used the department’s Facebook page as a means of spouting propaganda – often posting photos accusing people of crimes without any respect for due process – took the page down for almost a week.

12-2-16 ~ Training ‘preferable, but not required’ for out of state cops in Standing Rock
According to documents obtain by The Fifth Column, the Morton County Sheriff’s department openly recruited untrained officers to supplement the forces backing the construction of the pipeline in North Dakota through the use of EMAC (Emergency Management Assistance Compact) agreements.

12-2-16 ~ “My Whole Heart Is With You Tonight”: A Letter to the Dakota Access Front Line
I write these words on what’s a cold night in my city, and a much colder night where my heart is—with my friends in Standing Rock. My writing, which typically centers movements, often sways between news and analysis.

12-2-16 ~ Thousands expected at Standing Rock interfaith event Sunday
Beetween 2,000 and 3,000 members of interfaith religious groups from across the country are expected to converge in North Dakota Sunday at the site where protesters are trying to stop a pipeline that they say will threaten water resources and Native American sacred sites.

12-2-16 ~ Women Walk & Hold Space
On Sunday Nov 27, I woke up before the dawn to join the ceremony at the sacred fire (this happens everyday) then I went with a large number of us down to the river to join in a water ceremony. We gave our prayers to the water. Men held space for women and then women for men.

12-2-16 ~ US Civil Rights Commission Will Observe Standing Rock Standoff
“This is to me the closest thing to what we’ve done since the time that we would go down in the 1960s to the Jim Crow South,” the chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights said.

12-2-16 ~ Representatives of the Veterans Delegation meet law enforcement, DAPL Security, National Guard and the Veterans Association on Backwater Bridge
Wesley, Kandi, and Brenda walked together across the bridge to have a discussion with representatives on the other side. The purpose of the discussion was to clarify that the delegation of more than 2,000 veterans comes in peace and will remain nonviolent and in prayer during their visit to Standing Rock.

12-1-16 ~ What I Found in Standing Rock
Near the edge of the Standing Rock camp in North Dakota, about 50 yards from a tributary of the Missouri River, there’s a basketball hoop. It’s one of those worn-out outdoor hoops that leans forward a little bit, almost as if the wind had bent it.

12-1-16 ~ North Dakota sheriff scrubs Facebook of incriminating #NoDAPL information
For months, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier has used Facebook as a means to taunt the #NoDAPL movement, often accusing people of committing crimes without respecting their due process rights.

12-1-16 ~ Native Legend Describes Where Our Soul Goes When We Dream
One of the eternal questions we all ask ourselves is where does the soul go when we dream? Does it come with us into the dream world or stays behind in our body while our mind roams through the dreamland?

12-1-16 ~ Jane Fonda: Standing Rock Is Greed Vs. Humanity’s Future
We must rapidly cure ourselves of this disease or it will take us all down

12-1-16 ~ Veterans leave PDX to join Standing Rock protesters
Two veterans left from Northeast Portland on Thursday morning hoping to peacefully support tribal efforts and keep the pipeline from running through sacred Native American ground.

12-1-16 ~ Contractor Tied to Blackwater Mercenary Group Leads DAPL Protest Surveillance
The security firm responsible for operations in Standing Rock. “Tiger Swan”, was actually in charge of coordinating the intelligence operations against the protesters Morton County Sheriff documents “inadvertently revealed” Tiger Swan’s responsibility.

CJFE is deeply concerned by the October 1, 2016, seizure of electronic devices owned by journalist Edward Ou. Mr. Ou is an award-winning Canadian photojournalist who has spent years reporting from the frontlines of social movements. In early October, Mr. Ou sought entry to the United States via the Vancouver Airport and was on his way to cover protests at Standing Rock, North Dakota, on behalf of Canada’s national broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

12-1-16 ~ Dem Senator Calls On Barack Obama To Defend Standing Rock Protesters
The letter comes nearly three months after the Obama administration paused construction on the controversial pipeline over water safety concerns that the Standing Rock Sioux and other tribes raised.

12-1-16 ~ Van Jones on ‘Chelsea’: Standing Rock Is the New Selma
If there is one news story that his suffered the most amidst America’s Trump obsession, it is the protests that have been raging for months at the Standing Rock Native American Reservation over the Dakota Access Pipeline. “Nobody’s talking about this”

12-1-16 ~ Pipeline protesters bear the cold despite governor’s orders
Misty Jackson was building a wigwam at the main Oceti Sakowin protest camp on Thursday afternoon, despite orders from the governor and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to clear the area. An Ojibwe woman from Wisconsin, Jackson recently quit her job at her reservation’s casino to join the Dakota Access Pipeline protest full-time. She is one of thousands who have gathered to express concern the pipeline will contaminate the Missouri River and disturb sacred sites.

12-1-16 ~ Signs Of A Creepy Government Conspiracy At Standing Rock
That vague title leaves a lot open to interpretation. And if the internet has taught us anything, it’s that interpretation is not the average person’s strong suit … or even their medium suit, for that matter. “Clash” suggests an equal meeting of force, and that’s really not the case when one side has military hardware and the backing of a multi-billion-dollar corporation.

12-1-16 ~ North Dakota pipeline protest garners support from U.S. veterans
‘I bled in Iraq and you’re going to threaten to shoot me on a bridge in North Dakota?’ American veteran Matthew Crane has been to Iraq and Kuwait, and has led disaster relief teams in the U.S. Now he says he’s found a new mission at the Oceti Sakowin Camp in North Dakota, supporting those opposing the Dakota Access pipeline.

12-1-16 ~ 3 Reasons The Revolution Will Accelerate This Weekend
This coming weekend of December 3rd and 4th, 2016 is likely to mark a massive shifting point for our world. While the sea change has been in motion for quite some time, this weekend is likely to produce more visible signs that humanity’s servitude to masters of control and deception is swiftly coming to an end.

12-1-16 ~ North Dakota Veterans oppose veteran involvement in Standing Rock protests
The North Dakota group says they’re not taking a side on the pipeline issue, but they are upset with what they consider illegal, unlawful and unbecoming conduct that has been on-going at the site.

12-1-16 ~ Protesters from Colorado ready to join those at North Dakota pipeline
The frigid North Dakota cold hasn’t stopped thousands of protesters from camping outside, trying to halt construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. And they’re about to get a boost from more people. Some from Colorado intend to join the protest. So do hundreds of veterans.

12-1-16 ~ U.S. veterans arriving at pipeline protest camp in North Dakota
U.S. military veterans were arriving on Thursday at a camp to join thousands of activists braving snow and freezing temperatures to protest a pipeline project near a Native American reservation in North Dakota.

12-1-16 ~ U.S. Congresswoman & Military Vet to Join the Resistance With Fellow Veterans at Standing Rock
In a show of solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux, U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a Hawaii Democrat who served two tours of duty in the Middle East, and who continues to serve as a Major in the Army National Guard, announced that she will be joining thousands of veterans coming from across the country to protest the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) near the Standing Rock Reservation.

12-1-16 ~ 2,000 veterans to give protesters a break at Standing Rock
Helping DAPL protesters could get you a $1,000 fine

12-1-16 ~ Tulsi Gabbard just took the floor of Congress to demand Obama protect Standing Rock (VIDEO)
In a sternly worded 5-minute speech, Rep. Gabbard outlined the multiple dangers surrounding the pipeline, which has been challenged by hundreds of indigenous tribes this year who say stopping the pipeline is essential for the protection of their drinking water and natural resources.

12-1-16 ~ Matt McGorry Says Police Jammed His Phone So He Can’t Document Standing Rock Protests
Orange Is the New Black and How to Get Away With Murder star Matt McGorry has become known as more than an actor since his rise to fame. He’s also an activist who fights for issues from Black Lives Matter to women’s and trans rights, and with an Instagram following of nearly two million, his voice is heard widely.

12-1-16 ~ Ace Hardware statement on North Dakota protest and product sales
In an effort to clear any misunderstanding and/or misinformation, Ace Hardware can now confirm that there is no ban on the sale of products at our locally-owned Ace stores; customers should feel free to check with their local store for inventory availability.

12-1-16 ~ Help to the troops in nasty winter weather
These guys helped pull this bus of troops out of the snow in Bismarck early Tuesday morning.

12-1-16 ~ Your Call: Native Americans at Standing Rock say they’re staying
On the December 1st edition of Your Call, what rights do Native Americans and their allies at Standing Rock have to remain where they are?

12-1-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline: The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Issues Statement
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, by majority vote, issued an official statement regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline. As we commemorate Native American Heritage Month, the recent protests against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline have highlighted the intersection of numerous issues the Commission has investigated recently, including the excessive use of force by police, the civil and sovereign rights of Native Americans, and environmental justice.

12-1-16 ~ Mohawks block trains carrying oil from passing through Kahnawake
A group of Mohawks from Kahnawake is preventing freight trains carrying oil or other dangerous materials from passing through the territory on a Canadian Pacific Railway line for 24 hours.

12-1-16 ~ How North Dakota police used Facebook to issue warrants for #NoDAPL water protectors
North Dakota authorities used Facebook posts and video to issue arrest warrants for three men to face charges in connection with a confrontation between anti-Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) demonstrators and an armed security contractor working for the pipeline company.

12-1-16 ~ Federal judge denies restraining order filed by DAPL protesters against ND law enforcement
Federal Judge Daniel Hovland rejected the request saying that the National Lawyers Guild did not follow rule 65 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which requires that efforts were made to give notice of legal action to the defendant or give reason why a notice should not be required.

12-1-16 ! Cornel West: I Am Heading to Standing Rock to Show Solidarity with Historic Indigenous Uprising
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/z9lo3tv http://tinyurl.com/z9lo3tv
President Obama, he specializes in symbolic gestures because he gives pretty speeches. He’s very brilliant, he’s very charismatic. But, when, in terms of — when in comes time to implement and execute on the ground, often times he’s — there’s a deficit there. We’ll see whether he comes through.

12-1-16 ~ Major Victory! One of the Largest Banks Funding DAPL Just Pulled Its Assets from the Project
DNB warned it might withdraw funding for construction of the contentious pipeline if concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux were not addressed promptly.

11-30-16 ~ ‘We opened eyes’: at Standing Rock, my fellow Native Americans make history
As an Indigenous American, there was never any question of whether I should travel to Standing Rock or not. I needed to witness firsthand what was happening there, and wanted to offer solidarity to those fighting for the right of tribes to exercise agency over their own futures.

The difficulties spring partly from the area’s remoteness and the rugged terrain, but more-so now from what can only be psychological-driven digital attacks. Sudden signal loss, computer files disappearing, fried fiber optic cables, sudden battery deaths from a near full charge, are common. At least one person’s PayPal account was emptied of all monies, according to activists.

11-30-16 ~ 2,000 Veterans To Form ‘Human Shields’ To Protect Standing Rock Protesters
More than 2,000 veterans have agreed to act as “human shields” to protect protesters from December 4 to 7, according to a Facebook event. They launched the effort, called Veterans Stand for Standing Rock on Tuesday and after months of protesters clashing with the police over the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline.

11-30-16 ~ Audio: Tribe objected to pipeline nearly 2 years before lawsuit
Audio released by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe from a September 2014 meeting with Dakota Access Pipeline representatives contradicts recent claims made by a pipeline company executive.

11-30-16 ~ These #NoDAPL activists are taking police to court over violent crackdowns at Standing Rock
This week, lawyers filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of eight Standing Rock protesters who claim they were subjected to excessive force during a police action on the night of November 20. The suit, which lists Morton County, ND, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, and the city of Mandan among the defendants, alleges law enforcement “unleashed a violent, unjustified, and unprovoked physical attack on Plaintiffs and others, without warning or opportunity to disperse.”

11-30-16 ~ Sacramento City Council Puts Standing Rock Resolution on Dec. 6 Consent Calendar
In a surprisingly quick action, the Sacramento City Council on Tuesday night voted to put a resolution in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s struggle against the Dakota Access Pipeline on the consent calendar for the next council meeting on December 6 starting at 6 pm.

11-30-16 ~ Seattle’s contribution to Standing Rock: A new twist on the teepee
Paul Cheyok’ten Wagner, a Native American from the Coast Salish tribe, is the inventor of what has been coined the “tarpee,” a low budget contemporary teepee made from heavy duty polyethylene tarp and 16-foot-long two-by-four poles.

11-30-16~ Vancouver Rallies Against Kinder Morgan Pipeline
Justin Trudeau’s decision to approve the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion in Canada will result in protests and protection of the water in the same vein as the resistance happening at Standing Rock. Video report

11-30-16 ~ Dalrymple’s Staff Asks for Meeting with Tribal Council
Members of Dalrymple’s staff began today contacting Standing Rock Tribal Council members in an effort to schedule a meeting. He says it’s part of an effort to find a peaceful resolution to the ongoing Dakota Access Pipeline issue and to rebuild strong, long-term relationships between the state and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

11-30-16 ~ 30 Years of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents, Mapped
The sheer number of incidents involving America’s fossil fuel infrastructure suggests environmental concerns should go beyond Standing Rock.

11-30-16 ~ Al Gore: Dakota Access Pipeline is an “Absolute Atrocity”
In Washington, D.C., former Vice President Al Gore has spoken out against another pipeline, the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, while speaking at The New York Times Global Leaders’ Collective conference.

11-30-16 ~ Justice Department Must Investigate Policing of Standing Rock Demonstrations
Based on information gathered by four Amnesty International USA human rights observer delegations and reports from the area, AIUSA has formally requested an investigation by the Department of Justice into the policing of the Dakota Access Pipeline demonstrations.

11-30-16 ~ Dakota Access pipeline protester: Governor “has no authority here”
“The governor is saying this is a dangerous way to live in these conditions. He sure didn’t care when it was the same temperature as it is outside when he was fire hosing our people.” Braun said. “He didn’t care about it then, so why is he caring about it now?”

11-30-16 ~ Feds Approve NEXUS Pipeline, Which Will Run Through Northeast Ohio
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today approved the NEXUS pipeline project and its environment impact on Ohio communities. (The pipeline will also travel through Michigan to Canada; it was approved in its entirety.)

11-30-16 ~ U.S. veterans to form human shield at Dakota pipeline protest
North Dakota law enforcement backed away from a previous plan to cut off supplies to the camp – an idea quickly abandoned after an outcry and with law enforcement’s treatment of Dakota Access Pipeline protesters increasingly under the microscope.

11-30-16 ~ Morton Co. Sheriff responds to class action lawsuit filed against agency over DAPL protests
Several law enforcement agencies responding to Dakota Access Pipeline protests are being sued by some demonstrators for using excessive force during an incident earlier this month.

11-30-16 ~ Standing Rock Protester Shot in Face With Tear Gas Canister May Go Blind
Police at Standing Rock said it was too dangerous to move burned-out vehicles from a bridge there on Nov. 20, leaving it to protesters like Vanessa Dundon to get rid of the wrecks so emergency vehicles could get through in the case anyone needed medical treatment.

11-30-16 ~ Navajo Veterans Leave For Stanfing Rock on Dec. 2, 2016
Dine Warrior for Standing Rock!

11-30-16 ~ North Dakota courts strained by pipeline protest arrests
The hundreds of arrests (575) during the months of protests against the Dakota Access oil pipeline in North Dakota have created an unprecedented burden for the state’s court system, which faces huge cost overruns and doesn’t have enough judges, lawyers and clerks to handle the workload.

11-30-16 ~ Girl Has Perfect Response To Offensive Assignment To ‘Dress Like An Indian’
When Tremeka Greenhouse first saw the school assignment for her daughter Nyemah to “dress like an Indian,” she was planning to skip doing it. But 5-year-old Nyemah didn’t want to get in trouble with her teacher, so they came up with a compromise to fulfill the requirements of the culturally appropriative assignment.

11-30-16 ~ When an elder requests you do something; you do it
I n the respectful ways of the Sioux culture, when an elder requests you to do something, you do it. This shows your respect for their wisdom and compassion. This editorial is from a request by elders from both Standing Rock and Pine Ridge Reservations regarding the camp at Cannonball.

11-30-16 ~ Our ‘National Disgrace’: The Crime at Standing Rock
Native American men and women have defended the United States during wartime in greater percentages than any other demographic. And even though they were not allowed to be citizens until 1924, their intense patriotism has shone like a beacon. Once again, through their determination to protect the waters and lands of this country, they are showing us what true patriotism looks like.

11-30-16 ~ Iraq War Veteran’s New Battle Is Fighting Dakota Access Pipeline
A Marine wounded in combat in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004 has found new purpose as a self-proclaimed peaceful warrior fighting against a 1,172-mile pipeline that protesters fear threatens the water source of Native Americans in North Dakota.

9-29-16 ~ Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Donates $250,000 to Standing Rock Legal Fund
“We support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s effort to ensure the United States Army Corps of Engineers, or any other agency or department of the United States, strictly adheres to federal environmental review and tribal consultation requirements prior to authorizing any projects that may damage the environment or any sites that are of historic, religious, and cultural significance to any Indian tribe,” said Agua Caliente Chairman Jeff L. Grubbe.

11-29-16 ~ Psychological and Cyber Warfare at Standing Rock
People have reported having their phones misbehaving in odd ways. Sterling has personally heard from hundreds of people about their cell phones acting odd. Batteries dying without warning are the most common reports. But there are creepier incidence, like FaceTime turning on by itself, voice recorders activating, apps malfunctioning, browsers seizing, messages disappearing, and strange noises during calls. My iPhone reset itself as if brand new from the box in my first week at Standing Rock.

11-29-16 ~ No physical blockade of pipeline protest camp – N. Dakota officials
North Dakota officials on Tuesday backed away from plans to physically block supplies from reaching oil pipeline protesters at a camp near the construction site, saying they will instead use financial deterrents to prevent food and building materials from coming in.

11-29-16 ~ Women Are the Backbone of the Standing Rock Movement
I was sitting in a coffee shop in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, the night it hit me: I had to go to Standing Rock to document all sides of the ongoing Dakota Access Pipeline fight. This has happened before, a film choosing me, rather than me choosing it.

11-29-16 ~ Delivering supplies to protest camp could warrant $1,000 fine
Anyone delivering supplies to the main protest camp in Morton County could be subject to a $1,000 fine for violating the emergency evacuation order, but a local minister said this will not deter her church from providing support.

11-29-16 ~ North Dakota officials hope to quell pipeline protests with fines
North Dakota officials on Tuesday moved to block supplies from reaching oil pipeline protesters at a camp near the construction site, threatening to use hefty fines to keep demonstrators from receiving such critical supplies as food, building materials and even portable bathrooms.

11-29-16 ~ Neil Young asks Obama to stop ‘violent aggression’ at Dakota pipeline protest
Neil Young asks Obama to stop ‘violent aggression’ at Dakota pipeline protest Musician who has performed at the Standing Rock protest site asked Obama to intervene in an impassioned Facebook post before Trump becomes president
Musician who has performed at the Standing Rock protest site asked Obama to intervene in an impassioned Facebook post before Trump becomes president

11-29-16 ~ New York Times – Veterans to serve as Human Sheilds for Dakota Pipeline Protestors

11-29-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline protesters plan to defy evacuation order
Thousands of people protesting an oil pipeline in North Dakota say they will defy a mandatory evacuation order. North Dakota’s governor calls winter weather conditions at camp “life threatening” and has ordered protesters to leave.

11-29-16 ~ For the First Time Since Standing Rock Began, US Senator Calls for Investigation of DAPL Oppression
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is calling for the Department of Justice to ‘promptly and thoroughly’ investigate reports of brutal and abusive police tactics employed against peaceful water protectors opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.

11-29-16 ~ No Plans To Enforce Evacuation Order Against North Dakota Pipeline Protesters
Authorities say no action will be taken to enforce the North Dakota governor’s emergency evacuation order for protesters of the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline.

11-29-16 ~ Kirchmeier, Morton County sued for excessive force in protests
The Water Protector Legal Collective filed suit Monday in U.S. District Court in Bismarck seeking an immediate injunction to prevent Kirchmeier and other agencies from using impact munitions, such as rubber bullets, lead-filled beanbags, water and sound cannons, directed energy devices, water hoses, explosive tear gas grenades and other chemical agents against the protesters.

11-29-16 ~ Sioux Indians and environmental campaigners ordered off oil protest site Standing Rock
NORTH Dakota’s governor ordered the expulsion of thousands of Native American and environmental activists camped on federal property near an oil pipeline project they are trying to halt, citing hazards posed by harsh weather as a blizzard bore down on the area.

11-29-16 ~ The Coronado in Phoenix Under Attack on Facebook After Standing Rock Fundraiser
The owners of The Coronado — a restaurant in central Phoenix — held a fundraiser the day after Thanksgiving to benefit the people protesting the Northern Access Pipeline on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota. They raised an estimated $3,000 for the cause

11-29-16 ~ Morton County officials being sued for use of ‘excessive force’ against protesters
e National Lawyers Guild (NLG) filed a class action suit through the US District Court against Morton County, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirschmeier, and other law enforcement agencies for using excessive force against Dakota Access Pipeline protesters earlier this month. The suit was filed through the U.S. District Court in Bismarck by those who were hurt on November 20th and November 21st.

11-29-16 ~ North Dakota law enforcement to block pipeline protesters’ supplies
North Dakota law enforcement will begin to block supplies from reaching protesters at a camp near the construction site of an oil pipeline project in an effort to force demonstrators to vacate the area, officials said on Tuesday.

Not everyone has warm feelings about Kevin it seems. Pro DAPL workers and locals of Bismarck, the closest major city where the pipeline is being constructed in North Dakota, have not been happy about the resistance to the pipeline’s construction. Water protectors have been peacefully and prayerfully protecting their land and water from the inevitable oil leaks that would destroy their drinking water and millions more. It is these people who have not taken liking to Kevin’s work in spreading the water protectors message.

11-29-16 ~ Psychological and Cyber Warfare at Standing Rock
Connecting to the internet in Standing Rock is a difficult task. Most people have been using cellular data from a single hill, named “Facebook Hill”, in the west of camp. Unfortunately, the signal has been weak and is suspected of being interfered with by unknown parties. If there is a real need for wifi, people head to the casino 10 minutes south by car.

11-29-16 ~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: ‘I’ll See You at Standing Rock’
In 1966, my father held Senate hearings to investigate violent attacks by growers against pickers in the produce fields surrounding Delano, California. A young United Farmworkers organizer, Cesar Chavez, was orchestrating peaceful protests by Filipino and Chicano farmworkers against meager pay and brutal working conditions.

11-29-16 ~ Sheriffs Across US Refusing To Send Police And Equipment To DAPL As Outrage And Costs Grow
In response to an increasingly furious public outcry, sheriffs from around the country have refused to send personnel and equipment to assist the Morton County Sheriff’s Department in guarding construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-29-16 ~ More felonies against pipeline protesters dropped
In an order entered in the cases of 124 protesters last week, South Central District Judge Cynthia Feland said Morton County failed to show probable cause that any of the individuals conspired to endanger people or property by fire or explosion during the hours-long confrontation on Oct. 27. An identical order was first entered on Nov. 17 in the 15 cases assigned to Feland and subsequently applied to the rest of the people charged with conspiracy from that day, according to court records.

11-29-16 ~ Congressmen Demand Meeting with Obama to Discuss Human Rights Violations at NoDAPL
“Since then, headlines of mass injuries, frigid water being sprayed at demonstrators in sub-freezing temperatures, and of rubber bullets and similar anti-riot weapons being fired at peaceful, unarmed civilians, make it clear that this situation is only getting worse. Additionally, the Army Corps of Engineers letter announcing the closure of the Oceti Sakowin camp to demonstrators represents a concerning and disappointing course of action by the federal government.”

11-29-16 ~ North Dakota officials to start blocking vital supplies to DAPL campsite
“They have deliveries, retailers that are delivering to them – we will turn around any of those services,” Maxine Herr, a spokeswoman from the Morton County Sheriff’s Department. Trucks with “anything that goes to sustain living there,” including food, building materials as well as propane tanks, will be turned back. Those violating the order, both individuals and businesses ferrying supplies, can be stopped, questioned and face a fine as high as $1,000. According to Emergency Services spokeswoman Cecily Fong, the measure has not been yet enforced on Tuesday and no supplies coming to the campsite have been stopped.

It is our right to conserve the territories, the cultures and the spirituality which have nourished the lives of the original peoples of the world. We, the undersigned, representatives of indigenous and campesino communities, non-governmental organizations, and independent academics of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, manifest our opposition to the systematic violation of indigenous human rights by the violent imposition of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which affects the territory, water, and culture of the Sioux Tribe at Standing Rock.

11-28-16 ~ Morton County officials being sued for use of ‘excessive force’ against protesters
he National Lawyers Guild (NLG) filed a class action suit through the US District Court against Morton County, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirschmeier, and other law enforcement agencies for using excessive force against Dakota Access Pipeline protesters earlier this month.

11-28-16 ~ Redding Rancheria members headed to Standing Rock
Around 30 members from the Redding Rancheria are on their way to Standing Rock in North Dakota to help protesters against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-28-16 ~ WORLD NEWS Literally Too Many Veterans Have Signed Up to Join DAPL Protests
Last week, the newly formed group “Veterans Stand for Standing Rock” called on veterans to nonviolently stand up to militarized law enforcement at the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Since its initial call to action, the veterans’ movement has grown exponentially.

11-28-16 ~ Cherokee Nation files breach of trust lawsuit against federal government
The Cherokee Nation is suing the federal government in order to secure an accounting of its trust funds. This legal action is necessary because the United States government managed and controlled the Cherokee Nation’s property but never in hundreds of years provided a full accounting as the law requires.

11-28-16 ~ Sen. Reid on Standing Rock – Video
This month is Native American heritage month. during this month, we honor the contribution of American Indians. Also, of course, Alaska natives and Hawaiians. but we don’t have to look very far, madam president, to see how Native Americans continue fighting for their heritage, and they really must fight for their heritage. pick up a newspaper, turn the news on any channel you want, and you’ll see what’s happening at the standing rock reservation in North Dakota. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe is opposed to the construction of a portion of the North Dakota access pipeline that passes near their reservation where it

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Fort Laramie, in the Indian Territory, between D. D. Mitchell, superintendent of Indian affairs, and Thomas Fitzpatrick, Indian agent, commissioners specially appointed and authorized by the President of the United States, of the first part, and the chiefs, headmen, and braves of the following Indian nations, residing south of the Missouri River, east of the Rocky Mountains, and north of the lines of Texas and New Mexico, viz, the Sioux or Dahcotahs, Cheyennes, Arrapahoes, Crows. Assinaboines, Gros-Ventre Mandans, and Arrickaras, parties of the second part, on the seventeenth day of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one.

11-28-16 ~ Collection of Kevin Gilbertt’s livestream from Standing Rock
Kevin Gilbert’s livestream shows that the water cannons in Standing Rock were not being used to put out fires

11-28-16 ~ Dalrymple Orders Emergency Evacuation To Safeguard Against Harsh Winter Conditions
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jack Dalrymple, Governor of the State of North Dakota, order a mandatory evacuation of all persons located in areas under the proprietary jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers. This definition of the evacuation area shall remain in effect even if the United States Army Corps of Engineers redefines or removes these prohibited areas. These persons are ordered to leave the evacuation area immediately, and are further ordered not to return to the evacuation area.

11-28-16 ~ ND Governor orders Emergency Evacuation for DAPL protesters
Governor Dalrymple signed the order on Monday “out of concern for the safety of those camping on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land in southern Morton County.”

11-28-16 ~ Dalrymple orders mandatory evacuation of DAPL protest camp on Army Corps land
The order says the unpermitted camp sites are not zoned for dwellings suitable for living in winter conditions and do not provide proper sanitation infrastructure to sustain a hygienic living environment.

11-28-16 ~ The FAA banned drones from flying at the Standing Rock oil pipeline protest
Drone footage of clashes with police at the campsite have gone viral. This weekend the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration issued a temporary flight restriction over the Standing Rock oil pipeline protest in North Dakota, banning all aircraft except those flying in support of law enforcement. The FAA will make exceptions for journalists as long they get special approval beforehand.

11-28-16 ~ Water Protectors file class action suit for retaliation and excessive force against brutal police
On November 20, 2016 Native Americans and their allies walked on to a public bridge and prayed. They bowed their heads in the frigid North Dakota dusk, lit sage and cedar, and began praying for the survival of the Missouri River, for their indigenous cultures, and for the planet and all its inhabitants.

11-28-16 ~ US Army Corps of Engineers clarifies stance on Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp
he US Army Corps of Engineers provided an update this afternoon on their plans to close off their land involved in the Dakota Access PIpeline Protests to the public. The Oceti Sakowin Camp, which lies just north of the Cannonball River in southern Morton County, is Corps land leased to a rancher for grazing.

11-28-16 ~ Tulsi Gabbard Set to Join “Veterans For Standing Rock”
Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is set to join hundreds of veterans at the Dakota Access Pipeline protest on December 4, taking a step few other notable individuals have in their fight against Oil Police.

11-28-16 ~ Sarah Palin: “Thanksgiving is for Real Americans Not Indians”
Rudy TwoMoon ~ (2013 and is true) Further proof I’m not American. Not only do the Treaties state… The said Americans and the said (tribe) Indians…This is probably the only smart thing maggot brain has ever said. FYI, she was paid to say this…. The Interviewer was told to ask this… Just for the simple reason this will cause us to become angry… And these creatures feed on anger and hate. So let’s starve em.

11-28-16 ~ US authorities: Dakota pipeline protesters can stay
The US Army Corps of Engineers said those protesting a North Dakota pipeline will not be forcibly removed.

11-28-16 ~ Neil Young Begs Obama To Step In And End The Violence At Standing Rock
Neil Young and his girlfriend, Daryl Hannah, published an open letter on Monday calling for President Barack Obama to do whatever he can to make sure authorities begin to treat the protestors at the Standing Rock Native American Reservation with decency and respect.

Veterans from all around our Nation are forming up and heading to Standing Rock to stand up for the Native Americans and all the others standing firm for the RIGHT to live your live as the way you see fit and NOT be bullied my Big Money interests that can literally BUY a BIG chunk of Government to move things their way. So watch the videos as these Vets explain how THEY see it. Always remember there are many reasons why THIS was the FIRST Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

11-27-16 ~ Brilliant New Device Lets Protesters Block Surveillance and Stingrays
Reports about agents using a Stingray on protesters to unconstitutionally monitor their phones are circulating widely, and now protesters have a way to fight back.

11-27-16 ~ After A Month of Conflict, Mass Media Arrives in Force at Standing Rock
The group included a smattering of advocacy bloggers, freelance journalists, and staff reporters with such elite publications as Vogueand The Washington Post.The day before, Wise was posting Facebook LIVE events from the encampment on behalf of The New York Times.

11-27-16 ~ WATCH: Witness Says Cops Targeted Sophia Wilansky Before Blowing Up Her Arm
Protesters of the North Dakota Access Pipeline, along with people from around the world are outraged that Sophia Wilansky‘s arm was blown up November 20 during a confrontation with police.

11-27-16 ~ HOLDING TO SELF-EVIDENT TRUTHS Alleged ‘Non-Lethal’ weapons lead to serious injuries to Water Protectors
“We are hereby calling for an immediate Restraining Order upon the Army Corps of Engineers, The State of North Dakota, & Dakota Access Pipeline Employees pending our upcoming lawsuit, & we are seeking immediate federal protection in this case, for the sake of our undisturbed, peaceful occupancy of the land under the 1851 Treaty.

11-27-16 ` Sheriff on Dakota Access pipeline protests: We will not “allow people to become unlawful”
Don’t look for apologies from the North Dakota sheriff leading the response to the Dakota Access oil pipeline protests, especially for the recent — and, in some circles, controversial — action against demonstrators who he believes have become increasingly aggressive.

11-27-16 ~ ‘We stand strong’: Standing Rock water protectors defy Army Corps’ threat of camp eviction (VIDEO)
Standing Rock activists said they would continue to stand their ground in the fight against the crude oil Dakota Access Pipeline, in defiance of a US Army Corps notice which stated that the location of a protest camp will be out of bounds from December 5.

11-27-16 ~ Uncovered Emails Raise Suspicions of Oil Company Paying Police for DAPL Crackdown
Unicorn Riot has obtained emails from the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which call for an investigation into the money trail enabling the militarized police crackdown at DAPL. One email from the Stutsman County Sheriff’s Department, which lends their MRAP armored vehicles for use by SWAT teams, states the following.

11-27-16 ~ Omaha District Commander provides update regarding North Dakota activities

11-27-16 ~ Sheriffs Across US Refusing to Send Police and Equipment to DAPL as Outrage and Costs Grow
In response to an increasingly furious public outcry, sheriff’s from around the country refused to send personnel and equipment to assist the Morton County Sheriff’s Dept. in guarding the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-27-16 ~ Standing Rock Supporters May Block Canadian Pipelines: Chief
A Manitoba indigenous chief says there’s a desire for action — which could include blockades of Canadian pipelines and railways — in support of a protest against a North Dakota pipeline project.

11-26-16 ~ The History of Dakota Resistance, The Crimes Committed against America’s First Nations (1492-2016)
Why the First Nations People Regard Thanksgiving Day as a National Day of Mourning and Why Minnesota Governors Sibley and Ramsey Should Posthumously Stand Trial for Crimes Against Humanity.

As the world seems to spiral out of control, each one of us needs to take a trip inside ourselves, in an effort to understand our place in this Life… We need to unlearn what we have assimilated, to think and to look outside the box, and to learn to trust our inner voice.

11-26-5-16 ~ Army Corps will close anti-DAPL protest camp at Standing Rock by Dec. 5
The US Army Corps of Engineers announced it will close the portion of federal land on which water protectors are camping in North Dakota by December 5, to protect the public amid violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement.


Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch urging the Justice Department to intervene and send federal monitors to Standing Rock “to ensure protesters can peacefully assemble and exercise the First Amendment rights.”

11-26-16 ~ North Dakota officials: Protesters should leave federal land
An organizer of protests against the Dakota Access pipeline says he believes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ decision to close land to demonstrators will escalate tensions.

11-26-16 ~ Trump Takes Aim At Standing Rock
However, it has recently been in the news for much different reasons. Private security has been photographed and videotaped assaulting protesters with weapons as well as attack dogs.

11-26-16 ~ Governor calls for federal help in eviction of camped protesters
Dallas Goldtooth, an organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network, urged opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline, to stand strong in defending territorial treaty rights. “This is a disgusting continuation of 500 years of colonialization,” he said. “That is the state of affairs that we are in.”

11-26-16 ~ Federal officials Not Closing ALL Standing Rock Protest Camps
Do not let reports that Oceti Sakowin is being closed sway you or prevent you from donating, getting involved, or traveling out to Standing Rock. Oceti would be a great loss, but it is the ONLY camp on ACE land.

11-26-16 ~ Army Corps orders Dakota Access pipeline protesters out by Dec. 5
“This decision is necessary to protect the general public from the violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement officials that have occurred in this area, and to prevent death, illness, or serious injury to inhabitants of encampments due to the harsh North Dakota winter conditions,” Army Corps district commander Col. John Henderson said in the letter.

11-26-16 ~ Sen. Heitkamp praises Army Corps decision to remove DAPL protesters from federal land
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., called the decision to remove Dakota Access Pipeline protesters from U.S. Army Corps land needed and asked President Barack Obama to make a final decision on Missouri River easement Saturday.

11-26-16 ~ Police Departments Refuse Participation In Dakota Access Pipeline Crackdown
Widespread outrage over both the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and violent police crackdowns rages on. That outrage is spreading even to police agencies now returning from deployment to the reservation.

11-26-16 ~ At least 33 DAPL protesters arrested at Kirkwood Mall Friday
Bismarck Police say officers responded shortly before 1 p.m. to a report of about 100 protesters inside the mall near Target. They say mall management instructed authorities to not allow any demonstrations in or on their property. The mall is private property.

11-26-16 ~ Sheriff Gary Schartzenburger Removed From Office At At Standing Rock DAPL Protest For Allegedly Bullying And Militant Police Actions
North Dakota Sheriff Gary Schwartzenberger was placed on interim suspension while working at the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protest on Wednesday night, pending his removal from office by the governor.

11-26-16 ~ North Dakota owes Nebraska $287,000 for troopers sent to Dakota Access oil pipeline protest
Sending Nebraska state troopers to the ongoing Dakota Access oil pipeline protest will cost North Dakota an estimated $287,000. The cost includes salaries, overtime, meals and travel for two sets of 11 Nebraska State Patrol troopers, along with a patrol airplane and two crew members, according to records from the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency. The two separate deployments lasted about two weeks each, with the second group returning Wednesday.

11-26-16 ~ Officials to Close Standing Rock Protest Campsite
Citing public safety concerns, federal officials plan to close access to a campsite where demonstrators have protested the construction of a crude oil pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota and create a “free speech zone.”

11-26-16 ~ Mayan Elders Go to Standing Rock to Show Solidarity
In a show of solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux, Maya representatives from the Mam and Ixil peoples of Guatemala came to the Oceti Sakowin Camp to sit down with the members of the Standing Rock Tribal Council to share the pain of their own experiences.

11-26-16 ~ Massive Oil Pipeline Leak Under North Dakota Farmer’s Fields Proves DAPL Pipeline Cannot Be “Safe”
orth Dakota farmer who discovered an oil spill the size of seven football fields while out harvesting wheat says that when he found it, crude was bubbling up out of the ground.

11-25-16 ~ Victory? Public outrage may force Feds to revisit approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline

11-25-16 ~ Exclusive: Jane Fonda at Standing Rock: ‘I’ve Rarely Seen So Much Love’
Fonda, an Academy-Award winner repeatedly recognized for her innumerable gifts, arrived at Standing Rock during the week of Thanksgiving and donated seven butchered bison for a celebratory meal hosted by actress Shailene Woodley.

11-25-16 ~ Flooded With Support, Standing Rock Vets Ramp Up Operation And Brace For Showdown
As donations and volunteers pour in, Veterans Stand For Standing Rock prepares for a sizeable “deployment” to halt progress on the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-25-16 ~ Army Corps evicting everyone from Standing Rock on December 5

11-25-16 ~ Army Corps are evicting everyone out of Oceti Sakowin Camp on December 5
In a breaking development, the Army Corps of Engineers have decided to evict everyone from the Oceti Sakowin Camp on December 5, one day after a large group of vets are set to arrive in the area.

11-25-16 ~ Statement from Chairman Archambault on Army Corps Decision
“Today we were notified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that on Dec. 5th, they will close all lands north of the Cannonball River, which is where the Oceti Sakowin camp is located.

11-25-16 ~ Oregon Community Just Donated Tiny Homes and Solar Energy to DAPL Water Protectors
Donations of warm clothing, blankets, and other items to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe water protectors and their supporters have been welcomed as several encampments brace for a severe North Dakota winter on the open plains. But, perhaps most welcome among those donations, are tiny houses transported all the way from Oregon by a carpenter.

11-24-16 ~ Hundreds pour into Standing Rock ahead of Thanksgiving
Hundreds of people continue to pour into the front-line Oceti Sakowin Camp, despite calls from the Mayor of Bismark to those opposed to the Dakota Access Pipeline to return home for Thanksgiving. Marcus Lloyd (Ngāti Porou) who is at Standing Rock says the people here won’t leave, instead more vehicles are arriving in support the Standing Rock’s Sioux tribe.

11-24-16 ~ Heinrich calls on Obama to move Dakota Access Pipeline
On Thanksgiving, U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich called on President Barack Obama to reroute the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline and condemned the response by police to protests.

11-24-16 ~ On Thanksgiving — Native Americans are Being Beaten, Gassed, & Shot in North Dakota
State agents chose the ironic weapon of water to devalue the lives of anyone daring to protect the water from careless corporate greed.

11-24-16 ~ Pressure mounts on Obama to end Dakota pipeline standoff
North Dakota’s governor and congressional delegation are pressuring President Obama to pave the way for completion of the disputed Dakota Access oil pipeline, protests over which they say are taxing law enforcement and are costing millions of dollars.

11-24-16 ~ Join Standing Rock With Global Prayers on Saturday November, 26th
A global one-hour synchronized praying event has been arranged to enable people all over the world to silently unite in support of the demonstration against the Dakota Access Pipeline currently ongoing at Standing Rock.

11-23-16 ~ The New York Times just responded to the police violence against Standing Rock protesters
The editorial board for the nation’s top newspaper just took a bold stand for the indigenous groups protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-23-16 ~ From Across the Country, Gifts of Tiny Houses Arrive for Standing Rock
How five large trees in remote Oregon ended up as winter housing for water protectors, including their first newborn baby.

11-23-16 ~ Standing Rock: injured protester’s father says police account is ‘bogus nonsense’
Officers claim protesters set off explosion but Sophia Wilansky’s father and on-site medical professionals say injury is ‘entirely consistent’ with grenade blast

11-23-16 ~ Veterinarian Drives 900 Miles To Help Horses Injured At Standing Rock
“I just think everybody needs to help and this was the best way that I could.”

11-23-16 ~ Authorities Erect New Barrier North of Protest Camp
Authorities have erected a new barrier on Backwater Bridge just north of the Oceti Sakowin Camp. A crane was brought in last night to place multiple concrete slabs on the bridge.

11-23-16 ~ Two Athabascan men join Standing Rock protest
Some people participate in direct actions– peaceful protests near the path of the pipeline. Samuel Johns an Anchorage resident who is Ahtna and Gwich’in Athabascan, originally from Copper Center, said that’s where the trouble comes in.

11-23-16 ~ The New York Times just responded to the police violence against Standing Rock protesters
The editorial board for the nation’s top newspaper just took a bold stand for the indigenous groups protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-23-16 ~ New York Times – Power Imbalance at the Pipeline Protest
When injustice aligns with cruelty, and heavy weaponry is involved, the results can be shameful and bloody. Witness what happened on Sunday in North Dakota, when law enforcement officers escalated their tactics against unarmed American Indians and allies who have waged months of protests against the Dakota Access oil pipeline.

11-23-16 ~ Sheriffs Refuse to Send Troops to Standing Rock as Public Outrage and Costs Mount
North Dakota is stretched thin in its battle to protect the Dakota Access pipeline construction: Costs are nearing $15 million, and police reinforcements are diminishing.

11-23-16 ~ Buying Silence: Why So Many Democrats are Mute About Standing Rock
The response from the Department of Justice and Obama Administration to what has been occurring at Standing Rock has left a stain on the end of President Obama’s second presidential term. Despite visiting the Standing Rock reservation in 2014 and affirming his commitment to Native American rights, his administration has remained neutral amid reports for weeks of abuses towards the water protectors.

11-23-16 ~ New York Times – The Conflicts Along 1,176 Miles of the Dakota Access Pipeline
The police confronted hundreds of protesters on Monday. Nearly 300 people were treated for injuries resulting from the use of police force, according to the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council.

11-23-16 ~ Here Comes The Cavalry: Meet The Veterans Getting Ready To ‘Deploy’ To Standing Rock
Veterans Continue To Serve Their Country At Standing Rock. There’s a planned deployment to Standing Rock, scheduled for December 4, but these men and women will be standing with the citizens protesting desperately to keep their lands and water clean.

11-23-16 ~ Hundreds Of Veterans “Self-Deploy” To Standing Rock To Defend Protesters
As the government increasingly turns to appalling violence in their efforts to subdue the unshakable will of the Standing Rock Sioux, the protesters fighting to protect their sacred lands have a new ally – our veterans.

11-23-16 ~ Twenty-eight tribal leaders in Washington urge Obama stop Pipeline
Declaring their solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, the tribal chairs wrote, “We support their call to deny the easement of the Dakota Access Pipeline and to reroute the pipeline away from tribal lands, waters and sacred places.”

11-23-16 ~ We’re Not Going to Go to War’: The Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Preaches Peace and Patience
I don’t think anybody really built this movement. It wasn’t me individually or the tribe. What we did was stood up for something that’s dear to us, something that’s precious—and that’s water.

11-23-16 ~ Trump dumped his stock in the Dakota Access pipeline owner over the summer
Trump’s share, which in a May 2015 disclosure was listed at between $500,000 and $1 million, had fallen to less than $50,000 by the time he sold it in the summer of 2016, according to a disclosure earli
er this year.

11-23-16 ~ When Sisters Traveled to Standing Rock They Found Community, and Violence
“Part of the issue is that we don’t want pipeline— it’s a danger to all of us as it could harm the water going under Missouri River, which is the source of water for 20,000,000 people,” Sister Ceil says. “But it’s also about the support of the sovereignty of indigenous people. We want indigenous peoples’ rights and beliefs to be respected.”

11-22-16 ~ Chairman Archambault Releases Statement on Wilanski
Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault released a statement today about Wilansky. “Our deepest gratitude, thoughts and prayers are with water protector Sophia Wilansky and her family right now. She sustained severe injuries to her arm when a concussion grenade blew part of her arm away. Doctors are working to save her arm.”

11-22-16 ~ Veterans to deploy for Standing Rock
Wesley Clark Jr., a veteran, screenwriter and activist, created the event along with Michael Wood Jr., a retired Baltimore police officer and Marine Corps veteran who advocates for police reform.

Over the past few months, the Dakota Access pipeline and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe that opposes this oil project went from anonymity to full blown national newscoverage. Since August, the news media has been reporting on the Native Americans who have gathered in camps in North Dakota to protect sacred land and the Missouri River, the Standing Rock tribe’s sole water source. For months, we have been informed only about the most dramatic developments, but I discovered after a visit to the Sacred Stone camp two weeks ago that public understanding of what this movement is all about is based on misrepresentations. We are missing how peaceful, respectful and solemn this struggle is.

11-22-16 ~ New York Times – Presidential Transition, Mosul, Standing Rock: Your Tuesday Briefing
In our latest 360 video, a lifelong resident of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation talks about his relationship to the land and the water, and his fear for their future. Law enforcement officials defended their recent use of fire hoses against protesters, despite temperatures below freezing.

11-22-16 ~ Wichitans deliver supplies to pipeline protesters in N.D.
A group from Wichita is headed to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota to support people protesting the construction of an oil pipeline.

11-22-16 ~ Wheeling Man to Donate Time Over Thanksgiving Weekend to Native Americans at Standing Rock
A Wheeling man will head toward the area to peacefully support the people he calls his friends. Matt Welsch, better known as the Vagabond Chef, is usually found creating delicious and unique meals for his patrons in the Ohio Valley.

11-22-16 ~ Confirmed: DAPL Water Protector Might Lose Arm Because of Police Grenade, Here’s How to Help Her
In an act of hubris defying logic, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department now claims Sunday night’s vicious offensive against water protectors opposed to the Dakota Access Pipeline — during which two tribal elders suffered cardiac arrest, a rubber bullet struck a 13-year-old girl in the face, and a young woman carrying water to others had her arm nearly blown off — is the fault of the activists.

11-22-1 ~ Police tear gas and blast water cannons at North Dakota pipeline protesters
Police have used tear gas and water cannons against hundreds of protesters, in the latest violent clash between law enforcement and activists over the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-22-16 ~ Dakota Access pipeline protester ‘may lose her arm’ after police standoff
Sophia Wilansky, 21, was seriously injured after being hit by projectile when officers threw less-than-lethal weapons at demonstrators.

11-22-16 ~ Officials Defend Dousing Pipeline Protesters With Water in Subfreezing Weather
Authorities on Monday defended their decision to douse protesters with water during a skirmish in subfreezing weather near the Dakota Access oil pipeline, and organizers said at least 17 protesters were taken to the hospital — including some who were treated for hypothermia.

11-22-16 ~ Call for DOJ Observers in North Dakota as DAPL Activists Face Severe Injuries, Arrests
“Woman hit by concussion grenade may lose her arm. Way past time for federal observers at Standing Rock.

11-22-16 ~ CNN, Mainstream TV News Continues Ignoring Dakota Access Pipeline
A lazy mainstream media propagates false narratives based on second-hand sources.

11-22-16 ~ North Dakota Highway Patrol Doesn’t Know About Hypothermia
The spokesman for North Dakota Highway Patrol can’t figure out why it was wrong for authorities to shoot water at Dakota Access Pipeline protesters in freezing weather.

11-22-16 ~ The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Issues Statement Regarding Dakota Access Pipeline
Commission Chair Martin R. Castro stated, “The issue of the pipeline is not just about the pipeline alone, but rather it is about the entire relationship between the United States and sovereign Indian Nations, their rights, traditions and religious beliefs. As we prepare our civil rights report on this relationship we call on Congress to make it a priority to address the problems in Indian country by holding its own hearings to hear from Native leaders about the unmet needs and unmet promises owed to Native Americans by the United States of America.”

11-22-16 ~ Veterans prepare to join Standing Rock protesters to stop Dakota Access Pipeline
Indigenous water protectors at the Dakota Access Pipeline construction site just got assistance from military veterans.

11-22-16 ~ ‘Where Evil Resides’: Veterans ‘Deploy’ To Standing Rock To Engage The Enemy — The US Government
On Dec. 4, if everything goes according to plan, hundreds of veterans will muster at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. The mission: To stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-22-16 ~ Veterans Organizing “Like a Military Unit” to Defend DAPL Protesters from Militarized Police
Resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is about to get a major boost. On Dec. 4, U.S. military veterans — possibly numbering in the hundreds — plan to gather “like a military unit” to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-21-16 ~ What’s behind the Dakota pipeline protests?
The conflict over the construction of an oil pipeline in North Dakota flared up again Sunday night. At least 17 protesters were taken to the hospital after authorities used tear gas, rubber bullets and water hoses to disperse a crowd of 400 people who had gathered there in subfreezing temperatures

11-21-16 ~ Leader of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Calls On Obama to Halt Pipeline After Violent Clash
The leader of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe called on President Barack Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline today, after a clash last night that protest organizers say left 17 people hospitalized and scores more injured after law enforcement unleashed water, rubber bullets and tear gas on demonstrators in below-freezing temperatures near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.

11-21-16 ~ Water Protector in Critical Condition After DAPL Police Grenade Blew Apart Her Arm
A young water protector faces possible amputation thanks to a police concussion grenade.

11-21-16 ~ Artist creates mirrored shields for Standing Rock protesters
Cannupa Hanska Luger says he hopes the project will empower demonstrators and create a connection with police

11-21-16 Veterans are planning a ‘deployment’ to Standing Rock to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline
“Most civilians who’ve never served in a uniform are gutless worms who’ve never been in a fight in their life,” Wes Clark Jr. declares. “So if we don’t stop it, who will?”

11-21-16 ~ Water Protector in Critical Condition After DAPL Police Grenade Blew Apart Her Arm
A young water protector faces possible amputation thanks to a police concussion grenade.

en. Al Franken (D-Minn.) urged the Department of Justice to take action to protect the safety and First Amendment rights of Dakota Access Pipeline protesters following reports that law enforcement used high pressure fire hoses for crowd control in sub-freezing temperatures.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Police Attack Protesters Again: ‘He Just Smiled and Shot Both My Kneecaps’
The ‘water defenders’ trying to stop an oil pipeline were hit with water cannons that turned to ice in the frigid temperatures as rubber bullets and tear gas flew. It didn’t stop them from coming back though.

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Pipeline: Protesters Soaked With Water in Freezing Temperatures
Tear gas, freezing cold water and rubber bullets were used to disperse a crowd of 400 protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline in clashes late Sunday and early Monday that left more than 150 activists and one law enforcement officer injured.

11-21-16 ~ Police defend use water cannons on Dakota Access protesters in freezing weather
Authorities on Monday defended their decision to douse protesters with water during a skirmish in subfreezing weather near the Dakota Access oil pipeline, and organizers said at least 17 protesters were taken to the hospital — including some who were treated for hypothermia.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock caravan leaves from Port Townsend
t is Standing Rock or bust for the 30 or so members of the Standing with Standing Rock Thanksgiving Caravan, which is scheduled to embark this morning from Port Townsend on a 1,350-mile journey to the site of a protest camp in North Dakota.

11-21-16 ~ UN condemns abuse of Standing Rock water protesters
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association Maina Kiai issued a blistering condemnation on November 15 of the militarized response to the Standing Rock water protectors’ peaceful protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Protests Escalate As Police Attack Activists With Water Cannons In Freezing Weather Call for More National Guard Troops
Standing Rock activists faced a new wave of assault from law enforcement agencies as officers sprayed them with paper spray, fired rubber bullets at them, and blasted them with water cannons in freezing weather.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock protest: hundreds clash with police over Dakota Access Pipeline
Protesters opposing the controversial pipeline reported being hit with teargas, rubber bullets and percussion grenades during the standoff

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Access pipeline protesters congregate again at bridge after overnight clashes with police
The Latest on the protest against the Dakota Access oil pipeline. (all times local): 11:15 a.m. Dakota Access oil pipeline protesters are congregating again at a shut-down bridge on a state highway near their camp in southern North Dakota where they clashed with law officers overnight.

11-21-16 ~ Resolution 16-121 Support Standing Rock Lakota Tribe and Opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Homer City Council this 21st day of November, 2016.

11-21-16 ~ Injustice At Standing Rock
The mainstream media is missing quite a remarkable story.

11-20-16 ~ Petition asks Department of Justice to Prosecute ND’s Governor Dalrymple for Standing Rock Abuses / Tear Gas Video
These are the distilled comments made on this petition over less than one hour, and I have edited all of those who simply said Yes, OR YES please prosecute. You will find mine below, in which I suggest that the author of the petition write an OEN article but specifically to layout what statutes might be applicable.

11-20-16 ~ Hundreds of Water Protectors Injured as Police Fire Water Cannons In Freezing Tempertures

11-20-16 ~ Slovenia becomes first EU nation to enshrine human right to water in their constitution
While the United States faces a major environmental backslide under President-elect Donald Trump, a small central European nation has become the first to enshrine the right to drinking water in their constitution. The new amendment to Slovenia‘s constitution states that drinkable water is a human right. Largely to prevent the commercialization of the country’s water resources, the Slovenian parliament just voted in favor of the new law. Prime Minister Miro Cerar, in favor of the amendment, described water as “the 21st century’s liquid gold.”

11-20-16 ~ At least 167 injured by police at Standing Rock. #NoDAPL
Tonight, I held a young man’s hands after pouring milk of magnesia into his eyes as he cried and wailed in pain after being a victim of a violent tear gas attack.


11-20-16 ~ CBS NY – Police, Protesters Face Off On Bridge In Dakota Access Pipeline Protest
Police were firing water cannons and tear gas at the protesters, and had arrested at least one person late Sunday

11-20-16 ~ Attention, Please. The Answer to Standing Rock. Again
Some corrupt federated and incorporated fake “county governments” have seen a way to line their pockets with money from pipeline company and oil company profits. So they cut a deal allowing these corporations to put a pipeline through.

11-20-16 ~ How to Contact the People Sending Militarized Police to Standing Rock
Have a question about the militarization of policing near Dakota Access pipeline construction? Here’s who to call, starting with Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier.

11-20-16 ~ NEW LAW Now Charging ALL Protesters With Terrorism, Spread the News and SHARE THIS!!
The United States is one of the best places to live. You have rights that are given to you from the Constitution, you have the freedom to do what you want (within reason of course), and you have the ability to live in one of the strongest nations in the world. At least it is supposed to be like that.

11-20-16 ~ Obama Blocks Gas And Oil Drilling In Arctic Ocean And Sacred Native Land
The move carries significant weight in the context of the ongoing Dakota Access Pipeline protests. If conceived, the 1,172-mile pipeline would run underneath the Missouri River and carry crude oil from oilfields in North Dakota to Illinois. The route would go through sacred burial grounds and the main source of water of the Standing Rock Tribe.

11-25-16 ~ Exclusive: Jane Fonda at Standing Rock: ‘I’ve Rarely Seen So Much Love’
Fonda, an Academy-Award winner repeatedly recognized for her innumerable gifts, arrived at Standing Rock during the week of Thanksgiving and donated seven butchered bison for a celebratory meal hosted by actress Shailene Woodley.

11-19-16 ~ This is What Organization Looks Like
There are meetings all day. There is at least one meeting in Oceti Sakowin Camp about construction per day. We have dedicated teams that work diligently for countless hours to winterize this camp. We look out for each other. We gather around fires at night and share food around tables bustling with conversation, and glowing with connection. This is what hope looks like when we take it in our hands and live it—instead of wishing for it and waiting for our dreams to be accomplished for us. We work together to find strengths within this community and from the foundation of individuals’ skills, we build. Many of us are here to stay.

11-19-16 ~ New Reports From Standing Rock Detail Horrific Conditions Of Police Brutality
A couple weeks ago one of my best students disappeared from the argumentation and advocacy class I teach at the local community college. I emailed to see if she was ok. I learned she was on her way to Standing Rock to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-19-16 ~ Massive Diesel Spill On Native Land Goes Unreported by Mainstream Media
At the heart of the Heilsuk Nation in Bella Bella, British Columbia an environmental disaster of epic proportions is unfolding. The waters have been poisoned for over a month due to a spill of more than 52,850 gallons of diesel failing to be cleaned up in a timely manner.

Fonda will be part of a delegation 50 people from around the country who will be visit the site of the Standing Rock action against the Dakota Access Pipeline — to serve a Wopila Feast to thank American Indian water protectors for their courage in defending Mother Earth.

11-18-16 ~ Police say Standing Rock winterized protest camps against the law – Video
North Dakota has had a bit of an extended summer. But now that temperatures are starting to drop water protectors at protest camps in Standing Rock need to winterize. And with that, may come some legal issues.

11-18-16 ~ Police Killing of Unarmed Native American Continues To Receive Little Media Attention
The tragic case of Corey Kanosh, 35, has received very little media attention, in spite of the growing outrageover police shootings of unarmed, innocent citizens.

11-18-16 ~ ‘Get on right side of history’: Greenpeace demand banks ditch ‘toxic’ Dakota pipeline
Greenpeace has implored financial institutions investing in the Dakota Access pipeline to “get on the right side of history” after the largest bank in Norway reportedly sold its assets in the crude oil project.

11-18-16 ~ These Chefs Are Preparing a Thanksgiving Feast at Standing Rock
With the Wopila Feast, a delegation of chefs, activists, and volunteers plan to feed 500 people at Standing Rock.

11-18-16 ~ Dakota Access is in Financial Jeopardy by Sacred Stone Camp
http://tinyurl.com/jr2xyaw On Wednesday, November 16, 2016, just hours after the arrival of the drill at Standing Rock, Dakota Access LLC filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for delaying its decision on the last required easement. Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault said in response, “They are wrong and the lawsuit will not succeed.

11-18-16 ~ Another Pipeline Bursts Endangering Drinking Water Of 6 Million People – Same Company Behind Dakota Access Pipeline
While most of us are enjoying lower gasoline and natural gas prices these days – a big help to the family budget – it is increasingly difficult to defend the oil and gas industry when it keeps polluting our treasured natural resources.

11-18-16 ~ 35 Native Protesters Added To Federal “Threat” List
Thirty-five of the 89 Indigenous activists secretly investigated and profiled by the RCMP as potential threats to public safety have ties to New Brunswick, a recently released document shows.

11-18-16 ~ For many Native Americans, Thanksgiving is a day of mourning
For many indigenous people in Greater Boston, the holiday is a day of mourning as they reflect on centuries of racism, genocide, and attempts to destroy their culture.

11-18-16 ~ Veteran Protector Defending the Land & Finding His Roots
For George Chavis the call to Standing Rock was only partly about being a veteran. For the most part this journey has been a culmination of returning to his Indigenous roots. He spent 12 years on active duty, enlisting first at 20 years of age in 1999.

11-18-16 ~ New U.S. Army Regulations May Further Delay the North Dakota Pipeline
The U.S. Army plans to issue a new rule to improve consultations with Indian tribes for permitting decisions, a move that could delay the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline, according to a notice posted Thursday on a White House website.

11-18-16 ~ North Dakota Cops Get ‘Doxed’ and Don’t Like It
The Morton County Sheriff Department — responsible for shoorting water protectors with rubber bullets, tear-gassing them, beating them, strip searching them, and jailing them in ‘dog kennel’s with Nazi type numbers written on their arms — says it has been ‘doxed.’

11-18-16 ~ Largest Bank in Norway Sells Its Assets in Dakota Access Pipeline
The largest bank in Norway, DNB, has announced that it has sold its assets in the Dakota Access pipeline. The news follows the delivery of 120,000 signatures gathered by SumOfUs.org to DNB by Greenpeace Norway and others urging the bank and other financial institutions to pull finances for the project. DNB recently indicated that it is reconsidering the loan it provided, which amounts to 10 percent of the total funding.

11-18-16 ~ Largest Bank in Norway Pulls $3M from Dakota Access Pipeline
This is a major win for water protectors, who have been advocating to target the project’s financial interests.

11-18-16 ~ DAPL Investors Getting Antsy: If Pipeline Doesn’t Move Oil by January First the Contract EXPIRES
Though water protectors have held their ground at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access pipeline for months now, they need only push for a month and a half longer until it is possible that their mere presence may actually kill the oil-funneling project.

11-18-16 ~ Bernie Sanders Calls on President Obama to Stop the Pipeline by Declaring Standing Rock a National Monument
Bernie Sanders’ new political revolution is calling on the American public to get involved to help stop the Dakota Access Pipeline in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, by putting pressure on the Obama administration to designate a “Standing Rock National Monument” on the site of the protest by the Lakota Sioux reservation at the confluence of the Missouri and Cannon Ball Rivers.

11-18-14 ~ FAA Can Regulate Small Drones: NTSB Reverses Judge’s Ruling
Overturning a federal judge’s ruling that the Federal Aviation Administration had overstepped in fining a man $10,000 for flying a small drone, the National Transportation Safety Board says the agency has the authority to regulate such drones.

11-18-16 ~ Morton County Sheriff’s Department says DAPL protesters are erecting unlawful structures
The Morton County Sheriff’s Dept. says Dakota Access Pipeline protesters are illegally erecting structures at a camp north of the Cannon Ball River on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ land. The Department’s says photographs show people living at the camp getting ready for winter by constructing temporary and permanent structures without a permit.

11-18-16 Colonial Pipeline Company Eyes Expansion After Spills
A business development manager for the Alpharetta-based Colonial Pipeline Company told a Georgia legislative committee Thursday it continues to consider expansion following two incidents that spilled gas in a rural parts of Alabama.

11-18-16 ~ North Dakota lawmakers punish tribes for taking #NoDAPL stand
The North Dakota Legislative Management Committee canceled the 2017 tribal leader address to the state Legislature. Republicans cited safety concerns at the State Capitol, according to news reports, even though the only people who have been hurt so far are the #NoDAPL resisters.

11-17-16 ~ For native Americans, pipeline sparks climate awakening
Opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline has unified tribes from across America. Some here believe this protest is becoming something bigger – a turning point for both native Americans and the climate movement.

11-17-16 ~ Judge throws out felony charges against Standing Rock protesters – US Uncut
The felony charges facing some of the Dakota Access Pipeline protesters who were arrested during last October’s raid have been dismissed by a local judge.

11-17-16 ~ Judge throws out felony charges against several north camp protesters – Dickenson Press
139 people were charged with one felony count of conspiracy to endanger by fire or explosion and two misdemeanor counts. The prosecutors filed a single complaint and supporting affidavit against all of them on Nov. 10. The affidavit alleges protesters at least implicitly agreed to set multiple fires throughout the day, thereby endangering law enforcement, firefighters and nearby pasture land.

11-17-16 ~ Largest bank in Norway pulls its assets in Dakota Access pipeline
The news follows the delivery of 120,000 signatures from Greenpeace Norway and others to DNB urging the bank and other financial institutions to pull finances for

11-17-16 ~ Police respond to #NoDAPL Targeting Officers
Today police say protesters released personal information of law enforcement, including date of birth and home address of a one officer. We looked into whether these kinds of posts are illegal or even terroristic in nature. Bullying intimidation – even violence – all tactics either side of the Dakota Access pipeline battle accuse the other.

11-17-16 ~ Washington Republican proposes charging protestors with ‘economic terrorism’
A Republican state lawmaker who was an outspoken supporter of President-elect Donald Trump is proposing a bill that would allow authorities to charge protesters with committing “economic terrorism.”

The United States is one of the best places to live. You have rights that are given to you from the Constitution, you have the freedom to do what you want (within reason of course), and you have the ability to live in one of the strongest nations in the world. At least it is supposed to be like that.

11-17-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline decision unlikely until early 2017
A federal judge likely won’t decide until early next year whether to give the developer of the Dakota Access oil pipeline permission to finish the $3.8 billion project, according to court documents.

11-17-16 ~ Professional protestors release personal information of police officers, attempt to target and harass them and their families
During today’s illegal protest activities, protestors released personal information, including date of birth and home address, of a Bismarck Police Department officer. Protestors have also publicly identified several other Bismarck Police Department officers and a Morton County Sheriff’s Deputy.

11-17-16 ~ Judge throws out felony charges against several north camp protesters – Bismarck Tribune
A judge has thrown out felony charges against several Dakota Access Pipeline protesters arrested during a raid of the northern camp on Oct. 27.

11-17-16 ~ UN Denounces Abuse of Free Assembly Rights for Water Protectors Standing Against DAPL
The militarized response to water protectors’ efforts to stop construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through sacred burial grounds and underneath a key water source constitutes “excessive force” that is directly at odds with the right to assemble peacefully, a key United Nations expert has ruled.

Scholars have estimated that, prior to the ‘discovery’ of the Americas by Europeans, the pre-contact era population could have been as high as 100 million people.

11-17-16 ~ North Dakota Law Enforcement Official: “I’ll ultimately be paid by the oil people…”
Emails obtained by Unicorn Riot through a public records request to the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (ND DOCR) raise questions about the deployment of personnel from various state agencies to protect the Dakota Access Pipeline from the water protectors who have been staging direct actions for months. In response to April Anderson, a man named Tyler J. Falk wrote in an email: “I’ll ultimately be paid by the oil people dealing with the protests. I’m guessing when all of that is finally over and the dust settles, the oil company is going to want all the paperwork for reimbursement. I figured I should have some formal form instead of writing hours on a napkin (smiley face). Thanks.” – Tyler Falk

11-17-16 ~ Suddenly Time—And the Oil Market—Are On the Side of the Standing Rock Sioux
The Army has determined that additional discussion and analysis are warranted in light of the history of the Great Sioux Nation’s dispossessions of lands, the importance of Lake Oahe to the Tribe, our government-to-government relationship, and the statute governing easements through government property.”

11-16-16 ~ Indigenous Activist Zip-Tied & Locked in Dog Kennel for 6 Hours for Protesting Dakota Access Pipeline
In an update on police treatment of activists at the Standing Rock standoff, Tara Houska, national campaigns director for Honor the Earth, describes how she was “arrested for criminal trespass as I was leaving a peaceful demonstration and getting into my car on a public road.” She says police handcuffed her with zip ties and held her in a dog kennel for six hours without charging her with a crime. “After that, I was strip-searched and then thrown into jail and, finally, late, late that evening, was charged with a crime.”

11-16-16 ~ Squash, Rice and Roadkill: Feeding the Fighters of Standing Rock
On any given night, supper lines here at the dusty prairie camps near the Missouri River where the last piece of a 1,170-mile pipeline is set to be placed might include young Navajo women from Arizona who have never camped in the cold, and older white women for whom chaining themselves to a fence for a cause is nothing new.

Desperation comes from the company’s January 1, 2017 deadline for completing the project. Dakota Access has previously told the District Court that if they are not delivering oil by January 1, their shipper contracts will expire and the project will be in jeopardy.

As the gathering of water protectors in Mandan got underway, several speakers described how the oil and gas man camps spread human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and hard drugs such as methamphetamine, to surrounding communities.

11-16-16 ~ Obama administration cancels oil and gas leases on Blackfeet tribe’s sacred grounds
The Interior Department on Wednesday announced a settlement with Devon Energy for the cancellation of leases in Montana for oil and gas drilling on lands considered sacred by the Blackfeet Tribe.

11-16-16 ~ Ohio troopers return from North Dakota pipeline protest
http://tinyurl.com/zt22vbu Thirty-seven Ohio state troopers have returned home after assisting North Dakota officials in handling a pipeline protest near an Native American reservation.

11-16-16 ~ IEEFA Report: Dakota Access Pipeline Driven by ‘High-Risk Financing’ in Overbuilt Region; Little-Known Economic Weaknesses in Controversial Project
The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis today published a report noting weaknesses in the financing behind the Dakota Access Pipeline and questions around the long-term usefulness of the project.

11-16-16 ~ Victory for Native American Blackfoot tribes as 15 oil and gas leases near Glacier National Park are cancelled
US interior Secretary Sally Jewell said the move would protect the area’s ‘rich cultural and natural resources’ from the ‘irreparable impacts [of] oil and gas development’

11-16-16 ~ Washington State Republican Senator to Introduce New Crime Bill Targeting Protestors as “Economic Terrorist
On Wednesday November 16th, Washington State Sen. Doug Ericksen, R-Ferndale, stated that he is crafting a bill that would create a new crime of “economic terrorism” targeting protestors.

11-16-16 ~ Interior Cancels Oil Leases On Sacred Tribal Lands In Montana
In a rare win for Native American rights over the oil industry, the Department of the Interior canceled 15 oil and gas leases in the Badger-Two Medicine area of northwest Montana, land that the Blackfeet Nation considers sacred.

11-16-16 ~ Delays from Protests Cost Dakota Access Pipeline Company $100 Million
As actions against the Dakota Access pipeline swept the country and world Tuesday, Energy Transfer Partners filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington, D.C., seeking to “end the Administration’s political interference in the Dakota Access Pipeline review process.”

11-16-16 ~ Worldwide Protests Demand U.S. Army Reject Dakota Access Pipeline
Actions were held in hundreds of cities worldwide Tuesday to protest the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, which would carry crude from the Bakken oilfields of North Dakota through South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois.

11-16-16 ~ CEO behind Dakota Access to protesters: ‘We’re building the pipeline’
The struggle over the Dakota Access oil pipeline intensified this week, with protesters in a number of cities joining the Native tribes who are opposed to the project. Meanwhile, the company building the pipeline is pushing back, filing suit in federal court yesterday to get its last permit issued.

11-16-16 ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Visits Standing Rock on #NoDAPL Day of Action
Environmental attorney and activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., made a special visit to the Oceti Sakowin camp on Tuesday, November 15, to extend his support in the fight against Energy Transfer Partners and the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL).

11-16-16 ~ WA: Protesters Blockade Trains Carrying Fracking Materials to North Dakota
Meanwhile, in Olympia, Washington, protesters have set up an ongoing encampment called Olympia Stand to blockade trains carrying fracking materials from the Port of Olympia to the Bakken oilfields in North Dakota.

11-16-16 ~ BREAKING: DAPL Drill Brought In Overnight
Digital Smoke Signals https://www.facebook.com/DigitalSmoke was able to get drone footage of a drill that was brought in overnight to the building site of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-16-16 ~ This Gorgeous Short Film Takes Us to the Heart of the Dakota Access Pipeline Standoff
Given what we’re seeing in the election’s aftermath, photographer-filmmakerLucian Read clearly picked a prescient title for his recent mini-doc series on inequality in the United States: America Divided.

11-16-16 ~ New York Times – 16 Arrested at North Dakota Pipeline Protest
Tensions continued in North Dakota on Monday afternoon as law enforcement officials arrested 16 people at a demonstration, one day after hundreds clashed with the police over the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-15-16 ~ Native Americans facing excessive force in North Dakota pipeline protests – UN expert
GENEVA: A United Nations human rights expert has accused US security forces of using excessive force against protesters trying to stop an oil pipeline project which runs through land sacred to indigenous people.

11-15-16 ~ Contaminant levels in question at Belton spill site
Three environmental groups have said pipeline giant Kinder Morgan underreported the extent of gasoline pollution around an Anderson County gasoline spill site, but the state refuted that, saying the pipeline giant has been “responsive” to cleaning up the area.

11-15-16 ~ ‘Day of Action’: More than 200 protests planned against Dakota Access Pipeline
Demonstrators across the US are planning to hold more than 200 rallies against the Dakota Access Pipeline on Tuesday. The ‘Day of Action’ is expected to be the largest protest against the pipeline since the government halted the project in September.

11-15-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Protests Sweep Across Country With New Urgency After Trump’s Election
Crowds urged the Army Corps of Engineers to deny a permit to Energy Transfer Partners to build a portion of the 1,172-mile pipeline beneath Lake Oahe near the Standing Rock Sioux’s reservation. Much of the pipeline is already built,=.

11-15-16 ~ Company files suit to complete Dakota Access Pipeline without further delay
In a push to finish the Dakota Access Pipeline, its developers claimed in a federal lawsuit Tuesday that they have all permits needed to complete the project, and accused the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of political interference to delay it.

11-15-16 ~ Native American Council offers amnesty to 220 million undocumented whites
A council of Native American leaders has offered partial amnesty to the estimated 220 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States.

11-15-16 ~ UPDATE w/ ND Authority Statements – ETP CEO Kelcy Warren Says They Have Offered to Pay Protest Related Expenses
Energy Transfer Partners CEO Kelcy Warren says the company wants to reimburse the state of North Dakota and Morton County for expenses related to the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests, but authorities in North Dakota have yet to accept the offer.

11-14-16 ~ Shot in the Back at Standing Rock
Elders kept in cages. Demonstrators shot with rubber bullets. What’s happening at Standing Rock isn’t just a protest, Oscar-nominated filmmaker Josh Fox writes. It’s a character test—one America is failing.

11-14-16 ~ How a fight against the ‘black snake’ at Standing Rock formed a global community
One snowy afternoon in April, a small group of Native Americans rode on horseback through the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and set up camp on a windy hillside overlooking the Cannonball River. They erected tepees, foraged for firewood and prayed for allies to help their people fight “the black snake.”

11-14-16 ~ Army Corps Withholds Final Dakota Access Pipeline Permit, Will Consult Further With Standing Rock Tribe
The Army Corps stated that it will not grant the final easement needed by Dakota Access to bore under Lake Oahe until its new consultation with Standing Rock is complete.

11-14-16 ~ Video’s #NoDAPL – Nov. 11–20, 2016

11-14-16 ~ Standing Rock ~ Stories from the Frontlines ~ Nov. 14, 2016

11-14-16 ~ North Dakota’s Sacred Albino Buffalo Walks On
Born on the Shirek Buffalo Ranch near Michigan, North Dakota on July 10, 1996, White Cloud was an extremely rare female albino bison. She went to live with the herd at the National Buffalo Museumin Jamestown, North Dakota in 1997 and was visited by some 3 million people during her stay there. In May 2016, she returned to the ranch where she was born.

11-14-16 ~ North Dakota state capitol locked down to keep out Dakota Access protesters
The North Dakota state capitol was locked down Monday to stop hundreds of Dakota Access protesters from entering and refusing to leave, as they have done in the past.

11-13-16 ~ Keeping Unrest Alive
LOL, how convenient, no way did this all of a sudden come to light 2 days after the 2016 Presidential election. I call bullshit. Obama’s administration is *only now* reviewing the Democratic Coalition’s investigative report highlighting ten “clear links” the FBI failed to investigate about Trumps 250 registered business in Russia????

11-13-16 ~ Crow Creek tribe sues U.S. government for $200 million
About 270 river-miles downstream from the Dakota Access pipeline protest camp, a South Dakota Native American tribe is quietly fighting for $200 million in compensation over alleged water-rights violations.

11-13-16 ~ Man Pistol-Whips Woman and Opens Fire Near Standing Rock Water Protectors at Anti-Bakken Dakota Access Pipeline Prayer Action
The Bismark area countryside echoed with screams of horror on Saturday when a man pistol-whipped a woman from the window of his truck, then opened fire over the heads of Standing Rock Water Protectors praying near a Bakken Dakota Access Pipeline workspace.

11-13-16 ~ Burial ground at center of police confrontations is known historical site
At least three people, including two important Sioux women, were once interred on this hill, known as Turtle Island.

11-13-16 ~ Back to the War Zone
I’m writing to you from the Minneapolis airport on my way back to Standing Rock, N.D. CLDC is coming in with full brains a blazin’ this time. I am accompanied by CLDC’s computer-security guru (and political economist), Dr. Jamil Jonna and CLDC member and psychologist Dr. Erin Chaparro. We will defend water protectors in court and help organize court support for over 470 arrestees; we will pursue the civil rights actions we are working on against cops and jails.

ACLU calling on the Justice Department to demilitarize Standing Rock. With the election, this story has gotten less attention, but it is still happening and we need to continue to ensure the activists at Standing Rock are not treated like wartime protesters.Right now on a North Dakota prairie, nonviolent protesters are being confronted by police in riot gear with armored military vehicles, automatic rifles, sonic weapons, concussion grenades, attack dogs, pepper spray, and beanbag bullets.

11-13-16 ~ Nov 15 #NoDAPL Day of Action at Army Corps of Engineers
Indigenous leaders are calling on us to take to the streets and disrupt “business-as-usual” one week after the election to demand that President Obama’s Army Corps of Engineers and the incoming administration stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-12-16 ~ Dakota Pipeline Protesters Block Work Crews
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is expected to make a decision on the controversial project in coming days. Protesters against the Dakota Access oil pipeline briefly blocked two entrances to a pipeline work yard in a rural North Dakota town early on Saturday morning, causing workers to leave the area

Chief Arvol Looking Horse and other American Indian leaders sent a letter on Friday to President Barack Obama urging him to meet face-to-face to discuss the United States responsiblities to Indigenous People relating to the Dakota Access pipeline.

11-12-16 ~ “I Couldn’t Go to Standing Rock, So I Closed My Bank Accounts Instead” by Cedar Wilkie Gillette
Feeling helpless after seeing the military and police brutality, I decided to divest on October 30.. I wrote to the U.S. Bank CEO about why I needed to close my accounts. I was upset that my money was connected to these human rights violations. “This excessive force is not to protect the people, but to protect the man camps and the ongoing pipeline construction,” I wrote. “Shame on you U.S. Bank and its CEO for investing in greed and condoning human rights violations solely for your benefit. And the egregious use of the people’s money to in effect poison the people.”

11-11-16 ~ Tribal Leader Calls on Obama to Halt Pipeline Construction Before Trump Takes Office
The chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe has called on President Obama to “set a lasting and true legacy” by halting construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline before President-elect Donald Trump takes office next year.

11-11-16 ~ Police are spending millions of dollars to monitor the social media of protesters and suspects
Hundreds of local police departments across the United States have collectively spent about $4.75 million on software tools that can monitor the locations of activists at protests or social media hashtags used by suspect

11-11-16 ~ Administration denies green light coming for Dakota Access
“The process is ongoing and no decisions have been made,” an administration official said. Sources familiar with the process said earlier Friday that a go-ahead for the $3.7 billion project was expected as soon as Monday, raising concerns about nationwide protests planned against the project on Tuesday.

11-11-16 ~ Mayan Elders from Guatemala Traveled to Standing Rock to Show Their Support for #NoDAPL
Few indigenous groups know the pain of losing friends, loves ones, and entire communities in defense of tribal lands as acutely as the Mayan ethnic groups of Guatemala.

11-10-16 ~ DAPL Ignores 2nd Army Corps Request to Stop Construction for 30 Days
Energy Transfer Partners is refusing to stand down on its construction plans despite two requests from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that it do so. DAPL said they planned to begin drilling in two weeks—even though at the moment it does not have the easements necessary for it to tunnel under the river legally.

11-9-16 ~ Gallery: Portraits from the Standing Rock protests
In September 2016, photographer Camille Seaman joined protesters at the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota. Here, she brings us up close with some of the many people who have been drawn there to defend the water and the earth.

11-9-16 ~ Sheriffs LEAVE Standing Rock, Saying ‘It’s Completely Unethical’
Outrage is spreading even to police agencies now returning from deployment to the reservation. Two departments have already refused to return, citing personal and public objections. As if that wasn’t enough, an army of sympathizers is re-purposing social media to combat police efforts in Standing Rock.

11-9-16 ~ What Donald Trump’s Win Means for the Dakota Access Pipeline
Just a week ago environmental activists protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline hoped that a rejection of the project by the federal government would signal a deepened U.S. commitment to slowing the pace of oil and gas drilling. The election of Donald Trump likely erased those hopes while also reviving the fight over the Keystone XL pipeline rejected by President Obama last year.

11-9-16 ~ Navajo Code Talker George James Sr. dies at age 92
A World War II Navajo Code Talker died Wednesday morning at the age of 92. George James Sr. was born and raised in Red Valley on the Navajo Nation. At the age of 17, he volunteered to serve in the United States Marine Corps during World War II and was selected to become a Navajo Code Talker.

11-9-16 UN Expert Releases Report on Conditions Surrounding the Dakota Access Pipeline
In response to an October 28, 2016 letter of invitation to me as an Expert Member of the UNPFII from Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman, David Archambault, I traveled from my community to North Dakota to see, firsthand, the conditions that he, his peoples and those from other communities have been facing in relation to the clearing of the right of way and subsequent construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-8-16 ~ Alaskans At Standing Rock
A delegation of Indigenous women from all over Alaska is at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota to support opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-7-16 ~ Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners’ bank may withhold loans over Dakota Access pipeline issues
Protests in Dallas and elsewhere against the Dakota Access pipeline have reached a bank in Norway. The bank’s reaction could create a financing problem for the Dallas company building the pipeline.

11-7-16 ~ Standing Rock ~ Stories from the Frontlines ~ 11-7-16
A few days ago I posted biographical information on Matilda Galpin, Waŋblí Ayútepiwiŋ (Eagle Woman Who All Look At), one of the women buried on the top of the hill.

11-7-16 ~ Environmentalists Target Bankers Behind Pipeline
Citigroup and Wells Fargo of the United States, TD Bank of Canada and Mizuho of Japan — have come under fire for their role in bankrolling the pipeline.

11-7-16 ~ This Is Stolen Land’: 38 Water Protectors Arraigned in North Dakota
Mandan, North Dakota, 51 water protectors* were scheduled to appear before Judge Gail Hagerty at Morton County District Court to be arraigned on charges related to arrests that took place on October 22 near the Dakota Access Pipeline construction site just north of the Standing Rock Reservation in Morton County. Of the 51 scheduled to appear, 38 water protectors were present to enter their pleas.

11-6-16 ~ Livestock killings near protest camp gain attention
The killing and injuring of cattle and horses is one of the most emotionally charged incidents associated with the pipeline protests in Sioux and Morton Counties in North Dakota.

11-6-16 ~ Peltier Again Not Among Federal Prisoners Chosen by Obama for Clemency
President Barack Obama on Thursday commuted the sentences of 58 federal prisoners. Yet, once again, Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier was not among the selected to receive freedom.

11-5-16 ~ Rubber Bullets – Palestine, Ferguson and Standing Rock
Emma Groves was permanently blinded in both eyes after being hit by a rubber bullet. The bullet came through her living room window after a soldier aimed at her and shot eight yards away.

11-5-16 ~ #NoDAPL is #NativeLivesMatter: The protests at Standing Rock are not only about environmentalism, they’re about racism
The Dakota Access Pipeline needs to be seen as a symptom of the systemic racism inflicted upon Native Americans

11-5-16 ~ Dakota Pipeline Protest for Dummies ~ Rob Reiken
Dakota Pipeline Protest for Dummies who do NOT understand what this is about. Six or so years ago when the BP Gulf Oil Spill happened, the native Indians put Barges in place to stop the oil flowing up their river but instead the Feds being the parasites they are didn’t allow this so “they” removed them.

11-4-16 ~ Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
100’s of videos going back to March 24, 2016

11-4-16 ~ Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
TV Programing, Movies, News Delivery Services, Commercials etc. frame corporate media agenda’s, manipulating any given circumstance, factual or implied into pre-formed perspectives with the intent to influence by indoctrinating the public to their way of thinking. Broadcasters often fail, don’t care to check the authenticity of stories, or flat out lie.

11-4-16 ~ Cheyenne River Sioux Chair Calls for Resignation of US Army Corps’ Henderson
Cheyenne River Sioux Chairman Harold Frazier is calling for the resignation of the local commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Commander and District Engineer of the Omaha District Colonel John W. Henderson, based on conduct he said does not uphold the impartiality that federal authorities are legally required to maintain on federal land, impedes the constitutional rights of water protectors to engage in peaceful protest, and comments that he called racist and insulting.

11-4-16 ~ Police Turn In Badges Rather Than Incite Violence Against Standing Rock Protestors
It should be evident if you’re following news concerning the Standing Rock protests in North Dakota that tension continues to escalate between protestors supporting the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and riot police. The big deal? A four-state Dakota Access Pipeline which threatens to uproot sacred burial ground, poison the Missouri river, and make null an 1881 treaty ensuring the property belongs to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.

11-3-16 ~ 2 Police Officers Turn In Badges In Support Of Standing Rock Water Protectors
“There have been at least 2 reports of police officers turning in their badges acknowledging that this battle is not what they signed up for. You can see it in some of them, that they do not support the police actions. We must keep reminding them they are welcome to put down their weapons and badge and take a stand against this pipeline as well. Some are waking up.”

Standing Rock Water Protectors described human rights violations by law enforcement to United Nations representatives during interviews this week. Water Protectors described being kept in chain link cells resembling kennels, and strip searched. They also report being denied food, water, clothing, attorneys, phone calls, beds, bedding, and access to the restroom.

11-3-16 ~ The Standing Rock Victory You Didn’t Hear About
The day 40 to 50 Native water protectors kept 250 militarized police from attacking camp.

11-3-16 ~ A journalist at Standing Rock was shot by police for no reason—and caught the awful moment on video
As peaceful protests over the controversial Dakota Access Pipelineagain turn violent, one journalist near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian reservation in North Dakota captured shocking video showing herself being shot by police out of nowhere as she conducted an interview.

11-3-16 ~ NBC: Police Fire Rubber Bullets as Pipeline Protesters Try to Protect Sacred Site
Police in riot gear shot rubber bullets and used pepper spray on demonstrators — who call themselves water protectors — on the shoreline of the Cantapeta Creek, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation here on Wednesday.

11-3-16 ~ Dakota Access: North Dakota Capitol Shut Down After Day of Clergy-Led Protest
About a hundred anti-Dakota Access Pipeline protesters and clergy held a prayer rally on the lawn of the North Dakota state Capitol in Bismark on Thursday evening, ending in a police-ordered lockdown of the Capitol and more than a dozen arrests.

Last month, spirit rider Mason Redwing was charged with felony reckless endangerment of law enforcement and a felony count of terrorizing law enforcement after he allegedly rode his horse towards a police line. On Tuesday, Judge Romanick found no probable cause and dismissed all charges against Redwing.

11-3-16 ~ Terrorizing Charges Dropped Against NoDAPL Water Protectors
Spitir Mason Redwing was charged with felony reckless endangerment of law enforcement and a felony count of terrorizing after he allegedly rode his horse toward a police line.

An activist at the Dakota Access Pipeline protest got an unwelcome surprise in the middle of filming an on-camera interview, when she was shot in the back with a rubber bullet.

11-3-16 ~ Time to Move the Standing Rock Pipeline
President Obama has pointed a way out of a dangerous standoff over an oil pipelinebeing built in North Dakota. He told an interviewer on Tuesday that the Army Corps of Engineers was looking for a new pipeline route, presumably away from the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

11-3-16 ~ The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Litigation on the Dakota Access Pipeline
An independent expert hired by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has found that the government’s Environmental Assessment of the Dakota Access pipeline’s environmental impact was inadequate.

11-2-16 ~ How to Contact the People Who Sent Militarized Police to Standing Rock
Here is a list of officials from the involved states, plus the county and city police confirmed by news reports, to have sent troops and equipment to North Dakota. Questions can be directed to these people.

11-2-16 ~ 1 arrested after DAPL protesters build makeshift bridge across creek to gain access to Cannon Ball Ranch
Officers used rubber bullets, pepper spray and bean bag rounds on protesters.

11-2-16 ~ Sheriff Who Was Harassing Native Pipeline Protesters Accidentally Shoots Self
A Lake County, Indiana sheriff’s officer on special assignment with Homeland Security in North Dakota accidentally shot himself in the foot Oct. 25 while checking his department-issued rifle

11-2-16 ~ Journalist Erin Schrode shot at Standing Rock (with rubber bullet)
I arrived in the early hours at Standing Rock today. My first task was bringing supplies around the camp— But, almost immediately, I was told to rush to the front line to get video of police shooting water protectors with rubber bullets.

11-2-16 ~ Native Protesters Have The Last Laugh, As North Dakota Cops Admit They Can’t Afford To Keep Up Police Presence For Much Longer
A legislative committee will be reviewing an emergency request to borrow MORE money from the Bank of North Dakota to cover the cost of law enforcement related to protecting of the Dakota Access oil pipeline.

11-2-16 ~ ‘Pray’: Armed Police Descend on Water Protectors at DAPL Site
Police descended on water protectors in North Dakota on Wednesday, as images on social media showed a dramatic standoff along a creek that borders a construction site for the long-opposed Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

11-2-16 ~ Emergency Call to Action at Standing Rock as Police Violently Attack Prayer Ceremony
Cannon Ball, ND – Law enforcement responded violently to water protectors attempting build a wooden footbridge across a creek linking the main Native encampment and the Dakota Access Pipeline construction area for a prayer ceremony. The police responded with a vicious assault on the peaceful water protectors.

11-2-16 ~ Law Enforcement DESTROYED a bridge, shot people with rubber bullets, bean bags, and maced them
Native American Water Protectors gathered at the river to hold a water ceremony this morning, and were met by 60 police and at least 3 police boats. Police shot them with rubber bullets, bean bags, and maced them.

Morton County Dump Trucks Dump Eagle Feathers and Sacred Items on Ground. Watch video. “I wish I could keep the camera on it, but it hurts too much.” “We are sitting here broken, but we didn’t give up.” “We are a village of protectors. We are protecting this land.”

11-2-16 ~ Public Servants or Corporate Security?: An Open Letter to Law Enforcement and National Guard in North Dakota
So you joined law enforcement or the National Guard because you wanted to uphold the law, protect innocent civilians against the bad guys, and help your community in times of need. Instead, they’re having you blockade unarmed people who are trying to hold a prayer vigil, chasing them with armored vehicles and ATVs, raiding their tipis and sweat lodges at gunpoint, and shooting them (and their horses) with pepper spray, concussion grenades, tasers, and rubber bullets. You thought you’d be the cop on the beat or the citizen soldier, and they’ve made you into the cavalry riding in with Custer.

11-2-16 ~ Military Veteran: Standing Rock Is The First Time I Actually Fought For The People
I was in Iraq when President Bush announced the “surge” in January 2007. I was in Afghanistan when President Obama announced the “surge” in December 2009. But it wasn’t until I visited Standing Rock in October 2016 when I actually served the American people. This time, instead of fighting for corporate interests, I was fighting for the people.

11-2-16 ~ Standing Rock ~ Stories from the Frontlines ~ 11-2-2016
Today many of our protectors tried to cross the river to pray on top of a hill where Oceti Sakowin ancestors are buried, this place has been desecrated by the police and DAPL. The militarized police responded with brutal force, a young man was shot point blank with a rubber bullet and has been coughing up blood, another woman was shot by one of heavily armed officers on a boat.

11-2-16 ~ Video’s #NoDAPL – Nov. 1-10, 2016

11-2-16 ~ A #NoDAPL Map
Thousands of Native Americans and their allies have gathered on unceded Sioux land delimited by the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie to try and stand in the way of the “black snake” that could poison the Standing Rock Reservation’s water supply.

11-1-16 ~ Trump And Clinton Are Both Ignoring Standing Rock, And It’s Unacceptable
The fact that neither Trump nor Clinton has made a substantive statement regarding the DAPL protests is pitiful.

11-1-16 ~ Report back from the Battle for Sacred Ground
The Battle: Around midday, a line of police vehicles shows up blaring their sirens—but not on the highway. They are taking the access road beside the pipeline construction, where we have no defenses. People start parking their cars to block the access road and crowds start to gather.

11-1-16 ~ Hillary Clinton Caught Between Key Allies on Dakota Pipeline
After a tortuous ‘Will-she-or-won’t-she’ over the Keystone XL pipeline, Hillary Clinton is facing a different pipeline headache that pits some of her own allies against each other, presenting her with a possible lose-lose political dilemma.

11-1-16 ~ Obama Speaks on Dakota Access Pipeline and say’s Nothing
President Obama woke up from his coma on Standing Rock but he’s still trying to fool the people by saying nothing. He said he wants the situation to a a little more before doing anything… “play out” a little more?

11-1-16 ~ Could Dakota Access Pipeline Owners Be Legally Liable for Human Rights Abuses?
Owners of the North Dakota Access Pipeline have been warned that they risk legal liability over several instances of human rights abuses agianst peaceful Native American and environmental activists opposing the US$3.8 billion pipeline, as militarized law enforcement have increasingly used violence and repression at protest camps.

11-1-16 ~ ND hemorrhaging money because of the pipeline protest
A legislative committee will review an emergency request to borrow more money from the Bank of North Dakota to cover the cost of law enforcement related to the protest of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The state’s Emergency Commission, headed by Gov. Jack Dalrymple, will vote Tuesday on whether to borrow $4 million from the state-owned bank. The panel borrowed $6 million from the bank in September and officials say that money already has been used to cover law enforcement costs.

11-1-16 ~ Mongolia Nomadic Tribes Stand With Standing Rock Sioux And Water Protectors
Mongolia is one of the last countries with vast landscapes of big nothingness, no cities, no trace of humans as far as the eye can see.

11-1-16 ~ Ottawa approves $1.3 billion western gas pipeline expansion
The NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd (NGTL) expansion project will create up to 3,000 jobs during construction and involve building and operating new gas pipelines facilities in northern Alberta, Natural Resources Canada ministry said in a statement.

11-1-16 ~ Police REFUSE To Charge DAPL Security Guard Who Aimed Assault Rifle At Native Protesters
Law enforcement officials say a member of DAPL security disguised as a protester last week was in fact a “victim of a crime” and not a suspect, even though he was photographed aiming an AR-15 assault rifle at Native American pipeline protesters.

11-1-16 ~ Authorities say DAPL Security Member was a victim of crime
The man was told to leave the area. A chase ensued in the ditch and the man’s truck was eventually forced through a fence. He got out with a gun in hand and retreated into the Cannon Ball River. He was approached by a handful of men and eventually taken into custody by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He was questioned and released.

11-1-16 ~ Feisty Tough as Nails Farmer Fighting Pipeline by Allowing Protesters to Camp on her Farm Land
“It may get underground, but it`s gonna get stopped so they can never put oil through it,” said 81 year-old Shirley Gerjets on Friday, and that’s what the Calhoun County farmer is hoping for, even as construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline continues to progress all around her farm land.

11-1-16 ~ Red Fawn Fallis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
A 37-year-old Denver woman has been charged with trying to murder a law enforcement officer during the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Red Fawn Fallis is accused of firing three rounds at officers after they took her to the ground to arrest her on October 27, according to a post from the Morton County Sheriff’s Department.


Video’s #NoDAPL – Dec. 5 – 11 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

12-11-16 ~ The Water is Life Movement – NOW! – EarthMotherSanct

12-11-16 ~ More Live News Updates From Standing Rock (12/11/2016) #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl – Mystic Dave


12-11-16 ~ Chase Iron Eyes On Birth Of New Standing Rock Sacred Fire – TYT Politics

12-11-16 ~ IMPORTANT LIVE FEED From Standing Rock (12/11/2016) Chase Iron Eyes & Water Protectors – Mystic Dave

12-11-16 ~ Ladonna Brave Bull Allard: Who has the right to kill? – Rob Webber

12-11-16 ~ Live News Update From Standing Rock (12/11/2016) #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl – Mystic Dave

12-11-16 ~ Live Update From Standing Rock (12/11/2016) One Nation TV – Mystic Dave

12-11-16 ~ Live Update From Camp (12/11/2016) Veteran for Standing Rock Says Fight Is Not Over Yet – Mystic Dave

12-11-16 ~ Live From Oceti Sakowin Camp 12 9 2016 A Veteran for Standing Rock Speaks His Mind – #NODAPL

12-10-16 ~ Midnite Update From Oceti Sakowin Camp (12/11/2016) Digital Smoke Signals – Mystic Dave

12-10-16 ~ Cornelius Goes to Standing Rock – Cornelius Vango

12-10-16 ~ Standing Rock Elder’s Horrid Past Shows History Repeating Itself – TYT Politics

12-10-16 ~ More Updates From Standing Rock By #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/10/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-10-16 ~ Update From Standing Rock By #NoDAPL Warrior Shiyé Bidzííl (12/10/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-10-16 ~ A Veteran for Standing Rock Gives a Live Update From Oceti Sakowin Camp (12/10/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-10-16 ~ DIRE WARNING FOR NAT. GUARD SUPPORTING DAPL!!! – Wolfgang Sebastian Maddox

12-9-16 ~ Bringing Christmas to Standing Rock by MikeBoneMusic – Mike BoneMusic

12-9-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors are Being Targeted for Reporting the Truth! (12/9/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-9-16 ~ Bringing Christmas to Standing Rock by MikeBoneMusic – Mike BoneMusic

12-9-16 ~ Ebro in the Morning Gets An Update From The Frontline of Standing Rock – Hot 97

12-9-16 ~ American Warrior Revolution calls Drone2bwild out!!! – J Grady

12-9-16 ~ Water Protectors being Targeted! | RoadRage#Share – 411 TRUTH

12-9-16 ~ Camp Update | #standingrock #NoDapl #mniwiconi SHARE

12-9-16 ~ Standing Rock’s Technology War To Get The Truth Out – TYT Politics

12-9-16 ` DAPL Digging Away despite being Denied! – 411 TRUTH

12-9-16 ~ Dangerous night We’re alright Pray for a good understanding to come out of – J Grady

12-9-16 ~ North Dakota Media Has Shamefully Misinformed on Standing Rock – TYT Politics

12-9-16 ~ Myron Dewey, Prolific, Shiyé Bidzííl Getting chased by snow mobile – J Grady

12-9-16 ~ Snow Mobiles and a truck tried to run Myron Dewey off the road! – Uprising TV

12-8-16 ~ It’s Time You Heard The Oil Company’s Side Of The Dakota Access Pipeline Story – The Jimmy Dore Show

12-8-16 ~ Camp Tour of Wild Oglala Camp in Oceti Sakowin – J Grady

12-8-16 ~ Standing Rock counter-protest leader (2nd interview) – Rod Webber

12-8-16 ~ Are The Agitators law enforcement Or Pro DAPL protestors – Standing Rock

12-8-16 ~ Governor DAPL Jeopardizes Lives Of Veterans, Water Protectors – Standing Rock

12-8-16 ~ Will Water Protectors Leave Standing Rock – Standing Rock

12-8-16 ~ Things are seriously messed up… FAKE news… DAPL… – CABIN TALK

12-8-16 ~ Dee Snider Explains His Experiences at Standing Rock Shooting His New Video “So What” – Mystic Dave

12-8-16 ~ DAPL Has Already Ravaged Another State – TYT Politics

12-8-16 ~ Myron Dewey and Prolific The Rapper update 12/8/16 – J Grady

12-8-16 ~ #NODAPL Update On Road To Standing Rock December 8.2016 – #NODAPL

12-8-16 ~ Shiyé Bidzííl update 12/8/16 – J Grady

12-8-16 ~ Veterans Staying At Standing Rock As Weather Turns Dangerous – TYT Politics

12-8-16 ~ Danger On North Dakota Highways! – Uprising TV

12-8-16 ~ Michael Wood Jr. On Veterans Taking Stand At Standing Rock – TYT Politics

12-8-16 ~ Why Thousands Are Staying in Standing Rock Despite Army Corps’s Decision to Halt the #DAPL – TheRealNews

12-8-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors for DAPL – Olivia Schmidt

12-8-16 ~ Indigenous Life Movement ~ UNIFY Video – J Grady

12-8-16 ~ So Very Proud of Everyone Supporting Standing Rock – wonderwhaz797

12-8-16 ~ Elizabeth Warren Breaks Her Shameful Silence On Dakota Access Pipeline – The Jimmy Dore Show

12-7-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors Threatened in Bismarck by Pro DAPL Protesters or Cops – America Now

12-7-16 ~ TRIBAL TRAITORS! STANDING ROCK CHAIRMAN! – Roger Thunderhands Gilbert

12-7-16 ~ Governor DAPL Jeopardizes Lives Of Veterans, Water Protectors – TYT Politics

12-7-16 ~ Whats really going on at STANDING ROCK ? Possible Holocaust of native Americans ? – Divine Wisdom

12-7-16 ~ Standing Rock On Native Ground – On Native Ground

12-7-16 ~ CALL TO ACTION: Dec 7, 2016 #NoDapl Update – Uprising TV

12-7-16 ~ Statement by Chief Arvol Looking Horse – Uprising TV

12-7-16 ~ Maniac Sheriff Insults DAPL Veterans With An Absurd Lie – The Jimmy Dore Show

12-7-16 ~ Veterans Cut The Wires At Dapl Brigade – Uprising TV

12-7-16 ~ Kash Jackson Standing Rock Update – Uprising TV

12-7-16 ~ Water Protectors, Do Not Leave! Pipeline Company comes out ands says Army Co – J Grady

12-7-16 ~ Standing Rock Veterans Update (12/7/2016) With Kash Jackson – Mystic Dave

12-6-16 ~ Myron Dewey and Shiyé Bidzííl Update – Uprising Media

12-6-16 ~ Native Woman Loses Eyesight From BRUTAL Oil Police Assault – TYT Politics

12-6-16 ~ Blizzard – J Grady

12-6-16 ~ Native American And Veteran PTSD Collide – TYT Politics

12-6-16 ~ DAPL spill would be part of 500-year genocide against Natives – Robert Kennedy, Jr. – RT America

12-6-16 ~ Please Stay at Oceti Sakowin Camp Winter is deadly 12/5/16 – J Grady

12-6-16 ~ Anonymous Message to Morton County sheriff’s department – J Grady

12-6-16 ~ DAPL spill would be part of 500-year genocide against Natives – Robert Kennedy, Jr.- RT America

12-6-16 ~ The Fight Against #DAPL is NOT Over as Energy Company Vows to Defy Obama – The Humanist Report

12-6-16 ~ LIVE – Standing Rock Update | APTN News – APTN National News

12-6-16 ~ Update From Standing Rock: Cody Two Bears On Next Steps For Standing Rock (12/6/2016) Noami Klein – Mystic Dave

12-6-16 ~ ‘It’s time to go home’ – Standing Rock chairman to DAPL protesters – RT America

12-5-16 ~ The 8th Fire – Trailer 2 – Native American Documentary

12-5-16 ~ Veterans Ask Native Americans For Forgiveness At Standing Rock – TYT Politics

12-5-16 ~ HISTORIC Victory At Standing Rock – The Young Turks

12-5-16 ~ Water Protectors React To Standing Rock Victory – The Young Turks

12-5-16 ~ On The Front Lines With Veterans And Water Protectors! 12/5/16 – J Grady

12-5-16 ~ DAPL protest site now one of the largest cities in North Dakota – J Grady


12-5-16 ~ I’m being targeted people a black van!!! #StandingRock – J Grady

12-5-16 ~ BREAKING: Shiyé Bidzííl Attacked By Local Oil Protectors! – Uprising Media

12-5-16 ~ Chairman update – Myron Dewey

12-5-16 ~ The #NoDAPL Fight Is Not Over – TYT Politics

12-5-16 ~ Standing Rock barricade guard predicts DAPL lies… – Rod Webber

12-5-16 ~ Artie from Lakota People’s law project gives the bad news that DAPL is drilling currently! – Uprising Media

12-5-16 ~ Snow Storm Has Just Arrived At Standing Rock 12/5/16 Update – Uprising Media

12-5-16 ~ On The Front Lines With Veterans And Water Protectors! – Uprising Media

12-5-16 ~ DO NOT BE FOOLED: DAPL WILL Continue To Drill Despite Easement Being Denied! – Uprising Media

12-5-16 ~ Water protector (Sioux Z) updates on condition of her eye – Rob Webber

12-5-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Chair Hails Army Corps of Engineers Decision to Reroute Dakota Access Pipeline – Democracy Now!

12-5-16 ~ As Thousands of Vets Descend on Standing Rock, U.S. Army Backs Down and Halts Pipeline Construction – Democracy Now!

12-5-16 ~ Tara Houska: Denying #DAPL Permit is “Momentous Occasion,” But We Must Remain Vigilant – Democracy Now!

12-5-16 ~ “Financial Disaster”: Could Dakota Access Pipeline Lose Its Contracts with Oil Companies on Jan. 1? – Democracy Now!

12-5-16 ~ Update from Standing Rock 12/5/16 – J Grady

12-5-16 ~ Easement Denied, Clarifications, Prayers, What this means future forward – J Grady

12-5-16 ~ Veteran gathering and ceremony #StandingRock – J Grady

12-5-16 ~ Cornell West andDigital Smoke Signals interview #StandingRock 12/5/16 – J Grady

12-5-16 ~ Veterans March at Standing Rock, ND 12=5-16 12:57 pm – Seth Mythrax

Oceti Sakowin ~ Stories from the Frontline ~Dec. 5, 2016

Kristeen Irigoyen_Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

Reminding people not everything is bad; stories of truth, of connecting with old friends and making new ones, learning new skills, showing respect and integrity, love, laughter, fun and working together as a community. PLEASE share these stories with you friends and acquaintances; the world needs to know, not only about the atrocities being committed but of the good which has come from the enormity of this stance against evil. Sincerely,Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez

12-4-16 ~ Stand Up / Stand N Rock #NoDAPL (Official Video) – Taboo


12-4-16 ~ Lee Sprague… Amazing, Incredible. I am smiling so big my ears lobes are wet!

This morning, after our camp meetings I was informed that Veterans, who are arriving in camp in advance of General Wesley Clark’s arrival, recovered our family canoes!!

Elements of our teams assisted the Veterans who conducted an operation through the razor wire to get them.
Even though they are damaged beyond repair, it was good to see them next to the Veterans Tents this beautiful morning.

It was a point of honor for the Veterans to recover our Michigan Canoe, Cold water rescue teams primary vessels.

It hurt to see them behind DAPL oil police and Morton County Sheriff’s razor wire. With them gloating over them. They are home now at Standing Rock, safe, having served our community here and in Michigan well.

I don’t know the whole story yet, I’m looking forward to gifting the veterans for their good deeds, and hearing their stories around our winter camp fires.

I’m really happy, and deeply honored.


12-3-16 ~ Lobo, 60, Retired Police Officer and US Navy, Chicago, IL … “I’m out here because I took an oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies – foreign and domestic – and with me, there’s no expiration date on that. I’m working to attain (man, I’m tired) accountability, justice and peace – and they have to come in that order. None of the banks that caused any of the foreclosures, those guilty of governmental corruption, none of them have been held accountable. It was in 1970 that I joined up with the American Indian Movement and now I’m out here with Veterans for Peace. Right now, there’s no justice and there’s definitely no peace. So the struggle goes on.”


12-3-16 ~ Jon Eagle Sr…. Veterans Stand with Standing Rock. You have no idea how good it felt to walk into this building and be told, “Fall in!” This is just the first arrivals. Warriors from all over America coming to defend and protect the Water Protectors. To stand with the Great Sioux Nation! To uphold the oath of service we took to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

“I wish America could be more like the Sioux. I think Creator made them so strong and stubborn because one day they were going to have to stand up for all of us.” – Wes Clarke Jr.
# ServiceBeforeSelf #Warriors

12-3-16 ~ Vanessa Powassin-Beadle… After all this time I finally made my way out to Standing Rock. I wanted to come out there and be able to say I was there and I know what it’s all about. Everyone was so friendly and willing to help. I met people from different parts of the world and it was so amazing. I live on an island surrounded by water so I know how important water is for myself and for the world. I ask people to try to understand why everyone is out there and why they are protecting this cause. I know in the world today we all use oil. And when you say stop driving cars if you are against this. It’s not about that. It’s about taking care of what we have. And it’s not too late to change but we must do it together. Let’s make that change, it’s not too late.

12-2-16 ~ UNIFY… We had the pleasure of meeting Wesley Clark Jr. last night who’s organizing the Veterans coming to Standing Rock. His spirit and power was incredible to witness as he spoke and expressed that he’s here at Standing Rock because it was message from God.

Over 2,500 veterans are arriving here today with the intention to be peaceful, prayerful and of service to the people of Standing Rock. Each of the battalions will be led by Native Veteran Women bringing balance to the masculine and feminine. We’re excited to witness the impact and effect with thousands of veterans coming in a structured way to be of service.

More updates for you soon on the actions the veterans will do during their stay at Standing Rock. We look forward to praying with you tomorrow at 10am CT.


12-3-16 ~ Ace Hardware Bismarck…Update on North Dakota protest stories, ACE’S BISMARCK stores are FULLY STOCKED and selling propane and supplies to any and all. Thank you Ace Hardware!


This doesn’t really go here but I just couldn’t help myself! lol
12-2-16 ~ ATXEJ – Austin Environmental Justice Team … Energy Transfer Partners was not too happy this morning when some Texas water protectors built a pipeline in their office hallway. They wanted it dismantled and taken away for some reason. Imagine that…

The pipeline was for the ETP VP of Government Affairs, Grant Ruckel. It reads, “Grant, you can still choose to stand on the side that supports life or you can continue to reap the heavy consequences of supporting an industrial complex of death and destruction. Future generations, especially your childrens, may still one day look back and thank you for having the courage to join the side that supports life. You have a choice.”

ATXEJ Texas Water Protectors contend that the locally-based VP of Government Affairs for ETP, Grant Ruckel, holds considerable responsibility for disrespecting and violating human rights, Indigenous Rights, and governmental processes during the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Trans Pecos Pipeline, and Comanche Trails Pipeline. Documented failures include:

12-2-16 ~ ‎Adam Elfers‎... Hey. First off. I just want to say…I’m really proud of you guys. All of you. I’m really proud & humbled by my native brothers and sisters who stand on the front lines with such resilience, passion, and courage for their heritage and to protect our planet, who have stood on that line against European assault for over 100 years.

I’m really proud of our allies. The non native people, & those ones that have some native heritage but grew up entirely disconnected from it, like me. I’m proud of you for driving across the country. I’m proud of you for putting everything else in your life, second. I’m proud of you for being quiet and listening to the elders, for letting children, women, and elders eat first. Im proud of you for hanging in there on that fourth round in the sweat lodge. I’m proud of you for standing your ground when the police try to push you around, when they stop your car, or scramble your signal, or point assault weapons at your chest, launching flaming canisters of tear gas and mace into an ocean of innocence here to protect our rivers for an unborn tomorrow–still you stand.

I’m proud of all of you who want to come to Standing Rock but can’t. I’m proud of all of you that have found a new place in your heart, in your soul through this movement.

& last but not least, im especially super tugs-on-heartstrings proud for all of you around the world, taking time out of your day, your own challenging life, to write that letter, to print it off, to walk into your Bank office & ask to speak with a manager, to look that person in the eyes and say…

At what cost?
I can’t go on with you
My future is not for sale
My native brothers and sisters’ rights are not for sale
Our rivers are not for sale
Our forests & mountains are not for sale
When your investments concern the health of our planet and clean water,
We are all stakeholders
We are all downstream
I’m closing my account today
Because I stand with standing rock
Because water is life;
Mni Wiconi
You know, it’s been a long time since I’ve been home, & I’m not even sure what that means anymore, but to you, YOU, all around the world, showing up on the frontlines of your own life, putting your money where your heart is, truly standing with that sacred resilient prayer that is Standing Rock, I just want you to know
That I am so
So So proud
Mni Wiconi; Water Is Life

Write me a letter or join our community at Facebook.com/DeFundDAPL

12-2-16 ~ ‎Billie Clary‎…So one night at dinner I had an unexpected conversation with a certain elder of camp, who shall remain nameless. This elder explained how his vision for this movement created at Standing Rock, after the black snake is dead, would become a mobile community of activism. Imagine that. Imagine everyone who is and had been to camp and those who support from all over the world joined in the strife and struggles in your community brought on by the injustices and inequities in our government. Local, state and federal levels this is a problem. Imagine this community setting up in your town, on your Frontline, making your problems their problems and standing with you in solidarity. It’s coming my friends and relatives. I believe this to be our future. The prophesy of the Warriors of the Rainbow is happening in front of our eyes, as we speak. It’s powerful. Have a great day warriors!

12-2-16 ~ Adam Schrader…I was super angry after my wrongful arrest on Oct. 27. I can’t express enough gratitude to Ron His Horse Is Thunder for helping me keep a level head in the holding cell and reminding me that I was there to do my job: report on protest actions. This story is all thanks to him. These are my factual observations and my account of what happened during the raid on the front line camp…. I SPENT 36 HOURS IN JAIL WITH STANDING ROCK PROTESTERS… Police in riot gear knocked down and arrested Granny RedFeather less than 10 feet from me. They had already pointed guns, fingers on their triggers, and used ear-piercing sound cannons against protesters, who were prepared with earplugs. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/j3xb33x


12-1-16 ~ Ray R Ferrer
I Stand With Standing Rock! … Echoes;
I hear echos at night
off a rock where you stand.
Drumbeats a message
from a far away land.

Riding on a horse
like a breeze on a sail.
Reaching the world
so we can follow her trail.

I close my eyes
the spirits take me home.
Where my brothers and sisters
and the Dakota roam.

I hear echoes in the rain
trying to calm the pain.
It turn’s into a storm
an unbreakable chain.
Echoes of courage

and scars once past.
They just keep returning
assuring freedom laughs last.~RF©
Ray R Ferrer
Dec 2 2016

12-1-16 ~ ‎Ray R Ferrer… Shadows;
Are those shadows I see
through my window at night?
Of the brave standing tall
through the moon’s silver light?

I hear the Wolf howl it’s warning

as the Coyote scouts.
The Eagle breathes the air
from the black bears snout.

There’s a river that flows
since the beginning of time.
In danger of toxins,
oils and grime.

The willow still sleeps
because the earth still weeps.
The beauty of nature
Is not only skin deep.

I see sacred lands
destroyed by others.
Spirits cry out
from my sister’s and brothers.

As the night turns to dawn
I see a cloud in the distance.
Of scattering dust
in a race of resistance.

From the land of the free
a white buffalo appears.
She sends you a message
“I’m here….I’m here”.~RF©
Ray R Ferrer
Dec 1 2016


12-1-16 ~ BRONSON KOENIG GUARD / WISCONSIN BADGERS… What I Found in Standing Rock
Near the edge of the Standing Rock camp in North Dakota, about 50 yards from a tributary of the Missouri River, there’s a basketball hoop. It’s one of those worn-out outdoor hoops that leans forward a little bit, almost as if the wind had bent it. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/j8v2bvy

12-1-16 ~ Snow sledding General update from Oceti Sakowin | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV


12-1-16 ~ Steven Hugs Buscher… There is a shelter setup at the gym in McLaughlin on the Standing Rock reservation on the South Dakota side about 30 min drive from the North Dakota border behind the Family Dollar store. It’s setup for water protectors driving to or from the camps. The gym is heated, has showers, food, plenty of blankets & good vibes.

The roads are super icy. We slid off the road a few times and had to get rescued on the North Dakota side when our van slide into a snow bank. The Chief of Police at Standing Rock did issue an emergency notice not to travel due to weather conditions.
There were about 30 people at the gym in McLaughlin last night. If your traveling this is a safe place.


12-1-16 ~ Lee Sprague… Wow! This is the rubber shotgun slug wound from a week ago, Sunday Nov. 20. I was about twenty feet from the DAPL Police Force who shot me. When I was hit, I ran as fast as I could, not to fast, plus I could not run straight for a few minutes, back out of range from the water cannons. I did not want to fall down and get pelted by water. Ten minutes later, I went right up to the person who shot me. I didn’t want him to think he put me down. Everyone on our canoe rescue team was hurt that night. We had three concussions from flash bang grenades, and rubber bullets. We we’re tear gass’d, pelted with water cannons in sub freezing temperatures, hit with runner shot gun slugs, and pellets, LRAD, or Long range acoustical devices, that are at 162 decibels, and at a frequency that is painful to your ears.

Long night, we pulled many people of the ground with injuries and took them to triage center. I asked, are you wet? Have you been tear gassed, or been shot. Many had two or more injuries. About midnight my fingers stopped working. That she had slowed me down. Since then, we have received better and more protective equipment. Training is difficult and n these conditions, but these are the conditions we face right now. We are not leaving, and are looking forward to General Wesly Clarke and the veterans here Sunday.

Last night about 30 veterans who have arrived when to the front lines about 500 yards from where we are camped. I could here them talking to the DAPL police forces.

Every Veteran who I’ve spoken with feel real good about standing with us here at Standing Rock. Much better than any fighting in the Middle East. Many of the DAPL police force members also are veterans. There is enough humanity in DAPL forces to perhaps be reached to end this violence.

12-1-16 ~ Robert Gallegos… Good morning my Brothers and Sisters . I am a Tribal Member of Isleta Pueblo in New Mexico . I was at Standing Rock a month ago me and my Sisters drove there from New Mexico to donate food clothing and medicine . When we were there we were in prayer we smoked the Chanupa and went down to the water to pray . When I was standing there I heard Natives saying about the whites this and that . I looked around I saw my Brothers and Sisters with white skin ,brown skin ,black skin , yellow ,and red skin . I told my Sister Karen why do they say things about the whites and other races when these people no matter their skin color are here supporting them . These people are not the enemy these people are my Brothers and Sisters . As Brothers and Sisters please stand together quit this prejudice we cant be like the other side that is attacking us . We cant be like them , stop this negativity because of someones skin color . I pray everyday and in sweat for all that are there on the front lines . Stay strong stand as one and please be safe. I honor all of your sacrifice that your making by being there your all thru Warriors.

(This is a Spirit Rider although not Kayson Thompson)
12-1-16 ~ Anne Burnett‎… Does anyone know the name of the young man whose horse had to be put down due to injuries sustained at Standing Rock? I believe the event was around October 28th. There is a group of us who have a horse – a grey gelding named “Hard Rock” – who wish to make a gift of this horse to the young man who lost his. However, I cannot find a name of the young man or how to reach him.
Marie Custer… M’y daughter tagged Kayson Thompson Cheyenne River/ Lakota…hé will get in touch w you.


Tomorrow I leave for Standing Rock … if you have anything to send with me in Salt Lake or on the way let me know . If you want to make a donation to help out use my Paypal theknightsofmayhem@gmail.com I’ve gotten donations from my sponsors.

My first concern is always for the horses of the Horse Nation so for them I’m bringing 30 saddle pads, vet supplies I’m throwing in 30 bales of hay and sleeping bags for the two legged’s … we can’t all do a lot but we can all do a little together that is a lot … much love to my Tribe in North Fork as a Native Veteran I will make my ancestor’s proud …..Aho Mitakuye Oyasin

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin… All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge you in this prayer…

To the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life, I thank you.

To the mineral nation that has built and maintained my bones and all foundations of life experience, I thank you.

To the plant nation that sustains my organs and body and gives me healing herbs for sickness, I thank you.

To the animal nation that feeds me from your own flesh and offers your loyal companionship in this walk of life, I thank you.

To the human nation that shares my path as a soul upon the sacred wheel of Earthly life, I thank you.

To the Spirit nation that guides me invisibly through the ups and downs of life and for carrying the torch of light through the Ages. I thank you.

To the Four Winds of Change and Growth, I thank you.

You are all my relations, my relatives, without whom I would not live. We are in the circle of life together, co-existing, co-dependent, co-creating our destiny. One, not more important than the other. One nation evolving from the other and yet each dependent upon the one above and the one below. All of us a part of the Great Mystery.
Thank you for this Life.


12-1-16 ~ Julien Jacobs … There is a lot of focus on veterans arriving to standing rock. I’ve been asked to be a coordinator. I do have reserves about taking the position though and contributing even more limited time.

So instead for the meantime here’s some of the thoughts I have from an indigenous veteran perspective

Tribal engagement should be first and foremost, we all can see Standing Rock is a catalyst that brings so many together and our local realities/environments could benefit from this kind of cohesion. At times so many people defer to fixing things in places other than our own communities due to local dysfunction and lack of cohesion. This is important because addressing issues within our own framework vicariously through Oceti Sakowin helps and draws movements of thousands of veterans as a resource that can also be used for back home as after effects or follow up.

2. On perception …How we revere Military members is a social construct. Let me be clear, in order to be a military veteran society has to allow for training and contributing members that voluntarily engage ourselves into sociopathic and psychopathic action. The American Public embraces, celebrates and reinforces it through praise, holidays, parades and association like Honor, Courage and Commitment.

I know that some of the finest servicemen and women do have these valuable attributes such as those marching on Standing Rock and the cost to ourselves and the American public in this process needs to be thought out. Service members through various wars find ourselves with one of the highest suicide rates due to deception and trauma whether delivered or received. We have to acknowledge that the presence of Marines and soldiers is a good thing and we also have to acknowledge our own humanity while we realize how differing missions coalesce and then manifest intentional outcomes. I do wanna stress we need to be recognizing humanity amongst ourselves when those at the Morton County do not. These dialogues with vets will be important. There will also be distinct differences between the burning man crowds and soldiers and although many are “trying” to find themselves whether vet or rainbow it inadvertently puts pressure on indigenous which will be exhausting but needed…… I gotta take a breath…..

3. What binds and can bind us together is collective consciousness, deconstructing colonialism and realizing our best steps are those with armies behind us and that indigenous are the leaders this nation needs at a time like this. So at the helm of all conversations should be what “we” can build while we add troops.

In the meantime inform yourself of the needs of the camp by going to <span style=”color:blue;”> www.ocetisakwincamp.org

If you’d like to contribute financially you can help me with my mission to bring salmon and foods to the protectors by going to http://www.gofundme.com/AlaskansStandingWithStandingRock

And there are several other go fund me’s that have various vital missions. I’ll continue my list later.
Quyana Caknek! #NoDapl


11-30-16 ~ Indigenous Rising Media… Chris Turley just walked over 200 miles to Standing Rock to show his solidarity for the water protectors. He is one of the thousands of veterans coming this week. Let’s show him some love.


11-30-16 ‎Derrick Liner…I feel I need to say something… Please.. Please… Remain peaceful and stay in prayer.. With everything that has happened lately, scare tactics, stopping supplies, roads being closed, the continual violence being committed against the people, and the media blackout…. Yes, it is VERY upsetting.. But you must not get angry and become violent… That is exactly what they want… And since you are remaining peaceful, in turn, they are frustrated.. That’s why they are committing the violent acts against peaceful people.. Yes.. I know… Enough is enough… All these violent acts are opening up old wounds… But the movement must remain peaceful… The warrior is powerful.. For he will fight and die for what he believes.. But the one who comes in peace, love, and prayer, who is willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, that takes POWER.. SPIRITUAL STRENGTH & POWER… I applaud and look with pride to all of you… Stay the coarse… Sending prayers and love….


11-30-16 ~ Francine Podenski… Veterans marching to the bridge on the front lines right now. Post edited with more info: this was just a small but very inspiring march, the bulk of the veterans are arriving today and into the weekend. I’m out here on assignment with Playboy creating a short documentary. I’m totally impressed with their host Yoonj Kim, and happy work with a mainstream media outlet that’s willing to go deep and immerse into this issue to really understand.


11-30-16 ~ Antonia Juhasz… I spent the morning walking from Bank of America to Chase to Citibank to Wells Fargo banks in downtown San Francisco today with hundreds of water protectors. Along each stop, people went in and closed their bank accounts in opposition to the banks’ financing of the Dakota Access Pipeline. For one woman, it was the first and only bank account she’d ever had. For another, it was the account handed down to her at her birth by her mother. For another, she’d held it for seventeen years and was now giving up “a lot of perks”. For all, it was very worth it, to join a national #NoDAPL #StandWithStandingRock#Bankexit #NoDaplDayofAction day divesting themselves personally from the banks financing the Dakota Access Pipeline.


11-30-16 ~ Shopping for Standing Rock… Almost 300 pounds of sleeping bags, blankets, comforters, Bath towels, washcloths, and baby blankets just in case.
Thank Ashley for your help today.
No more room left after packing 13 bags of love and warmth in a Jeep lol.
Met with Barbara MorningStar Paul for the medical supplies she is sending.

Going to meet with Chris Weik this week to send all up with him.
Thank you Brother Chris for making the trip for so many of us that can’t…. sure wish I was able to go with you Brother.
Keeping you and everyone at Standing Rock in constant prayers.


11-30-16 ~ Vilencia Leadeanna‎… My name is Vilencia St. John I’m 18 yrs old and a enrolled member at Crow Creek Sioux tribe.

Oceti Sakowin camp became my home when I first arrived there which was September 4th, 2016. Its the first place I ever had the self-confidence to sing in front of everyone. When I’m at the camp I work security in the evening until sunrise or until the afternoon. I also help out up at the donation tent getting things organized for the people who need things & I help cook at my camp.

On October 27th at 4:14pm I was arrested well sitting in a prayer circle with many others. I was beat by 3 male officers with their batons. I then sat in a ditch for couple hours waiting for the officers to get everyone written down and placed on a bus. I was then given a number (197) on my wrist and placed on a bus and transferred to Morton County jail. When I got to Morton County jail I was asked to strip down into 1 layer of clothing and then placed in a dog kennel for couple hours with 30 other women. Well I was in the cages I was cold and was not given a blanket. I was then asked to get on a bus and transferred to Fargo but I got off the bus with 4 other women who had medical reasons with me and placed in a holding cell until I got seen then back in the cells again I was not given proper treatment all they gave me was a orange to eat. Hours passed by and it was midnight then they started taking us female one by one into a room and asked to stip. I was stripped searched by 1 male and 1 female officer. I refused because it was my first time ever being in jail so I was scared . I felt very uncomfortable being stripped searched by a male officer. When I was refusing the female and male officers then forced me to take my clothes off. By that time I was screaming and crying. At one time I was left alone in the room with the male officer and he was saying things to me well I was naked. Then the female came back and told me to put a orange outfit on with black socks and I was place in a cell with many others. I spent the night in Morton County jail and couldn’t sleep because I scared of what just happened to me.

On October 28th at 5pm I was then transferred to Devils Lake which about 3 hours away. When I got to the jail I was searched for any weapons again. After they searched everyone was placed in a cell together and given bologna sandwiches to eat. We then asked if we can make our 1 phone call but was given non. On October 29th at 3pm I then had court through video conferencing with the judge and was told what I was being charged with that day. My bond was placed at 1,500. On October 30th I was then bonded out from jail around midnight by a wounderful woman named Julie from the camp. She told me the camp sent her to bail us out. Well I was in jail I was never read my Rights or given my 1 phone call. But that’s my story of how I treated in Morton County jail.


11-29-16 ~ Sacheen Seitcham… the mythology of the gentle native maidens, with rainbows that form from every foot step is pervasive and colonized as hell. stop spreading this type of misinformation about all of us and acting like it’s “unlady” like to be at the frontlines or out of skirts. we aren’t put on this earth to serve men while they meet or listen while they speak. we aren’t put on this earth to be chastised or scolded when we stand UP and fight back against tyranny colonialism and patriarchy brought by the white man and their church’s. our Women have always been Warriors, our Women have taken heads in battle and put them on spikes, our Women have bathed in the blood of our enemies proudly. when Warrior Women pray we pray for victory by any means necessary not all of us are silver screen ladies in buckskins dripping with soft hearts and feather tears. when I walk thunder and Iightning make the earth quake I am a Queen of War! Indigenous Women are fierce and deadly and don’t ever forget it.

Women Warriors must be respected we give life we can TAKE IT! ️#BlackSnakeKillaz #AncestralPride #WesCoastWomenWarriorsSociety#RedWarriorCamp


11-28-16 ~ Gwaiina ~ Ancestral Pride… As many strong hearts hold ground at Standing Rock with the arrival of a blizzard, the North Dakota governor issues a statement that the roads, highways into Oceti Sakowin will not be plowed, yet in the same breath makes the statement that Standing Rock camp will face forced evacuation because of concerns of safety.

Standing Rock camp has been issued orders to fall back to the reservation “The Free Speech Zone” The Army Corp of Engineers has stated it will grant Morton county authority to utilize the full extent of the law to remove water protectors. This is the violence of colonialism protecting corporate greed. This is the continuation of of brutalizing Indigenous land & life.

The state, the feds have no authority to grant pipe line pigs jurisdiction. The Treaty of 1851 has been violated over and over by white supremacist amerikkan government. The only authority upon the territory is the Indigenous nation.

Winter is arriving the many strong hearts, water protectors are well, are sheltered are warm are fed, The spirit of resistance is burning strong.
~Mni Wiconi~
Gwaiina ~ Ancestral Pride

11-28-16 ~ Aaron Dorn‎… Anyone have footage of my assault/arrest on Thanksgiving day in Mandan beside Burger King? Police are holding my truck indefinitely, deny they have my cellphone and wallet. If I have video of them assaulting me and stealing my possessions it will help in court. Also, the ride/caravan into Mandan. Because I passed a patrol car that was trying to break up/slow down the caravan they say I was “recklessly endangering their lives with indifference to life”, which is a felony, and resisting arrest, another felony and misdemeanor obstruction of governmental function. I was making A LOT of supply runs for the construction crews and medics at Rosebud and every time I was followed by patrol cars going to and leaving Bismark. Seems likely they targeted me to take me out of action. I also have medical supplies and construction materials in my truck, along with all my possessions, that they will not release.


11-29-16 ~ Trey Davenport – Trystan Foundation …“Our Celtic Longhouse with Jamaican Warmth this morning. It may look cold outside, but it is full of love and a warmth deeper than money could ever buy. It has been told to me that some wish to “emergency evacuate” us for our “safety”. There is nowhere else I would rather sleep tonight than this Longhouse and you would be endangering me and others by trying to force us from our homes.⠀

Self-Reliance and Independence has always been a crime punishable by death. Every Rasta, Celtic, and Lakota knows along with all other natives to the earth.”⠀
-Trey’s personal thoughts as he journeys back to the Longhouse and winter headquarters of Trystan Foundation⠀

11-28-16 ~ Zhooniya Ogitchida
I walked up to the frontline, wearing my ACU top (uniform), with my Sergeant rank, my name tape, U.S.Army and flag. behind me there was hundreds and hundreds of water protectors. I wanted to walk up alone, so I did. As I walked up they begun to take their positions. Some sheriff captain and a few other officers came to greet me. I stood there on top of a barrier concrete divider, looked at all them Police/sheriffs. in front of me Concertina razor wire, around me… burnt ashes and wet abandoned clothes. I said to them

“I am a 10 year, 2x war veteran. I am not a protestor, I am an Ogitchida, I am here to protect these people from you. I am a defender of the constitution. I came to see this for myself. I seen the rubber bullets, I seen the gas, I seen the attack dogs, I seen the water at freezing temperature. I seen the riot gear and the violence inflicted on so many U.S. citizens. I seen how you’ve been mistreating my people. I am the first of many warriors to come.”

Then what looked like to me a thousand water protectors came
Walking up behind me to the front line.

As I stood there on top of the concrete divider with the razor wire, I said
“If you’re going to shoot rubber bullets, shoot them at me, at this uniform.”

The captain and the other officers said to me they appreciated my service, I said

“I wish I could say the same”


11-28-16 ~ Ayşe Gürsöz… 20-year Navy veteran Kash Jackson standing with Standing Rock, and this is why:

“This government and big oil is making money off the exploitation of its citizens. And as citizens we have to stand up and fight against that. And if that cause is a human rights issue or a constitutional infringement issue like what I’ve seen here, where peaceful people are expressing their first amendment rights -that I fought for- and then I see police and private security terrorize them and punish with rubber bullets, pepper spray and bean bags. That’s not what I fought for. My fight is with the people of this country, Native Americans included.

There are 1,500 veterans scheduled to arrive at Standing Rock this upcoming week in solidarity.

11-28-16 ~ Mark Eastburn … My wife and I were honored to be able to serve at Standing Rock for the week after the election. Intending to stay a month, we were called away for a family emergency.

As in any community, there is much to be done. We hauled trash, sorted recycling, helped organize the pantry and got to share our motor home with other volunteers.

This was the first time we have been directly involved in such a noble effort. The work is hard, the wind is cold and nearly ceaseless. I have never felt more alive or closer to the family of man. I am not religious but I pray that I may return to serve.
Please go help if you can.
Send help if you cannot.


11-27-16 ~ Zhooniya Ogitchida … Boots on ground;
as of Friday night. Been working with security. Informed them I was here for the vet rally, dec 4. Myself & coach Vaughn set up a security outpost. Since #NoDAPL is so huge, so many camps – we named our location “Section 8” ha. My call signed is “ThundacaT” 😜
Coffee is sometimes decent, one time i finished a cup to find thick black condensed coffee at the bottom… it looked like oil, haha so I can drink oil. Ctfu 😝
Btw, if you’re native or a veteran u can cut to the front of the front lines for chow ha.
Ps. It’s cold AF
Photo: sunrise ceremony

11-25-16 ~ Lee Burkett… So I’ve been posting my piece about the State of North Dakota being in violation of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3, of the Constitution.

I just got this message from FaceBook:
“You’re temporarily blocked from making public comments on Facebook.
Some of your comments have been reported as spam. To avoid getting blocked again, make sure your posts are in line with the Facebook Community Standards.”

If you come across that piece, please share it, as I am not able to do so at this time.


11-23-16 ~ Sage Kohen … Greetings from Standing Rock!
I’ve been asked to deliver a message.

(Please take the time to read this message and share it with others!)

A Standing Rock tribal member has been entrusted with a special mission to create a camp that will exemplify the solutions needed to render pipelines, like the proposed DAPL project, obsolete. This project will not fail because its intention is to succeed no matter what-by the very nature of its design-based on traditional principals coupled with culturally sensitive and appropriate technologies.

It has come to the attention of many that in order to truly stop pipeline infrastructure projects, we must reduce our reliance on such technologies that fuel brutal extraction and transportation practices (i.e. the fossil fuel industry) that compromise our precious land, water, air, traditional cultures and future.

The hope of this new camp is to exemplify the best our world has to offer in regenerative design and traditional values. We are hoping to create a hybrid system that honors the past, present and future.

In the coming days we will release more information about this upcoming project and I will be calling out for assistance in very direct and coordinated ways. The core team is aligning and I am honored to serve this very important mission to create a small representation of what is possible for all of us if we dare to dream and exercise our right to create the world of our dreams.

Once we draft this proposal, and have the go-ahead from the elders, we will release it to you for comment and participation.

I am honored to serve the Hunkpapa people (and all people) in this vision to restore balance on earth, for all people and all of our relations.

As an elder instructed me, the Hunkpapa are the head of this movement, and, as allies: we are the body. The Hunkpapa stand to suffer the most should this pipeline go through, as their sacred sites have already been disrespected and their pleas for consultation have been met with political apathy and blatant disregard. I exist in service to this vision of restoration, because our future depends upon compassionate action led by our indigenous elders who’ve been holding this vision through eons of trials so we all may remember how to live and once again return to the sacred hoop in dynamic balance.

Please do not believe all the hype in the media.
The people are strong.
The people are coming together.
If it is divisive: it is not conducive to this movement.
If it sows discord: sing it, pray it, bring it into balance.
If you do not believe or have doubt of the power of this movement: come to Standing Rock and serve the people, the land, the vision.
The best way to help is to physically come here and witness/participate in the truth unfolding with infinite grace and hope.
The black snake wins if we continue to feed it!

We will starve this snake out of existence by the very actions we embody, and this can be done without rubber bullets being fired or tear gas being unleashed…because all we have to do is live our truth and honor the beauty of creation. And stand united.

Stand with Standing Rock!!!!


11-22-16 ~ Emilys Story


11-23-16 ~ Hilary Hanson Viral News Editor Huffington Post… Charmian Wright Veterinarian Drives 900 Miles To Help Horses Injured At Standing Rock
When Wright, a veterinarian with 30 years of experience, heard reports of horses getting hurt during protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline, heading out to help was the obvious choice for her. The Standing Rock Sioux and their allies are fighting the construction of the pipeline, saying that it would intrude on Native American land and that a leak would contaminate local sources of fresh water.

“I am passionate about the issues that are being addressed at Standing Rock,” Wright told The Huffington Post. “But when I saw videos of horses being injured, I knew I had to go there.” Continre Reading http://tinyurl.com/gkstedf
To make a donation to Helping the Horse Nation gofundme.com/helping-the-horse-nation




11-17-16 ~ Charmian Wright … The last thing I did at Standing Rock, after making sure all the medical stuff was in order, was to participate in the aerial photo of the huge human medicine wheel.

Hundreds of people participated. To get to the site, most walked. But since I was short on time, I hitched a ride with 13 people in the back of a shortbed pickup.

The women in the pickup spontaneously began to sing the Water Song as we drove through camp. It was a poignant farewell for me to get one last good snapshot of camp life.

And now that I am leaving Standing Rock behind, I fight back tears as I watch this video.

So many people have thanked me, calling me a hero, a warrior, an angel. Right now I feel like I am none of these things. Maybe someday I will.

The simple fact is, my heart called. And I listened. And I answered the call. I may not feel like a hero. But one thing is for sure: I listened. I am a Listener. And right now I feel like a damn good one.

There are plenty of heroes in this battle. The brave Spirit Riders. Their fine and fiery horses. All those givers who turned their back on the status quo to reach into their hearts long enough to find love and compassion and vision and glory. And all the camp supporters, who give any way they can. Like Sarah, the medic who is taking a year off medical school to be at Standing Rock because she feels that is where she belongs. Or Dolly, the Lakota woman who left her home to live in a tent on the windy North Dakota prairie simply to cook for the Spirit Riders, every day, day after day, month after month. Her Lakota name is Last Woman Standing. They are all heroes.

And the donors who made my medical work possible…none of this could have been done without them. They are my personal heroes. From a few dollars to thousands, they gave whatever they could. They trusted and they gave. I honor their trust and I am humbled by such generosity. I simply don’t have the words to thank you. But there is one thing I can do.
I can Listen.


11-14-16 ~ Charmian Wright… At Standing Rock, people from very distant places will randomly stop by with moving vans full of treasures. Saddles. Horse feed. Tipi poles. Saddle blankets. Barrels for making wood stoves. Dog food. Water troughs. It is truly extraordinary to be in the midst of such generosity.

Oh, and Daryl Hannah stopped by. I showed her my solar panels when she asked what else the riders needed. She and her beau Neil Young are sending more heavy winter horse blankets. I described to Neil’s manager Steve precisely what the horses needed. He had already dropped off some fence panels for a round pen.


11-14-16 ~ Charmian Wright… At Standing Rock, there’s dogs in the camp too. I was so busy with the horses, I was hoping for some help with the small animals. And she appeared! On a big white horse, no less!

Tracy Hsu lives an hour away from Standing Rock. She comes here every weekend. When helping her with her mare Ashley, it became apparent how competent Tracy was. Some puppies showed up and I asked Tracy to help me with them. She jumped right in. Ha! In some sleight of hand I didn’t even know I possessed, I had Tracy ageeeing to care for some of the camp dogs’ needs after I’m gone. I am confident she will do an outstanding job, and I equipped her with some supplies. I’m looking forward to working with Tracy in the future to help meet the needs of the puppies of Standing Rock.
Please help me if you can in this effort to help our four-legged family at Standing Rock:
gofundme.com/helping-the-horse-nation Thank you


11-14-16 ~ Charmian Wright… It was my honor to get to know the Crow Creek Spirit Riders and their horses. Their level of bravery in coming forth to protect the earth is something we should all try to aspire to. We look to them as leaders in this fight that affects us all
gofundme.com/helping-the-horse-nation Thank you


11-12-16 ~ Charmian Wright…Gabi is originally from Czechoslovakia but she has been living in California. Until recently, when she joined the Crow Creek Spirit Riders at Standing Rock. She is fluent in English and extraordinarily keen, observant, and well-educated. She is learning as much as she can about emergency equine care between her other obligations. She plans on staying through the winter. She is living in a tipi.
Gabi shared with me some of the challenges she has faced in becoming a Spirit Rider. But she is well on her way. Gabi could give anyone a run for their money.
11-12-16 ~ Charmian Wright…. Gabi is originally from Czechoslovakia but she has been living in California. Until recently, when she joined the Crow Creek Spirit Riders at Standing Rock. She is fluent in English and extraordinarily keen, observant, and well-educated. She is learning as much as she can about emergency equine care between her other obligations. She plans on staying through the winter. She is living in a tipi.
Gabi shared with me some of the challenges she has faced in becoming a Spirit Rider. But she is well on her way. Gabi could give anyone a run for their money.
gofundme.com/helping-the-horse-nation Thank you


11-12-16 ~ Charmian Wright… Foretek, a human medic at Standing Rock, learned how to put intravenous catheters in horses today. She was a very willing, quick and proficient learner. If a horse needs intravenous fluid therapy, the medics can help. I am leaving them with 40 liters of fluids, lots of catheters, and multiple IV setups.
Please help support this effort if you can. No amount is too small. Thank you.
gofundme.com/helping-the-horse-nation Thank you


11-12-16 ~ Charmian Wright… This 10 year old mustang mare was on her way to the killer auction when she somehow got diverted to Standing Rock. She was perfectly sound and had no physical problems.
Elih had before now been borrowing other horses to go to the front lines in the pipeline protests.
Elih knew nothing about the mare. And yet he worked with her a little, then hopped on bareback. She tried to circle back to the others but he turned her again, getting her lined out.
When I last saw them they were moving into the distance, being swallowed up by the lines of flags and tipis in the camp. The afternoon sunlight braided her tail with little spears of light. She was moving out like a seasoned campaigner who fully trusted her rider’s hand. Was it my imagination when I sensed her relief at her change of fortune?
Elih calls her Last Chance.
gofundme.com/helping-the-horse-nation Thank you




just scroll past the stories you’ve already read

News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

Video’s #NoDAPL – Nov. 28 – Dec. 4, 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

12-4-16 ~ Bismarck Ramada Inn Kicks Out Veteran & Family For Being Water Protectors! – Mystic Dave

12-4-16 ~ Digital Smoke Signals: Myron Dewey Speaks Up About DAPL Permit Denial at Standing Rock (12/4/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-4-16 ~ Stand Up / Stand N Rock #NoDAPL (Official Video) – Taboo

12-4-16 ~ Police to leave bridge at Standing rock – Rob Webber

12-4-16 ~ Obama Denies Permit to Drill at DAPL! Victory at Standing Rock Within Reach! – The Young Turks

12-4-16 ~ Jordan UNDERCOVER: Racism Alive & Well In North Dakota – TYT Politics

12-4-16 ~ Battles everywhere. Wars upon our water everywhere – Native American Life

12-4-16 ~ Veterans At Standing Rock – Uprising TV


12-4-16 ~ Standing Rock – Water Protectors stand along side War Veterans, “Water Is Life” – Katherine Duke

12-4-16 ~ Standing Rock Protests #NoDAPL | State Authoritarianism Out of Control – Michael Black

12-4-16 ~ We’re talking to Tara Houska, an attorney and director of Honor the Earth – Native American Life


12-4-16 ~ Veterans at Standing Rock: Now is the time! – Rod Webber

12-4-16 ~ History has been made at Standing Rock! – Uprising TV

12-4-16 ~ DAPL Permits Have Been DENIED! – Uprising TV

12-4-16 ~ Thank you 350.org Japan! The world is watching! – Native American Life

12-4-16 ~ Oceti Sakowin Camp Update With Chris Turley #NoDAPL – NoDAPL Highway 1806

12-4-16 ~ We need every person to call Obama this week before Dec. 5th .Please share – NoDAPL Highway 1806

12-4-16 ~ Taxi tells their drivers that They Can no longer drive water protectors to Oceti Sakowin Camp! – NoDAPL Highway 1806

12-4-16 ~ Digital Smoke Signals Myron Dewey Meet The Drone Operators Of #NoDAPL Standing Rock 12 02 16 – NoDAPL Highway 1806

12-4-16 ~ LAKOTA State of Mind – Standing Rock – Zeda Films

12-4-16 ~ Activists from Hawaii Are holding their ground at Standing Rock! – NoDAPL Highway 1806

12-4-16 ~ Governor DAPL CAUGHT Lying About ATTACK On Standing Rock Water Protectors – NoDAPL Highway 1806

12-4-16 ~ Important Update! Sunday December 4, 2016 #NoDAPL – J Grady

12-4-16 ~ New Legal Key to Ending Standing Rock-DAPL Dispute – bruce bagnoli

12-4-16 ~ Stand With Standing Rock #NODAPL Water Warriors Video by The Lor Brothers – Grassroots Booster Club

12-4-16 ~ False information reported by Morton County – J Grady

12-4-16 ~ Update From #NoDAPL Attorneys Daniel Sheehan & Chase Iron Eyes on DAPL Permit Denial (12/4/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-4-16 ~ Veterans for Standing Rock Respond to Army Corps of Engineers Denial of DAPL Permit (12/4/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-4-16 ~ A Victory Celebration! Army Corps has Denied Permit To Drill! – Uprising Media

12-4-16 ~ History has been made at Standing Rock! – J Grady

12-4-16 ~ Marine veteran speaks about Standing Rock – Rod Webber

12-4-16 ~ BREAKING: Obama Denies Final Permit For Dakota Access Pipeline – TYT Politics

12-4-16 ~ Proof that law enforcement involved in Dakota Access Pipeline have been lying – Prolific The Rapper

12-4-16 ~ Jordan UNDERCOVER: Racism Alive & Well In North Dakota – TYT Politics

12-4-16 ~ HUGE DAY AT STANDING ROCK! Army Corps denies DAPL drilling permit – Prolific The Rapper

12-4-16 ~ Standing Rock Celebrates Pres. Obama Denying DAPL Permit – TYT Politics

12-4-16 ~ DAPL permit denied – Rod Webber

12-4-16 ~ The Fight for Clean Water (#NoDAPL) – Matt Orfalea

12-4-16 ~ VLOGMAS IN A VAN 2016 Day 1 #VeteransForStandingRock #NoDAPL #VANLIFE – CoolCat Carolena

12-4-16 ~ Veterans at Standing rock barricade – Rob Webber



12-4-16 ~ #NoDAPL Whistleblower John Bolenbaugh Tears Up Explaining Standing Rock’s Importance – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

12-3-16 ~ #NoDAPL: A Just Cause or Just Because? – KnowingBetter

12-3-16 ~ #NoDAPL – Political & media silence. Dec 3 – Tino Barragan

12-3-16 ~ #NoDAPL – Political & media silence. Dec 3 – Tino Barragan

12-1-16 ~ Josh Fox Update on #NoDAPL: Interview With The Young Turks’ Ana Kasparian – TYT Interviews

12-1-16 ~ Uodate dec 1 – Lolly Be Healing

12-3-16 ~ N Dakota cab driver says not allowed to pick up Water Protectors – The Truth Denied

12-3-16 ~ Standing Rock Political Prisoner Red Fawn Needs Your Help – TYT Politics

12-3-16 ~ Midnight update – J Grady

12-3-16 ~ Veterans standing up for Standing Rock – CBC News

12-3-16 ~ UPDATE FROM CAMP: Lakota People’s Law Project at Standing Rock #NoDAPL (12/3/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-3-16 ~ UPDATE FROM CAMP – Uprising TV

12-3-16 ~ Dan Rolle Delivering Human Rights Violations Notice To Morton County Sheriff’s Department – Uprising TV

12-3-16 ~ False information reported by Morton County – Uprising TV

12-3-16 ~ Nodapl Worldwide Live Chat Discussion – Uprising TV


12-3-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Update – We Stand With Standing Rock – Anonymous

12-3-16 ~ Standing Rock Music Video – Indigenous People Of America #NODAPL – Anonymous

12-2-16 ~ STANDING ROCK: Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Will Join Veterans Against Dakota Access Pipeline – H. A. Goodman

12-2-16 ~ Water Protector Travis on day 10 of his fast is being arrested – Native American Life

12-2-16 ~ Rep Tulsi Gabbard Urges President to Immediately Halt Dakota – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ Governor DAPL LIES Through His Greedy Teeth – TYT Politics

12-2-16 ~ Statement by Attorney General Lynch on the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests – The Justice Department

12-2-16 ~ It’s a good day to do a live feed! These our the topics 12%2F2%2F16 – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ Myron Dewey ~ unlawful stop and seized property without a warrant 10/8/16 – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ UPDATE: Veterans For Standing Rock Are Here! Vets Shut Down Bridge At Standing Rock! (12/2/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-2-16 ~ A moment of silence ~ The drone is gone, it just flew away – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ Seeing the Veterans off Prayers for your safe return Aho 12/2/16 – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ Governor DAPL LIES Through His Greedy Teeth – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ Live from Standing Rock 12/2/16 – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ Veterans For Standing Rock Are Here! Vets Shut Down Bridge At Standing Rock! (12/2/2016) – Mystic Dave

12-2-16 ~ Vets gather on bridge north of Oceti Sakowin – J Grady

12-2-16 ~ Veterans gather on bridge north of Oceti Sakowin | Indigenous Rising Media – Uprising TV

12-2-16 ~ 6,000 plus, hundreds of veterans arrive to support Dakota Access protests – Mary Greeley

12-2-16 ~ What If The Cops Attack? – ‘They’ll Have To Kill Me’ | Veterans To Stand With DAPL Protesters – The Jimmy Dore Show

12-2-16 ~ Legendary Native Leader: From Genocide to Standing Rock – Empire Files

12-2-16 ~ Veterans Heading To North Dakota To Protect Citizens From Criminal Cops – The Jimmy Dore Show

12-2-16 ~ Water Protector Travis on day 10 of his fast is being arrested – Native American Life

12-1-16 ~ Veterans for Standing Rock Organizer Michael A Wood Jr. Interview On The Young Turks – TYT Interviews

12-1-16 ~ Standing Rock: A Great Sioux Nation Perspective – The Alex Jones Channel

12-1-16 ~ Update From #NoDAPL Civil Rights Attorney Daniel Sheehan: Sign Our Petition to OBAMA! – Mystic Dave

12-1-26 ~ Women Lead Healing On The Front Lines At Standing Rock-Indigenous Rising Media – Mystic Dave

12-1-16 ~ Going to Standing Rock/DAPL pipeline protest? Watch this first – Adventure Photo

12-1-16 ~ cultural challenges – Lolly Be Healing

12-1-16 ~ Native Veteran Defends Against TERRORIST Oil Police – TYT Politics

12-1-16 ~ Why Peaceful Resistance Can Be The Most Powerful Force | APTN InFocus – APTN National News

12-1-16 ~ Indigenous tribe canoed from Washington state! | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

12-1-16 ~ Wells Fargo Shut down In Minneapolis | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

12-1-16 ~ Water Protectors at Wells Fargo Offices in Solidarity w Standing Rock | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

12-1-16 ~ Jordan Takes On New York Times/Big Oil Love Affair – TYT Politics

12-1-16 ~ Veteran’s at Standing Rock | NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

12-1-16 ~ General update from Oceti Sakowin | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

12-1-16 ~ PULL BACK OF DES MOINES RIVER | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

12-1-16 ~ “Know The Truth” Morton County Video Series | Keeping you safe with explosives, from armed workers – 411 TRUTH

12-1-16 ~ #Nodapl Live Chat Discussion – Uprising TV

12-2-16 ~ DEFUND DAPL! – Uprising TV

12-1-16 ~ James Uqualla Speaks To All – 12/01/2016 – The Real World

12-1-16 ~ Why We Must Stand With Standing Rock PLUS ‘Viper’s View’ Joins Us [39] – Redacted Tonight

12-1-16 ~ Standing Rock – 11/30/16 – Chris Turley walked over 200 miles to show support – #NoDAPL – Valley Forge Network

12-1-16 ~ Kevin Gilbertt Update on ACE Hardware – 12/01/2016 – The Real World

12-1-16 ~ Standing Rock Protesters Are Being Starved Out! (w/Guest: Maimouna Youssef) – thomhartmann

12-1-16 ~ Vic Mensa Protests Pipeline At Standing Rock! (WTS) – SHOT97 MEDIA

12-1-16 ~ Update from the militarized zone 12/1/16 – J Grady

12-1-16 ~ #NoDAPL Standing Rock Protesters Respond to Eviction Letter by Army Corps of Engineers – NoDAPL Highway 1806

11-30-16 ~ Local vets will be human shields at standing rock – ABC 10 News

11-30-16 ~ Veterans Stand with Standing Rock! Will Serve as ‘Human Shield’ for Protestors – Protect Mother Earth

11-30-16 ~ Todays Update From Myron Dewey | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ DAPL blocking Red Cross, and supplies from others | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ CNN Finally At Standing Rock | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ Legendary Native Activist Exposes DAPL Is a SHAM – TYT Politics

11-30-16 ~ African Americans, Native Americans Connect at Standing Rock – TYT Politics

11-30-16 ~ Drone guy address the FAA statement about banning drones at oceti sakowin camp | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ BREAKING! Four people have locked down and shut down TD Bank | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ CBSThisMorning reporting on Nodapl | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ 99.7 KFYR radio in Bismarck Propaganda | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ Full-time RV: #Veteransforstandingrock #NoDAPL Q&A – Luke Capasso

11-30-16 ~ fighting for their rights of Indigenous Peoples | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ update nov 30 – Lolly Be Healing

11-30-16 ~ The Whole World Is Watching – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ Water Protectors locked down to an excavator – Uprising TV

11-30-16 ~ STANDING ROCK PROTECTORS Veterans VS Morton County Police aka DAPL Do They Know It’s Christmas SNOW – Sun-Daze

11-30-16 ~ STANDING ROCK: Latest Update, Veterans, Water Rights, Police Tactics – carpo719

11-30-16 ~ Veteran Greg Quinn stands with Standing Rock – HousePortraits

11-30-16 ~ Message to Order Followers/Police at Standing Rock – UFORIA Chronicles

11-30-16 Legendary Native Activist Exposes DAPL Is a SHAM – J Grady

11-30-16 ~ Joshua Hayes – Standing Rock – Vets Arriving – 11/30/2016 – The Real World

11-30-16 ~ [90] – Standing Rock Escalates: Latest Updates & Interview – Occupy.com

11-30-16 ~ Standing Rock & Drill Site Drone Footage – 11/30/2016 – The Real World

11-29-16 ~ Standing Rock Stories – AronRa

11-29-16 ~ Joshua Hayes at Standing Rock – 11/29/2016 – The Real World

11-29-16 ~ Standing Rock Update – 411 Truth

11-29-16 ~ Kevin Gilbertt at Standing Rock – Update From Casino – 11/29/2016 – The Real World

11-29-16 ~ Response to Governor Darymple’s order to evacuate the Oceti Sakowin camp – Native American Life

11-29-16 ~ At blockade to stop Dakota Access Pipeline – NoDAPL Highway 1806

11-29-16 ~ Message to the World From Standing Rock – Buffalohair

11-29-16 ~ Big Oil Not Only Storm Assaulting Standing Rock – TYT Politics

11-29-16 ~ #Nodapl Live Chat Discussion – Uprising TV

11-29-16 ~ A message from Native American elder, Saginaw Grant | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-29-16 ~ Former oil worker Payu Harris explains dangers of oil at Standing Rock – Rod Webber

11-29-16 ~ Kevin Gilbert Has A Message For Those Sending Him Death Threats – Collective Evolution

11-29-16 ~ Breaking News: North Dakota law enforcement to Block Water Protectors Supplies | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-29-16 ~ update nov 29 – Lolly Be Healing

11-29-16 ~ “Cyanide Pipelines” says oil whistleblower John Bolenbaugh at Standing Rock – Rod Webber

11-29-16 ~ Water Protector Wants To EDUCATE Oil Police – TYT Politics

11-29-16 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdAr-py_1CM – Democracy Now!

11-29-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Update Natives Met With Violence – Infowars The Alex Johen show

11-29-16 ~ Bernie Sanders on the Dakota Access Pipeline & Treaty Rights Violations by U.S. Government – Democracy Now!

11-29-16 ~ Father of Activist Injured at Standing Rock Calls on Obama to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline Drilling – Democracy Now!

11-29-16 ~ Standing Rock Drone Footage Looks Bad, So Government Bans It – The Young Turks

11-29-16 ~ Standing Rock Resistance On Contact travels to North Dakota – J Grady

11-29-16 ~ Accountability ~ Kash Jackson – J Grady

11-28-16 ~ Sheriffs Refuse To Reinforce Cops At Standing Rock – The Young Turks

11-28-16 ~ Facebook is blocking my live streams for DAPL – J Grady

11-28-16 ~ Do You Even Know Who Owns the Standing Rock Pipeline? Donald Trump? – pocketsofthefuture

11-28-16 ~ Press Conference About Governor Darymple’s orders for forced Eviction | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-28-16 ~ Standing Rock Response to North Dakota Governor’s Evacuation Order (11/28/2016) – Mystic Dave

11-28-16 ~ Senator Reid, Standing Rock – J Grady

11-28-16 ~ Jordan TAKES ON Army Corps & Oil Police – TYT Politics

11-28-16 ~ Standing Rock Live update 28 nove 2016 – studio9jam

11-28-16 ~ Local group to join veterans at Standing Rock – KXLY

11-28-16 ~ Jordan’s IMPASSIONED Standing Rock Rant – Enterteinment

11-28-16 ~ Strength In Unity BREAKING! Four people have locked down and shut down TD Bank | #NoDapl Archives- Uprising TV

11-28-16 ~ EXPLAINED: Standing Rock Shows Solar Is Superior To Fracking – TYT Politics

11-28-16 ~ Frances Fisher Slams Obama On Broken Promises To Natives – TYT Politics

11-28-16 ~ Winter Is Here At Standing Rock! | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-28-16 ~ Founder of Black Eyed Peas Taboo Standing with Standing Rock!!! #NoDAPL – Native American Life

11-28-16 ~ Jason Mraz at Standing Rock – 11/28/2016 – The Real World

11-28-16 ~ ‘Alarming attack on journalism & the truth at Standing Rock’ – Josh Fox – RT America

11-28-16 ~ The Turtle Island incident at Standing Rock – waylon pahona

Video’s #NoDAPL – Nov. 16-19, 2016

Kristeen Irigoyen_Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

News Articles and Updates ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s
2016 You Tube Video Archive
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

11-19-16 ~ DAPL continued working at night – Myron Dewey

11-19-16 ~ Update: Standing Rock – Dokota Access Pipe Line – BattleNolaRadio

11-19-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Reservation – 6-7 November 2016 – Chris Nelson

11-19-16 ~ James Martinez: Standing Rock Lakota Sioux Veterans Call To Action – Randy Maugans

11-19-16 ~ Stand with Standing Rock More on the story from North Dakota – lba10

11-19-16 ~ Standing Rock Strength for Weeks – Ras Rebirth

11-19-16 ~ Love and hugs sent to the water (#nodapl)protectors. (AnonTV)

11-19-16 ~ Water is Life peaceful prayer walk in Bismarck, ND | #Nodapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-19-16 ~ Dakota Access CEO COVERS UP His Environmental Racism – Enterteinment

11-19-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors Prayers Up – Lavonne Cox

11-19-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors – Lavonne Cox

11-19-16 ~ Dakota Access CEO LIES About Digging Up Native Graves – TYT Politics

11-19-16 ~ Whistleblower John Bolenbaugh tears up explaining Standing Rock’s importance – Anonymous Portugal Internacional

11-19-16 ~ Veterans Against DAPL – J Grady

11-19-16 ~ Dakota Access CEO COVERS UP His Environmental Racism – TYT Politics

11-19-16 ~ Anonymous message to DAPL~ “We will release all the information on your workers” – J Grady

11-18-16 ~ No DAPL Anonymous (International concern) – John Dow

11-18-16 ~ Oil Police Assault Water Protector Holding PRAYER STICK – J Grady

11-18-16 ~ Myron Dewey Update ~ Good morning 1 – J Grady


11-18-16 ~ DEBUNKING the LIES From Dakota Access Pipeline CEO – TYT Politics

11-18-16 ~ pacific domes – Lolly Be Healing

11-18-19 ~ Standing rock news | standing rock protest | 7 history lessons of the Dakota Access Pipeline – Hot news 24h Today

11-18-16 ~ TRUTH BOMB:Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Stands With Standing Rock! #WaterprotectorRFkJr – 411 TRUTH

11-18-16 ~ Whistleblower John Bolenbaugh tears up explaining Standing Rock’s importance – Rod Webber

11-18-16 ~ Passionate Mark Ruffalo Amazing Uncut Speech At Standing Rock #wniwiconi #Share! 11/18/16 – 411 TRUTH

11-18-16 ~ Peaceful Protectors Win! “They want you to draw first Blood, to Crush You!” | Mark Ruffalo – 411 TRUTH

11-18-16 ~ 10 Things To Know About Dapl And Morton County | #NoDapl Archives – 411 TRUTH

11-18-16 ~ Standing Rock Struggle Inspires Protectors of Water Across the Nation – Jordan Herron

11-17-16 ~ The Abuse Towards Standing Rock Water Protectors #NoDAPL – Guillermo Camarena

11-17-16 ~ Why are people protesting in North Dakota? – Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know – HowStuffWorks

11-17-16 ~ Water Protectors In Downtown Bismark, ND #nodapl

11-17-16 ~ Action In Front Of Mandan Jail | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-17-16 ~ Bernie Sanders Standing Rock Protest Wahington – J Grady

11-17-16 ~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Obama’s “No Brainer” DAPL Choice – TYT Politics

11-17-16 ~ #NoDapl – Sweet1eaf debrief of 11/12/16 gun Incident with additional footage – inLeague Press

11-17-16 ~ #OpBlackSnake #NoDAPL #OpNoDAPL Call to Action Rise up against resource extraction NOW – Anonymous Resistance Movement

11-17-16 ~ Trevor Hall: Standing Rock – Lone Eagle

11-17-16 ~ DAPL Corruption Exposed | Standing Rock | Knights-bridge Risk Management – 411 TRUTH

11-17-16 ~ 11/17 Update #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-17-16 ~ Meet Heather of Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3) – Native American Life

11-17-16 ~ A Nation in Distress_ A 20 yr Veteran Speaks Out – Native Momma
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmyJDdvbOt4 v

11-17-16 ~ Mni Wiconi. Water is life. Hear our story. Stand with us – Native American Life

11-17-16 ~ Beaten by DAPL/ arrested/ devices stolen – Rod Webber

11-17-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribe – Mni Wiconi – Water is Life – The 411

11-17-16 ~ DAPL finally a Hot topic on The View – 411 TRUTH

11-17-16 ~ NoDAPL – Counter protest spokesman – Rod Webber

11-17-16 ~ Water Protectors Voice Of Unity & 4-Square Concrete Gunman Victim Speaks Out! – 411 TRUTH

11-17-16 ~ Police bloody NoDAPL veteran for picking flowers/ put bag on head – Rod Webber
Charles Jordan beaten and bloodied and has a BAG PUT OVER HIS HEAD by police in Bismarck North Dakota. He says he is a military veteran he was attacked for picking a flower. He says his shoulders were dislocated… It’s been a week and no one has seen this man- we are looking for information on him– legal has not located him is what has been told to me by his friend who witnessed this & said the camp has not seen him in a week– he goes by the name “Scorch”– looking for information as to his status.

11-16-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribe – Mni Wiconi – Water is Life – Informative Update – Valley Forge Network

11-16-16 ~ Sacred Stone Founder Pours Heart Out To Army Corps Of Engineers – J Grady

11-16-16 ~ DAPL Security Threatens Scum of The Earth Water Protectors – J Grady

11-16-16 ~ Army corps of engineers at Bismarck ND – K Grady

11-16-16 ~ Action Time #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-16-16 ~ No more Stolen Sisters! Action @ DAPL man camp in Mandan, ND – Native American Life

11-16-16 ~ Bernie Sanders at the NoDAPL Solidarity Rally,Demans to White House, Not to Build the Pipeline – 411 TRUTH

11-16-16 ~ DAPL Helicopter Chemtrails | DAPL Using Chemical Warefare On Natives – 411 TRUTH

11-16-16 ~ NoDAPL would WIN in Court | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Against DAPL | Nov 15 Press Conference – 411 TRUTH

11-16-16 ~ DAPL Ignores ARMY CORE | Caught Excavating 11/15/16 | Above The Law? – 411 TRUTH

11-16-16 ~ Flying Over Fort Dapl #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-16-16 ~ Jordan Confronts Oil Police Over Pepper Spray – TYT Politics

11-16-16 ~ Action Time #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-16-16 ~ Army Decides Not To Let DAPL Pass Upstream Of Standing Rock | APTN News – APTN National News

11-16-16 ~ Jordan Confronts Oil Police Over Pepper Spray – Enterteinment

11-16 -16 ~ Drone Pilots EXPOSING Oil Police Violence – TYT Politics

11-16-16 ~ 500 Clergy Come to Standing Rock after a week of violence – Indigenous Rising

Video’s #NoDAPL – Nov. 20-27, 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

11-27-16 ~ Standing Rock Responds To Army Corps December 5th Eviction Notice #NoDapl Archives – 411 TRUTH

11-27-16 ~ A message from Native American elder, Saginaw Grant – STAND WITH STANDING ROCK – Michabo Sustainable Harmony

11-27-16 ~ MUST SEE! | It’s Time to Stand with Standing Rock | Please SHARE – 411 TRUTH

11-27-16 ~ Standing Rock Update, Prayer and Camp Walk – 11/27/2016 – The Real World

11-27-16 ~ Didi Banerji sings about Standing Rock/ Sioux Z update – Rod Webber

11-27-16 ~ NoDAPL Highway 1806 11-27-16-p2 – NoDAPL Highway 1806

11-27-16 ~ Standing Rock – Wasson Urges Flash-Mob Highway Shutdown on Dec. 5th! – The Real World

11-27-16 ~ Veteran Responds To Army Corp of Engineer letter to silence free speech – J Grady

11-27-16 ~ A Veteran for Standing Rock – Adrian Last

11-27-16 ~ DAPL has reached Lake Oahe! | NoDapl | Drone Footage – 411 TRUTH

11-27-16 ~ Now This with Michael Wood Jr. #Veteran Stand for #StandingRock – Sedef M. Buyukataman

11-27-16 ~ Army Vet At Standing Rock explains why this use of force is not right! – lba10

11-27-16 ~ The Bismarck Tribune headlines | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising Media

11-26-16 ~ Standing Rock Resistance: On Contact travels to North Dakota – RT America

11-26-16 ~ It’s Time to Stand with Standing Rock – TYT Politics

11-23-16 ~ As Standing Rock Camp Limits Media Access, Local Police Work to Communicate With Press
Protesters Appear to Be in Violation of Federal Permit Prohibiting Permanent Structures

11-26-16 ~ Phone Call To Morton County Police Department | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ Standing Rock – Press Conference at Oceti Sakowin Camp 11/26/16 – #NoDAPL – Valley Forge Network

11-26-16 ~ Standing Rock Chairman Responds To Army Corps Eviction Threat – TYT Politics

11-26-16 ~ NATIVES AN Water protectors given #nodapl eviction notice – ANONYMOUS tv

11-26-16 ~ Sunset At Standing Rock | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ CNN Lies About Dakota Access Pipeline Protests – The Jimmy Dore Show

11-26-16 ~ Standing Rock Responds To Army Corps December 5th Eviction Notice | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ Standing Rock Protesters Respond to Eviction Letter by Army Corp of Engineers – Mystic Dave

11-26-16 ~ Chris Hedges Interviews Standing Rock Protesters; Vital Info To Clearly Understand Protest – KafkaWinstonWorld

11-26-16 ~ The Battle at Standing Rock – J Grady

11-26-16 ~ Donald Trump Has Money Invested In The Dakota Access Pipeline Robert Kennedy Attacks President Trump – BlackProfessionalsNetwork

11-26-16 ~ Veterans are heading to North Dakota, the government is criminal – CABIN TALK

11-26-16 ~ Standing Rock Press Conference – 11/26/2016 – The Real World

11-26-16 ~ CNN caught lying about the situation at Standing Rock FAKE reporting – American News

11-26-16 ~ Peaceful Protester’s Arm BLOWN OFF at Standing Rock – LOTUS-CTB

11-26-16 ~ CNN caught lying about the situation at Standing Rock FAKE reporting – American News

11-26-16 ~ John Bolenbaugh at Standing Rock – The Truth About Oil Companies – The Real World

11-26-16 ~ Army Corp threatens all protectors at StandingRock Oceti Sakowin camp – Native American Life

11-26-16 ~ #NODAPL Security Having Thanksgiving Dinner on Turtle HIll | Drone Footage – 411 TRUTH

11-26-16 ~ Intense aggression by Oil Protectors #NoDapl – 411 TRUTH

11-26-16 ~ Declaration of Unification , Boycott the System, #StandwithStandingRock #NoDAPL – andrea sanchez

11-26-16 ~ Standing Rock Resistance: On Contact travels to North Dakota – RT America

11-26-16 ~ Thanksgiving on Standing Rock – TheRealNews

11-26-16 ~ Words On Decision To Evict | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ Free Red Fawn! | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ Firsthand Reports from Dakota: “Reflections on DAPL” – FirstCoast.tv

11-26-16 ~ Update on injuries at standing rock. | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ Thursday’s Lessons – 02 – Standing Rock – VarmitCoyote

11-26-16 ~ Midnight Update From Myron Dewey | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ Thomas Lopez Jr. at Standing Rock – 11/26/2016 – The Real World

11-26-16 ~ Update on dapl construction & turtle island | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-26-16 ~ A Message To Cops Attacking Standing Rock Water Protectors – The Young Turks

11-25-16 ~ 11 Things To Know About Native Resistance To #NoDAPL It’s not Burning Man – ANONYMOUS tv

11-25-16 ~ overview – Lolly Be Healing

11-25-16 ~ Living at Standing Rock: Water Protectors in Tipis – LucidLorax

11-25-16 ~ Video Evidence Of Morton County Using Explosivies | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-25-16 ~ On my way to Standing Rock – David Soto Jr.

11-25-16 ~ Native Veteran to Obama: How Can You Risk Lives for DAPL? – TYT Politics

11-25-16 ` Woman Shot with Rubber Bullet Could lose her eye – Rod Webber

11-25-16 ~ Here’s How You Defund the Dakota Access Pipeline – TYT Politics

11-25-16 ~ Jane Fonda ~ Standing Rock – J Grady

11-25-16 ~ Protest arrest at Kirkwood Mall | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-25-16 ~ Standing Rock; We are Behind You – carpo719

11-25-16 ~ Standing Rock: Why the Standing Rock People have the stronger business case – Robert Brown

11-25-16 ~ To The Police at Standing Rock – Sam Tripoli

11-25-16 ~ Firefighter for Standing Rock – Kira Lehman

11-25-16 ~ Update on Sophia Wilansky /Standing Rock from friend Michael Basillas – April Watters

11-25-16 ~ WOKE AF BREAKING – Army Corp Shutting Down Standing Rock – Woke AF

11-25-16 ~ Living at Standing Rock: Water Protectors in Tipis – LucidLorax

11-25-16 ~ Standing Rock Asks Police to Leave Ancient Burial Ground – LucidLorax

11-25-16 ~ Native Veteran to Obama: How Can You Risk Lives for DAPL? – TYT Politics

11-25-16 ~ Shailene Woodley On Taking Responsibility For White Supremacy – TYT Politics

11-25-16 ~ EXCLUSIVE: DAPL Builds Razor Wire Wall On Native Burial Ground – TYT Politics

11-25-16 ~ Morton County Putting up razor wire | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-25-16 ~ Vetran Responds To Army Corp of Engineer letter to silence free speech | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-25-16 ~ on the day they deem thanksgiving , this is happening at #standingrock #NoDAPL – J Grady

11-25-16 ~ Turtle Island action Myron Dewey update as well #NoDAPL Standing Rock – J Grady

11-25-16 ~ Standing Rock’s Leader Worries ‘War’ Is Coming | APTN NationToNation – APTN National News

11-25—16 ~ On The Front Lines, Fighting The Dakota Access Pipeline

11-24-16 ` DAPL security and Morton County are out numbered on this day| 11-24-16 ~ #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-24-16 ~ EXPOSED: Oil Police Lies About Maiming Sophia Wilansky’s Arm – TYT Politics

11-24-16 ~ Pipeline Owner Laughing In Obama’s Face – Jill Stein for President Booster Club

11-24-16 ~ No Pilgrims No Pipelines No Prisons No Problems North Dakota 11-24-16 – Unicorn Riot


11-24-16 ~ Happening now water protectors have taken back #nodapl their land ~ ANONYMOUS tv

11-24-16 ~ The Whole Word is Watching! – Native American Life

11-24-16 ~ Standing Rock Special: Unlicensed #DAPL Guards Attacked Water Protectors with Dogs & Pepper Spray – Democracy Now!

11-24-16 ~ Standing Rock Special: Historian Says Dakota Access Co. Attack Came on Anniv. of Whitestone Massacre – Democracy Now!

11-24-16 ~ Kevin Gilbertt – Standing Rock -11/24/2016 – The Real World

11-24-16 ~ Standing Rock- first day a Standing Rock – Food Not Bombs Santa Cruz

11-24-16 ~ #NoDAPL #NoArms #Veterans make their way to aid #waterprotectors – Clovis Tribe

11-24-16 ~ 11/24/2016Water Ceremony with DAPL security, Morton County Police department and National Guird – Myron Dewey

11-24-16 ~ DAPL security and Morton County are out numbered on this day| #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-24-16 ~ Happening now water protectors have taken back #nodapl their land 1 – AnonymousXenc

11-24-16 ~ Standing Rock Special: Dakota Excess Pipeline? Media & Water Protectors Face Strip Searches, Jail – Democracy Now!

11-24-16 ~ Standing Rock Special: Dallas Goldtooth on Police Violence & Repression of Movement Against DAPL – Democracy Now!

11-24-16 ~ Who is Sophia Wilansky – AfriSynergyNews

11-24-16 ~ #NoDAPL #NoArms #Veterans make their way to aid #waterprotectors – Clovis Tribe

11-24-16 ~ #NoDAPL The Parasites vs The People! (Tribute to Sophia Wilansky’s bravery) – Savage InDios


11-24-16 ~ #NoDAPL 21-year-old activist Sophia Wilansky, who was injured during the standoff at Standing Rock – WOW Videos

11-24-16 ~ day of giving thanks – Lolly Be Healing

11-24-16 ~ Standing Rock Leader Calls on Obama to Halt #DAPL After Police Brutality Leaves MANY Injured – The Humanist Report


11-23-16 ~ coming to camp now – Lolly Be Healing

11-23-16 ~ Trauma – Lolly Be Healing

11-23-16 ~ Why I Stand With Standing Rock (As a Christian Pastor and Human Being) – lifeissankofa

11-23-16 ~ Road Trip from Training camp to #StandingRock #NoDAPL – Bill O’Brien

11-23-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors Aren’t Going Anywhere – TYT Politics

11-23-16 ~ Standing Rock Medic Fearful That REAL Bullets Are Next – TYT Politics

11-23-16 ~ A call for veterans to go to Standing Rock? – David Soto Jr.

11-23-16 ~ Veteran Activist Gives His Perspective Of The Conflict Over DAPL | APTN News – APTN National News

11-23-16 ~ First Hand Account: Water Protector recounts attack on Sophia Wilansky – Oceti Sakowin Camp

11-23-16 ~ The police at DAPL and Standing Rock wouldn’t speak to us! (Adventure Photo Show_03) – Adventure Photo

11-23-16 ~ Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council Press Release Tuesday, Nov 22 @ 354pm – Jill Stein for President Booster Club

11-23-16 ~ WOW! Dakota Access Pipeline continues #NoDAPL 📢 📢 ♫•📢 ⏩ SHARE!!! PROFITS OVER PEOPLE! – WOW Videos

11-23-16 ~ #NoDAPL Video Evidence: Water protectors recovered explosive canisters thrown by police – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-23-16 ~ #NoDAPL Happy Thanksgiving (The Dragon’s Flood) – AnonymousXenc

11-23-16 ~ Standing Rock Special: Dakota Excess Pipeline? Media & Water Protectors Face Strip Searches, Jail – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx


11-23-16 ~ A call for veterans to go to Standing Rock? – David Soto Jr.


11-23-16 ~Standing Rock Pipeline Protest (Jacob Green – Leave my soul behind) – Growth Productions

11-23-16 ~ Unicorn Riot: North Dakota Deploys Armed Forces to Force Dakota Access Pipeline Onto Treaty Land – Unicorn Riot

11-23-16 ~ DAPL CEO Admits to Nothing [States No Burial Sites Found] – N8tiv3 J0k3R

11-23-16 ~ Inside Standing Rock – What is Dakota Access Pipeline? – The Vegan Zombie

11-22-16 ~ Obama, Media No Help on Dakota Access Pipeline – Progressive News with Tim Black

11-22-16 ~ One Man’s Fears for Standing Rock | The Daily 360 | The New York Times- NY Times

11-22-16 ~ #NoDAPL Sophia Wilansky AIM Press Conference – Shaun Sutton JamPony Productions

11-22-16 ~ Wayne Wilansky, Sophia Wilansky’s Father, Reports about her injuries – Neeta Lind

11-22-16 ~ #NoDAPL Sophia Wilansky AIM Press Conference – Shaun Sutton JamPony Productions

11-22-16 ~ Talking to the police about the Standing Rock protest (NoDAPL) – Adventure Photo

11-22-16 ~ Standing Rock – Drone Footage 11/22/16 – Water Cannon Site – North Dakota’s Infamous Law Officials – Valley Forge Network

11-22-16 ~ NODALP: Veterans are coming to support the Standing Rock tribe – Disabled War Vet

11-22-16 ~ APTN Reporter Talks About The Rising Tensions Over DAPL Pipeline | APTN – APTN National News

11-22-16 ~ #NoDAPL Midnite Express song for Sophia Wilansky – Shaun Sutton JamPony Productions

11-22-16 ~ WOW! A couple of quick updates and a request. #WorldWaterOne #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife – WOW Videos

11-22-16 ~ They are Breaking the Law #NoDAPL – MoTiV

11-22-16 ~ Activist faces arm amputation, DAPL police accused of firing grenade – RT America

11-22-16 ~ Father Dakota Access Pipeline Protest victim speaks from hospital about daughters injuries – New York Daily News

11-22-16 ~ Sophia Wilansky’s Father’s Statement | INTENSIONAL ACT! | STOP OIL POLICE – 411 TRUTH

11-22-16 ~ Father Of Daughter Injured At Dakota Protest: Police Threw At Grenade At Her | NBC News

11-22-16 ~ Pipeline Protester Could Lose Arm, Authorities Deny Involvement – Wochit News

11-22-16 ~ Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council Press Release: Tuesday, Nov. 22 @ 3:54pm – Jaden Tuma

11-22-16 ~ Standing Rock Protector’s Arm Mangled By Oil Police – TYT Politics

11-22-16 ~ 30yr EMS vet condemns MCSD-Standing Rock – Native Momma

11-22-16 ~ Kendrick Eagle Message to Obama | Please Share| Mni Wiconi – 411 TRUTH

11-22-16 ~ Emilys Story – Lolly Be Healing

11-21-16 ~ Reality of Standing Rock – Nomadic Skye

11-21-16 ~ At Standing Rock North Dakota “A War Zone” video by Jose Rivera 11/21/16 – Jose Rivera

11-21-16 ~ #DAKOTA 100+ Injured, 400 Trapped, Militarised Police Water Cannon & Gas #DAPL Protesters – Enchanted LifePath TV Alternative News & Media LTD

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Update – Natives Met With Violence – Anonymous

11-21-16 ~ Medical doctors/nurses report on Standing Rock – Native Momma

11-21-16 ~ Corporate Media Disregards Oil Police Brutality – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Morton County Sets Fire Around Water Protectors – Native Momma

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock – Update after last nights clash – Many Injuries – RevRadmedia

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/21/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-21-16 ~ WOW! #noDAPL – WOW Videos

11-21-16 ~ Nov 20, 2016 Confrontation at Standing Rock – Guillermo Camarena

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Livestream from this morning #NoDAPL – B. Johnson

11-21-16 ~ Human Rights violations continue Mon Nov. 21,2016 – Native Momma

11-21-16 ~ 400 DAPL protesters ‘trapped on bridge’ as police fire tear gas, water cannon – Protect Mother Earth

11-21-16 ~ Water protectors are done with the military-style barricades.

11-21-16 Police are firing water cannons at protectors in freezing temperatures – Native American Life

11-21-16 ~ BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Kevin Gilbertt – Oceti Sakowin Camp – 11/21/2016 – The Real World

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Protectors Speak Out After Oil Police ASSAULT – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Kevin Gilbertt – Live @ NODAPL (p8) – Jason Stengren

11-21-16 ~ 60 Days Out From Inauguration: On Standing Rock, DAPL Protests w Arn Menconi – Sane Progressive

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/21/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Update – Natives Met With Violence – Anonymous

11-21-16 ~ DAPL’s Worst Nightmare: Big Oil EXPOSED By Whistleblower – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Close Down Downtown Bismark, ND! | #Nodapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-21-16 ~ A Medic’s Account of Violence | November 20th – 21st at Standing Rock – Oceti Sakowin Camp
Interview and footage from events at Standing Rock from November 20th – 21st 2016 at Standing Rock. The medic in this interview speaks to the violence that occurred last night as the riot police and the national guard used a spray cannon to drench the Water Protectors for 9 hours in freezing temperatures. Tear gas canisters were launched at us one after another. Rubber bullets were fired at us, as well as sand bags. The Protectors stood strong, stayed calm and maintained good spirits, holding the bridge until at least 1:30 am.

11-21-16 ~ GRAPHIC | Water Protector Arm Blown Appart by DAPL Police Granade | Sophia Wilansky |- 411 TRUTH

11-21-16 ~ A Medic’s Account of Violence | November 20th – 21st at Standing Rock – Oceti Sakowin Camp
Interview and footage from events at Standing Rock from November 20th – 21st 2016 at Standing Rock. The medic in this interview speaks to the violence that occurred last night as the riot police and the national guard used a spray cannon to drench the Water Protectors for 9 hours in freezing temperatures. Tear gas canisters were launched at us one after another. Rubber bullets were fired at us, as well as sand bags. The Protectors stood strong, stayed calm and maintained good spirits, holding the bridge until at least 1:30 am.

11-21-16 ~ GRAPHIC | Water Protector Arm Blown Appart by DAPL Police Granade | Sophia Wilansky |- 411 TRUTH

11-20-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors – Preparing For Winter: How You Can Help #Stopthepipelines – Proper Gander

11-20-16 ~ Protesters Trapped on Bridge | Hit with Water Canons, Tear Gas & Rubber Bullets 11.20.2016 – The Gentleman Bad Boy

11-20-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors Attacked – Kevin Gilbertt Livestream 1 – dgSolidarity

11-20-16 ~ 400 DAPL protesters ‘trapped on bridge’ as police fire tear gas, water cannon #NoDAPL – High Tech News

11-20-16 ~ DAPL protesters ‘trapped on bridge’ as police fire tear gas, rubber bullets – #NoDAPL – USA TV Live



11-20-16 ~ Police Start To Move In | #NoDapl Archives

11-20-16 ~ Frontline Being Taken | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-20-16 ~ Police Start To Move In | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-20-16 ~ Standing Rock – Solutionary Productions

11-20-16 ~ #NoDAPL Bismarck, ND – Native American Life

11-20-16 ~ Wells Fargo, Bismarck ND NOW 4th st. & Thayer – Native American Life


11-20-16 ~ #NoDAPL Live On The Frontline Bridge – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-20-16 ~ Standing Rock Protectors attempt to clear Hwy 1806 – lba10

11-20-16 ~ Nov 20, 2016 Confrontation at Standing Rock – Guillermo Camarena

SPECIAL REPORT ~ Police Shoot Water Cannons on Protectors in Subzero Weather. Girl May Lose Arm From Concussion Grenade Blast

Kristeen Irigoyen_Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


11-20-16 ~ Kevin Gilbertt reporting live
The confrontation began after one of the burned military vehicles the police chained to concrete barriers weeks ago to keep Highway 1806 “Back Water Bridge” north of the Oceti Sakowin camp in North Dakota which was blocked on October 27. Water protectors who were tired of it blocking the highway and “done with the military-style barricades tried to remove the burned military vehicles with a semi-truck. A fire was set on the bridge by projectiles aimed at Water Protectors by Militarized Police when they extinguished the fire out however Militarized Police blocked the both exits off the bridge and formed a line with armored vehicles, concrete barriers, and razor wire. Police began hosing down the unarmed crowd with a water cannon at subzero temps. Tear gas, mace, concussion grenades, rubber bullets and LRAD High Frequency Microwave Sound Devices, Stinger Grenades, and firing allegedly *less-lethal* rounds aimed directly at unarmed Water Protectors who are boxed in, trapped and cannot get off the bridge. Medics are being detained and cannot give aid to Water Protectors who are vomiting and urinating on themselves because of the chemical warfare. One of the reporters had their press badge shot off when shot in the abdomen with a rubber bullet.

The corporate police state is using hypothermia inducing water AGAINST the #Peaceful #Prayerful #WaterProtectors in subzero temperatures. Water Protectors soaked by water cannons causing serious loss of body temperature.

(The 2 following Water Cannon photos are not Standing Rock)

UPDATE: An 2 unidentified elders is in critical condition as the result of going into cardiac arrest at the scene of a major confrontation between about 400 water protectors and heavily militarized law enforcement. 200 injured, 7 head wounds, 4 people have been treated for hypothermia, 1 broken arm, broken fingers lots of people with contusions on chests and body, several people shot in the face by rubber bullets bleeding profusely and several people extremely injured.

According to spokesperson Dallas Goldtooth an Indigenous Environmental Network organizer who wrote on his Facebook page: “It was to open up the road so in the daylight the world can see the face of militarized law enforcement and state oppression.”


Rudy TwoMoon… Earlier today, I shared a post from the violence from Standing Rock!!! It was a bloody photo of, a girl in a vehicle with a huge hole in her arm, exposing the bone. Facebook has since, pulled those photo’s. ** It is with heavy heart, I recieved information, she was rushed to a trauma center. Her family has asked, that we all send up individual prayers for her. **

UPDATE: 11-22-16 21 year old Water Protector Warrior Woman “Sohpia Wilansky”



Young Peaceful Praying Water Protector Warrior Woman was Shot by Terrorist Militarized Police ~ Doctors had to Amputate her Arm



11-22-16 ~ Father Of Daughter Injured At Dakota Protest: Police Threw At Grenade At Her | NBC News

Shot in the head and back Morton County No Dakota Militarized Police

Shot in the hand by Morton County No Dakota Militarized Police

IMPORTANT UPDATE FROM THE FBI on Standing Rock protectors/victims:

ALL victims from last night need to call 800-225-5324. You have to report attempted murder/genocide, whatever other police assaults and Hate crimes you were subjected to. Press 1 for English, then listen to the list and then they will ask you to press 9. You will get an agent.

They will take your call. However each individual must call. No one else is allowed to report it. The female agent said they are standing by.


White House Situation Room 202-456-9431
White House Online Contact https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact
FBI 202-324-3000, Option 4, report of civil rights violations
Department of Justice comment line at 202-353-1555
Department of Justice Switchboard 202-353-2000
US Department of Justice https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice
National Guard Public Affairs 701-333-2006
National Guard http://www.ndguard.ngb.army.mil/contact/Pages/default.aspx
No. Dakota Attorney General 701-328-4726
No. Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple 701-328-2200
No. Dakota Gov. Contact https://www.governor.nd.gov/contact-us
Morton County Sheriff’s Dept. 701-667-3330
Red Cross Disaster Services: 844-292-7677
Media Contact: 701-364-1800 Ext. 2019
Red Cross Military Services: 877-272-7337
Red Cross General Programs and Services: 800-252-6746

WendyCarrillo…. Tonight, I held a young man’s hands after pouring milk of magnesia into his eyes as he cried and wailed in pain after being a victim of a violent tear gas attack. I was making my way to the front lines carrying a backpack with goggles, water, ear plugs, hand warmers, a blanket and many other items that have become necessary in fighting against a militarized force that only protects the interests of an oil pipeline. I saw a medic in a minivan yelling for people to get out of the way as she transported this young man in the crowded back seat. I could see he was in incredible pain, “I have milk of magnesia!” I yelled at her. “GET IN THE VAN!” she yelled back at me. So I jumped into the front seat to help him. “Don’t worry, I got you!” I told him, the van making its way through the bumpy road as I leaned from the front seat to the back. “You’re gonna be fine!” yelled Holly, a first responder in her everyday life. “What’s your name? Blink your eyes” I told the young man. “I don’t want to say, I don’t want to go to the hospital, I’m from Australia, I’ll get deported,” he said back to me in tears and in pain. “Don’t worry, no one here is gonna deport you.” I assured him as we made our way down the hundreds of flags that make up the entrance of the camp. A whirlwind of thoughts swirled through my mind on our current immigration system, the incoming president, the thousands detained in detention centers, the fight for justice and what that fight looks like across this county. Just so many thoughts as I reassured this young man as he cried out in pain. Soon, we were at the medic tent and he was taken in. Holly and I grabbed masks to pass out and we headed back in. Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/zkwbszs

A young native man from the Ojibwe nation, reports being openly targeted by a police officer using “non-lethal” weapons to cause serious harm. “He shot me with a rubber bullet right in the belly button, and when I showed him that he had hurt me, he just smiled and shot both my kneecaps.”

David Standing Oak … If you were born in this country as a white person in a wealthy family you were born with lots of privilege. When you were going to school you heard about freedom, democracy and the great history of this country. I know it is hard, but a lot of people in this country need to step out from that lie. Germany does not have a great history but they are dealing with it, US needs to do the same. I know that some of my white american friends here in US keep on living in a lie. It is time to move forward and step out from that lie.

It’s not the first time I am talking about this issue, but it needs to be repeated more then one time. What happened here at Standing Rock, ND is a shame for USA, this is a shame for Barack Obama, and it’s a shame for the western world that is talking about the “democracy in America”. All of my American friends should also be ashamed if they are not Standing with the native people of this country. It’s time to take action now, its time to do something, be on the right side of history. Because the white people have not been on the right side of history in the USA. The white people continue the colonization of the native people of this continent, they keep reproducing the racism and currently the local police department is protecting a billion dollar company that actually is breaking the law and digging without permits. This is environmental racism, Mandan and Bismarck were saying no to Dakota Access Pipeline #nodapl, but are okay with it in native american land. Two cities with a big white population saying no to the pipeline in their backyard, but they manage to fight and use tax payer funds to get police to push the pipeline through the land of the native people. When Standing Rock wants to protect their water the local state brought in the national guard.

We can’t just blame individuals, this system keeps people unknowledgeable about the past and the system’s reproducing racism when people don’t learn the accurate hiystory about an entire population. We are deprived of knowing about the still ongoing genocide and dehumanization of the native people, and as global people at Standing Rock, we are shocked that this brutality is supported and ordered by the government. You can’t understand what is happening here if you don’t know the history, you can’t understand what happens here if you haven’t been here. Even if you have been here more than a month, talking with hundreds of native people that all carry historical trauma, you still can’t understand 100 % what is going on here and how it feels for the natives that have been struggling. The situation at Standing Rock is a human rights violation that gives benefits to corporations, and undermines not just the native people, but the thousands of American citizens who are in solidarity with native people at Standing Rock. We should all be ashamed that we have let the indigenous people of this country be treated this badly for so long.

My question for many of you is”What part of “Peaceful Protectors” don’t you understand?” The “Oppressors” hearts have been hardened by their life experiences, We pray for their hearts to be softened and opened to the wrongs they are doing”, not to bring more violence to an already bad


Connie Jens … See the icicles on the razor wire? And the razor wire boxed in the water protectors as the water canons, rubber bullets, and tear gas was aimed directly at the water ptotectors like shooting fish in a barrel at such close range that people were severely injured.


Elizabeth Weaver … Water froze to turn something horrendous into something beautiful. This picture perfectly captures the current state of things. At first glance, one may see a beautiful sun and frozen branches, but upon further inspection, it’s a scene of hidden man made dangers illuminated by an artificial light.


VanAsperen Tom …They were beating this guy with the water cannons like crazy in a bunch of video’s.


Tonya Matherly… Lastrealindians…
1868 Treaty Territory, Highway 1806 North of the Big Camp. Our signal was preventing us from going live.

Tonight protectors faced cold water being sprayed on them in freezing temps, explosions (concussion grenades, flash bangs) rocked their core, LRADs attacked their ears, people are being maced into a writhing painful state, loud pops and screams of pain as they’re hit with rubber bullets which can kill if they hit the head, they are delirious, at risk of shock, hypothermia, over 130 victims of police brutality tonight. The protectors should be honored, they should be lauded, not scapegoated, not laterally oppressed or thrown under the bus. Everyday is another fight. This fight is about water and a corporations right to buy police protection in stripping citizens of constitutional, civil & human rights. #NoDAPL. This is our future. The people will fight the corporations until we wake up. This is our America now. Trump is on deck. Something is different with this energy.


Daidre Jimenez … What a beautiful sight and inspiring internationally historic place and time seen in these photos!!! We are experiencing a monumental movement supported by our First Nations and indigenous peoples from all over the world, as well as many nationalities from many courntry’s all for a common purpose….to save the water and soil from corporate destruction!! It is a great time to be alive and witness this beautiful coming together as one people, one nation, one love!!

Shanti Admi… my name is yves Matter , i have now 57, i am from Geneva in Switzerland , i can’t go back in usa to stand with my natives brothers & Sisters . In 2011 i married Carolyn ( Apache woman from White Mountain Apache tribe ) i stay 4 days without visa , after i go and back few time .

In 2013 we take a plane to Chicago to stay in america and have a better life but us immigration take me and my wife 7 hours for make file , and put me back to my country with bracelet and three big guys accompagned me in the plane attached in a police car !!!
my wife cry and cry , she stay alone in this airport and i never see her from this day !

three years now and i am a criminal , banished for “10” years ……
i am strong and i stand with you Brothers and Sisters
Peace and Freedom — at Palais Des Nations Unis , Genève


Frank Archambault, member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe from Little Eagle, South Dakota … “They’re using that barricade as an excuse for us not to be able to lawfully protest. We got word that the drill is now on the pad so tensions are high right now.”

Keith A. Rubino … I don’t like to post pictures like this. But for those who don’t understand Rubber Bullets and what’s going on? This is what is happening. It’s quite sad because the videos clearly show these people peaceful. Water being hosed onto them in sub freezing temps. Hypothermia for those of you playing the home game.

The Pipeline isn’t about just water now. It’s about the way police forces are treating HUMAN BEINGS. This hurts my soul at a very deep level.


Lolly Bee… look at the size of these rubber bullets!they were being shot from a few feet away and can cause a lot of damage to the body. I know people whose fingers were broken and whose rib was broken and who got massive bruises with potential of internal bleeding.

There is also a theme going on I have observed of the masculine against the feminine energies. These bullets are also quite phallic as was the continuous spraying of us with streams of water last night. This stand for the earth is about empowering the feminine because the masculine has dominiated for millenia. When people disconnected from honoring the feminine energies of creation and harmony, people began acting more destructive to the earth. The masculine expression of dominance and taking has become imbalanced in the world. The laying of a pipeline to steal the nectar of oil from the earths body is also symbolic of the masculine raping the feminine. We are here to remind people to honor Mother Earth and the sacred water.

We are born in the water and women monthly shed blood which has water in it. The water carries the meaning of emotions in many traditions. The water is often portrayed as feminine and the fire as masculine. These energies are within each one of us, they are not limited by the gender of bodies, this is a deeper and more abstract presence of opposites, duality. May we return to balance among all of these energies and elements.

How else do you notice the relationship between masculine and feminine energies and any imbalance?


Maria D Michael‎ … Please pray for all the people. What happened last night is an American massacre again… to all people of all races.

We were there and came home last night. Oceti Sakowin was so peaceful and all the people, all the races, from countries all over the world were helping each other, working as one.

These AMERICAN CITIZENS in 25 degrees cold, were unarmed, and fired upon with tear gas, concussion grenades, water hoses, sound cannons and rubber bullets for hours.

Wake up President Obama.. We are citizens that are being attacked on our own land in America and on Native Land. The world is appalled, call the White House situation room at 202-456-9431 to make your voice heard. We all must work together as one.


Daphne Singingtree … Medic teams were working until 5am, over 169 confirmed casualties,17 taken to the hospital, including a cardiac arrest after being attacked by the police. A number of injuries from rubber bullets, concussion grenades, hypothermia from being sprayed with water cannons in freezing temperatures. The medic teams at Standing Rock are incredibly dedicated people working without breaks under brutal conditions, there is limited warm spaces, and not enough trained medics for these kinds of numbers of injured. Hypothermia needs not only rewarming, but vital signs checked, care, attention, and time. This action depleted the supplies and overwhelmed the teams. Please help.

Supply list for medical teams.
Emergency Blankets
Wool blankets
Hand Warmers
Wool socks
Warm Hats
Thermal Underwear
Bath Towels
Insulation and building supplies
Straw bales
Lowes & Amazon Gift cards
Wood stoves, pipes, and related supplies.
Suture Sets and other specific medical supplies contact me for updated list.
Money for yurts, Gers or warm structures. Zaniyan Wellness at Rosebud is working out of a car canopy, insulated with cardboard. We will be getting a yurt, but not up yet.

Physical donations can be mailed to

Zaniyan Wellness, Daphne Singingtree PO Box 205, Cannonball, ND 58528

In Eugene area donations can be dropped off at my house 2740 Shirley Street to get on the next run.

Financial tax deductible donations can be sent to zaniyan.org and will be used at Standing Rock.



11-22-16 ~ Dakota Access pipeline protester ‘may lose her arm’ after police standoff
Sophia Wilansky, 21, was seriously injured after being hit by projectile when officers threw less-than-lethal weapons at demonstrators.

11-22-16 ~ Officials Defend Dousing Pipeline Protesters With Water in Subfreezing Weather
Authorities on Monday defended their decision to douse protesters with water during a skirmish in subfreezing weather near the Dakota Access oil pipeline, and organizers said at least 17 protesters were taken to the hospital — including some who were treated for hypothermia.

11-22-16 ~ Call for DOJ Observers in North Dakota as DAPL Activists Face Severe Injuries, Arrests
“Woman hit by concussion grenade may lose her arm. Way past time for federal observers at Standing Rock.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Police Attack Protesters Again: ‘He Just Smiled and Shot Both My Kneecaps’
The ‘water defenders’ trying to stop an oil pipeline were hit with water cannons that turned to ice in the frigid temperatures as rubber bullets and tear gas flew. It didn’t stop them from coming back though.

11-21-16 ~ Water Protector in Critical Condition After DAPL Police Grenade Blew Apart Her Arm
A young water protector faces possible amputation thanks to a police concussion grenade.

11-21-16 ~ Leader of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Calls On Obama to Halt Pipeline After Violent Clash
The leader of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe called on President Barack Obama to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline today, after a clash last night that protest organizers say left 17 people hospitalized and scores more injured after law enforcement unleashed water, rubber bullets and tear gas on demonstrators in below-freezing temperatures near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.

11-21-16 ~ BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Pipeline: Protesters Soaked With Water in Freezing Temperatures
Tear gas, freezing cold water and rubber bullets were used to disperse a crowd of 400 protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline in clashes late Sunday and early Monday that left more than 150 activists and one law enforcement officer injured.

11-21-16 ~ Police defend use water cannons on Dakota Access protesters in freezing weather
Authorities on Monday defended their decision to douse protesters with water during a skirmish in subfreezing weather near the Dakota Access oil pipeline, and organizers said at least 17 protesters were taken to the hospital — including some who were treated for hypothermia.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock caravan leaves from Port Townsend
t is Standing Rock or bust for the 30 or so members of the Standing with Standing Rock Thanksgiving Caravan, which is scheduled to embark this morning from Port Townsend on a 1,350-mile journey to the site of a protest camp in North Dakota.

11-21-16 ~ UN condemns abuse of Standing Rock water protesters
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association Maina Kiai issued a blistering condemnation on November 15 of the militarized response to the Standing Rock water protectors’ peaceful protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Protests Escalate As Police Attack Activists With Water Cannons In Freezing Weather Call for More National Guard Troops
Standing Rock activists faced a new wave of assault from law enforcement agencies as officers sprayed them with paper spray, fired rubber bullets at them, and blasted them with water cannons in freezing weather.

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock protest: hundreds clash with police over Dakota Access Pipeline
Protesters opposing the controversial pipeline reported being hit with teargas, rubber bullets and percussion grenades during the standoff

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Access pipeline protesters congregate again at bridge after overnight clashes with police
The Latest on the protest against the Dakota Access oil pipeline. (all times local): 11:15 a.m. Dakota Access oil pipeline protesters are congregating again at a shut-down bridge on a state highway near their camp in southern North Dakota where they clashed with law officers overnight.

11-20-16 ~ Hundreds of Water Protectors Injured as Police Fire Water Cannons In Freezing Tempertures

11-20-16 ~ At least 167 injured by police at Standing Rock. #NoDAPL
Tonight, I held a young man’s hands after pouring milk of magnesia into his eyes as he cried and wailed in pain after being a victim of a violent tear gas attack.


11-20-16 ~ CBS NY – Police, Protesters Face Off On Bridge In Dakota Access Pipeline Protest
Police were firing water cannons and tear gas at the protesters, and had arrested at least one person late Sunday

11-22-16 ~ Father Dakota Access Pipeline Protest victim speaks from hospital about daughters injuries – New York Daily News

11-22-16 ~ Sophia Wilansky’s Father’s Statement | INTENSIONAL ACT! | STOP OIL POLICE – 411 TRUTH

11-22-16 ~ Pipeline Protester Could Lose Arm, Authorities Deny Involvement – Wochit News

11-22-16 ~ Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council Press Release: Tuesday, Nov. 22 @ 3:54pm – Jaden Tuma

11-22-16 ~ Standing Rock Protector’s Arm Mangled By Oil Police – TYT Politics

11-22-16 ~ 30yr EMS vet condemns MCSD-Standing Rock – Native Momma

11-22-16 ~ Kendrick Eagle Message to Obama | Please Share| Mni Wiconi – 411 TRUTH

11-21-16 ~ #DAKOTA 100+ Injured, 400 Trapped, Militarised Police Water Cannon & Gas #DAPL Protesters – Enchanted LifePath TV Alternative News & Media LTD

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Update – Natives Met With Violence – Anonymous

11-21-16 ~ Medical doctors/nurses report on Standing Rock – Native Momma

11-21-16 ~ Corporate Media Disregards Oil Police Brutality – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Morton County Sets Fire Around Water Protectors – Native Momma

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock – Update after last nights clash – Many Injuries – RevRadmedia

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/21/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-21-16 ~ WOW! #noDAPL – WOW Videos

11-21-16 ~ Nov 20, 2016 Confrontation at Standing Rock – Guillermo Camarena

11-21-16 ~ Human Rights violations continue Mon Nov. 21,2016 – Native Momma

11-21-16 ~ 400 DAPL protesters ‘trapped on bridge’ as police fire tear gas, water cannon – Protect Mother Earth

11-21-16 ~ Water protectors are done with the military-style barricades.

11-21-16 Police are firing water cannons at protectors in freezing temperatures – Native American Life

11-21-16 ~ BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Protectors Speak Out After Oil Police ASSAULT – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Kevin Gilbertt – Live @ NODAPL (p8) – Jason Stengren

11-21-16 ~ 60 Days Out From Inauguration: On Standing Rock, DAPL Protests w Arn Menconi – Sane Progressive

11-21-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/21/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-21-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Update – Natives Met With Violence – Anonymous

11-21-16 ~ DAPL’s Worst Nightmare: Big Oil EXPOSED By Whistleblower – TYT Politics

11-21-16 ~ Close Down Downtown Bismark, ND! | #Nodapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-20-16 ~ Protesters Trapped on Bridge | Hit with Water Canons, Tear Gas & Rubber Bullets 11.20.2016 – The Gentleman Bad Boy

11-20-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors Attacked – Kevin Gilbertt Livestream 1 – dgSolidarity

11-20-16 ~ 400 DAPL protesters ‘trapped on bridge’ as police fire tear gas, water cannon #NoDAPL – High Tech News



11-20-16 ~ Police Start To Move In | #NoDapl Archives


11-20-16 ~ Frontline Being Taken | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV

11-20-16 ~ Police Start To Move In | #NoDapl Archives – Uprising TV


11-20-16 ~ #NoDAPL Live On The Frontline Bridge – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-20-16 ~ Standing Rock Protectors attempt to clear Hwy 1806 – lba10

Video’s #NoDAPL – Nov. 11–15, 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s
2016 You Tube Video Archive
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

11-15-16 ~ Susan Sarandon, Anti-DAPL Rally, Los Angeles, 11/15/16 – Truth Justice

11-15-16 ~ Educating Bismarck police and citizens about Indigenous issues – J Grady

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/15/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-15-16 ~ Skipped Class….and went to DAPL Protest (Portland) 11/15/2016 – Yeon Woo Kim

11-15-16 ~ Video from Red Warrior Camp – Native American Life

11-15-16 ~ #NoDAPL Day of Action – Denver, CO – Nov. 15, 2016 – Alex Sandberg

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/14/16? – Lavonne Cox

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock Update – Jed Ramos

11-15-16 ~ 11/15/16 : DAPL protest at U.S. Army Corps HQ for #NoDAPL National Day of Action – Nicki Mayo


11-15-16 ~ Police Surround Vehicles #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-15-16 ~ Cops Raiding Vehicles #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-15-16 ~ UWN – Social Media Censorship, Day of Action, Police Swarm Standing Rock Journalists – DAHBOO77

11-15-16 ~ Inventor Of Pepper Spray:‘It’s Being Misused’! Not meant to shut people up! ! – 411 TRUTH

11-15-16 ~ #NoDAPL – Shut it Down Hwy 6 Dig Site – GoPro video #2 11/11/16 – inLeague Press

11-15-16 ~ #NoDAPL – Shut it Down Hwy 6 Dig Site – GoPro video #3 -THE Great Escape – inLeague Press

11-15-16 ~ Pres. Obama Kicks DAPL Can Down The Road – TYT Politics

11-15-16 ~ #nodapl : People “Talk” About This Violence In North Dakota | All Of This Because Trump – USA Trending Videos

11-15-16 ~ Judiciary racism in ND court room – Native Momma

11-15-16 ~ #nodapl : People “Talk” About This Violence In North Dakota | All Of This Because Trump – USA Trending Videos

11-15-16 ~ Tio’tia:ke call to action NODAPL – nodapl solidaritymtl

11-15-16 ~ NoDAPL OLB StevensPoint 3 – Green-Peoples Media

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock – 11/15/16 Cops raiding vehicles – Red Warrior Camp #NoDAPL – Valley Forge Network

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/15/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-15-16 ~ Petaluma, California stands with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe – Native American Life

11-15-16 ~ #Nodapl Protest In Downtown Columbus – Uprising TV

11-15-16 ~ Water Protectors arrived at DAPL construction site this morning on HWY 6 – Native American Life

11-15-16 ~ The National Gaurd Stands With Morton County Police #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-15-16 ~ Police Closing In #Nodapl – Uprising TV


11-15-16 ~ Iron Eyes addresses the Dakota Access Pipeline during a sold out TEDx event in Charlottesville, VA. – Native American Life

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock: Dakota Pipeline Protests Happening Now NATIONWIDE – Protect Mother Earth

11-15-16 ~ Biker Tries To Intimate Myron Dewey! – Uprising TV

11-15-16 ~ Dapl Man Camp – Uprising TV


11-15-16 ~ #Nodapl Update With Myron Dewey – Uprising TV

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/15/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-15-16 ~ Militarized Police Raid #NoDAPL Vehicle’s 11/15/16 UNCONSTITUTIONAL! – 411 TRUTH

11-15-16 ~ UWN – Social Media Censorship, Day of Action, Police Swarm Standing Rock Journalists – DAHBOO77

11-15-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/15/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-14-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/14/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-14-16 ~ Water Protectors: They brought the battle to us, we’ll bring it to them – Rod Webber

11-14-16 ~ 10/14/16 Bismark, ND #Nodapl – Uprising TV

11-14-16 ~ The Heat: Dakota Access Pipeline PT 1 – CCTV America

11-14-16 ~ The Heat: Dakota Access Pipeline PT 2 –

11-14-16 ~ DAPL tries to run down Water Protectors with Truck – Rob Webber

11-14-16 ~ DAPL use baseball bats to intimidate Water Protectors – Rod Webber

11-14-16 ~ DAPL worker Wreckless Driving @ Water Protectors Intimidation November 14, 2016 – 411 TRUTH

11-14-16 ~ DAPL Trying to Run Over Protestors – Uprising TV

11-14-16 ~ Standing Rock Struggle Inspires New Independent Journalists – TYT Politics

11-14-16 ~ Inspiration from Standing Rock #NoDAPL The world is Watching – 411 TRUTH

11-14-16 ~ DAPL guy shows up for Water Protectors March 11 14 16 – Rod Webber

11-14-16 ~ What does Dakota Mean? Powerful TRUTH of America #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

11-14-16 ~ Water Protesters Occupied ND, Capital with Prayer – 411 TRUTH

11-14-16 ~ DAPL workers threaten Media and Peaceful Protectors with Metal Baseball Bat’s! 11/14/16 – 411 TRUTH

11-14-16 ~ What does Dakota Mean? Powerful TRUTH of America #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

11-14-16 ~ Water Protectors Are Confronted With Baseball bats! #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-14-16 ~ Still We Stand – Shannon Kring


11-14-16 ~ Standing Rock Struggle Inspires New Independent Journalists – Enterteinment

11-14-16 ~ #NoDapl FrontLines update 11/14/16 DAPL attempts to run over Protectors – 411 TRUTH

11-13-16 ~ DAPL Worker With Assault Rifle Infiltrates Standing Rock – Enterteinment

11-13-16 ~ Medicine Creek Treaty Tribes NoDAPL Rally, Tacoma WA – Native Daily Network – Native Daily Network

11-13-16 ~ Anonymous – IMPORTANT Breaking News #NoDAPL Dakota Access Pipeline Standing Rock – Leaked

11-13-16 ~ Obama Betrays ‘Standing Rock’ Water Protectors – 411 TRUTH

11-13-16 ~ #NoDapl 11/11/16 – Protectors Shut it Down! – Front Line GoPro – inLeague Press

11-13-16 ~ Standing Rock Rising Update – Native Momma

11-13-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Needs to Obtain Army Corps of Engineers Permit To Proceed – Kandi Mossett Todd Darling Films

11-13-16 ~ The Horse Nation sings at Standing Rock – Rod Webber

11-13-16 ~ Standing Up with Standing Rock (We Rise Again) – Larry Long

11-13-16 ~ 352 A Nation Built on Genocide Dispatches from the DAPL Protest – New Fall News

11-13-16 ~ Last Stand At Standing Rock – Eric Farmer


11-13-16 ~ 347 Indigenous Indignities at #DAPL & Rescinding Pay for Returning Vets – New Fall News

11-12-16 ~ Truck Driver Shoots At Water Protectors And Even Run Some Of Them Over! #Nodapl – Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ 11/12/16 #NoDapl Update – Uprising TV DAPL Running over people

11-12-16 ~ Dallas Standing With Standing Rock #nodapl Worldwide Movement – Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ Breaking! Water protectors holding down the space at Mandan, ND DAPL storage site – Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ #NoDapl Update Live In Mandan, ND – Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ Pipeline Protests Are Happening In Florida #NoSabalTrailPipeline – Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ Kill The Black Snake Rally In Chicago- Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ NoDAPL | Los Angeles CA | #BankExit – 411 TRUTH

11-12-16 ~ Dallas Standing With Standing Rock #nodapl Worldwide Movement – Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ #NoDapl Update – Uprising TV

11-12-16 ~ #NODAPL! DAPL Worker Pulls GUN on Protectors! – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-12-16 ~ Dapl worker fired shots at peaceful prayer – Đoàn Trần

11-12-16 ~ DAPL EXPOSED #3: YOUTH ARM BROKEN BY POLICE – Prolific The Rapper

11-12-16 ~ Standing Rock Water Protectors 11/11/16 – Lavonne Cox

11-12-16 ~ Full Video:DAPL Worker with HANDGUN! Cam 2 – 411 TRUTH

11-12-16 ~ Australia has arrived to standing rock! #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Blunt Truth, Standing Rock – dapl, dakota access pipe line is BAD for Water, Earth, People – thewonderdawg


11-11-16 ~ I’m going to North Dakota. #NoDAPL #StandWithStandingRock – Evan Raymond

11-11-16 ~ TYT – 11.11.16: Trump Presidency, Obama DAPL, Prop 64, George Zimmerman – – TYT Politics

11-11-16 ~ Riot Police make arrests north of Standing Rock (Live-stream) – Rod Webber

11-11-16 ~ STANDING ROCK a Dark Reality Must Watch!!! #StandingRock – J Grady

11-11-16 ~ Morton County BOLD LIES In Court! #NoDAPL – 411 TRUTH

11-11-16 ~ Standing Rock North Dakota Access Pipeline better audio – Ted Awesome

11-11-16 ~ NoDAPL shuts down Highway 6 in North Dakota (Live-stream) – Rod Webber

11-11-16 ~ #VeteranStandingRock Make a Stand, Veterans for Standing Rock – MaeWood Photography

11-11-16 ~ Chance – Lolly Be Healing

11-11-16 ~ #NoDAPL activists face off with law enforcement in North Dakota – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Cyrus – Lolly Be Healing

11-11-16 ~ Obama About To Declare Open Season On Standing Rock Water – The Young Turks

11-11-16 ~ Obama Betrays Standing Rock – The Big Picture RT

11-11-16 ~ 11-11-16 Standing Rock ND Police Line Red Warrior Camp – lba10

11-11-16 ~ Veterans March at Standing Rock Oceti Sakowin Camp #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Standing Rock – 11/11/16 1103am – Indigineous Peoples Update – Valley Forge Network


11-11-16 ~ BREAKING: #NoDAPL Water protectors have run into the construction site of the Dakota Access Pipeline – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ #NoDAPL Update 11.11.16 With Angelo Sison – DAPL Update – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-11-16 ~ #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Jordan LOSES IT On Obama’s DAPL Cowardice – TYT Politics

11-11-16 ~ Lt. Tom Iverson with the North Dakota Highway Patrol talks about #nodapl “riots” – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Direct Action happening! #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ #NODAPL Update, Strength through unity! – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-11-16 ~ #nodapl Live Update 3pm 11/11/16 – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Josh Fox – Did Obama “Sell Out” On The “Standing Rock” Pipeline? – The Big Picture RT

11-11-16 ~ Impose Sanctions For Crimes Against Humanity! – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Cops Rush Water Protectors #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Prayer Walks on the easement #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Direct Action happening! #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Dapl Mercenaries Moving in! #nodapl – Uprising TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsOQhA6S_Vw V

11-11-16 ~ #NoDAPL activists face off with law enforcement in North Dakota – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ Standing Rock Solidarity – hamishpatterson family

11-11-16 ~ Veterans Head To Standing Rock To Support ‘We The People’ – TheRealNews

11-11-16 ~ #NoDapl – Anonymous Portugal Internacional

11-11-16 ~ #NoDAPL – America’s Water & the ELITE – 4UTWO 2C

11-11-16 ~ Police Headed To Water Protectors To Protect Oil #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-11-16 ~ 100+ Water Protectors Stop DAPL construction! 11/11/16 – 411 TRUTH

11-11-16 ~ Riot Police make arrests north of Standing Rock on Veteran’s Day – 411 TRUTH

11-11-16 ~ Copy of standing rock solidarity – Lady Bones

11-11-16 ~ #NoDAPL – Shut it Down Hwy 6 Dig Site – GoPro video #1 11/11/16 – inLeague Press

Obama Keeping Unrest Alive

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


President Obama Takes Trump Matters Into His Own Hands, Launches This Investigation

The Obama administration is reviewing the Democratic Coalition’s investigative report highlighting ten “clear links” that the FBI failed to investigate about our President-elect’s business ties to Russia and to the regime of dictator Vladimir Putin’s regime. It’s named “The Dworkin Report.”

“The FBI missed at least 10 key connections between President-elect Trump and Russia when they conducted their investigation and concluded that our President-elect had no links to the country,” said Scott Dworkin, Senior Advisor to the Democratic Coalition and author of the report. “It is imperative that the American people be made aware of this information.” Continue Reading the full story

LOL, how convenient, no way did this all of a sudden come to light 2 days after the 2016 Presidential election. I call bullshit. Obama’s administration is *only now* reviewing the Democratic Coalition’s investigative report highlighting ten “clear links” the FBI failed to investigate about Trumps 250 registered business in Russia????

This new press release is more of the diversionary tactics keeping up the unrest we’ve seen during the entire campaign. The defeated Hillary is now pushing for the Purple Revolution, like it’s a freakin’ afterthought? No. This is all pre-planned resistance against efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies by supposedly uniting red and blue = purple; framing their agenda’s, manipulating given circumstance, factual and/or implied into pre-formed perspectives with the intent to influence by indoctrinating the public to their way of thinking. Black vs. White: is the RACE War – Organic vs. GMO/Chemical: is the Pesticide War – Fracking vs. Conventional Drilling: is the Oil War – Prescription Drugs vs. Alternative Medicines (Pharmaceuticals): is the War on Sickness – Men vs. Women: is the War of the Sexes – NRA vs. Gun Control: is the 2nd Amendment War – Christianity vs. Atheists/Agnostics/Muslim etc. the War on Religion. The principals of these *Wars* are established by invisible borders to cultivate and gain control of the public sector.

President Obama campaigned hard in 2008 for the votes of American Indians. He vowed his administration would pay special attention to their grievances about federal mismanagement and the government’s recurring neglect of treaty obligations.

OBAMA: “Few have been ignored by Washington for as long as Native Americans — the first Americans”

So why is Obama ignoring the 1st Nations Native American’s? Why is Obama refusing to stop the Energy Transfer Partners Dakota Access Pipeline in No. Dakota from desecrating Sacred Indian burial ground? Obama’s last days in office should be prosecuting the criminals threatening and destroying the water of millions of people and the violent attacks by government officials on peaceful Water Protectors at Standing Rock who are peaceably gathering and praying. Why did Obama say:

“I want to make sure everybody is exercising their constitutional rights be heard that both sides are refraining from situations that might results in people being hurt” ????

Why isn’t Obama stopping Militarized Police from beating people with batons; shootings to the face with rubber bullets and bean bags rounds; high voltage stuns guns held directly to Protectors bodies for prolonged periods of time, and Tasers with electrical pronged hooks incapacitating people; pepper spraying women and Elders; flash bang explosions permanently damaging hearing. Spirit Riders shot multiple times with rubber bullets from helicopters flying 15 feet over their heads. A 15 yr. old Spirit Rider’s horse killed, shot out from under him. Horse’s intentionally injured by police projectiles at close range, buffalo shot from helicopters and left to die in fields. Tipi’s and tents torn down, clothing and household items seized, then dumped along the roadside after being urinated on. Spiritual items lost or stolen; Eagle Feathers stomped on, a ceremonial drum appropriated and impounded?

Why were there over 473 felony arrests of peaceful, unarmed people worshiping in prayer circles and sweat lodges with no charges filed and no access to legal counsel; Medics barred from assisting the wounded, arrested, their medical equipment seized. Journalists taken into custody, cameras and equipment confiscated. Media blackouts, surveillance devises blocking transmission and reception signals. Protectors required to remove all clothing, forced to bend over, squat, and cough. Cavity searches took place in bathrooms and cells in full view of male and female guards then arrestee’s stuffed into dog kennels, numbers written on forearms keeping Nazi tradition alive. Mandatory DNA samples required, violating privacy and constitutional rights. Serious medical conditions went untreated and prescription medications withheld. Guard’s refusing to allow phone calls to attorney’s, denying access to the restroom, food, water or blankets which left people hungry, thirsty and without clothing to sleep on frigid concrete floors. Whose Constitutional Rights is Obama protecting?

And why is it while people were distracted by the corrupt, dishonest and incompetent Hillary Clinton and the orange headed misogynist racist buffoon Donald Trump, Obama approved two additional pipelines, the Trans-Pecos and Comanche Trail, going from Texas into Mexico? The United States is in the process of writing another disgraceful chapter in its history of relations with Indigenous Peoples and Obama is ignoring it.

I voted not once but twice for Obama and I’m thoroughly disappointed, disgusted and have lost all respect for this man. Obama has disgraced himself in the eyes of all First Nations people with his broken promises.

At the end of FY 2017 the gross US federal government debt is estimated to be $19.5 trillion, according to the FY17 Federal Budget.

2017 – The debt ceiling is currently set at $16.394 Trillion
09/30/2015 18,150,617,666,484.33
09/30/2014 17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/20005 674,178,209,886.86

In 2016 the U.S. dropped bombs: 49.8 percent (or 2,941 airstrikes) carried out in Iraq, and 50.2 percent (or 2,963 airstrikes) in Syria.

12,192 ~ Syria
12, 095 ~ Iraq
1,337 ~ Afghanistan
496 ~ Libya
35 ~ Yemen
14 ~ Somalia
3 ~ Pakistan

TOTAL 26,172

2015 U.S. bombs dropped: 23,144

1. Obama quadrupled the oil/gas/fracking production on Native lands, more than any other president in the past 100 years.
2. He showed up in Flint, drank a glass of water which pretty much said fuck you to the residents in Flint.
3. The Kalamazoo pipeline break happened under Obama’s watch, and he gave nothing more than a slap on the wrist to those responsible same with the gulf spill.
4. He opened up arctic drilling.
5. He also increased the uranium mining, mostly done on Native lands.
6. He cut Indian Health services by 8%, after promising only 2%.
7. He also increased oil rail cars from 10,000 to over 400,000 with tar sands oil.
8. Put boots on the ground in Syria , despite 16 times saying “no boots on the ground”.
9. Despite campaign pledges, planned a $1 trillion progam to add more nuclear weapons to the US arsenal in the next 30 years.
10. Dropped bombs in 7 Muslim countries; and then bragged about it .
11. Said, “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being.”
12. Bragged about his use of drones – I’m “really good at killing people”.
13. Deported a modern-record 2 million immigrants.
14. Signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law.
15. Started a new war in Iraq .
16. Initiated, and personally oversees a ‘Secret Kill List’.
17. Pushed for war on Syria while siding with al-Qaeda .
18. Backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
19. Supported Israel’s wars and occupation of Palestine.
20. Deployed Special Ops to 134 countries – compared to 60 under Bush.
21. Did a TV commercial promoting “clean coal”.
22. Drastically escalated the NSA spying program .
23. Signed the NDAA into law – making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.
24. Given Bush absolute immunity for everything.
25. Pushed for a TPP Trade Pact .
26. Started a new war on terror – this one on ISIS .
27. Signed more executive memoranda than any other president in history.
28. Sold $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.
29. Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia .
30. Opened a military base in Chile.
31. Touted nuclear power , even after the disaster in Japan.
32. Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.
33. Mandated the Insider Threat Program which orders federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues.
34. Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.
35. Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.
36. Launched 20,000 Airstrikes in his first term.
37. Continued Bush’s rendition program.
38. Said the U.S. is the “one indispensable nation” in the world.
39. Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.
40. Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.
41. Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.
42. Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.
43. Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.
44. Repealed the Propaganda ban, making it legal to spread government propaganda via news outlets.
45. Assassinated 4 US citizens with drone strikes.
46. Obama caught dumping 274 Veteran Soldiers cremated remains in King George County Virginia landfill

The U.S. pledged $38 billion military aid package to Israel signed by President Obama ($33 billion in FMF grants plus $5 billion in missile defense) over the course of 10 years (FY2019 to FY2028). This new MOU replaces the current $30 billion 10-year agreement signed by the Bush Administration that will expire in 2018.

Obama saying EXACTLY the same thing Trump has been saying for the past 2 years about illegal immigrants. It would be a shame for liberals if this was shared, wouldn’t it?

Mueller’s report looks bad for Obama ~ Fri April 19, 2019
The partisan warfare over the Mueller report will rage, but one thing cannot be denied: Former President Barack Obama looks just plain bad. On his watch, the Russians meddled in our democracy while his administration did nothing about it.

The Mueller report flatly states that Russia began interfering in American democracy in 2014. Over the next couple of years, the effort blossomed into a robust attempt to interfere in our 2016 presidential election. The Obama administration knew this was going on and yet did nothing. In 2016, Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice told her staff to “stand down” and “knock it off” as they drew up plans to “strike back” against the Russians, according to an account from Michael Isikoff and David Corn in their book “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump”.
Continue reading

#TheWorldIsWatching #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife

Dakota Pipeline Protest for Dummies ~ Rob Reiken

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe

Authored by Rob Reiken
Dakota Pipeline Protest for Dummies who do NOT understand what this is about. Six or so years ago when the BP Gulf Oil Spill happened, the native Indians put Barges in place to stop the oil flowing up their river but instead the Feds being the parasites they are didn’t allow this so “they” removed them. About 2 years after that there was a documentary exposing how many of those Indians are dying because of the contamination with no alternative but to use that water from the contaminated river to live.

Do realize that this is modern day Genocide? So once the government poisons the water, its then game over. The Government does this all the time through their LUV Child Corporations especially with a thing called Fracking contaminating all artesian based, Bore Ground Water.

So with this Dakota Pipeline they want to run it in through and across the river. American Government has proven itself time and again it doesn’t care to upgrade or repair its infrastructure; this has been proven with just about everything. Such as pipelines for the Nuclear Reactors which are leaking. The last recent bridge that fell down killing 16 and over 50,000 other bridges in need of repair. But “they” say they don’t have the money to fix them. They even intentionally put Pesticide in the water called Sodium Fluoride and Chemtrail the whole planet spraying from planes terraforming the earth. “They” always have plenty of money for military, and weapons of war but never enough to feed the poor. The government has traitor’s hidden within, and behind closed doors, in the shadows running it called Globalist, hijacking the whole system through, right down to mainstream media.

The 1st Nation realize if this pipeline is laid then it is a ticking time bomb before it fails just as has many before it have failed, doing irreversible environmental disaster.

Do realize there is no Circle Of Life without The Water Of Life. American Imperialism has resulted in the bloodiest Massacre in world’s history ever known, which is never taught in schools. Just ask yourselves why is that? Do the ones in power have something to hide? Like one word >Truth <. Around 100 million Natives slaughtered along with 60 million buffalo wiping out an entire species of Buffalo and all to kill the Indians food source. They are the wise ones who respect the land and killed for food, using it all and wasting none of it. The ones in power speak often with fork tongue who are Corrupt to The Core only working for the demise of humanity for a Plan called Agenda 21 Depopulation towards a Trans-humanist world.

Personally I will always stand with the Indians, Natives and Aboriginals opposing the greedy sold out vermin who rape the land for the all mighty dollar with destruction following resulting in wastelands. People need to wake up and realize the government cares nothing about human rights, only to enslave and loot our money by whatever means.

All I ask is for you all to OPEN YOUR EYES; Research, Educate yourself and Open your mind, because all around us the truth is mixed up in the lies to deceive so many of you. Give up your arms, then you’re as good as dead cause the power will do as it pleases when you can no longer can defend yourself.

Here’s a song I wrote some years back in regards to this matter…

(2nd Frett)
Verse 1.
In the time this land was few & there was peace
Then the white man came & changed all that
Outnumbered by so many men & guns, Where the Indians had no chance
Only to be driven so far away from their homeland.
To be given rugs as gifts to seal their fate
Spread the disease that will hit like wildfire to wipe them out
Didn’t take long to catch on n learn of white mans fork tongue
Only to feel the brunt of the dark side of man.

Do we not share the same laughter, Underneath these blue skies
Can we not learn to coexist as neighbors
Living side by side by side

Let the freedom bells of prosperity, Ring out for all of mankind
May we never forget the wrongs. History in past, it has done
For the history now written in the domains, of us all.

Verse 2.
Now they just wanted an existance, Of living of the land
To be denied to live among, A settlers land
Now once where forefathers lived, In prairies among wild buffalo
For all that may be left now, Is their spirits in the wind.
Now curse the darkness, & strike the light
For the wholly ghost, as this can never be right
Be done with all injustice, That be so wrong
Until all the toriture in these lands, Now let it end.

(To Chorus)……………………..

rob-reiken-nodapl-letourvoicesechoComposer: John Loughton (aka Rob Reiken)
News Articles and Updates ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 2016 Video’s
2016 Video Archive
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


TV Programing, Movies, News Delivery Services, Commercials etc. frame corporate media agenda’s, manipulating any given circumstance, factual or implied into pre-formed perspectives with the intent to influence by indoctrinating the public to their way of thinking. Broadcasters often fail, don’t care to check the authenticity of stories, or flat out lie. And lest we forget the wonderful world of technology Photoshop affords. Without checking multiple sources it’s easy to get lost in the deceptions legitimized “when sensational headlines scream for attention, nothing succeeds like excess”.

If you’re not familiar with your news source triple check before you share, especially if something seems too good to be true. Epidemic counterfeit news is getting worse.



















JORDAN CHARITON ~ TTY Politics ~ Democracy Now!





















News Articles and Updates ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 2016 Video’s
2016 Video Archive
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

Video Archive ~ Standing Rock

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe



Jan. 1st – 8th 2017 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Dec. 26 – 31, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Dec. 19 – 25, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Dec. 12 – 18, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Dec. 5 – 11, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 28 – Dec. 4, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 20-27, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 16-19, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 11-15, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 1-10, 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
YouTube VIDEO’S #NODAPL – OCT. 26 -31, 2016
You Tube VIDEO’S #NoDAPL – Oct. 16 – 25, 2016
YouTube VIDEO’S #NoDAPL – OCT. 1-15, 2016
You Tube VIDEO’s Sept. 2016
YouTube VIDEO’S #NoDAPL – Mar. 24 – Aug. 31, 2016

There are 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations, 2,400 publishers. Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone & Sulzberger own the “Big Six” which equals 90% of all media; GE – NEWS CORP – DISNEY – VIACOM _ TIME WARNER and CBS; these corporations control everything you view on mainstream media.

News Articles and Updates ~ Standing Rock
2016 Video Archive
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock

Standing Rock ~ Stories from the Frontline Nov. 2, 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe


Reminding people not everything is bad; stories of truth, of connecting with old friends and making new ones, learning new skills, showing respect and integrity, love, laughter, fun and working together as a community. PLEASE share these stories with you friends and acquaintances; the world needs to know, not only about the atrocities being committed but of the good which has come from the enormity of this stance against evil. Sincerely, Kristeen Irigoyen-Hernandez

11-27-16 ~ Charmian Wright… The last day I was at Standing Rock, we noticed that someone had anonymously left a bundle at the edge of the Crow Creek Spirit Riders’ camp. It was a green horse blanket, worn but in good shape. It had been meticulously mended and was still decorated with some chestnut horsehairs. A typed note with a photo had been carefully tucked into a ziplock bag and bundled with the blanket.

“…this blanket kept my beloved Appaloosa warm through the winters,” the note stated. “I lost her 5 years ago at the age of nine…it’s all I have left of her.”

“She was the bravest, kindest, most loyal mare I’ve ever known…I’ve never seen an animal with such a will to live. I feel that her blanket is infused with her spirit and that maybe some of her fight and determination can help one of your horses during your fight for our water and future.”

“…Parting with this blanket is difficult for me, as I feel I’m giving away the last bit of her I have. But your fight is more important…I’m giving you a piece of my heart.”

I handed the lovingly folded blanket to one of the Spirit Riders. He held the bundle close to his chest and stood quietly for a moment in the November North Dakota sunlight.

11-27-16 … Mike Davis
Dear Brothers & Sisters:
I think now is the time when each of us needs to stop and get ready for what may be our finest hour. There are many, many in camp now, with many more on the way. It has been estimated that over 3000 of my fellow veterans are enroute to offer aid, protection, food, supplies and anything in the way of support they can give. Some will be old, like myself, others young and carry the training of Iraq and Afghanistan warriors. All coming in peace and solidarity.

This will be my second trip to Standing Rock and many of the things I learned from the first trip will be invaluable to me now. I hope to return with a few of my Vietnam Veterans of America local Chapter members from Dallas, either way I am returning. I don’t know quite what to expect regarding the December 5th eviction notice placed on the camp by the Army Corp. of Engineers. To my knowledge, the Corp. doesn’t have an army. With the amount of police agencies pulling the plug on their officers participating at Standing Rock, I can’t fathom the thought of actual military troops being called in. That would definitely be the straw that broke the camel’s back. The entire country would be outraged to the extent it would be a true victory for Standing Rock.


I still can’t believe there is still a media blackout after all this time. What’s wrong with these organizations, are they that afraid of going against the tide of their owners, I would be finding me a new line of work. When Dec. 5th gets here, it will be very interesting to see what happenstances take place. I know our protectors will do the right thing, to stay in prayer and solidarity and peace . With winter coming on with it’s full force I have seen many new structures going up, I can’t imagine leaving on the 5th nor can anyone else. If you can’t make it to Standing Rock, there are many ways to help. Check out all of the agencies that are aiding the people of Standing Rock. There are a list of them on Facebook that are legitimate or you can find them on the internet. Seek out the ones that are legitimate that can provide you with factual information. They need any financial support you can offer, but don’t forget our Native American representatives that could also use our financial support too.

Don’t forget to keep calling police agencies that are giving support to the “black snake.” These are also listed on Facebook pages that are being posted. Keep calling the White House, your Congressmen and Senators and it couldn’t hurt to call Kelcy Warren’s office in Dallas, Energy Transfer Partners, Ltd. and express your displeasure forcefully, but please don’t make threats. That goes against the peaceful movement of this struggle. So brothers and sisters, keep praying and maintain good thoughts and plenty of love for ALL of our protectors and my prayers are with Sophia Wilanski and her severely injured arm and I hope I spelled her last name correctly. Once again, bless you all and keep the spirit of our “Mother Earth” alive !!!! With Peace and Love We CAN WIN this !!!!


11-27-16 Bill Portman…I wake up to my last full day at camp to my phone vibrating crazily by my side. My last post was approved and notification after notification come in with such positive energy. I read each and every one of them under my sleeping bag as not to wake my tent mates. It fuels and energizes me to start my day. The sun is shining though an opening in the tent. It’s a gorgeous sunny day here at Standing Rock. Many feel our ancestors are sending good weather as appreciation for the work being done. They are with us forever.

I didn’t witness any major protests today, it was quiet. The only sounds today were hammers, generators, drills and many people working as one to build shelters. We helped unload two trucks of materials today with others on the way. I heard one of the drivers tell a story that a hotel would not rent him a room because they were coming to Standing Rock. It saddens me that our fellow “Americans” do not support free speech and protecting water. I refuse to let that get me down. I have work to do. To the wood pile I go. It calls me.

We finished cutting and stacking the wood under sunny warm skies. When I arrive, I’m greeted with familiar and a few fresh faces. Our little lumberjack is present again sporting his axe. This boy sure loves to split wood. He stayed all day and loved to talk with everyone. He made me hopeful for today’s youth. Three young petite Midwestern women are chopping away as well. These were not burly girls but they knew how to swing a log splitter. I joke that they make me look like a whimp. They chuckle until I tell them to get back to chopping because I need more logs to pick up. I am told another truckload comes Saturday morning and I’m saddened because I can’t be here to help.

Later in the day, I hear that law enforcement surrounded Turtle Island with barbed wire, stole our bridge, and damaged our canoes throughout the night. This was in retaliation to a peaceful protest the day before. To this day I have no idea why they want to seize ancestral burial grounds. They stand with their weapons on top of our ancestors grave as we stand united and praying. Get off of our ancestors! This report makes me angry. I’m venting, I’m mad, I’m pissed, I’m everything but calm. I need to peace myself. I don’t want to show disrespect to my elders so I take a walk and try to reflect. I learn later that one of my native brothers snagged the barb wire from the other side of the river and pulled it into the water. I didn’t last long, the enemy fixed it but it gave me hope. I want to thank the warrior brother who I do not know for his bravery. Thank you brother, you have my respect.

During dinner I made it back to the Michigan kitchen. There, we shared soup, rice, and hotdogs. A young blond boy of about the age of four started playing a makeshift drum made from a pickled baloney jar and a milk crate for his seat. He is our young warrior and a future drummer. I tried to get video to share but I wanted to relish the moment while I could. His younger brother came to me as I sat and reached out his hands for me to pick him up. I don’t know this boy, never seen him before. It’s obvious he trusts me. I pick him up and put him on my knee. He says nothing and doesn’t answer my questions but I know what he is saying. We share a moment and then both boys ask me to peel them an orange and I do so happily and proud. My kids are older now and those few moments I had with them made me realize what we are here for. We are here for them. They are our future. We are here to fight for them! I’m filled with such retrospective thoughts on why I came. Thank you boys for reminding me of those reasons.

I hear there is an eviction notice and it terrifies me. I know we will not stand down. My tent mates have told me so and I know our determination. I fear for them. We are on public land held in trust for us but controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers. I still not sure how that works but I’m researching to get the truth. I worry people will be hurt and I am in pain knowing that I cannot be there to help on December 5. I hold onto hope knowing that 1,500 veterans are prepared to stand with us on December 4th. Thank you veterans. You’ve been sworn in to defend against the enemy and we are up against our own country and corporate greed. I know how difficult it is for you.

(Eviction Notice was a hoax)

To help me get through my fears I walk to the sacred fire this evening. It’s late, about 11:30pm. I am greeted by about a hundred or so of my sister’s and brothers listening to native prayer and songs. I’m going to admit something here that embarrasses me. I don’t pray. I don’t know how to. I was not raised in a religious family. I also was not raised in native tradition even though I am one. I need to say a prayer for my family who I will leave behind come tomorrow. A few younger friends I met on this journey come to me and I ask them what to do. They guide thier elder to take cedar, kneel, say my prayer and sprinkle it on the fire, so I do.

I find my place among the fire and I am nervous, my heart pounds faster. It’s a foreign feeling to me but I endure. I pray that we can come to a peaceful resolution. I pray for the safety of my brothers and sisters. I pray for a mild winter, I pray for our youth, I pray for clean water, and I pray that the younger generation of Native Americans can carry on with our beliefs. Finally, I pray for my direct family and to my mother and father who have walked on. I sprinkle the cedar into the fire and I now feel complete. I feel better, I am in peace once again. I have never realized the power of prayer until that moment. I can now rest for the evening. I wipe away a tear and head back to my slumber. Tomorrow I must leave, I must rest now. Goodnight all for tomorrow is another day. My journey home begins.

11-27-16 ~ Cheyenne Tiera …. UPDATE ON OUR VETERANS: now estimated to be over 3,000.
Unarmed and committed to non-violent resistance, they are extremely well organized, will be housed in a gymnasium, and are UNIFIED on behalf of Mother Earth and Water Protectors.
I’m so proud of them, especially my friend Linda who is going up with a group of New Mexico Veterans in just a few days.
Pls send them your prayers. They are expecting to be arrested, shot at, etc.

11-27-16 ~ Dave Archambault II, the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Trib…The way of the Peacemaker, take heed of this critical message: “It’s easy for different environmentalists, different people to come, and they have their own agendas. There’s no way that we can keep everybody focused on the same thing. It’s all about being prayerful and peaceful. It’s not about a confrontation. We started this to protect our water. We were told by our youth, by our elders, and by the spirits that if you fight this with prayer and peace you will defeat it. But if you use violence, natural law’s going to take over and it’s going to go underneath this river, and it’s going to threaten the water.”

11-26-16 ~ Sam Deering… Three years ago I took off my Navy uniform and told myself that I would never put it back on. I decided I wanted to live peacefully, and do what I could to allow the same for those around me. But now the day has come to put that kit back on, and head to Cannonball, North Dakota, and stand between the water protectors and the police, working illegally to protect the Energy Transfer Partners drilling of the Missouri River. Watching events unfold around the Dakota Access Pipeline has been mortifying and humiliating, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.

If it sounds like I’m looking for public approval, or an ego boost, or just a bunch of likes and comments; I am. The notion of putting my uniform back on, just to face off with other uniformed Americans looking to do me harm is honestly terrifying. The actions of the police from around the country who have answered the call of ETP, and other private interests like them, to stop the people from demonstrating or disturbing progress is terrible. But the media and public silence on the gross violation of human rights, treaty rights, and our environment is what truly disturbs me.

I’m going to Cannonball with the group, Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, from December 4-7, and expect to be one of hundreds if not over a thousand veterans coming from all over the country to stand up to these storm trooper cowards. If you’re a veteran, please join us, I don’t have to remind you of the oath we took, and what it means to face a foreign and a domestic enemy. If you’re not a vet, you’re still welcome. Either way, our communities need to be sending more people to North Dakota to resist this blatant insult to a modern world.

If you can’t make it, donate! Veterans Stand for Standing Rock has a gofundme link for those of us vets who are broke but want to help. Also, http://sacredstonecamp.org the camp itself housing a huge group of Native American tribes and other humans from the US and abroad, is in serious need of financial and material assets. You can help. Please help.

“In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Dr. King

11-26-16 ~ Guess Whoo Courtright‎… Step by step walking to get there — at Highway 385.


11-26-16 ~ Flower Nicole Child‎ ….Hi I’m Flower, I am 18 years old and I am Cherokee Indian on my grandmothers side. I am going to Standing Rock on the 2nd for the first time. I feel like I should be standing for Standing Rock instead of sitting and just hoping it will get better. It’s time to make a difference. I’m glad we are not alone to fight this battle. We will win!

11-26-16 ~ Marcus Matawhero Lloyd… You don’t stand a chance, against our prayers.
We crossed our hastily made bridge with power, righteous indignation, hurt and retaliation (because of last sundays atrocities) in our hearts and heads….but something happened there. On that island. The Creator tore out our vengence and drowned us with love, united us in prayer and gave us a new sacred native ceremony. A miracle happened on Turtle Island today…the Creator joined our side. The Creator is building a new world and he is visiting at Standing Rock!

11-26-16 ~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi‎ to Standing Rock Protectors – Pipeline Protest
A few people think they can create their own rules. We are about the group, not any one person in it. This way we respect each other. Thanks, friends.

City of Standing Rock Protectors Support Group

We are now a circle of 98,000 people that grows rapidly each day. This is amazing and powerful with so many caring about Standing Rock and similar efforts everywhere. We are the global support group of Standing Rock – a big responsibility as I see it. Our prayers and support are what the people – and leaders – of the camps asked of us when I was there. This is a peaceful protest and this group must also stay peaceful. And respectful of each other. In fact, we require that.

This huge growth is beautiful but it also means we have much to do as a circle and we, who are admins of the page, also have much to do. None of us has ever seen this sort of growth and interaction by so many. We are 13 people and still it takes a great deal of time and effort each day to bring you the best we can. We make mistakes – allowing some things better not here and deleting others in error. We deal with thousands of submitted posts each day and are human.

We ask your help and share some things we must do. First, follow the posting rules. We share in three areas:
1. Standing Rock Protectors
2. Other similar efforts anywhere in the world
3. Fossil fuel issues

Please help this way:
1. Take a look and if what you want to post is already there, don’t submit it
2. Only post new material – nothing days or weeks old. With so many of us you can bet it was already posted.
3. Don’t post links with no description of what it is. We don’t have the time to check them.
4. If you send personal messages about why something you submitted was not put up, etc., chances are we will not respond. Time again. ☺
5. Remember this is not about any one of us, but rather all of us.

And some things we won’t do:
1. Other posts, no matter how much we may like or support them, we do not post.
2. People selling items, we delete.
3. We post no Anonymous items as requested by camp leadership
4. Post no fundraisers. We have a list of 12-14 in files that we know are valid. If we allowed personal funding posts we would have 5000 wanting to do so.
5. We post no hateful or non-peaceful items – again, as asked by the camps
6. We try to only post the first time something appears – sometimes the same post is put up 10-12 times
7. No politics. Only if a politician does or says something pertinent to the cause.
8. Adding posts to other posts in comments, which are not about the topic, will cause a warning. This is not baseball, so 2 strikes and you are out.
9. Porno, hate messages, and foul, dark rants are a ticket out with no warning.

11-26-16 ~ Redhawk… I spoke to you today at Turtle Hill. I could see you felt uncomfortable standing up there. I could feel you did not want to be on that hill. I spoke to you about Selma, and the civil and human right violation that have stretched from that era to the day upon us now. I spoke to you about my hometown, of Atlanta, GA. I spoke about how those men do not care about you, and about how you were the only minority on that hill. I spoke to you about how Chief Turner in Atlanta is always looking for good officers, and how I assume he would be very proud to have you in the birthplace of civil rights. I told you I would personally fly with you to Atlanta if you contacted the camp and stepped away from Morton County Sheriffs. I watched you sit down, and think. I could see you felt the words I was speaking, and before you stood up and stepped back from the line, I saw you look me directly in the eyes. I saw you, and not a badge.

I keep my promises. Feel free to contact our camp. We love you for who you are. Thank you for listening.

11-25-16 ~ Bill Portman…Last night was cozy warm borougghed in my sleeping bag. My alarm clock was the sound of Native American calls from a nearby camp. What an awesome way to wake up. Kitchen tent was hard at work making us oatmeal to start our day.

At 9:30, all male warriors were called to the bridge. Every male was seen racing to the road. Elders being pushed in wheelchairs and many rode by horse. I didn’t know what to expect. I grabbed my stuff and joined the pursuit. Hundreds of us arrived.

We were met by barricades the government put in to close entry to the other side. Thick concrete walls with spiraled barb wire. Burned vehicles on our barricade side littered the road. I heard they were placed there my law enforcement. Armored vehicles lined the other side. The enemy was dressed in riot gear and cowardly behind shields. We dressed in jeans and coats. It felt eerie, like war, but peaceful and secure as we far outnumbered the enemy. I was with family.

A large circle of people began to take shape as the intent to race there was to start our day in prayer. We held hands and listened to native prayer. We prayed for safety, for mother earth, and peace. Little did I know that there is a special way to hold hands so the energy flows from one to the next. I’ll do better tomorrow, I promise. After prayer a small group of water protectors walked up to the barricades and exchanged words with the enemy. I was nervous but thankfully it was a peaceful exchange.

It was my first daylight trip to check the campground out so I hiked. As I expected, there are thousands of tents and teepees. Wood campfire, sage, and other smells filled the air. I witnessed family’s and friends helping one a other, becoming one. We helped unload a huge truck filled with firewood and another filled with building supplies. I saw a far way protest with security forces at top a hill about 3/4 mile away. That must be turtle island I said to myself. I have to witness it myself.

On my walk to the island, I saw people with gas masks, respirators, cars, medics, protests signs. It’s something I’ve never experienced so close. Hundreds of people aligning the river shore. Police with riot gear and water hoses atop the hill. The police warn us not to cross the river or go up the hill. I’m nervous because I see people being towed across the river in canoes and a walking across a makeshift bridge. At least one hundred of us were on the other side. Our side. Our sacred side where ancestors lie in peace for many years. To keep the water rescuers warm, firewood is being floated to the other side tied together with rope. A fire takes shape and warms the warriors on the other side.

I walk amongst the crowd and see people from all races and all religions come together in ad hoc prayer sessions and chanting of prayers like “You have guns, we have prayer”. Native drum sessions break out in harmony together. I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life. I get overwhelmed with emotions and my eyes swell with tears. I see elders guiding the young. Some elders don’t need to say anything. Their presence is felt. One of my proudest attributes being Native American is how we treat our elders. They are the wisdom that guides us. I saw one elder by a fire in the back of the protest line and I teared up once again.

Thankfully nobody was hurt in this stand off. We stayed at the bottom of the hill and police kept their line. Peaceful, as it should be. On my way back to camp, I took notice of all the license plates. I saw plates from every state and even Canada. Texas, Massachusetts, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Washington, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, Mississippi, Missouri, you name it, a car was there from every state.

In the afternoon we cut firewood. Five people on chain saws and log splitters and five of us stackers. For being voluntary and unorganized, we worked together like a well oiled machine. I think we stacked eight cords of wood. Even a boy about the age of eight helped. His name I forgot but his endurance I’ll never. We even gave him his turn at the axe. I put a red oak on the stump for him and coached him along. He nailed it, he split it. I did my assigned job and picked up his two pieces and told him good job. I told his grandmother how proud I was of him. She was a wood stacker herself.

Afterwards I retreated back to the kitchen and I was met with a suprise turkey dinner with all the fixings. It was a great day, a happy day, a spiritual day. A day to reflect on friends and family and for the rights to clean water. I’m blessed to be able to come and I’m blessed even more to report back to those who could not attend. Spread the word please. Share this post with all your friends. #standingrock #NODAPL.

11-25-16 ~ Livia Grace‎…Thanksgiving was cancelled this year… Instead my family and I dedicated this day to Standing Rock. Our guests were very receptive towards the cause and we felt proud to celebrate both our heritage and show support for the water protectors. A few hours into the evening a neighbor stopped by in his “Stand with Standing Rock” T-shirt. He said he saw our banner and had to stop over to chat. Today I am full of hope and light knowing this fight is shared by so many. MNI WICONI- Stand tall brothers and sisters, we are behind you every step of the way!

11-25-16 ~ Lee Sprague… A Beautiful Day! Our family Canoes died great warriors death today.
In an early morning raid. DAPL police forces, raided our forward staging area for the Michigan Canoe, Cold Water Rescue Team.

The fact that DAPL launched a raid against our rescue equipment, speaks to their effectiveness at Ocheti Sakowin Standing Rock.


Our team, comprised of members from Michigan, Pueblo Camp and many Allies have used these canoes to protect the water, and the Water Protector

These Canoes have harvested wild rice, the food that grows on the water. Many of our peoples have harvested mahnoomin in these canoes.

Many hundreds of people have taken these canoes to and from Turtle Island. We lost some first aid supplies we use to help Water Protectors at the front lines.

Many offers for canoes have come in from the peoples of Standing Rock. We are back in full operation to help rescue those in cold water, or being attacked by DAPL Forces.

It is a great day, to remember all of the love, and heart of all the peoples, who we shared our good lives in our jiimans. Each one of you have brought strength and good thoughts to these canoes.
They have served the people well on Turtle Island.

Yes, today is a beautiful day!


11-23-16 ~ Matt Musselwhite… From Across the Country, Gifts of Tiny Houses Arrive for Standing Rock
How five large trees in remote Oregon ended up as winter housing for water protectors, including their first newborn baby.

Eleven days ago, when Matt Musselwhite pulled into an encampment at Cannon Ball, North Dakota, in a 5-ton flatbed truck, he had no idea how he would unload the three tiny houses he had just hauled 1,500 miles from southwestern Oregon. Almost immediately volunteers emerged from the throngs of mostly Native Americans. Within hours, teams of 10 people were starting to assemble the first of the 144-square-foot wood structures while circulating free food and coffee.

“This feels like a new America I want to be a part of,” said Musselwhite, 41, a carpenter and woodworker based in a rural community tucked into the mountains that cross the Oregon-California border.http://tinyurl.com/zmjhmne

11-23-16 ~ Veterinarian Drives 900 Miles To Help Horses Injured At Standing Rock ~ by Hilary Hanson Viral News Editor Huffington Post
When Wright, a veterinarian with 30 years of experience, heard reports of horses getting hurt during protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline, heading out to help was the obvious choice for her. The Standing Rock Sioux and their allies are fighting the construction of the pipeline, saying that it would intrude on Native American land and that a leak would contaminate local sources of fresh water.

“I am passionate about the issues that are being addressed at Standing Rock,” Wright told The Huffington Post. “But when I saw videos of horses being injured, I knew I had to go there.”
Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/gkstedf
To make a donation to Helping the Horse Nation gofundme.com/helping-the-horse-nation


11-22-16 Liz George with Kana Newell )~ I am shaking as I post this. We were eating dinner and on our way out of Mandan when two police officers, the sheriff and one other called us over to talk. We tried to have a polite conversation with them listening to their side and when they didn’t like what we were saying they ordered us to leave the restaurant saying that we had two seconds to leave before we would be arrested. PLEASE WATCH THIS. (Sorry I cannot post the video as it isn’t on You Tube) these are intimidation tactics.

UPDATEny Kana: to what happened tonight: Just so everyone knows, this is what happened previous to this video because we only pulled out a phone when things escalated.

Liz was wearing her WATER IS LIFE badge on her back, clearly visible to everyone. After dinner on our way out the police called us over to talk to us. His first question was ‘how long are you going to be here for?’ to which we replied ‘as long as the pipeline is proceeding’. He immediately replied with ‘well that’s just not going to happen.’ We asked why he thought that, we were genuinely curious to the police perspective and want to bridge the gap between the two sides. Today’s action was brought up as well as last night’s conflict. Things got heated and we asked them to hold space for us to speak, as the conversation was basically his voice speaking over ours. We tried to tell him our perspective but he wasn’t open to listen and ordered us to leave as soon as the conversation wasn’t going his way, threatening to arrest us both for disorderly conduct.



11-22-16 ~ Amanda Kimimila
There’s an army of us.
We come from another place to make waves in this world.
We’ve come to break the mold and the archaic patterns that have so deeply set in and trapped the very men who’ve dug these grooves.
We feel everything.
Every birth.
Every death.
Every laugh.
And every tear.
Every sea creature drowning in oil.
Every tree being poisoned by the rain they’ve manipulated with chemicals and nanotechnology.
The air is full of particulates.
The clouds were once so perfect,
But now they infiltrate us from the inside…
From the outside.
This is a foreign place now.
A once pristine paradise has been violated by resource extraction, careless and wasteful mass production of unnatural pollutants, and geoengineering.
Is it too late to change the tides?
Is it too late to reverse the damage?
If there is any chance at all
The broken system must fall.
There are two cyclical opposing forces that create this realty.
There is the creative force and the destructive.
For change to occur, we have to collectively shift to functioning on a more creative level.
To achieve this we must conquer inertia, apathy and conditioning.
Turn off the TV
Stop participating in the broken system.
Start growing communities based on barter.
Start a community garden and community farm for food.
Food brings people together.
Develop sustainable trade skills.
Share your skills and resources with your barter based community.
Change is possible.
Writer: A. Smith
Brave woman photographed: Amanda Polchies
Artist: Greg Deel
Ossie Michelin took the original photo.



Oldest Native American drumming video ever
Rare and old footage of Native American drumming from 1894 in a tribute to our Native American brothers and sisters.


11-21-16 ~ Artist creates mirrored shields for Standing Rock protesters
Luger, who is of mixed Native American and European descent, was born on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation and was raised in the Fort Berthold reservation, where Energy Transfer Partners has installed pipelines and drilled for oil using fracking, or hydraulic fracturing techniques. “I’ve already watched this company tear through sacred sites and geological landforms, some that are bound to our creation stories,” Luger says. “It happened so quickly and completely devastated the landscape. The well at my grandparents’ house contained water that turned a silver and orange colour—you can’t drink it.” Continue Reading http://tinyurl.com/jzwx9ur

11-14-16 ~ JOSH FOX … A young woman named Suzi walks up to the police barricade at the bridge on State Route 1806. She’s got lollipops and gum in her pocket. The police step out of their jeeps with their M-4 rifles, their body armor, in front of a row of LRADs—the noise cannons they use to disperse the crowd. She says, “I’m here to give you this candy.” She told me that she was going to kill them with love and hugs and sweetness. A little bit bemused, two soldiers hold out their hands. She says, “Give these to the cops that have good hearts. Don’t give them to the Dakota Access Pipeline workers. We’re praying for you. Even though you are not on our side, you’re human beings and we love you.” The police take the lollipops and bubble gum and say thank you.

Fearlessly, she walks back across the barricades, beyond the burned up trucks and cars. I say, “Aren’t you scared?” She says, “No.” I say, “Really?” She says, “What are they gonna do? Shoot me?” and I said, “Well, frankly, yes.” And she says, “Well, so what? I’ll take one for the team. I’m protected. I’m surrounded by love.”


Remembering the First Native American Woman Doctor
Born in a buckskin teepee on the Omaha Indian Reservation in northeast Nebraska on June 17, 1865, Susan was never given a traditional Omaha name by her mixed-race parents. Her father, Chief Joseph La Flesche (also known as “Iron Eye”), believed his children as well as his tribe were now living in a white man’s world in which change would be the only constant. “As the chief guardian of welfare, he realized they would have to adapt to white ways or simply cease to survive.”

Eight-year-old Susan La Flesche sat at the bedside of an elderly woman, puzzled as to why the doctor had yet to arrive. After all, he had been summoned four times, and four times he had promised to come straight away. As the night grew longer, the sick woman’s breathing grew fainter until she died in agony before the break of dawn. Even to a young girl, the message delivered by the doctor’s absence was painfully clear: “It was only an Indian.” Contine reading <span style=”color:blue;”> http://www.history.com/news/remembering-the-first-native-american-woman-doctor

11-20-16 ~ Paige MaGia STANDING ROCK IS A WAR ZONE

11-20-16 ~ Carlos Marroquin … Off To Standing Rock N.D. Winter Supply Run Copilot Jazmynn Mata’afa from gold Coast Australia repping her pacific islanders in their support . . . . 25 hours 35 minutes 1651 miles to Camp…

11-20-16 ~ Kate Bettesworth‎ ….Hello fellow Rainbow Warriors. I feel I must tell you about the warmth and support I have witnessed in the last few weeks, whilst using the 6 Water Protector fb groups I belong to, to Stand with Standing Rock.
People around the world are coming together to stop the black snake and are reaching out with such love and solidarity- it is soul-warming stuff. I am most impressed by how this work is undertaken, totally from the HEART and never from the EGO. So lovely. Its like a group hug!!


11-20-16 ~ Kelly Merrick‎… I called the Morton County Police. They said they “appreciated my thoughts.” I asked them, “What will you do with my thoughts?”

They said, after a long pause, “What would you like us to do with your thoughts?” (I am guessing they haven’t heard this question before???)

I said, “I would like you to cease harassment, pepper spraying and shooting rubber bullets against the citizens of North Dakota in order to protect the profits of a Texas billionaire.”
All they could say was, “We appreciate your thoughts. I have to go now. (Click)”


11-19-16 LeRoy Pena … I got this photo off the wall of a DAPL worker who happened to have too much time on his hands,and decided to take selfies with the drilling equipment.He is pictured on the left with a “bore casing”.A bore casing is used to house the drill itself.So they plan to start drilling very soon.Bore casings are very expensive to lease,every day they don’t use it costs the company a lot of money.

11-18-16 ~ Annie Dant… Yesterday I was wearing my NODAPL/ I stand with Standing Rock shirt out while I ran errands and had a woman come up to me and ask me where/which website she could donate money to support them. I was really touched by this woman who took time to walk up to me simply because I was wearing that shirt. Another person gave me two thumbs up and another girl started a conversation with me about if there were any activists groups or supporters within SW FL regarding the pipeline. Three people acknowledged my shirt while I was standing in line at my local Comcast cable store and I realized then how one act, no matter how small it seems, can make a huge impact. I’m proud to wear this shirt. Very proud ❤️

11-18-16 ~ Jordan Chariton… Energy Transfer Partners CEO Kelsy Warren says they have offered to pay North Dakota and Morton County for expenses related to protests… “Now we have the greediest of oil executives—who has approved the digging up of sacred Native land and paid millions for private security mercenaries to unleash hounds on humans and assault unarmed water protectors—literally offering a BRIBE to North Dakota police to keep on bashing protectors’ heads in, illegally strip searching women, arresting people without reading them their rights, breaking people’s arms during arrest, withholding medicine from people they arrest, illegally breaking into people’s cars without a warrant, and stealing camera equipment.
Where the hell are you, Barack Obama?”

11-18-16 ~ North Dakota Cops Get ‘Doxed’ and Don’t Like It
The Morton County Sheriff Department — responsible for shoorting water protectors with rubber bullets, tear-gassing them, beating them, strip searching them, and jailing them in ‘dog kennel’s with Nazi type numbers written on their arms — says it has been ‘doxed.’

11-18-16 ~ Nicholas Arroyave-Howling Crane… Picture of me with Japanese delegation who showed their support for Standing Rock (traveling from Japan to get there).

11-18-16 ~ Redhawk … Thank you Morton County Sheriff’s for your concern at the end of the article. It’s good to know that after your civil rights, and human rights violations, pepper spray, rubber bullets, tasers, bean bag guns, sound cannons, low flying aircraft, psychological warfare, slander, lie, racism, and over all bigotry towards peaceful and prayerful water protectors, its good to know you are worried about our well being in the winter months. We won’t freeze. The fire in our hearts will keep us warm. Not to mention the fact we are surrounded by a culture of people that have learned to survive in this weather for thousands of years before you showed up. We’re good.
tattle tails – Redhaw


11-18-16 ~ -Redhawk (Ryan Vizzions) … Today, my photo “Defend The Sacred” was released as a 2 page spread in NEWSWEEK. Very humbled to help spread awareness of the militarization of police along with civil and human rights violations taking place here at Standing Rock. The photo caption is entitled “Killing The Black Snake”, and that’s exactly what we are going to do. We will not be stopped.


11-18-16 ~ John Dixon‎ … We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here. Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and developments continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life. – Chief Looking Horse

11-17-16 ~ Kieran Behan‎… Over 300 communities around the world demanded a halt to the the Dakota Access pipeline during an international day of action.

Berlin was one of them ❤
We are watching one of the most diverse and powerful tribal actions in our history unfold before our eyes!

In the midst of the growing global water crisis we can not let pipelines endanger the clean drinking water that billions of people depend on.

Climate change is REAL, it is caused by human behavior, and it is causing incredible devastation.

Indigenous communities around the world are at the center of the climate crisis- fighting for their lands and upholding a sacred commitment they have with the earth since the beginning of time.
Future generations will look back on us during this critical moment and wonder what we did to take a stand.

"These sites must be protected, or our world will end, it is that simple. Our young people have a right to know who they are. They have a right to language, to culture, to tradition. The way they learn these things is through connection to our lands and our history."

11-17-16 ~ ‎Robert Ferguson‎… Now we know why the cops went in busting heads. DAPL was planning on quickly and cleanly pushing through construction without getting the proper permits. DAPL was planning on there being so much pressure from the state of ND and its federal politicians that construction would not be halted. DAPL figured a few Natives in their way would be no problem. DAPL figured wrongly. A few Natives that the cops beat up so construction could rush right on thru, got all you people mad and you came to the rescue of the Natives, and now, now construction is halted. The crooked politicians can’t weasel around the law, and the federal Army Corps of Engineers isn’t going to issue the permit without a long drawn out Environmental Impact Statement, which the politicians were hoping they could skirt, cause they knew an EIS would be a huge problem. Thanks to the Sioux and the people like you that believed, DAPL is at a complete standstill.


11-17-16 ~ Tara Houska _ Indigenous Activist… NYC. 29 arrests of peaceful demonstrators in front of the Army Corps of Engineers Office after this.

And from the Army Corps in NYC today: “You’ve made yourself heard. The corps of engineers is re-looking at this. So just by your stand, we’re going to go back and take a look and make sure we’re doing the right things. And that is directly a result of what you guys are all doing.” –Larry Mazola, North Atlantic Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, United States Department of the Army.

11-17-16 ~ Howaste Wakiya… Sisters n Brothers…if cant make it realize Standing Rock is every where…when u go to ur faucet u are at standing rock…when u drink from ur plastic bottle u r at standing rock…everywhere u go u will find this battle…so help us change this picture from where u r! Prayer has many forms and is wide reaching

11-16-16 ~ PBS… “And what happens to the protesters at that point? I mean, the ones that I have spoken to said that they are not going anywhere and that they’re building shelters for the winter and they’re going to wait this out.”: KELCY WARREN: “…if they want to stick around and continue to do what they’re doing, great, but we’re building the pipeline.”


11-15-16 ~ Bucky Harjo … Indigenous Youth Council lead a prayer march to the river and we made a medicine wheel. I walked to the river three times today. Now on my way to see Rob Kennedy Jr. Or someone like that. My legs might fall off! Another beautiful day. We are going to win this and end this! Keep your prayers strong!!!!

11-15-16 ~ Bravebull Allard told Front Line Defenders… She quickly added that the answer is clear: “They want to wipe our footprints off the earth. They are trying to say we don’t exist. We are indigenous people to this land. We have the roots going right out of our feet. We belong here”.

11-15-16 ~ Tara Houska – Indigenous Activist… We were Zip-Tied & Locked in Dog Kennel for 6 Hours for Protesting Dakota Pipeline

“UPDATE 11-16-16 on police treatment of activists at the Standing Rock standoff, Tara Houska, national campaigns director for Honor the Earth, describes how she was “arrested for criminal trespass as I was leaving a peaceful demonstration and getting into my car on a public road.” She says police handcuffed her with zip ties and held her in a dog kennel for six hours without charging her with a crime”


11-14-16 ~ Oceti Sakowin Camp … Yesterday the Bismarck Tribune reported on the fact that Cannonball Ranch IS in fact a known burial ground– special thanks to CAROLINE GRULSKIN & everyone at the Tribune for the hard work & integrity bringing this article forward.

11-13-16 ~ Dallas Goldtooth… If an article I post or words that I say or photo that I share offends your privilege…or challenges your privilege…or threatens your privilege…
Then good.
Now ask yourself, “Why”?

11-12-16 ~ Prolific The Rapper … Eryn Wise from the International Indigenous Youth Council on yesterday’s excessive use of force and reports that officers broke one of the youths wrists, Lauren Howland by pushing her back with a baton. In addition to confiscated media equipment which appears to be an attempt to suppress the truth from getting out. #NoDAPL


11-9-16 ~ Navajo Code Talker George James Sr. dies at age 92
A World War II Navajo Code Talker died Wednesday morning at the age of 92. George James Sr. was born and raised in Red Valley on the Navajo Nation. At the age of 17, he volunteered to serve in the United States Marine Corps during World War II and was selected to become a Navajo Code Talker.

11-14-16 Lee Sprague …. When your grandaughter wakes you up at Standing Rock Pipeline Resistance Camp, and she gets that Grandpa lives in a wood fired tipi, with solar power, and we go in the water with wetsuits suits to help people. It all makes sense.
Priceless #michigancanoeteam



11-14-16 Lee Sprague …. Updated neêds list:
I have an address where I can accept parcels and mail.

Wes Howard
C/O Lee Sprague
110 S. River Rd.
Fort Yates, ND 58538-9998
PO Box 485

We can accept deliveries to Pueblo Camp. It located on NW End of Oceti Sakowin camp. Ask for Lee Sprague or Brad Kallio at Pueblo Camp. We are in the solar powered Tipi, with a smoke stack.

What we need in Standing Rock, in support of our Michigan Canoe Team at Standing Rock.

12 Orànge Coast Guard life jackets
4 life guards throw rings
Space blankets
4 yellow 30qt Sealife water
4 Earth anchors 24″ or longer.
2 -100 foot staticbraided climbing rope
2 -200 foot static braided climbing rope
2-400 to 500 foot long static braided climbing rope.

Trying to buy thế items in North or South Dakota is difficult.

Most of us have our own wet suits, and we purchased some at Play It Again Sports with donations on the Michigan Canoe team. We need more. XL and 2XL wet suits. And Neoprene gloves. XL, XXL, socks and shoes, size 10 and up to 15, and neoprene head gear.

We have water rescue trained people at Standing Rock, we just need more equipment.

In two weeks, when cold weather set in, we will need Dry Suits to continue to be in the water at Standing Rock and help our Water Protectors.

1. We saw the DAPL Security Forces macing our Water Protectors, in the water. That is who we protect.
2. We need 2 Large, 2 Xtra Large and Two Grizzly size NRS Extreme Dry Suits.
3. We will also need 2 Zodiac Boats, motors and trailers, and a twenty by ten vehicle and boat shelter for the winter in Standing Rock.
4. We also need a 20’×40′ foot army tent, or 20’x60′ for our Winter kitchen, Which is curently a summer outdoor kitchen. We have wood burning stoves.
5. We need sturdy industrial shelving, in boxes.
6. We need uniform medium storage totes that can be used to store materials, and be sat on.
7. We need 10 lbs of 3 inch deck screws quick.
8. We need 4×8 half inch plywood, we need 4×8 1 inch inflation panels, we need 4″x4″ posts 8, foot long. We need 2″x4″ 8 foot studs.
9. We need 2 pairs of Night Vision binoculars or monocular with replacement batteries.
10. We need gas masks, and replacement cartridges.
11. We need a 6-8 person ice shanty. Insulated is essential to function.


Graham Biyáál ran over 1,400 miles from Flagstaff Arizona to Standing Rock No. Dakota with a message. “We are not here as conquerers, but as stewards.”

Graham recounted the Navajo Long Walk and the atrocities that we endured…and he said but this time…it’s different and powerful because we CHOOSE to make this journey to stand here and support and fight.


11-13-16 ~ Kevin Anderson … I am a retired Tribal Police Officer. My eldest daughter (pictured with me) and I stand with Standing Rock. As a retired law enforcement officer, I am appalled by the actions of the deputies of Morton County and those other agencies that they have imported to assist them. They should be ashamed of their actions. They make me ashamed to admit I was law enforcement.

These “officers” are facing the wrong way and aiding in the commission of crimes. ARPA laws have already been broken with the mechanical assault upon the sacred burial grounds. Tribal treaty lands never ceded to the State are being trespassed on.
The rightful owners of the property and their representatives are being assaulted physically and sexually as well as harassed by “officers” that are supposed to protect them. Make no mistake, strip searching non-violent misdemeanants is sexual assault. They seek to dehumanize non-violent people.

During my service, I proudly carried a Tribal commission, full commissions for two Washington counties , and two separate federal commissions, one BIA and the last as a Special Deputy US Marshal. I never committed any act that would in any way disparage those commissions. Those “officers” acting for DAPL disparage heir badges every day that they aid DAPL.

I swore an oath to protect life and property and enforce the laws of the Tribes, the State, and of the US Government and did so for over twenty years. At no time would I have put property above the health of more than seventeen million people.

Any risk of contamination of the primary source of drinking water is ludicrous and any actual contamination of that water is criminal. Adulteration of food or drink by anyone is criminal. It is no less criminal when done by a multi-million dollar company. History has proven that these pipes will leak eventually and all of the water downstream from that point could be contaminated to the point of being poisonous to people, wildlife and plant life. The potential devastation is beyond acceptable, beyond rational.

For over seventeen million people and the ecosystems dependent on the Missouri River, DAPL must find another way or leave it in the ground! The ACLU must be asked to step in to help protect the protectors. Water is Life! ~ with Valerie Anderson.


11-13-16 ~ Alecia Davis‎ … Upon discussion of transporting firewood to Standing Rock, I discovered the ultimate lunacy….or hypocrisy. I am not certain which adjective is more accurate, but both apply in this regard.
In North Dakota, it is a FEDERAL offense to transport wood from certain states that have earned the title of “quarantined”, which applies to many of the Great Plains states surrounding ND. Again, a FEDERAL offense for transporting POTENTIAL “invasive species” into the state of ND.

Yet at the same time, it is legal, encouraged and protected by local, county, state AND federal officials to invade the state, decimate the land, desecrate sacred burial grounds, and destroy the water source for 18 million people in 8 other states with a pipeline carrying, NOT potential risk, but well documented and repeated risk, to humans, wildlife, agriculture, air, and water.

And the salt in that wound, the increase in global temperature caused by the extraction and transportation of dirty oil, has allowed the epidemic proliferation of the very “invasive species” that have been granted a federal offense for transporting.

11-13-16 ~ Justice Robinson … Protectors–I have received word through friends that a small convoy of several U-Haul trucks bringing supplies, wood, food, tents etc from OH was detained in ROCK Co by State troopers last night. After disclosing that they were going to Standing Rock with supplies, they were detained without charges and told they could be kept for up to 7 days, and to prepare for SERIOUS CHARGES. Their trucks canine searched everything thrown on the ground, and impounded. Four children under 10yo were taken to Social Services. Their parents were not allowed to talked to each other, nor allowed to call family members to come and get them. Please let me know if you get this. I have been there twice. It has not hit the news yet, but I’ve left messages for local representatives, the ACLU and am individually informing trusted protectors. They were followed through IL too.

11-12-16 ~ Charlie Chad….
Today we marched at the site where Dakota Access brings in all of their supplies and machinery.

We formed a line of indigenous protectors, then a line of non-indigenous allies on the outside that came to stand with us and put themselves in the way of the brutality that has been brought upon us for the last few months (and 500 years).

Once those lines formed, a DAPL worker drove straight through our lines, running over multiple protectors.

Soon after that, a truck with a trailer and a very angry armed driver attempted to drive thru us. He stepped out of his vehicle and waved a pistol around, threatening to shoot. We stood our ground. He then drove off-road ahead of our march and shot about six rounds in the air.

Myself, along with other security ran ahead until he completely drove off. We located the shells and called media ahead for evidence.

We then formed our prayer circles, prayed, and spoke. Some sang songs, some stood in silence to protect the protectors, and our media teams captured what has really been needed throughout this movement; evidence of peace and prayer.

As the dozens of police vehicles, APV’s, and riot officers geared up for battle stood on the other side of the gates, we peacefully gathered momentarily to show our strength, unity, and will to not give up.

As I choose my words carefully, I cannot call this a win. We do not win until that pipeline is completely stopped.

However, I will confirm that we have made a few affective advances in today’s action.

Throughout this entire ordeal, we politely encouraged the commanding officer to witness the actions of DAPL workers as we peacefully marched and prayed. We filmed everything, gathered evidence and hopefully, and I repeat HOPEFULLY, created an inconvenience within the Dakota Access workday and inner workings.

And I’ll say this again.. Today was not a win….

UPDATE by Colin McCarthy … “Friends at #standingrock please be safe, this man just plowed through a peaceful prayer ceremony waving a gun, injuring 2 people and then proceeded to fire 7 shots into the air. Women, children and elders all running to get out of the way. He either owns or works for FOUR SQUARE CONCRETE in Bismarck ND, their phone number was posted on the side of the truck and is 701-202-2107 please call and share your thoughts. #ocetisakowincamp #nodapl”
This is why we must continue to organize and do so in love — ☝🏽️THIS is what we are facing.



11-11-16 Chad Charlie… We can give you all the info you need to have the experience of being here at Standing Rock.

We can show you pictures and videos. Share our stories, give you our personal accounts of trauma and mistreatment.

But one thing is; you will not get the full experience until you come here.

You will not know how real this is until you see the helicopters flying above your tent for 20 hours of the day.
Until you get shot in the ribs with a concussion grenade, maced for 30 seconds straight because you have your hands up, or shot with a rubber bullet because you rode your horse within twenty feet of a “police officer” who is just scared of anything bigger than him..

Once you come over the hill and see the community that we’ve built. When you feel the vibes that we set around the campfire, and the relationships we’ve made with the brothers and sisters that pull you out of battle and carry you twenty yards because you can’t breathe.

That’s when you will understand the movement and why we don’t leave. That’s when you understand why this is important to us.

When you really experience the life our ancestors have been put through for over 500 years….

11-11-16 ~ Iktčé Wičháša Oyáte … DAPL employees and law enforcement, in an act of despicable behavior, urinated on a majority of the personal possessions of those in our North Camp after it was raided and bulldozed before they returned it to us…. We gathered it all at the river, prayed over it, and burnt it.


11-11-16 ~ Malia Hulleman…. Often we’re asked what we need for camp by so many amazing souls. And we couldn’t be more grateful by how eager so many are to helping fuel the protection, but within those questions we seem to come up with blank minds.

It’s hard to exactly think of what we need, sometimes what we need is too expensive so we don’t want to ask for those items, sometimes we just don’t need anything more than gas or misc items.

someone donated prepaid visa gift cards which turned out to be so helpful. This allows everyone to get what they need when they need it and when it comes to mind. Sometimes like I said all we need it to be able to fill up on gas (yes it’s ironic, but I will gladly explain on this irony to any who comes to converse about it) or sometimes we use it to get a hotel room so we can shower or so our elders can have a warm place to sleep.

Sometimes it’s used to buy pizza to make us happy or to just bring us that moment away from the protection. To help bring smiles and enjoy something.
If this feels right to you, that’s the best thing I can suggest. Prepaid visa gift cards.

Again we thank EVERYONE who has donated on levels I will never forget. I’m dropped to my knees in gratitude everyday by seeing the generosity in so many souls, and uplifted to be able to witness that we truly can come together when the call is made, when the actions are taken and when the bonds are sealed.


And we continue to protect. Always. In all ways

11-11-16 ~ A letter from Sacred Stone founder and founder and protest leader – LaDonna T. Allard.

I don’t get to see the messages until I come to town. We don’t have 1.5 million -lol – I wish we did. We have been on the ground seven months and nine days now. I did not know that other people have been doing fund raising even those who are not at the camp, there is some fraud going on. I guess some guy in democrat has five sites raising fund that we don’t get. The Sacred Stone Camp funds are used for Sacred Stone camp – with all the camps we have 9 thousand people on the ground in these camps.

We started the fund in April and have used the funds for the camp, so it runs about $600 a month for the porta-potties and $7000 for garbage every month. With the big camp it is $56.000 a month in porta-potties and the garbage is $4000 a month. Then for us we brought yurts for our people that was 160,000.00 and are buying more for another 100,00.00 so just for the yurts it was 260,000.00 then we got 40 tipis with poles, that was another 100,000.00, nineteen Chippewa lodge which was cheaper, 70,000.00. These will be winter homes for people.

Then we are building the kitchen so we have a place to cook for people and it is almost complete (just getting the inside done). It will also serve as a meeting room, we are building a school and the foundation is done. We are so excited about this. We have built a security, two-story building, which is a medical clinic which will serve least ten people at a time. A Native youth center with a dome structure; three wind towers for electric and a solar panel system for the kitchen and a heated watershed. For our supplies for the camp we purchased five metal storage containers, at $5,000 a piece, five heated wooded shelter for the food, a root cellar, and green house, plus road development. We also finance the frontline camp, with tents, tipis, supplies and food. The food is running about $4,000 every two days, that is just buying meat and bread since we have lots of other produce donated.����������

We need pay for a full time book keeper and accountant, a CPA, a youth media person, and media liaison person so we have four position that are $100,000.00 a years for all four – at $20,000 a year each.����������

We applied for a 5013c non-profit designation for a nonprofit camp and hope to open in June 2017. We want to bring in youth to teach history, culture and how to live green on this earth. All this as we fight this pipeline. We also send people from our camp to Iowa and other place to speak and show their support for other pipelines.

I am so tired. So much to do. We have the frontline camp right next to the river and Dakota Access Project. So far the company stole our three boats and then impounded them. They have light on all night as they work and they have assault rifles and other weapons on us at all times. I��� was maced two days ago for standing on the shore. Just standing.����� We also provide the medical equipment and things for mace and other injuries. �����

So what happens with the Gofundme site? It shows the amount raised since April but it does not show the share Gofundme takes out. They also don’t let you know that part of the funds have not made it to our bank yet: so we don’t have a million dollar lying around. All these things I am telling you have taken so much money.

Now, getting ready for winter, I need to make sure I have warm homes for people,����� plus we will have to pay for snow removal and road repair. I am trying to build a pump house so we will have running water at the camp. �����And to finally get cell-phone and internet service down at camp, which will cost $35,000.00 dollars because they will have to build us a tower. �����

When we started I just wanted to stop a pipeline, �����but it seems we are building a town. S����o much to do and we just can’t keep up. In my camp we have so many children and families who made this their lives and don’t want to leave.����� Then we also need gas for cars and trucks carrying wood, supplies and people�����. It is 50 miles to stores for food or supplies, showers, laundry, and other needs.

�����The big camp has its own funding system through Standing Rock Sioux tribe and we don’t get any of those funds����������. We have to do it ourselves.


11-11-16 ~ Timmery Turner… So many lessons are being learned through my experience at Oceti Sakowin Camp while fighting the Black Snake that is DAPL.

My eyes have been widening to the imbalances in society, and the true need for reform and change. I hope we can find a viable solution as a whole.

My wish is that we rise together to demand something better. I do not think a Trump presidency can stop that. Change is already in the wind, and people’s voices are getting stronger.

Call me naive, but I believe there’s a way.

I knew my life felt a little empty since I closed down Sugar Art and Fashion Show and Mad Girl Productions. In turn, this experience has filled me up with purpose and perspective. I’m positive most of my lessons have yet to be learned or understood, but I feel awakened by a new truth and comprehension.

I pray for guidance, knowledge, and wisdom. And I feel grateful for my new path wherever it may lead me. Nothing will ever be the same, again, and I value that.
Get involved.


11-10-16 Dallas Goldtooth …. #TheyWatching … I have fans inside the Bismarck Police dept. Lol. Welcome to the harem of other law enforcement that follow me, Bismarck PD, welcome. #NoDAPL


11-10-16 ~ Timmery Turner… UPDATE: Thank you all who have already bought photo prints today! This makes me feel so good, and takes some of my worries away. It feels good to have an exchange! This group has been a true blessing to our community! Your hearts are big and kind. Pedamaya (Thank you in Dakota, Lakota, & Nakota) 💗
Good morning beautiful people! It’s a fabulous day to save the planet and it’s inhabitants! :))

A few days ago, I created a gofundme account to help me stay on the ground for the winter. I immediately deleted it. It’s soooo hard for me to raise money for myself. I spoke with some friends and they convinced me that I was being ridiculous and that if I need it I should do it.

I have been on site for a month and a half. My goal was to be here for 2 weeks. That obviously did not work :)). I have become completely ingrained in the community at Oceti Sakowin Camp. I work hard daily as the creator and manager of the Oceti website along with all of the camp’s social media accounts. It’s a lot to keep up with, but I’m happy to do it.

I’ve been sick the past few days, so I had to get a hotel room so I could get better. I would love to make the money back as it was not in my budget! I’m no good at asking for handouts for myself, so as per someone’s suggestion I created an Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtOfStandingRock where people can purchase my photography featuring photos I’ve taken on site.
All of the funds will help me stay throughout the winter, so I can continue to be of service to the cause. I have various dimensions and price points available, and I have a professional printer on deck ready to print and ship!

I also just learned how to Peyote Stitch through my Lakota sister, so I will be adding jewelry soon, as well. I am an artist in my other life, so I’m hoping to find the time to sketch and paint some work to add to the site.

Anyhow, this is long. Any support you can give will be appreciated more than you can imagine. Being out here is not always easy, I cry on the daily, but it’s always worth it! ❤


11-9-16 ~ Dallas Goldtooth… Today, over 70 men with a large group of women escorted out a man who attempted to rape a woman here at the Oceti Sakowin camp.

Earlier in the day this issue was brought to the attention of the Oceti Sakowin headsman council, akicita okodakiciyapi and winyan okodakiciyapi (womens council) and they were asked to respond.

Concerned parties wanted to know the camp’s protocol for traditional justice and what steps we would take. We decided that the perpetrator needed to be found, brought before the Akicita society, told of his charges, allowed to talk, have someone speak on his behalf and then, after deciding his case, publicly shamed by walking him out of camp. Over 100 people followed him on the long walk out of camp as we publicly announced his name and crime for all to hear.
Our procession was led by horseback riders.

We walked him to the Cannon Ball river bridge south of camp and once there our men handed him over to the women who held him down and cut off his braids. * I cannot confirm nor deny that a few punches and knees were dutifully given*

After which we let him go as he walked south on Hwy 1806 where we told BIA police to come pick him up.

This is restorative justice for our community. We led with Woiyukcan (purposeful thought) and then followed with Wocekiye (prayer) and ended with action. We want to send a message that such behaviour will not be tolerated by anyone. It was powerful really.

Honestly…I could have chosen not to post. I could have chosen to keep this event silent. But what would that have served? These perpetrators need to be corrected & the women be made to feel safe, not ashamed to speak up, and allowed to heal.


11-9-16 ~ Today a warrior passed away this morning en route of the camp. He and a 5 others rolled their mini van, while swerving to avoid a deer carcass on the road, in Wisconsin. Prayers to his mother and friends. They said they believes he gave his life to protect water and stand in solidarity with Standing Rock. Have a safe journey Clark Fitzgerald. Wopila Tanka.


11-9-16 Ladonna Bravebull Allard…. I know there are people worried about the new president, and I want to let you know that we have suffered under all the American presidents since the establishment of America. Nothing changes for us. We will still be expendable in their eyes.

We must continue to stand up and say we have a right to live. We must let the world know we have a right to clean water. We must stand up for our children, grandchildren, and the unborn!

We fight in prayer, we fight in civil disobedience. We must stop the black snake!

Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Stop colonialism. #NoDAPL



11-9-16 ~ Jason Cohen … Spiritual Warriors!!!
This is our Opportunity to do More. This is the natural separation, the last grasp of the old paradigm. We will stand up. Let us not fall into victimhood and thus become perpetrators down the line. This is our opportunity to find compassion. Many of the people we are disappointed with need our compassion.

This is our Opportunity to do More.
The black snake is in each of us. Regardless whom we voted for. It is the fear that resides deep within us that we can not face with comfort, or at all. It makes some of us bigots. It fills some of us with hate. It makes some of us work-a-holics or suffer from addictions. There are things all of us have difficulty facing. We’re not unique in this way. And we must come together and share our truths, and embrace and love these parts we run from. And we must stop blaming “the other”. The black snake is that within each of us that forces us to point to “the other”. It puts the wall between us and the less fortunate, more fortunate, impoverished, different, etc.

This is our Opportunity to do More.
If you are Muslim, or Mexican, of color, queer, any gender, are feeling afraid, I bow down low to the ground and say I am so sorry for this moment in our history. We have to have each other’s backs. Millions of us are calling for Unity. Many of us walk with guilt because we do not understand how to unify across cultural differences. Let’s all take risks and reach out. Thank you for your patience.

This is an Opportunity To Do More.
It is time to invest in Land together, and divest from businesses that are harming Land. Tell everyone you know. Especially the family members that you are afraid to talk to.

This is our Opportunity to do More.
It is time to learn skills, to grow food, and to come together. I know there are pieces that seem horrendous. The supreme court potential is chilling. But just as this separation is a reaction of the change that came before it, we will still be here in four years. Polish that which triggers you. No longer doubt your potential. Take risks. Support the work you respect. And if you’re willing to, do things that you once considered outside you comfort zone or unfashionable. It’s time to unite activism and heart healing. It’s time to deepen our practices.

This is our Opportunity to do More.
I am on my way home from Standing Rock. We’re just outside Chicago today. Our time there was incredible in some ways and hard in others. I experienced miracle, racism, separation, and ultimately unity and love. I saw incredible courage and selflessness. I saw anger and beauty. I saw the past and the future. This isn’t going to be easy but we have to prepare to keep our fires burning through the winter. Whether it be three months or four years.

As we were loaded up last night and prepared to head out, we were gifted with one of the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen.
Even more so within this shocking change, I am so grateful for the Love in my life. I am so grateful for the circle of brilliant people I get to call friends. On my way home.


11-8-16 ~ Dallas Goldtooth … This morning over 400 protectors walked to the police barricade north of the Oceti Sakowin camp in a silent prayer march.

This march was organized and led by leaders of the International Indigenous Youth Council. They started with prayer at the Oceti Sakowin center fire and then marched to the Backwater bridge. In the front were three youth, each carrying a pipe, staff and jar of water, respectively. Once at the bridge they had everyone sit in prayer for a long while.

After sometime, the three main youth walked towards the police barricade, walking around two large burned out vehicles and approached the razor wire police set up.

They presented the police representatives with the water and asked them to share a drink with them.

After passing the jar of water thru the serpetine razor wire the police officers, suited in riot gear, were too cautious to drink the sacred water. We said that if the main representative wished, he could tap his chest with the water. He decided to go that route. Lol.

After that, the youth came back to the main group and all returned to Camp to complete the prayer back at the fire.

All-in-all it was amazing to see the dignity and leadership of the youth in this action. It was beautiful.

As the police state escalate its capacity for violence, we must escalate our capacity for empathy, dignity and focused resolve.
#SageAgainstTheMachine #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife

11-7-16 Myron Dewey… There were over 9,000 Water Protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp this weekend!

11-7-16 ~ Nay Ho Tze …. The Elders say the Native American women will lead the healing among the tribes. We need to especially pray for our women, and ask the Creator to bless them and give them strength. Inside them are the powers of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth. When everyone else gives up, it is the women who sing the songs of strength. She is the backbone of the people.

So, to our women we say, sing your songs of strength; pray for your special powers; keep the people strong; be respectful, gentle, and modest.
Oh, Great One, bless our women. Make them strong today.


11-6-16 ~ Prolific TheRapper… If you come to Standing Rock don’t come with your own agenda. Don’t come here to experience the frontlines. Don’t come if you think your going to “fight”. Don’t come because of what happened to us when we were brutalized by police/mercinaries from the treaty camp on 10-27.

Come to attend ceremonies. Come to listen to the traditional and spiritual leaders who are leading at Standing Rock. Come to listen to the youth runners, and youth groups. Come to listen to the gentle elders.

Be ego-less, humble yourself, come to pray with them and follow their instructions. The universe is teaching us something, but we have to submit to it. Humble ourselves, have our minds open, otherwise might miss it. #NoDAPL

11-5-16 ~ Perry Jerome Post … A magical moment at Standing Rock, Saturday, November 5th.

It was late at night, maybe around midnight or 1am. I wasn’t in tune with a clock in that moment. Folks were bedding down. Things were getting quiet.

A handful of younger sounding men (presumably indigenous) started wolf-calling to each other across the 3 camps. Their calls carried clearly for long distances in the open silence of the Dakota hills.

This lasted maybe 5 to 10 minutes. After only a few moments of silence, a decent sized pack of coyotes, very near and to the southwest of Rose Bud, started singing and yelping and crying out in what sounded like joyous play.

A second pack, farther away and to the east on the other side of the river, answered back, joining in the merriment.

During the brief pauses in the coyote calling, a few men here and there added a note or two of their own.

The closest pack of coyotes became very rambunctious in their singing. I can’t say for sure, but it sounded like there were pups in the pack, or the adults just really sound like pups playing. They were excited and very animated.

As that pack’s song slowed, I realized there was a lone man in the distance softly pounding a drum, singing or praying in a calm, peaceful, heartfelt quiet chant.

The near pack of coyotes kicked in again, drowning out his song in their exuberance.

As all settled down and night was again quiet, I sat there, awestruck in dark silence, moved to my core by the connection I had just witnessed in the star sparkled blackness of ‘nowhere’.

10-29-16 ~ Leslie Fieger… Handcuffed. Waiting to be bused to their dog cages. Why the one guy clad only in his underwear while everyone else is dressed for the late October weather? He was dragged from an Inipi (sweat lodge) while doing ceremonial prayer. Is this shit OK with you?


11-7-16 ~ © Emily Levine … A few days ago I posted biographical information on Matilda Galpin, Waŋblí Ayútepiwiŋ (Eagle Woman Who All Look At), one of the women buried on the top of the hill. I thought people might want to see what she looked like. I believe history is important. These are real people, from not so very long ago.
Keepin it real.
>>As far as I know, nothing has happened to her grave.<<

For those who don't know who Matilda Galpin (Eagle Woman Who All Look At) was, again, here is the footnote I wrote for the book I edited. For those of you sharing the image, feel free to cut and paste this info if you want (with the credit):

"1. Mathilda Galpin, Mathilda Picotte, Eagle Woman That All Look At, Waŋblí Ayútepiwiŋ (Waŋblí=eagle, ayúta=to be looking at, pi=plural indicator, 1820-December 18, 1888): A major figure in Standing Rock history and a fascinating full blood woman, Eagle Woman was born on the east bank of the Missouri River south of the future site of Ft. Pierre. She was the daughter of Two Lance (Wahúkheza núŋpa) of the Two Kettle band and his first wife, Rosy Light of Dawn (Iyošahinapȟa) of the Húŋkpapȟa. At the age of eighteen, she married prominent French Canadian fur trader Honoré Picotte who rose in the ranks of the American Fur Company to become the General Agent for the Company’s Upper Missouri Outfit. Picotte had been married to two other D/Lakota women as well, but in the late 1840s, he returned to his French wife in St. Louis leaving Eagle Woman with their two daughters and a stepson. By early 1850, she had married Picotte’s protégée, Charles E. Galpin. By all accounts, the following nineteen years forged a close marriage and partnership that resulted in two additional daughters.

Eagle Woman served as an interpreter during crucial negotiations between the army and the so-called hostile Indians. During the 1865 and 1868 councils with Father De Smet, she was respected by army officers and warriors alike. Her husband’s journal kept during the journey of the Peace Commissioners is especially interesting (see Rev. Louis Pfaller, O.S.B., “The Galpin Journal: Dramatic Record of an Odyssey of Peace,” Montana: The Magazine of Western History, 18 (2): 2-23). When Galpin died the following year, Eagle Woman continued to operate their trading post near the Cannonball River, in spite of powerful government and commercial interests that tried to prevent her continued success.

Her stature among her people grew as she served as a peacekeeper, signer of the Agreement of 1882, and major trader on the upper Missouri River. Eagle Woman Who All Look At died at her daughter’s home, the Cannonball Ranch, on December 18, 1888. John S. Gray’s “The Story of Mrs. Picotte-Galpin, a Sioux Heroine,” an in depth two-part article, is the best published source on Eagle Woman’s life. See also Holley, Once Their Home."

11-7-16 ~ Myron Dewey … I now see what my ancestors have seen, my “Existence is my Resistance”

I will continue to pray in resistance and as the Ghost Dance was done in prayer, the difference today is the world is watching in solidarity and we are the media…..filming through Indigenous Eyes.

11-7-16 ~ Lee Sprague…. Memories: Father Daughter first time getting maced together. My daughter Ahjani comments after yeterdays Peace Action by Water Protectors at Standing Rock against DAPL.


Michigan Canoes set up a first aide station on “Turtle Island” occupied by the Dakota Access Pipeline Security forces. We used our canoes as shelters.

We carried hypothermia kits, space blankets, wool blankets, hat and gloves. Eye wash for maced eyes, we also had gas masks and protective eye gear.


The first time I was maced, I was out for 5 minutes, eyes burned, hard to breath. I did not have my gas mask on.

Then it felt better, a little, and we continued to deliver first aid.



Once our first aid station was maced, the Water Protectors ổn shore ưsed our canoes to cross the river to Turtle Island. Ropes were tied to both ends of the canoe, and peoples, first aid and safety supplies were ferried accross the river at Standing Rock. Over 200 people crossed the river to Turtle Island.

Amos Cloud, and the Man in the Coyote Skin Hat were with us on the Turtle Island.



A fire was built. Defensive Baier made of wood blocked DAPL Security Forces from getting to our beach by foot.

Tear gas was fired by boat at us.

Andrea Waitner and Joseph and many others were our shores crew. Helping to unload and load our canoes, and replenish first aid kits in the waterproof bags we carry.

The second time we were maced I was better prepared with gas masks. We continued to help people in the water.

One of our life guards was in the water 4 hours, helping people struggling in the water.

When our water protector action was over, we were able to secure all requests equipment, all canoes and trailer. All of our Canoe rescue workers. A few people had hypothermia, and we were able to assist them, keep them warm.

I have no pictures of the water protectors peace action on the Island, just pictures of us putting our canoes in the water with DAPL forces in speed boats. The Police forces on the ridge were directly above us. But have a few from Camp. Our solar powered station is operational. We are putting up telephone poles, using our 18 foot cedar poles, to light up our camp. This phone was charged by solar.

New telephone poles earlier this morning. We stay busy.


Batteries bank and equipment inside our teepee, powers light for winter light. One of our projects, in addition to our rescue canoes from Michigan by many who helped us to travel hêre.


I never imagined I’d be living in a solar powered teepee in North Dakota for winter. We have some more work, then take some R&R off the front line. Our camp I surrounded by DAPL Security Forces. There are surveillance flight over head. We mostly ignore them, and work together a community.

Not even two days and I smell tired. Thêre ảe folks hêre for months. They need our continued support.

11-7-16 ~ Female Water Protectors BRUTALIZED By Oil Police
Lauren Howland… Jicarilla Apache 21 yr. old girl whose arm was broken

11-7-16 ~ Indigenous Rising Media …. Water protectors reclaimed “turtle island” near the Cannon Ball River. This sacred land holds many people that are buried there.

Morton County Sheriffs and other law enforcement have set up their station on top the buried ancestors. This is a continuation of the disrespect and ignorance towards the territory of the people of Standing Rock.

11-7-16 ~ Dallas Goldtooth… Morton County sheriff’s department erected this barricade to keep our people from moving north to stop construction.
One of thier stated reasons they made this move was because they say we were blocking the road from Emergency Services accessing our camp.

So they erect this…essentially blocking the road from Emergency Services accessing our camp. Oh the irony…..


11-6-16 Groovyyurts – Authentic Mongolian Yurts just ran out of inventory until Spring of 2017 because they dedicated their efforts to support Standing Rock! They lent out dozens of yurts to various groups of campers and water protectors at discounted prices. Next time you’re down at camp you’ll know where all those Mongolian Yurts came from. (y) #bethechange#nodapl


11-5-16 ~ Lee Sprague and Brad Kallio…. Conspiracy to Commit Peace. After they arrested a water protector for buying kayaks, we’re making our intentions clear. We are hêre to commit peace, and Protect Water.

From Law Enforcement:
“Law enforcement arrested one individual who was aiding in illegal activity by purchasing canoes and kayaks to be used for crossing the waterway. He was arrested for conspiracy to commit obstruction of a government function.”

Surely the Police and Military forces will let the Indigenous Red Cross through. That’s who we are, the Indigenous Red Cross.

We’re not going to let them confiscate our canoes, and emergency relief supplies, to impair abilities to conduct water rescues.

We are on the final leg into Standing Rock.



11-5-16 ~ Chad Charlie… Let me give you a little backstory to this photo from what I witnessed first hand…

The young girl that is being maced is a Warrior with a capital W.

The rope that she has in her hand is tied to a line of logs. She was tying those logs to a post in the water. That was a tactic to prevent the National Guard boats (the ones that shot a reporter on shore from their boat) from approaching the warriors in the water.

As she swam up to the post, the officer came and tried to prevent her from tying the line. He maced her for 5-7 seconds. When he stopped, she continued to tie the rope. He maced her again and they went back and forth from tying and macing about four times. She finally succeeded in tying the line and made it back to the medics.

After being maced about four times for 5-7 seconds each time, I am more proud of this woman’s drive to protect her people than I am angry at this so-called police officer attacking her with some sort of passion.

As he sits at home tonight, I hope that he sees this photo and takes time to think about the trauma and torture he is putting our people through.

The next time he says to himself “I would never harm a woman” or “No man better bring harm to my daughter” I hope he thinks back to this time when he tortured a woman protecting her people from trigger happy officers armed to violently put us down with a smile on their smug little faces.

If anyone can identify this warrior, please do and give her thanks. She is truly a hero in my eyes.


11-4-16 ~ Waniya Locke …. So in case you haven’t heard, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple said that he wants to charge people who are donating to the #NoDAPL effort with “supporting an unlawful activity.” I think it is HILARIOUS! What is he going to do? Charge the Episcopal Church? Charge the City of Seattle? Charge the entire cast of the Justice League?

He has lost his mind. He is seriously mentally ill…the blind emperor leading his blindly-believing public. North Dakota’s government and its law enforcement are on the WRONG side of history, and their racist minions will go down in history as the people who attacked prayerful Native Americans who are just trying to protect Mother Earth from further destruction.
I hope that this will only solidify your efforts to help us. I hope that you will consider your donations to be public service, because our cause is just and the people have good hearts. Stand strong with us!

North Dakota…#MississippiOfTheNorth

11-4-16 ~ Kandi Mossett…

“2 Policemen cried and 3 put down their batons and set them beside them instead of in front of their chests. Thank you for listening, thank you for crying with us. Thank you for showing us your humanity. Thank you for showing us your tears.”

11-4-16 ~ Chad Charlie… Personal account:
Last night I prayed for this to be over.
I am tired.
I’ve been out here for three months at nearly every action hoping that it would be the last.
Last night I prayed for the “last stand” to just hurry up and come.

I am tired.
I’m ready to either go back home to visit my mom, or go home to be with my late grandpa, hoping he’d be proud of me.

Last night I prayed that wherever the next action may lead to, those officers with guns held to our face think about why we are doing this.

Last night I prayed that if these officers go as far as to use those live rounds again, at least my children would have something to be proud of when I’m gone.

The fear of escalation is a real thing here.

Now replace that word “escalation” with the word “death”.
I am tired.

11-3-16 ~ But Smokey rides again… It’s good to see him, finally. And see him riding again, after Morton County Sheriff’s deputies tased and killed his horse about 6 days ago (please see the earlier post). And shot Smokey three times with rubber bullets (knocked him backwards off the horse).
He’s doing well–I’m very happy to say.

11-3-16 ~ Rudy TwoMoon … So the clergy arrived. 524 yrs of ignoring the cries of their victims.. sure, use their voices and numbers, but remember this…. they carry the church on their backs. They may mean well and even some of them may even believe in their stance, but when they leave, they won’t take the church home with em….that shit stays. They will look you in the eye and remind us how they fought a struggle with us… never mind the 500 yrs of non stop oppression we haven’t healed from. That was yrs ago and today is a new dawn they’ll say. As we fight the black snake, pay very close attention to the white snake at your side… always plotting for gain…. waiting to consume. The church has never done anything for another, for the purpose of just giving, it’s only for gain. These clergy have been sent by the UN. These are the Jesuits, Knights of the Red Cross your forefathers feared and we’re murdered by. While we focus on their weaponless hands, let’s not forget, this is how they always started an invasion….. with promise of peace hope and love. Never forget, the church’s continuous past actions. Never forget, the church runs the largest military on the planet. Never forget, they will turn on anyone who doubts their ideals of God without a second thought. Remember, we are nothing but disposable gain, a throw away. Fine, use the clergy, but don’t ever forget what they are and never underestimate them…ever.

11-3-16 ~ Redhawk … There have been at least 2 reports of police officers turning in their badges acknowledging that this battle is not what they signed up for. You can see it in some of them, that they do not support the police actions. We must keep reminding them they are welcome to put down their weapons and badge and take a stand against this pipeline as well.
Some are waking up.

11-2-16 ~ ProlificTheRapper … NEW EVIDENCE: This is what happens in America when we let our politicians get bought by Big Oil Corporations. ON 10-27-16 they SHOT A LIVE LETHAL ROUND at one of our UNARMED YOUTH HORSE RIDERS WHO WAS RIDING AWAY FROM THEM. This is a police state, this is not American, this is Fascism.

Human rights abuses galore. People being held in dog kennels. Police Brutality, Reckless Endangerment, Lines blurred between DAPL security/police, Zero Police Accountability, Police taking orders from unidentified masked men, Illegal Search and Seizures, Unjust charges pressed on Journalists, Egregious Felonies placed on protectors, Excessive bond sought by states attorney, NO CHARGES ON POLICE OR SECURITY TO DATE (none for the dog attacks, or illegal shooting of drones, or the DAPL infiltrator who broke through a barricade chasing protectors with an AR-15).

And for what? For wanting a FULL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT. For wanting fair inclusion of tribes concerns on projects that affect their water, graves & sacred sites. For wanting human rights abuses to stop. For wanting clean water.

Everyday that we delay this pipeline is $6,000,000 that DAPL loses. This is why we have seen an escalation of police/DAPL violence. This police state was made possible when the ND Governor declared a State Of Emergency. Those emergency powers give him the ability to change the rules governing the agencies involved as he sees fit. But he needs to portray us as a dangerous, riotous, hazard to public safety in order to justify this police state. That is why it’s so important for the world to see the true story, beyond infiltrators, that we are peaceful no matter what violence and injustice they perpetrate on us. SEE THE LAWS HERE
Despite everything we remain with prayer.
Obama needs to step in NOW, not later, NOW.

11-2-16 ~ Erin Schrode … Speechless. I was shot by militarized police WHILE interviewing a peaceful man at Standing Rock live on camera. I woke up this morning with the thought that I may have that very footage – and broke down in reliving the 40-second horror before my own eyes. Warning: it’s very very difficult to watch and sent me into quivers and tears, even without the compounding historic trauma that Native Americans face.

I do not wish to divert focus away from the bravery of the Water Protectors, from the power of nonviolent direct action, from the people fighting for their lives and for our futures – but I want you to witness the indiscriminate use of excessive force firsthand. Many have said that militarized police firing a rubber bullet at a female reporter was a fabrication, provoked by violence, or otherwise merited, including a Morton County, North Dakota press release. That is a lie; we have proof and eyewitnesses (cc Josh Fox, Matt McGorry, Jordan Chariton, Josue Rivas, Evan Simon, Josh Fox, Wes Mekasi Horinek, Kendrick Sampson, Doug Pineda, Doug Good Feather and countless more).

I was standing innocently onshore, not making any aggressive gestures, never exchanging a single word with the police who fired at my lower back from their boat. Peaceful souls were seeking to cross the river to hold a prayer circle on Army Corps public land, but halted by over one hundred hostile military police armed with and deploying tear gas, pepper spray, batons, and rubber bullets, as well as assault weapons and the threat of jail, only one week after 141 individuals were brutally arrested. I was shot at pointblank range, dozens were maced and pepper sprayed in the face, hundreds faced freezing waters. There were no arrests or deaths and I will be okay physically, but the safety and wellbeing of many peoples and lands remain in danger, for present and future generations.

Thank you for your prayers, for your action in calling upon our President, government and Department of Justice to halt this atrocity immediately, for showing up and donating to support this fight for human rights, for the environment, for peace. Please continue to pray for the strength and protection of all peoples, for the physical pain, for the emotional trauma, for the desecrated land. #StandWithStandingRock #NoDAPL



Native American Heritage Month



11-2-16 ~ Conor Handley … Today many of our protectors tried to cross the river to pray on top of a hill where Oceti Sakowin ancestors are buried, this place has been desecrated by the police and DAPL. The militarized police responded with brutal force, a young man was shot point blank with a rubber bullet and has been coughing up blood, another woman was shot by one of heavily armed officers on a boat. Many of our people tried crossing the river after police destroyed our makeshift bridge, some of them are in critical condition after they were gassed and maced by police and went into shock from the freezing cold waters. Other brave people kept going back by boat to rescue those that were struggling in the cold water but police in their own boat attempted to stop them. These are WAR CRIMES, we are unarmed we are peaceful, no one even lifted a finger against these cops today. I am disgusted by the state of North Dakota and by this country that continues to perpetuate its genocide against Indigenous Peoples’.

11-2-16 ~ Lady2Soothe ~ Potentially murdering someone by drowning if they couldn’t swim, were overcome by pepper spray or was trampled/pulled/pushed under by someone panicking or unable to see.
This is
ATTEMPTED MURDER… In order for a person to be guilty of attempted murder, that person should have deliberately, intentionally or recklessly with extreme disregard for human life.
In the case of death:
VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER: an intent to kill or cause serious bodily harm
INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER: an unintentional killing resulting from recklessness or criminal negligence.






11-2-16 ~ Peaceful Women standing in the cold water sacrificing themselves to protect the water despite the insane spraying of pepper spray by the police on the north edge of camp today.


11-2-16 ~ Sacred Stone Camp … Police are currently desecrating the burial grounds of Alma Parkin and Matilda Galpin, the indigenous women who once owned the Cannonball Ranch, where Dakota Access is working day and night to finish their pipeline though they have no permit to cross the Missouri River. They have unleashed pepper spray and tear gas on water protectors standing in the river with their hands in the air. In the last shot, notice the small tree on the top of the hill where the armored vehicles are staged. This is the grave site. This is unacceptable.







11-2-16 ~ Olowaan Plain … Camp is not being raided, but the ones that went to the water front are being attacked by North Dakota! That is where the gunfire took place! Prayers for the Water Protectors, everything is fine IN CAMP. Kids are playing; people are chopping wood; folks are drinking tea. Just adjacent to camp, this is are going crazy. Because the state is afraid of people in prayer.
They asked women and children to evacuate the main camp (Očhéthi Sakowin) because rubber bullets were flying, and they are fearful that crazy DAPL employees will infiltrate camp. BUT NO ONE IS LEAVING. WE ARE NOT AFRAID.


11-2-16 Kandi Mossett … I just talked to one of the medics. The kid that was shot in the back by a rubber bullet today Nov 2nd that was coughing up blood had a bruised lung which caused the bleeding but the bleeding stopped & he’s going to be ok. He’ll be very sore but ok. Please spread the word.

11-2-16 ~ DAPL is now flooding the camp with huge lights and flying drones, helicopters, planes, and even fighter jets over us. This is a war zone!! And where is our president? No one is protecting us..they protect the pipeline..so sad to see that they only care about short term profits..where will their children live once the earth is poisoned and they can’t drink water…

11-2-16 ~ Anthony Seal … a former police officer who stands with standing rock, read what he says about shooting at people on horseback…


11-1-16 ~ Baby born during Dakota Access Pipeline protest


So today, Larry Cooper and I went ‘to camp’ to help clean up, and they were moving stuff around, and my eyes saw this banner…
Although I hadn’t had ‘confirmation’ that this came from ND, I felt it… And so I asked: “Isn’t this the banner from…”. And my Brother cut me off and replied: “Take it! Take it, it’s YOURS… Just came down from ND…”
My hands, as I was touching it, froze, and my eyes welled with tears… I knew that, although I am not there ‘physically’, I am still appreciated, and heard, and thanked by all of you in Standing Rock …
So now, as I looked at it, it spoke to me.
“You know what to do… Give thanks… Return the honor … Tell them.”
So this is my Offering of Thanks to all the Warriors, Children, Men, Women, GrandMothers, GrandFathers, All of YOU…
This is the THIRD time I have written this out, in different ways, this time I am SAVING it, because Facebook deleted it… twice already.
I guess Creator and the Ancestors have ways of letting you know’ they saw you’ …


There is no solid line between “organizers” and others- this is a movement, not an organization. There are many camps and points of contact, we can only verify that the ‘Facebook Check In’ action did not originate from the Sacred Stone Camp FB page. We support the tactic, and think it is a great way to express solidarity.

There is no doubt that law enforcement comb social media for incriminating material and monitor communications.

The check in’s have created a huge influx of media attention that we appreciate. Our growing massive social media following plays a key role in this struggle. We have been ignored for the most part by mainstream media, yet we have hundreds of thousands of supporters from across the world. We appreciate a diversity of tactics and encourage people to come up with creative ways to act in solidarity, both online and as real physical allies.

We would like to see these thousands of people take physical action to demand that their banks divest, their police forces withdraw, and the Army Corps and Obama administration halt the construction of this pipeline. We would like CitiBank, Bank of Tokyo, and Mizho Bank to cancel their pending $1.1 billion dollar loan to DAPL. We’d also like to see people connect with indigenous and environmental struggles in their own bioregion. We’d like you to investigate and organize around your personal relationship to fossil fuel consumption and colonization.

We need your support for our legal defense as the battle intensifies- fundrazr.com/sacredstone

We need you to plug into a solidarity action

We also need 10,000, 100,000 people to join us here on the ground. Now. Join us!



10-31-16 ~ Redhawk ~ Just received this video from my friend Mike. In the first 15 seconds, you can see a spirit rider holding the line, and keeping distance between water protectors and police. You will then see the water protector shot off his horse at point blank range with rubber bullets, and then his horse shot at point blank range. The next couple minutes are the commotion afterwards. There was no reason to shoot this brave water protector and his horse, as they were not threatening MCSD or military in any way.

10-31-16 ~ NEPALESE MIRACLES IN NORTH DAKOTA: Walking through a section of trees in Sicangu (Rosebud) camp yesterday I ran across this couple–Ken Gagnon and Gina Shvartsman, yurt makers. They said they were setting up a shop to make yurts on demand for all the encampments.
Miracle! I asked if they’d help with emergency shelters and warming stations for medics from the Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council.

YES! For FREE! (More about that in a minute.)

If you’re here, or about to arrive, WE NEED YOU. Ken and Gina are going to be in Sicangu for the next two weeks. They want to train yurt makers so that the work can continue through winter. This is incredibly important. I’ve seen (easily) 75 expedition tents crushed flat as a pancake by 50-60 mph winds. Yurts survive. Tipis survive.

Yurts can make a huge difference in protecting people here. In making sure our medics–particularly in a rescue–can get out of the wind and the cold, and warm up while transporting patients overland.

Gina and Ken will train you. Ideally, you should plan to be here for at least two weeks, to go through the training; then you yourself could be a trainer, as ppl rotate in and out of the camps. You’d be making sure the knowledge was passed on. And that yurts keep rolling out of Ken and Gina’s shop.

You don’t need to be here all winter to make a difference. Even ppl who are going to be here a few days could help with some simple tasks. If you can strip bark off poles, you’d be hugely useful. If you can use a drill, there’s a place for you.

So, MSG ME please, if you’d like to become a yurt maker. I’ll start connecting volunteers with Ken and Gina, and we will help them build the shelters we need to protect people here.

And please, for those of you who can’t come, but want to help, support them. Their website is twogirlsfarm.org. Order a yurt! Even if (God forgive you) you’re warm and dry in Tampa. They’re providing a crucial service. They deserve our support.

You can reach Ken directly, too: ken@twogirlsfarm.org


10-31-16 ~ John Floberg … Three hundred Clergy have registered to come and Stand With Standing Rock. There are 16 different faith traditions represented. 10 of those are various Christian traditions.

We made a call for one hundred to come and Stand With Standing Rock. I am humbled by the response by these people/faith communities to come for a Peaceful, Non-Violent, Prayerful, Witness in Solidarity with Standing Rock and the hundreds of Indigenous Nations that are Standing With Standing Rock.

Many of our faith traditions have now rejected the Doctrine of Discovery that provided the way for church sanctioned oppression during the past 500 years. For those of us that are able, in our faith tradition, we will reiterate our renunciation of that doctrine in Camp Oceti Sakowin before we ever go out to stand witness with the Standing Rock Nation. That act will be the first thing and the first time done by so many in attendance of denominations and of Indigenous people.

10-30-16 ~ Lee Burkett … Here’s the thing:
Baton down the hatches, here comes the Cause.

I’ve seen it. You’ve seen it, whether you recognize it for what it is remains to be worked out.
Now that the battle of Standing Rock is garnering national and international attention and support, there is a mad rush to brand it, to attach organizational and political agendas to it.
What began very simply as wise and brave Indigenous people taking a stand to protect the water, the Earth, life itself, is now being defined and redefined through long standing filters of belief, opinion, ideology and, of course, celebrity culture.

People are turning it into a political debate, a philosophical debate, an economic debate …
Because now, it’s a cause. It’s a movement.
And we thrive on causes.

Especially white privileged self described liberals and progressives. We can’t help ourselves. We need to meddle. We need to educate. We need to emphasize just how liberal and progressive we are by taking over, re-branding, every cause, every movement.

So, as a public service, I’ve written a letter that sums up the approach most of us white, privileged people are taking as regards the Protectors of The Water:
“Dear Indigenous People,
Gee … thanks, you Indigenous people for bringing this to national and international attention. You did kind of all right, you know, considering none of us white liberals were there educating and organizing and forming consensus groups.

And, you know, having millions of US citizens pledging support for you without our help is quite a feather in your cap.

So pat yourselves on the back. No, really, you deserve it, coming all this way without our guidance. National and international attention and support, resistance groups springing up everywhere, you’ve done well. Considering, you know … but now it’s too big, too important for us to let you keep running things.

We’ll take over from here. I mean jeez, look at all we’ve accomplished in the past 40 years. Look how we helped Occupy! And who could forget how we came up with the touchy-feely all inclusive politically correct “All Lives Matter” in response to the racially charged and possibly offensive “Black Lives Matter.”

We’ve got to step in and educate you. First, this is gonna hurt, but we question your leadership. We mean no offense, but your Elders and stuff don’t seem to know anything about consensus building and networking and educational outreach and media relations and the all important spin this little movement of yours needs. You guys don’t get that you have to attach yourself to us and our agenda.

Like for instance, there’s been talk about re-routing the DAPL away from Indigenous land.
If they reroute it, where will that leave all of us? We might have to organize our own communities to resist a pipeline being put through our local cemetery or our rivers and aquifers.

Do ya get how uncaring that attitude is? All pipelines matter, right? What a turn off to keep making this all about you Indigenous people and your lands and your water and your history and stuff. You’re not going to get anywhere alienating people like that.

So thanks for all you’ve done. Can we move into this office? Great, listen, somebody form a consensus about building a movement. Can we get some memes going? ”


10-29-16 ~ Sarah Sunshine Manning… This morning was just what we needed to refocus on the work we were all called here to do- to stand prayerfully and peacefully for each other, for Earth, and Water. We all walked up to the frontline, Arvol Lookinghorse with his pipe, and a beautiful group of women in their healing dresses. We were reminded not to treat each other poorly as tensions heighten, to not use profanity and especially while pipes are at these sites. During the day of the removal from the north camp, elders stood with a pipe, and they stood in prayer. Some with heightened energies lost sight of that pipe there and began spreading energies opposite of the energy necessary for that pipe to truly do its intended work. Today was a humbling and beautiful reminder of who we are, and what we need to do moving forward.

10-28-16 Floris Ptesáŋ Huŋká … My friends and relatives I’m OK, so to speak. I was arrested yesterday. What I saw, felt, and heard was ….unreal. I’m proud of my people, we stood together. People did their best to protect one another, unarmed.

After we were arrested, we were dehumanized. We were given a number. They trucked us by busloads to Morton Co. We were held in dog kenels, packed. There were tarps to cover the two that women were put in. We sat and laid on the cold cement.
Standing Rock were the first called out to be shipped out to Fargo. I have so much to say but right now I just want to let you all know I am ok and, we will not stop.

10-28-16 ~ Jacquelyn Cordova … International Indigenous Youth Council member Lauren TwoBraids Howland has been repeatedly abused by law enforcement this past week. Her wrist was broken earlier this week. She was maced alongside other water protectors 3 times yesterday and her wrist was rebroken.

Medic are working to clear all burning agents from our protectors eyes as they continue standing in prayer. PLEASE, pray for our medics! Many have now been arrested and are therefore unable to help with frontline and overall camp injuries and illnesses.

10-28-16 ~ Ron Toahami Jackson… This comes from Greg Grey Cloud, one of these beautiful horses was murdered by the militarized goons on Thursday. UPDATE ON HORSE NATION:
Two of my horses have been shot by Morton county police, along with their riders. One horse was wounded in the front leg. Going to be ok though we doctored her up. Both warriors shot, are my boys from the Crow Creek Spirit Riders and are both going to be ok!
Sidebar::: “can’t keep warriors down too long”
Four other horsemen were ripped off of their horses and violently arrested. One horse was injured so badly, it didn’t make it home. RIP to one of our relatives of the horse nation…
Other horses were left. Apparently they can’t legally detain livestock.
Sidebar::: “I guess livestock have more rights than Indians”



10-28-16 ~ Red Hawk…. Today at Standing Rock during the 1851 Treaty Camp standoff, a hired DAPL security guard was spotted in the crowd with an automatic rifle in his vehicle. When he was spotted, he began to head towards camp. Water protectors made an effort to stop him on the road, in which he shot off onto the shoulder, and began speeding towards camp through the grass. The community feared for the women and childen and began taking action. Water protectors began setting up a blockade at the bridge ahead, as 2 water protectors used their vehicles to crash into the securities truck, causing him to spin out on the riverbank. The security then exited his vehicle, cocked his AR-15, and began back stepping from protectors into the nearby river. A near half hour stand off took place where water protectors pleaded and tried to defuse the situation of the man coming directly at their families. Eventually, BIA came to the scene, disarmed the man, and his was placed under arrest.

America, this is what is happening here. DAPL will do anything possible, include the threat of death and violence to get this pipeline through. DO NOT LET MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIE TO YOU. Protectors are facing the threat of death simply for protecting water and preserving history.


10-28-16 ~ Kenny Frost ….Here is what is in store for the DAPL workers destroying our burials and in store for the sheriff n state police officers. The spirit of our ancestors will come after them making them and their families so sick for life.

Plus they don’t believe like we do as native people. If they believe like us. They would be protecting our burials sites.

I met the descendant of Colonial Chivington who killed the Cheyenne people at Sand Creek. He was not a happy person. He said, “He wish his great-great-father never killed the Cheyenne people.” He said, “His family either killed themselves in the past.” Or they had “Terrible sickness like cancers, and other dreadful disease.”

They really have screwed themselves….drugs, alcohol, disease’s for them and their families…plus they are non-believers…they don’t care.

This is the faith of those who hurt and harm our people. There is nothing we can do to help them.
Let the spirits have at them!
=->>>— Kenny —>



10-28-16 Tim Yakaitis … Standing Rock Today. People were shot with rubber bullets, a horse rider was shot off his horse, we were pepper sprayed several times and a DAPL worker armed with a 9mm and an AR 15 was chased into a pond by Water Protecters. He shot into the water several times before he was arrested by BIA police.

10-28-16 Fawn Wasin Zi … Medic “Michael” who was at the front lines told his story. “The cops actually pulled medics out of their vehicles and arrested them. They had their red cross insignias on their cars, shirts and arms. They are unbiased, they were there to help ANYONE in need.

10-27-16 ~ Olowaan Plain … America, you killed 50-100 million of our people throughout our nation’s history…then you hide it by not sharing it with the public…then you turn us into Mascots and demonize us in John Wayne movies…as if that’s not enough, now your allowing North Dakota to use Militia to illegally dig up the graves of the same millions of our ancestors you killed, just so you can build an oil pipeline which will poison the water for us & 17 million other U.S. Citizens!

Just know the world is standing with our people on the front lines on Standing Rock, who are unarmed! You’ve chosen your path and you will answer for your actions someday! We will continue to honor our ancestors and share the truth because our ancestors taught us well and died to save our traditions and values! WE ARE PROTECTORS, WE ARE STANDING ROCK!


10-27-16 ~ The Other 98%… Share to support the #WaterProtectors!!
Read this Call to Action from Nick Tilsen, Lakota leader and co-founder of the Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3)
Stand With Standing Rock Now
1. We need thousands of people, who care about justice, to come to camp willing to stake a peaceful stand!
2. We need Tribal Governments on the front lines. Don’t leave this fight to the tribal grassroots! Governments need to take risk and stand with the people!
3. We need all national media to come to camp. We’re done doing your damn job for you. You’re supposed to report the news and this is a giant story!
4. Celebrities who care about justice should come to North Dakota. Bring press with you. Be willing to take arrest and stand in solidarity with all of us!
5. Al Gore, Jessie Jackson, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders, we need you on the frontlines with us! Now!! Don’t wait for this jacked election to be over, while innocent natives are attacked using tax payer dollars!!!

10-27-16 ~ Olowaan Plain … I just received this statement from the Hillary Clinton campaign re: the Dakota Access Pipeline and #NoDAPL.
“We received a letter today from representatives of the tribes protesting the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline. From the beginning of this campaign, Secretary Clinton has been clear that she thinks all voices should be heard and all views considered in federal infrastructure projects. Now, all of the parties involved–including the federal government, the pipeline company and contractors, the state of North Dakota, and the tribes–need to find a path forward that serves the broadest public interest. As that happens, it’s important that on the ground in North Dakota, everyone respects demonstrators’ rights to protest peacefully, and workers’ rights to do their jobs safely.”

10-27-16 ~ Spence Etzkorn … I am asking for prayer from all my friends. I know that not all of you agree with the pipeline protest but my nephew (15 years old) had his horse shot and killed out from under him today by one of the mercinaries and. He is still missing and no one knows if he is ok. He could have been shot instead of his horse. As a rancher, uncle, human, and Lakota I am extremely pissed, sadened and worried for all that are up there especially my nephew. I am hearing of some really bad things from up there. Our greed has got in the way of compassion and humanity.

10-27-16 ~ Indigenous Life Movement …. One man was shot with a taser in the face, as I was filming. The bar is still in his face. They already began arresting protectors, unlawfully checking people’s cars pepper spraying people in the face… and moving into our camp grounds. Helicopters and planes circle up above us. They have breach sacred burial grounds, and have moved along side of those ground, surrounding our entire camp.

All this has been caught on film, and when we can release it you all will be able to see for yourselves. I’m doing my best here to respite but many of our phones are blocked.
Everyone please Keep us in your prayers.
We are standing our grounds here.

10-27-16 ~ Clarence Rowland … A sweat lodge has been torn apart and all whom were in ceremony were arrested, my brother arrested also… Granny Helen went to jail too… Elders were pepper sprayed and arrested, we are asking for help now at this place it is a real war happening, rubber bullets were fired and percussion grenades thrown at the crowds.

10-27-16 ~ Lee Sprague …. It’s Begun, the Removal of Water Protectors at Standing Rock.

The United States is expert at removing Indians off the land. Ethnic Cleansing all legal. Because they wrote themselves a Bill of Rights to our lands.

North Dakota is just a proxy, handling the Great White Father in DC’s mop up operations.

That’s how they came to occupy over 567 nation’s lands, all legal.

I’m sure President Obama told Tribal Leaders their peoples, the Water Protectors at Standing Rock’s removal would be legal. That’s How Great White Fathers Roll.



10-27-16 ~ John Bravebull … “Take your armored vehicles home. Put your assault rifles away. You don’t need them, the people are unarmed. This isn’t Wounded Knee. This isn’t Sand Creek. This isn’t centuries ago. Your actions against an unarmed people will not go down in history as a victory. You said today you have the man power to end this now? How? With violence? With fear? With military tactics on the prairie? Do you realize how ridiculous an over armed military style raid on people from all around the world who are known as water protectors sounds? You claim everyone’s safety is your number one priority but you are the only one making threats of violence. Think about that. Just step back and think about what you are doing. Six million dollars to build an army of officers to defend an oil company against prayer. How is this happening in 2016? Have we really not come that far?”


10-26-16 ~ Kei Kurimoto… It has been an amazing journey protecting the water from greedy corrupt corporations that have no regard for how their actions affect the earth and all people. However this experience has been so much more. Words cannot give justice to the power of Nations coming together as one family to fight for what is right. I have spent a lot of time working in the kitchen feeding the masses and learning the native ways. This work has fed my soul, I have never felt more connected to the source of what life is really about. I’m so grateful to everyone I have met and everyone who has come to help us!! Here is just a glimpse of the love and the unity. Do not be fooled by all the smiles…in the kitchen we are on the front lines everyday. We began cooking over the fire battling the wind and the rain. But love poured in and donations were brought! We now cook on a stove that was deployed to Hurricane Katrina, to Sandy and now to Standing Rock thanks to Rosetta Buan. We have an actual shelter now to cook in thanks to Regina Randall. So many people have come here…but we need more warriors now!! Please come! Please stand with us. We are writing history everyday!

10-26-16 ~ Mississippi Stand
DAPL Security Harassment Update: Two of our comrades, Cameron Kennedy and James McBride, were arrested on false pretenses on the East bank of the Mississippi River yesterday afternoon near the drill pad in Illinois that bores underneath the river.

In this video update Cameron explains that the DAPL private security spotted himself and James on a public road near the linchpin drilling operation and within three minutes they were surrounded and blocked by multiple Hancock county squad cars as well multiple DAPL security cars. The two were arrested under false pretenses with private security as the only witness to a criminal trespassing charge.

Cameron denied consent to a vehicular search by Police, but the Private DAPL security guards began conducting the search regardless of this. The Hancock Sheriff, Scott Bentzinger, who was present at the scene simply said, “They are going to do what they want.”

These are the first known DAPL related arrests in Illinois and it sets a clear precedent about whose side of this battle the police are on. The money of big oil has seeped into small towns and counties across the United States and has effectively hired the police as enforcers of the Dakota Access agenda.

We need bodies on the ground here in Iowa to help with our mission to stop the drilling operation underneath the Mississippi and to amass a force that can librate us from the tyranny of militant security forces and police collusion.

Please come join us and also consider donating to our legal fund to help Cameron and James.

10-25-16 … The moment shortly after @kyfurneaux and I made it to Sacred Stone Camp, and stand in awe of a timeless scene…the fading colors of the day, rainbow on our left and shooting stars already visible above us, bareback riders galloping up a hill overlooking camp to watch the sunset…

As many as you already know, the Standing Rock Reservation is in the process of protecting their land, water, and burial grounds from being destroyed by the Dakota access pipeline. I was lucky enough to first visit Standing Rock over eight years ago, and will never forget the kindness, generosity, and humility of the people I met there. Returning this fall and having the privilege of once again being a guest of the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Nation, I was brought to tears at seeing Sacred Stone Camp, at the beauty and music of that space, of the individuals I met there, their spirit, and everything they stood for. It breaks my heart to hear that hundreds of police and military members are mobilizing at this very moment to descend upon camp and the water protectors there in preparation for any resistance to the pipeline as it reaches these sacred grounds.

I’m not sure how this became a world in which money and greed demand so much power, but I know one thing – it will only get worse if we let it. Only we can choose what we hold sacred as a people, if human beings have more rights than corporations or if anything, even our basic rights, can be bought for a price. I refuse to be someone who sits on the sidelines at this point in history, and watches the rights of a people be taken away and their land destroyed, all over again. People are standing strong in the front lines, but they can use as much help as we can give them. If you can’t make it to North Dakota to stand with these peaceful warriors, please call the White House to make your voice heard ( 202-456-1111), check out the link in my bio, and spread the word!!!

10-24-16 … The United Nations has made communication with the Oceti Sakowin Seven Council Fires Camp yesterday evening, we are now recognized as a nation and they are sending UN Marshalls here to observe and help our people put a stop to this pipeline.

There has been a camp set up right in the path where the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline is to be built, this land the tribes is taking through eminent domain.

The time has come, our Mother Earth needs our help.


10-24-16 ~ Chad Charlie at Oceti Sakowin Camp
First, I must say….. I’m glad I wasn’t shot..
Now to the real story..

If you didn’t know, that was me being taken down by the riot officers. From what I recall I was in a line of peaceful protectors. We had a mission that did not involve being attacked by authority abusing, short tempered mercenaries protecting large oil companies.

I have been charged with Engaging in a Riot. I heard the Moron County Sheriffs statement lying about us crossing some imaginary line. First off, there was no line to begin with. The only line formed was our line of warriors protecting our people when they rushed forward to attack us with mace and violently push us in the chest to move us backwards, frequently causing us to trip and fall so they can nab us on the ground.

I was singled out by the officers to put under arrest because as we had our media teams filming the atrocities set forth by these cops, they continuously tried to grab our camera men and women to prevent us from getting out the true stories. Every time I watched an officer move forward on someone with a camera, I either stepped in front of them or pulled that camera person out of the way. One officer caught on to what I was doing and informed the overly aggressive mace attacker to move up on me. I had my hands up from the moment they arrived to our group to the moment they put me in zip ties.

During the time I was in those zip ties, which was 10 hours to be exact, I went through my day as my normal self, with humor. From cracking little jokes on the cops like telling one officer “I like your ugly stick” and he responded with “why do you call it that?”, I said “because ugly people hold them”. To urgently screaming in a garage full of protectors and officers “I NEED AN OFFICER OVER HERE!!!” and as they rush to me, I calmly state “my nose itches”.. I used my humor to maintain an image to these officers. Even on our three hour trip to Fargo police station, we sang songs and told jokes. We humorously gave our transferring officers a hard time, encouraging them to smile.

We have been labelled as verbally abusive, cattle-stealing, riot-engaging eco-terrorists. How can I continuously inform the world that we are peaceful people when we can’t even convince the officers in front of us that we are peaceful? Regardless how unfortunate it is that they are treating us so brutally (I mean, look at this image of me being slammed), we still have the potential to humanize our image by remaining peaceful, friendly people.

After spending over 10 hours with arresting officers, I managed to ask atleast four of them “We’re probably the coolest bunch of people that you’ve arrested aren’t we?” And every one of them hung their heads down and slightly smirked “Yeah, you kinda are”.

This is the power we have. We can change the game. All it takes is a little humility and humor.
Let’s put this pipeline to an end with our power..

10-25-16 ~ Water Protector and Gold Star mother, Netha Morgan, locked down to a barrel yesterday with another protector, Dan T., in order to block Dakota Access from entering the site where they have been dumping toxic sludge. The sludge accumulates as Dakota Access operates the drill that bores beneath the Mississippi River. Our action today has halted their boring operation because they cannot dump off the excess sludge!! This video is a somewhat comprehensive recap of the first afternoon of action. More will follow in the coming days.

Netha and Dan have not been arrested. After over 36 hours the site is still being occupied by Mississippi Stand! We are preparing for a number of arrests; there has already been one. Please consider donating to our legal fund in order to keep the movement strong, and come to join us in person!!
Water Protectors Stand Up!


just scroll past the stories you’ve already read

News Articles and Updates ~ Oceto Sakowin
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s ~ Standing Rock
2016 You Tube Video Archive ~ Standing Rock
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

Video’s #NoDAPL – Nov. 1-10, 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s
2016 You Tube Video Archive
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock
Standing Rock Camps #Water Is Life

11-10-16 ~ Standing Rock Horsemen Protect Against SHADY DAPL Infiltrators – TYT Politics

11-10-16 ~ #NoDAPL Update 11.10.16 – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-10-16 ~ Congressional Candidate: “I Was Shot At Standing Rock.” (W/guest: Erin Schrode)

11-10-16 ~ Pipeline Owner Laughing In Obama’s Face Young turks – Gary Roller

11-10-16 ~ Voices of Standing Rock – Daniel – Bill Prouty

11-10-16 ~ Standing Rock – Action on the Hill – Patrick For Planet and People

11-10-16 ~ Standing Rock Camp Nov 2016 – Arlana Omaha

11-10-16 ~ Estonia supports The Standing Rock – Airi Vipulkumar Kansar

11-10-16 ~ 2 Cops Quit Over Tactics At Standing Rock North Dakota young turks – Gary Roller

11-10-16 ~ Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Tribal Administrative Hearing on the Environment – J Grady

11-10-16 ~ Pipeline Owner Laughing In Obama’s Face – The Young Turks

11-10-16 ~ #NoDapl 11/10/16 Update – Uprising TV

11-10-16 ~ Standing Rock Horsemen Protect Against SHADY DAPL Infiltrators – TYT Politics

11-10-16 ~ Protect Yourself #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-10-16 ~ Standing Rock NODAPL movement: Robert Upham “Right for clean water” (Part 1) – photogdiva1

11-10-16 ~ Tulsa Stands With Standing Rock – KJRH -TV | Tulsa | Channel 2

11-10-16 ~ Syracuse Community Reacts to Standing Rock Protests – Colleen Callander

11-10-16 ~ Update from Standing Rock #NoDaPl on The VUU – #159 – Church of the Larger Fellowship – CLFUU

11-10-16 ~ Six days in a resistance camp

11-10-16 ~ Standing Rock | Police checkpoints | BIA – 411 TRUTH

11-10-16 ~ Quebec Standing Rock Flash Mob Supporters – BUBCvision

11-10-16 ~ Buffalo Caged To Make Way For Dapl Pipeline | Digital Smoke Signals

11-10-16 ~ Hungary Standing With Standing Rock! | Magyarok az amerikai őslakosokért – Uprising TV

11-10-16 ~ Drone Footage Showing DAPL Continued Work – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-9-16 ~ update wednesday morning nov 9 – Lolly Be Healing

11-9-16 ~ #NODAPL Live update from the front lines with Myron Dewey 11.9.16 DAPL Update – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-9-16 ~ NoDAPL Burn Your Village To The Ground – Human Soul

11-9-16 ~ Why Should You Come to Standing Rock – Eryn Wise

11-9-16 ~ Standing Rock: Earth Mum w Horse Riders Julian and Chief Matthew – Earth Mum

11-9-16 ~ Thousands Of Water Protectors On The Front Line #nodapl – Uprising TV

11-9-16 ~ The Shame of the Dakota Access Pipeline! – wonderwhaz797

11-9-16 ~ Police Drag Standing Rock Protectors From Sweat Ceremony – TYT Politics

11-9-16 ~ Thousands Of Water Protectors On The Front Line #nodapl

11-9-16 ~ Powerful Voice #Nodapl – 411 TRUTH

11-8-16 ~ PUBLIC NOTICE of Acts of War Against the Constitution in the Dakota Territory – lotus: justice as syr crash for Maddly Arts


11-8-16 ~ #NODAPL Myron Dewey’s update about the black snake DAPL Update – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-8-16 ~ #NODAPL Tuesday Update by Matt Griffin DAPL Update – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-8-16 ~ #NODAPL Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn Tells us how it really is – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-8-16 ~ Standing Rock Protector On Oil Police’s MISGUIDED Priorities – TYT Politics

11-8-16 ~ Stand with Standing Rock – EL Priest

11-8-16 ~ Standing Rock Opponents of Dakota Access Pipeline Try New Tactic – Todd Darling Films

11-8-16 ~ The Anonymous Revelead The Fact Behind DAPL Dakota Access Pipeline YouTube – Adr shunshie

11-8-16 ~ Truth timeline behind DaPL – Violent Chucho

11-8-16~ Militarized police confront Megan Ritzi (an amputee) at DAPL – Rod Webber

11-8-16 ~ Anonymous – Police Attacking Protesters – Shot Fired At Youth Standing Rock Dakota #NoDAPL – L E A K E D

11-7-16 ~ Standing Rock “a Concentration Camp” / Another tense standoff – Rod Webber


11-7-16 ~ Over 400 protesters will be in court today – J Grady

11-7-16 ~ 2 Cops Quit Over Tactics At Standing Rock North Dakota –
The Jimmy Dore Show


11-7-16 ~ #NODAPL Interview with Heather Marderosian from Standing Rock with Dan Bidondi – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-7-16 ~ Meet the people of Standing Rock – Native Mama

11-7-16 ~ Water is Life: Taos Pueblo Supports Standing Rock – taosnews

11-7-16 ~ Sunday November 6, 2016 – Kandi Mossett Native American Life

11-7-16 ~ Money Talks: Dakota Access Pipeline controversy goes on – TRT World

11-7-16 ~ Class Action Lawsuit On The US #nodapl – Uprising TV Joann Mae Spotted Bear


11-7-16 ~ The Incredible Story of How Sioux Nation Has Stood Strong Through Time – Young Turks

11-7-16 ~ Standing Rock “a Concentration Camp” / Another tense standoff – Rod Webber

11-7-16 ~ Native American Heritage Month – Native Momma

11-7-16 ~ DAPL Worker With Assault Rifle Infiltrates Standing Rock – TYT Politics

11-7-16 ~ 11-6 Law Enforcement Respond to Protest at Turtle Hill and Bridge – Morton County North Dakota

11-7-16 ~ #NODAPL Update 11.7.16 DAPL Update – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-7-16 ~ Female Water Protectors BRUTALIZED By Oil Police – TYT Politics

11-7-16 ~ Muslims STAND in SOLIDARITY with #NoDAPL Water Protectors – 4UTWO 2C

11-7-16 ~ quick update nov 6 sunday evening – Lolly Be Healing

11-7-16 ~ Standing Rock “a Concentration Camp” / Another tense standoff – 411 TRUTH

11-6-16 ~ INVOLVED ACTIVIST – What They Are Not Telling You About the Standing Rock Protest! #NODAPL – xyz uncensored

11-6-16 ~ Mass Haka for Standing Rock – vmust watch

11-6-16 ~ Just got back from North Dakota, standing with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe – Native American Life

11-6-16 ~ #NoDAPL Full Clip Where Police Teargassed Peaceful Water Protectors – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-6-16 ~ Tense standoff at Standing Rock after Semi Truck comes to clear bridge – Rod Webber

11-6-16 ~ EXPLAINED: Dakota Access Pipeline IS ON Treaty Land – TYT Politics

11-6-16 ~ DAPL Is The Continuation Of “Systemic Genocide” – TYT Politics


11-6-16 ~ Digital Smoke Signals Myron Dewey – julien jacobs

11-6-16 ~ NoDAPL conflict. Police hit woman with canister. Protectors climb hill. – Rod Webber

11-6-16 ~ EXPLAINED: Dakota Access Pipeline IS ON Treaty Land – TYT Politics

11-6-16 ~ Important Message from Keeper of Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe – Receiving Love

11-5-16 ~ Pearl Means: The Spiritual Essence of the Lakota People – Shannon Kring

11-5-15 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Water Commercial – Seriously.TV

11-5-16 ~ Episode 53 “Do they think no one knows? – Native Opinion

11-5-16 ~ Why Pipelines WOULDN’T Be Built In Wealthy White Community – TTY Politics

11-5-16 ~ Nodapl – Report Dave Archambault – Native American Life

11-5-16 ~ Jordan EXPOSES Army Corps’ STUPIDITY on DAPL

11-5-16 ~ #NODAPL Update from Myron Dewey The camp is growing!

11-5-16 ~ Photographer Camille Seaman has been at Standing Rock for the past month, documenting the protests.

11-5-16 ~ Prayer is our biggest weapon against this pipeline.

11-5-16 ~ Nodapl – Calling on all our Navajo Brothers and Sisters. On Navajo Times – Native American Life

11-5-16 ~ Nodapl – Lockdown at North Dakota State Capitol with #Clergy4StandingRock – Native American Life

11-5-16 ~ Nodapl – Wonderful words of peace – Native American Life

11-5-16 ~ Ways To help Standing Rock Even If You Aren’t There! – Redacted Tonight

11-5-16 ~ More Protesters And Supplies Headed To Standing Rock North Dakota – wwwMOXNEWScom

11-5-16 ` Standing Rock Perspective – A Martinez

11-5-16 ~ Solar Panels gifted to Standing Rock – Life Road Media

11-5-16 ~ Saturday Morning Nov 5 – Lolly Be Healing

11-5-16 ~ MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Standing Rock @ UN on DAPL – Bill Goode

11-5-16 ~ How The Police Target People at Standing Rock – The Peace Report

11-4-16 ~ CNN finally giving Standing Rock some news coverage#NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-4-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline – World Court Conference #NODAPL – Anonymous

11-4-16 ~ Update #NODAPL #StandWithStandingRock DAPL Update – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-4-16 ~ This Is What The Bia Has To Say About Destroying Our Sacred Items #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-4—16 ~ The First Glimmer Of Hope? 11/4 NODAPL Update – We Are The Media Kandi Mossett

11-4-16 ~ Josh Fox SLAMS “Police State Oil-igarchy” In North Dakota – TYT Politics

11-4-16 ~ Odd Article / Standing Rock / No DAPL – StrengthAddicts

11-4-16 ~ U.S. Flag Hoisted Upside Down In Dakota Access Protest – TYT Politics

11-4-16 ~ Standing Rock Chair: Obama Could Stop the Dakota Pipeline Today & Preserve Indigenous Sacred Sites – Democracy Now!

11-4-16 ~ U.S. Flag Hoisted Upside Down In Dakota Access Protest – TYT Politics

11-4-16 ~ Jordan On CLUELESS Federal Government – TYT Politics

11-4-16 ~ Standing Rock CLERGY Arrested For PRAYING at ND State Capitol – TYT Politics

11-4-16 ~ How To Sound Smart About The Dakota Access Pipeline Protests – ThinkTank

11-4-16 ~ 10 Ways that I’m Standing up with Standing Rock – Rob Greenfield

11-4-16 ~ Standing Rock Chair: Obama Could Stop the Dakota Pipeline Today & Preserve Indigenous Sacred Sites – Democracy Now!

11-4-16 ~ Dakota Access: Standing Rock protesters tell of violent arrests and police abuse – The Guardian

11-4-16 ~ “Standing Rock” by Trevor Hall with #NoDAPL #StandingRock footage – Jen Rose

11-4-16 ~ mental health at camp – Lolly Be Healing

11-4-16 ~ Jordan On CLUELESS Federal Government –

11-3-16 ~ Anonymous – Attention All Hackers Activist Freelance Journalist #NoDAPL Stop Dakota Access Pipelines – Leaked

11-3-16 ~ Obama Finally Addresses Standing Rock – Suggests Rerouting The Pipeline – The Benjamin Dixon Show

11-3-16 ~ David Demo at Sacred Stone Camp – Lolly Be Healing

11-3-16 ~ Water Ceromony met with violence by DAPL security Morton County Police department – Myron Dewey

11-3-16 ~ President Obama On Dakota Access Pipeline: “Let It Play Out” – Let The Madness Begin

11-3-16 ~ There’s Absolutely No Reason To Build The Dakota Access Pipeline – The Ring of Fire

11-3-16 ~ You Must Remember – Search

11-3-16 ~ Dakota Pipeline Protest Crackdown! 5 Need to Know Facts! – WatchMojo.com

11-3-16 ~ Bishops Denoncing Doctrine #NoDapl – Uprising TV

11-3 -16 ~ Many Call The NoDAPL Protest In North Dakota Historic – So Where Is The Media? | APTN News

11-3-16 ~ #NODPL Water Protectors Storm into the U.$. Army Corps of Engineers Building in Portland – Native American Life

11-3-16 ~ Standing Rock 11/03/16 Noon Update – Myron Dewey – #NoDAPL – Valley Forge Network

11-3-16 ~ Anonymous – Attention All Hackers Activist Freelance Journalist #NoDAPL Stop Dakota Access Pipelines

11-3-16 ~ Dakota Pipeline Protest Crackdown! 5 Need to Know Facts! – WatchMojo.com

11-3-16 ~ Covert Provocateur attempts to stop NAAIP assisting Great Sioux Nation @ Standing Rock – NAAIP Media

11-3-16 ~ Activist: What They Are Not Telling You About the Standing Rock Protest – American Intelligence Report

11-3-16 ~ Idle No More in Solidarity with Standing Rock – nigelhenrirobin

11-3-16 ~ Liam Cain: Why I Am With Labor For Standing Rock

11-3-16 ~ Arrest of Clergy members at the N.D. capital during prayer vigil – J Grady

11-3-16 ~ Song for Big Mamma – Howard Bad Hand – Courtni Hale

11-3-16 ~ #NoDAPL Update on Items from Camp Police Destroyed on the 27th – XBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-3-16 ~ Obama’s Sleepy Tone On Dakota Protest Enrages But Doesn’t Surprise – The Jimmy Dore Show

11-3-16 ~ Clergy Negotiates with MCSD and DAPL – Native Momma

11-3-16 ~ When Standing Rock Builds Bridges, Cops Attack – TYT Politics

11-3-16 ~ BRAVE Standing Rock Medic Has Message For Police


11-3-16 ~ #NoDAPL Update #2 on 11.3.16 DAPL Update UPDATE – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-3-16 ~ Parliament stands with Standing Rock ~ J Grady

11-3-16 ~ The Indigo Girls Launch #NoDAPL Boycott of Pipeline Owner’s Major Folk Music Festival

Susan Sarandon irate over North Dakota pipeline

11-3-16 ~ The scale of the Mississippi River in perspective – Tech Insider

11-2-16 ~ Josh Fox has arrived at Standing Rock in solidarity with the water protectors – Native American Life

11-2-16 ~ Stand With Standing Rock – Neither Wolf Nor Dog – NoDAPL – Steven Lewis Simpson

11-2-16 ~ President Obama On Dakota Access Pipeline – The Young Turks


11-2-16 Police VIOLENTLY ATTACK Protesters At Standing Rock

11-2-16 ~ North Dakota Police ASSAULT Female Protector Didi Banerji

11-2-16 ~ Police VIOLENTLY ATTACK Protesters At Standing Rock – The Young Turks

11-2-16 ~ Standing Rock Protectors BRUTALIZED By Cops In Standoff ~ TYT Politics

11-2-16 ~ Newest Show of Excessive Force by MCSD – Native Momma

11-2-16 ~ We see you Morton County – Native Momma

11-2-16 ~ Standing Rock – One Heartbeat – Native Momma

11-2-16 ~ Shame on you MCSD – Native Momma

11-2-16 ~ Standing Rock-You’ve awaken a sleeping giant MCSD

11-2-16 ~ The camp is full of activity. Helicopters. Planes, and Indigenous Drones!

11-2-16 ~ Law enforcement and National guard macing protectors in the water. #NoDAPL #1NTV #1N – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-2-16 ~ #NoDAPL Update – xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-2-16 ~ Water Protectors/ police conflict / Erin Schrode shot by police at Standing Rock – Rod Webber

11-2-16 ~ This Is What a Police State Looks Like #NoDAPL – The Conscious Resistance

11-2-16 ~ DAPL Corruption Exposed: Shots Fired At Unarmed Youth (Standing Rock) – Prolific The Rapper

11-2-16 ~ #NoDAPL live chat with some well known people

11-2-16 ~ Flash Mob Round Dance in Solidarity with Standing Rock – Radical Citizen Media

11-2-16 ~ Some Common Sense And Truth About The Dakota Pipeline Protesters – The Common Sense Conservative

11-2-16 ~ Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters Held In Dog Cages – The Jimmy Dore Show

11-2-16 ~ Police VIOLENTLY ATTACK Protesters At Standing Rock- TYT Politics

11-2-16 ~ Police standing on Sacred burial Grounds – Digital Smoke Signals

11-2-16 ~ Re-routing Dakota Access Pipeline Won’t Make it Less Dangerous to the Environment or Climate – TheRealNews

11-2-16 ~ Police VIOLENTLY ATTACK Protesters At Standing Rock – The Young Turks

11-2-16 ~ Anonymous – Honest Government Advert – #NoDAPL Dakota Access Pipeline Standing Rock – Leaked

11-2-16 ~ Arizona Stands with Standing Rock! My Truth at the Hillary Rally Protest! – Matt Crux

11-2-16 ~ Some Common Sense And Truth About The Dakota Pipeline Protesters – The Common Sense Conservative

11-2-16 ~ DAPL EXPOSED #5: Lethal round fired at unarmed youth – Prolific The Rapper

11-2-16 ~ Oren Lyons (Faithkeeper, Onondaga Nation) on Standing Rock & the Dakota Access Pipeline (2016) – Re-Generation Initiative

11-2-16 ~ Tuesday evening 11/2 checkin – Lolly Be Healing

11-2-16 ~ Voices of Standing Rock – David – Bill Prouty

11-1-16 ~ Breaking News – Black Snake Prophecy Happening NOW – Standing Rock – Joseph Tittel

11-1-16 ~ interview with Wolf – Lolly Be Healing

11-1-16 ~ Trespassing on Your Own Land at Standing Rock – Fusion

11-1-16 ~ Jordan Reports From Standing Rock’s Burnt Rubble

11-1-16 ~ [352] A Nation Built on Genocide: Dispatches from the DAPL Protest – Watching the Hawks RT

11-1-16 ~ NYC Solidarity With Standing Rock ( Day1) 11-01-16 a.m.


11-1-16 ~ #NODAPL Evening Update by Myron Dewey – XBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx

11-1-16 ~ This Is Why #NoDapl Is Important! – Uprising TV

11-1-16 ~ Anonymous #NoDAPL Standing Rock Urgent Message – History Repeats Itself


11-1-16 ~ Violent Escalation at the #DAPL Protests w/ Derrick Broze – Watching the Hawks RT


11-1-16 ~ Anonymous – #OpNoDAPL Update – AnonymousXenc

11-1-16 ~ Baby born during Dakota Access Pipeline protest

11-1-16 ~ Black Snake Prophecy Happening NOW – Standing Rock

11-1-16 ~ Jordan Reports From Standing Rock’s Burnt Rubble – TYT Politics

11-1-16 ~ The Empire Files Fighting at Standing Rock with AIM Founder Dennis Banks

11-1-16 ~ Anonymous Donor Pays $2.5 To Release Dakota Access Pipeline Victims Arrested Last Thursday ~ Michael Trimm


11-1-16 ~ Anonymous Patriots #OpNoDapl Update! – You Shot One of Our Children – Anonymous Patriots


11-1-16 ~ N Dakota Pipeline Nears Pristine River; Should be illegal!

11-1-16 ~ Anonymous – #OpNoDAPL Update

11-1-16 Jordan Reports From Standing Rock’s Burnt Rubble

11-1-16 ~ Trespassing on Your Own Land at Standing Rock – Fusion

11-1-16 ~ Anonymous Patriots #OpNoDapl Update!

11-1-16 ~ Anonymous #NoDAPL Standing Rock Urgent Message – History Repeats Itself

11-1-16 ~ Standing Rock Buffalo Nation mad and ready to die to save water – Chaabar Yakal

11-1-16 ~ Standing Rock Buffalo Nation mad and ready to die to save water – Chaabar Yakal

11-1-16 ~ DAPL for dummies (like me) | Standing Rock Explained – Kat Eliza

11-1-16 ~ #VeteranStandingRock Make a Stand, Veterans for Standing Rock – MaeWood Photography

Video’s #NoDAPL – Oct. 1 -15 2016

Kristeen Hernandez aka Lady2Soothe
News Articles and Updates ~ Standing Rock
Nov. 2016 You Tube Video’s
2016 You Tube Video Archive
How You Can Help Standing Rock? #NODAPL
Standing Rock history
Without Water We Can Not Exist
Stories from the Frontlines ~ Standing Rock
Atrocities at Standing Rock and Police Weaponry
Trusted News Sources ~ Standing Rock

10-15-16 ~ 5 Praying Water Protectors Confronted by 40 Riot Police & Armored Vehicle Standing Rock

10-15-16 ~ The Psychology of Violence – Us and Them

10-15-16 – Five Praying Water Protectors Confronted by 40 Riot Police & Armored Vehicle Standing Rock

10-14-16 ~ Ranchers Arming Themselves? / Standing Rock / No DAPL

10-14-16 ~ Wisdom From The Women of Standing Rock & a New Era Called the Fifth World

10-13-16 ~ Standing Rock: A New Era for Native American Movements

10-12-16 ~ Myron Dewey Finally Home

10-11-16 ~ Man Runs Over Abolish Columbus Day protesters

10-11-16 ~ Truck Drives Into Columbus Day Protesters, Man drives through crowd of Columbus Day protesters

10-11-16 ~ Truck plows through Reno crowd during Columbus Day protest

10-13-16 ~ Tito Invites National Guard For Thanksgiving – We Are The Media Kandi Mossett

10-12-16 ~ Voices of Standing Rock – Darwyn – Bill Prouty

10-12-16 ~ NODAPL Updates – October 12th – We Are The Media Kandi Mossett

10-11-16 ~ Truck plows through crowd in Reno

10-11-2016 ~ White Guy Runs Over Threatening, Hostile Columbus Day Protesters: 2nd Angle / Extended

10-11-2016 ~ Raw: Truck Drives into Columbus Day Protesters

10-11-16 ~ Morton county sheriff department press conference on 27 arrests

10-11-16 ~ Shailene Woodley Arrested During Pipeline Pro

10-10-16 ~ Insurgent Actress Shailene Woodley Arrested

10-10-16 ~ Shailene Woodley Gets Arrested LIVE On Facebook

10-10-16 ~ WHAT..? Shailene Woodley Arrested During Protest at Dakota Access Pipeline

10-10-16 Dakota Pipeline Protest & Arrests At Standing Rock – Columbus Day

10-10-16 ~ Prayer ceremony

10-10-16 ~ North Dakota riot police

10-10-16 ~ RISE With Standing Rock

10-10-16 ~ Standing up at Standing Rock: Voices from the Encampment

10-10-16 ~ RISE With Standing Rock

10-10-16 ~ Hungary Standing With Standing Rock! | Magyarok az amerikai őslakosokért – Uprising TV

10-9-16 ~ Indigenous Australians’ support for Standing Rock – John-paul McElwee

10-9-16 ~ The Empire Files: Fighting at Standing Rock with AIM Founder Dennis Banks

10-9-16 Update on feed interference

10-9-16 ~ Illegal Search and seizure by Morton County Officer

10-9-16 ~ Theresa BlackOwl – A Connected Leader

10-8-16 ~ Illegal seizing of drone

10-8-16 ~ Officer 54? Mryon Deweys live feed

10-8-16 ~ Drone Footage Of Militia Destroying Land And Harassing Water Protectors

10-8-16 ~ Drone Footage Of Militia Destroying Land And Harassing Water Protectors – ViralVideos

10-7-16 ~ #NODAPL Flow Interview preparing for Winter

10-7-16 ~ One Woman’s Eye Witness Account Of Standing Rock Water Protectors Encounter With Police

10-6-16 ~ Myron Dewey updating usingYouTube live

10-5-16 ~ Police Block Caravan from Standing Rock

10-4-16 ~ Hopi/Tewa to Standing Rock – waylon pahona

10-3-16 ~ Latest On Standing Rock Protest Against DAPL… (w/Guest: Steve Horn)

10-3-16 ~ Interviewing Myron Dewey – A Connected Leader

10-2-16 ~ Armored Trucks, Heavily Armed Police Swarm Native American “Water Protectors”

10-2-16 ~ DAPL on private land

10-2-16 ~ Militarized Police Raid Standing Rock Protest, Point Guns at Protestors | #NoDAPL

10-2-16 ~ Look how big the #NODAPL camp is! you won’t see this on the mainstream media

10-2-16 ~ Police with shotguns drawn #NoDAPL protesters